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New Picture: Adam Lambert with Johnny Rice

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, February 22, 2013

Posted at : Friday, February 22, 2013

VIA @whoisjohnnyrice: Serving it up in Japan W/ @realadamlambert... After Show Realness! We Definitely Lived on AND off stage, So Major! We always have the best times together! Love you boo!!


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Anonymous said...

1:31 AM
People say they don`t have to say anything that it`s their business and it is. But I don`t know why it is a seacret. There are polls and media in Finland at least are writing Finland`s son in law.. I think it would be embaracing when everything comes out. Relationships do end and it`s not so big deal nowadays. Are they waiting after Helsinki gig.. I think it is dishonest to fans who really are waiting not only Adam but Sauli and Adam as well. Mayby if they tell the truth some peeps won`t go there but I am sure there are people who really wants to hear Adam and are not interested about their relationship. Honesty is everything and I have thought Adam think so too. But mayby I`m wrong..

Anonymous said...

I'm going to a concert. When I bought my ticket, I was eager as a puppy and I was looking forward to our little Sauli's boyfriend to show everyone how good he is as a singer. I thought that the concert is special because it is in Finland, where Adam has always been considered and approved by yet more deeply, because he has made our ​​Sauli happy. I thought that the best we can have is interact between Sauli and Adam during the concert as it was in the summer concert in the USA. If there will be no interaction, I thought that Sauli´s family dances there with pride of Adam .

Now, it may not be so. I'm still going to a concert. I´ve just changed the perspectives and expectations. Adam is an entity. Now the entity is different.

Anonymous said...

And please, don´t get me wrong. I have followed all of Adam's appearances in a couple of years from stream or from youtube and listened to all the interviews. It is not that he is nothing for me without Sauli. It is the expectations in this situation.

Anonymous said...

3:16AM is 3.03PM

Anonymous said...

Do you think that people won`t go there if they know there is no Adam and Sauli anymore? I personally would rather know the truth and make my decision based on that than go there believing something that haven`t been there for mounths. This make me sad because somehow they have been so inspirational. But you never know what`s happening anyone else lifes.

Anonymous said...

10:33 Chill. I don't think anyone has said anything they haven't qualified as just the feeling they get. I enjoy hearing what impressions people are getting.

Anonymous said...

I think the problem is the Helsinki concert. Their relationship is their own business, which they are not accountable to the rest of us. And maybe they have not made a final decision yet, or want still to try to fix things or arrange other things first. The problem is the concert marketing. Not by themselves, but in the media.

Anonymous said...

3:28AM I agree.

Anonymous said...

That makes sense, 3:03, 3:16. Sauli is loved in Finland as well, and it's got to take a little something away from the concert, especially if there is any speculation at all that Adam has done something to make Sauli unhappy.

Anonymous said...

I bet Helinski audience won't appreciate the getting nasty on stage too much. Too soon.

Anonymous said...

The Helsinki gig was expected not only to be a great show what it will be whatever is going in his private life but also a celebration of love.

Anonymous said...

@3:49 Sauli seemed to be fine when he was out with his friends in L.A.

and now he is in Finland where he has a very close family and friends. Whatever the situation is between Adam and Sauli they both have friends and family who loves them.

Anonymous said...

I can`t understand what is the matter. If you have bought the ticket it`s yours. You can`t have your money back based on the artist don`t have bf anymore. You can try to sell your ticket or you won`t go there but on financial background it`s the same. Adam will be paid. There are not so many tickets left. Hard core fans have bought their tickets allready and random fans don`t propobly cares the relationship matter. The athmosphere can be colder but then he don`t have to come here ever again.

Anonymous said...

1:50 AM
I don't think Adam or Sauli are going to say or do anything dishonest. I think the Valentine's tweet where Adam called Sauli his "homie" ie friend was honest and telling. He didn't say anything about love or romance. But they are both saying they are OK and still friends.

You need to respect their right to divulge information in their own time and own way.

Anonymous said...

But people are hopefull. And there there is people who hasn`t never believe in them in a first place. Well I hope they are friends still and they are all right. They are both good men and decerve to be happy!

Anonymous said...

Adam didn't call Sauli his homie in that tweet, he called us his homies. And homie means more than friend. Beyonce recently called her daughter her homie and best friend. My spouse is my best friend. People need to stop projecting their relationship issues on Adam and Sauli.

Anonymous said...

9:26 AM
Well I think you are wrong. And I think people need to stop projecting their romantic fantasys on Adam and Sauli's relationship.

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