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POLL: When should Adam Lambert release the 3rd album?

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, February 28, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, February 28, 2013

When do you think Adam Lambert should release the 3rd album? free polls 


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is tomorrow too soon ...can't wait!!!!.... New music from Adam is better than winning the lottery ... well almost.... Rise petal

Anonymous said...

I'm willing to wait so late 2013 is good for me! I want to see Adam tour all over the world performing TRESPASSING songs first.

Then we'll see what he has up his sleeve for the next CD.

Anonymous said...

Who voted for Summer 2014? LOL.

Anonymous said...

LOL, like any of us aren't going to say the sooner the better.

Anonymous said...

just so it is as good as FYE and TP time doesn't matter.

Anonymous said...

most american singers take around 3-4 years to record a new album. i am so glad adam is different. he's very active and i love that in a fandom!

Anonymous said...

I think TP tour should be expanded...... I can't believe that Adam could not bring the tour to a few key venues in the US and Canada. Also, what about South America the only continent he has not been to yet? Along with a few Queen shows thrown in. Dreams sometimes do come true!

New single for summer and new album for fall sounds good to me.


Anonymous said...

I think Adam could put on some US shows and,have them in venues at least as big as his first US tour( GNT)You know he could!!

Anonymous said...


or when Adam gets it ready to go.

Anonymous said...

how about tour all over the usa adam;concert in all 50 states.

Anonymous said...

I would say whenever the material is ready and the management is promoting it PROBERLY this time!!! It has to be the right time and it´s their job to know when the right time is!

Anonymous said...

I just hope that whatever the focus of this album is that it does well and the first single gets radio play. If any of the songs released does not get the support of radio, it will end up just as Trespassing did. His management and record label have to pull out all the stops to promote this new album and the first single. Adam has to make the rounds of all the talk and entertainment shows and since most are on summer hiatus, he might have to wait until the fall for it to happen. And, of course, all of us who are fans want a tour immediately also. I can't wait for this third album and hope that the third time is the charm.

Anonymous said...

Sewell at least we know it will probably do great in Adia and other countries! Hopefully it will do very well here! RCA and management hopefully be on the ball this time! I do think it helps that the middleman out this time, I definitely do not think they help in the decision making! Anyway looking forward to it! Sue

Anonymous said...

Adam and Tommy doing radio promo for the third album.. *eyeroll* Just send the cd.

Anonymous said...

I was just gonna say that what a nice and humorous thread and something so positive to look forward to (3rd album) --- just about Adam and his music...
but of course and oh crap...

@Anon 3:29PM - your one-liner(s) is(are) so stupid!!! Leave the fuck Tommy be!

GGD Gal (washing my mouth with soap now)

Anonymous said...

I imagine radio promo would be Adam and Brian.

Anonymous said...

Realistically expecting a late 2013 release date.

I hope it's sooner though! I need some new music!

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised LATE 2013 is leading SUMMER 2013! I voted for Summer. I think Adam could pop out a single during the summer after his ASIA tour is finished.

Anonymous said...

How many times does Adam have to say there will not be a Trespassing Tour?

Anonymous said...

This time around he needs top writers and Producers like Max Martin

Anonymous said...

I am ready!

Anonymous said...

Whenever Adam thinks the album is as perfect as it can be (and we know he is a perfectionist) will be the right time. If it's released by this year's end, it will be a miracle. As Anon. 2:14pm said, some artists take 3-4 years (or even longer) to record an album. All good things come to those who wait!

Anonymous said...

Late 2013 is perfect timing:
He has enough time to make a good album.
There's enough time to "hype" it and try to get radio play.
And it's perfect timing to be nominated for a Grammy (esp. while it's fresh on their minds).
AUTUMN 2013!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone here really think Adam is going to put out something that isn't good? I'm OLD! I don't know if I can wait!!! lol

Anonymous said...

FYE was a rushed album and its fantastic.