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Bisexuality! More Tweets from Adam Lambert in Seoul, South Korea

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, February 16, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, February 16, 2013




Anonymous said...

lol Adam must have alot of time on his hands over there.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's raining and he can't shop!!!!!!!......JAK

Anonymous said...

stop reading articles and shopping for necklaces LOL break a leg with the concert tomorrow Adam and TWAGT.

Anonymous said...

nice article to read thanks to Adam for sharing. Food for thought.

Anonymous said...

nice article to read thanks to Adam for sharing. Food for thought.

Anonymous said...

The Never Close Our Eyes v. Britney's song .... not keen on Britney's song but as always, Adam sounds wonderful and I love the song. :)

Anonymous said...

Moxie .... force of character, determination, or nerve.

Learn something new every day!

Anonymous said...

yeah AL really is interested in the BI world.:) he's been in there before.

Anonymous said...

AL has been with BI women. he's done BI things with the BI women. if ya know what I mean;;))

Anonymous said...

I really do like that necklace and I may just have to check into it.

Anonymous said...

Once again, Adam is a good teacher. I don't know any other celeb who opens more people's eyes to common sense information about various sexualities than Adam does. And he does it so kindly and so naturally. I have always been a liberal thinker and have had no problem with acceptance of gays, etc., but I have really learned a lot since I started following Adam. He has really widened my perspective and my awareness of how alike we all are as human beings despite our different sexual orientations. He points out that gays and straights alike can be faithful, or not. Monogamous, or not. It's the individual, not the orientation, that determines whether a person will cheat or not. Sorry to pontificate so much, but this really touches me deeply. He really does give life lessons simply by being himself. The world is full of people with various combinations of sexuality. Hate and rejection won't make them go away or change. Adam preaches acceptance. It's a start.


Anonymous said...

Bisexual people cheat with straight, gay, and other bisexuals. Straight people cheat with straight, gay, and other bisexual people. Gay people cheat with gay, bisexual and probably straight people. Cheaters aren't of a rare breed and they are becoming more evident everyday. Some people are naive about this subject. A cheater once, will cheat again and probably again and again.

Anonymous said...

It so simple we are all humans.....

It doesn't matter who you are, we are all individuals who has feelings and reactions:)

We cheat, we love, faithful and unfaithful..... We all breathe in the same air indeed!!!:)

Acceptance will free us all!!


Anonymous said...

Sorry but i just cannot accept there's such an orientation as Bi. I accept the gays, lesbians, transgender and transvestite (of course the straight) and I understand them because I know they can fall in love and can be monogamous. But I feel that a person declaring Bi is all about sex and lust, whoever is available for the occasion. Anyone for love, I accept.

Anonymous said...

ok I just bought that necklace and then some on Itsy.

funbunn40 said...

@DRG Well said! My sentiments exactly. Adam has made me more aware of battles and stigmas the LGBT community has to face along with the judgements of some of the gay community. I don't get why people are so threatened by anyone's sexual preference (pedophiles and rapists being the exception)and feel the need to judge and pillory them. Why does it matter to anyone what gender anyone prefers? It doesn't affect my life at all, unless I see someone being abused, bullied or denied equal rights. I've always looked at people as individuals and care more about their heart and honesty than their personal sex life. Adam is an incredibly talented, handsome man. I'm glad he's found love with a person that enriches his life and makes him happy, which is what I wish for everyone.

glitzylady said...

An excerpt from an article by a bisexual woman:

By Lauren Michelle KinseyWriter, human rights activist

"My Bisexual FAQ" 11-7-12

"Q. Does being a bisexual make you more likely to cheat? Does being bisexual mean you have a wider pool of potential partners to choose from and therefore more temptation to cheat or leave your partner?"

"A. What makes someone likely to cheat is low self control, low self-awareness, not valuing honesty in relationships, and other emotional development issues. It has nothing to do with sexual orientation. It has everything to do with emotional health.

Being bisexual doesn't necessarily mean I have a wider pool of people I'm attracted to than a lesbian would or a heterosexual woman would. For example, a lesbian who had a wide range of women she found attractive, or a strong sex drive, could easily be attracted to more people than I am. Or a heterosexual woman, whom many people found to be attractive, could have an enormous sea of people who could be potential partners. A lot of factors go into how many people a person is attracted to and is found attractive by. The old stereotype that being bisexual doubles your chances of a date on a Saturday night should be put to rest."

glitzylady said...

@DRG and @funbunn40
Exactly! Well said, both of you!

And thank you Adam, once again, for enlightening and educating in your own respectful and patient way. Beautiful heart and soul, beautiful human being....

Anonymous said...

Adam goes to these various countries, does wonderful concerts, put on A plus shows every time! In his spare time he can shop, tweet and do what he pleases! He lujes to tweet to his friends and fans, to keep in touch. You do not tell somebody to stop doing this and that and get to work, he can have a bit of fun too, we all know he is a hard worker, I realize people jus kidding I guess like that, he does his job well, let him have a little fun wherever he is, whatever he doing. He hurting no one nor has he been cheating!

HK fan said...


Of course there are bisexuals....surely it just means that they are attracted,and/or fall in love with the person, regardless of their sex....
Its not that hard to understand.

Anonymous said...

It's cool.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bisexual is enjoying both worlds. What you can't get one, you can get with the other. You are getting your cake and eating it Twice. TWICE AS NICE

Anonymous said...

10:05, Just because you don't "accept" it, doesn't mean that bi-sexuality doesn't exist or isn't real. Sometimes we have to accept that certain things are real even if we don't like them. It's called facing reality and dealing with it. Bi people can no more change who they are than straight or gay people. You don't choose it. There are so many combinations of sexual orientation that I never realized. It's not just "gay or straight." People are born with all sorts of mixed sexualities sometimes. A myster of biology yet to be solved.


Anonymous said...

I believe bisexuality is a perversion, nothing dignify about it.

Anonymous said...

You have a right to your opinion.
But remember you are not the final judge of what will be considered moral and immoral, God is, and he can read everyone's heart.

Anonymous said...

You last 2 posters are both full of shit.

Anonymous said...

You have a right to your opinion,
Now STFU !

Anonymous said...

are you the "bisexuality is perverse" loser or the religious nut?