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A weibo post from one of the interviewers at yesterday's press conference

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, March 3, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, March 03, 2013

VIA maddie509:

"Ahhh, my 2nd time interview with Dang Dang! He's really polite, modest and easygoing. 1. asked if he liked the name "Lord Dang", he said it sounded good but he's only "Dang" not "Lord"; 2. album #3 is still under wraps, can't really talk about it; 3. Adam in person simply looks amazing!! his facial structure is just so perfect! I'm still mesmerized by it..."


Anonymous said...

Did Adam have $100,000 for skin laser surgery?I think he has to spend a lot of money for his facial structre becomes perfect!

Adamluv said...

Dont you just love reading such positive and lovely words written about Adam - I sure do. . . . Adamluv

Adamluv said...

I of course am referring to the webo post and not that rude comment above. UGH! Too bad someone feels the need to spoil a nice moment. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Love Adam just the way he is ~~~~~

daydreamin said...

A PERFECT picture:
Click H E R E

Anonymous said...

Yes, Totally agree with Anon 11;17pm
Adam has the "It" factor!
Voice, Good Looks & Charisma!!!
Simply Love Adam the Way he is!
Handsome & So so Down to Earth, though he's from Planet Fierce!!! :)

carolynj said...

Thanks, Daydreamin, for that stunning picture. It took my breath away. Great looks, big heart, amazing voice, true integrity, and he's a silly dork, too. No wonder his fans are so devoted.

Anonymous said...

Yea Adam looks tip-top form. The latest photos like the one wearing a metalic silver jacket, the full blue suit and Trespassing jacket, look superb. Mmm I'll be recruiting a brand new fan, my daughter; she knows music, plays piano and studied the arts at university...good catch. lol! She just touched down at the airport today.


daydreamin said...

If I Had You with super high quality pics underneath and a great article (some quite funny translations!)
Click H E R E

Anonymous said...

It speaks to Adam's character that he rejects any deification. Despite hearing all the references to him as "god", and now "lord", Adam stays grounded and humble. But the interviewer can't be blamed for his flailing; Nature and Nurture were so generous to Adam that he found him "mesmerizing". atm

Anonymous said...


When I met and stared at him, his face was priceless to fix how about that!:) Oh! Dear u r jealous u don't have a face like that:)))

Just free your mind and the rest of us will follow okay????


Anonymous said...

There's no one like Adam on planet Earth. He's a freak of nature in the the most beautiful way.

Anonymous said...

As a manner of fact dirt bag, he has got the 100,000 to get it but does not need it! Funny how you knew how much it cost, done a little personal research have you! He had facials and takes care of his skin, watches his diet and lost quite a lot of weight, which makes his face and chin looked more pronounced! Not gonna argue just calmly telling you to stuff it, please 10.57! Sue

Anonymous said...

Adam already has a perfecto 'facial
structre' (structure). Meet him one day and you'll understand.

Anonymous said...

LOL, Sue.

The tiny marks of imperfection on Adam's face are how God made him human. If it weren't for those, Adam would be perfect and perfect isn't human.

I saw him close-up 3 years ago and his skin. Sometimes the camera catches his face at an angle and over-emphasizes those tiny marks. In person his skin is pretty nice.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

We all knew about Adam's perfection 4 years ago when we first saw him on Idol and nothings changed! Adam is simply fabulous in every way! nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Such a fun interview.
Such atrocious comments. sad

SG said...


Hi My darling!!

Way to go!! Do not let your daugther go away without becoming a "crazy-hot",devoted,sleepless Glambert!!That's the one who just like 1 song of FYE and wanted Adam to make a Rock album!? I hope you're ok.XOXO

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Which way did the wind blow...Hey Wow what a terrific drop-by! Mmm a trusty friend!! Besides you, the longest trusty friend, I've met several others who also suddenly parachute down from the sky! lol! For a high-spirited surprise. You know, before I saw your name, I saw...My Darling!...then I said SG! lol! Thank you Dear! Always there exactly at the right time! No SG, that one was someone else's daughter. Mine is a brand new recruit. lol!


Anonymous said...

What can be more perfect than ADAM's physical and inner beauty crowned with HUMILITY?
The Creator was so happy with what He saw and He showered him with all the talents and a voice of an angel to spread joy to other creatures.
Even all of Heaven is in awe!

Anonymous said...

Wondering what Dang means. These fans must have loved Adam a lot to have a nickname for him.

Anonymous said...

Just want you to know I love all the beautiful Glamberts who always have Adam's back. I saw a poster once showing a big bull dog and a little girl and the little girl was putting a stethoscope to the dog's chest and the poster read "Yes, sometimes she can be annoying but I LOVE HER so harm her in any way and I will BITE YOUR FACE OFF". Same thing. Not that Adam is ever annoying. Glambert forever.

SG said...


LOL!! I knew you'll be laughing with "my darling! everytime I write or say that I think of you!LOL!I love to surprise you from time to time,it's great to see you happy!!I hope we will be friends for a looong time!<3 congrats on your new Glambert!!;)

Anonymous said...

Yes what does dang mean?

Anonymous said...

Yes what does dang mean?

Anonymous said...

@ sue

Obviously your vow to cool down hasn't worked. Is your temper set at boil all the time?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, about the dang dang...

maybe this video can give a clue

Anonymous said...

Dang Dang is a lovable toy cat/mascot/inflatable. They call Adam...Ah Dang; pronounced Ah Darng. Latest, they addressed him as Lord Dang Dang and the humble guy he is...replied not Lord just Dang...sooo cute. What a convoluted story. lol! Actually I also find Adam cute and funny, lol!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

bad for the skin too much wine; red wine ok good for the ehart; eat fish-veggies and fruits sleep 8 hoirs a night adam -sleep make ur skin softer and smooth -adma read this one .eat beans as of rice it makes u fat. sugar and sweet. (food for the skin)again not too much wine- also bad for pancreatic cncer.-drinking follow me adam my advice.

Anonymous said...

Adam is the most beautiful man inside and out! He totally has the it factor and I can not stop watching these video from
Asia,he blows me away with his voice!

Anonymous said...

Spent a friggin fortune onmy daughters face as a teenager and she continued as an adult. Who doesn't want to look their best? Dang Adam looks good! The Dark Side

Anonymous said...

7.19 I never vowed anything, and yes sometimes it is when you people make these nasty remarks, if it's not you making them, I would not know you never sign, I forget sometimes most of the time I am not a coward like you! I am alway's possitive and loving if Adam and hell yes my temper has been boiling away with the horrible BS, that has been on here lately! I not vowing to do anything not vowing not to call trolls, trolls, and when someone makes a horrible remark Lady I not vowing to blow up. I will say what ever I dn please to people who are mean to Adam! This is an Adam site, to support him not bash him, when some one says awful things that not an opinion! I told you this before I will say it again, either use some kind if sign or stay away from me, from now on please talk to yourself, because my temper with your constant picking on me is at an over boil! The remark about Adam and the 100, 000 dollar thing was cruel as usual, because you never sign sounds like you made it! Make no mistake I will alwad take up for him when he unfairly treated, and I vow to do that, if I ever said I would calm down, I revoke that because of the horrible behavior displayed here lately by you non sighner's! As long as I possitive towards Adam, I will say what I want, and will alway's take up for him when cruel and stupid remarks are made about one if the nicest people out there! I have alway's been nice, but you nut balls, will make the nicest person turn into a bad tempered person, with your crap! If I made mistakes, so what! Sue

Anonymous said...

3.34 thank you for your comment. If you are possitive it does not matter so much if you sign! If you attack somebody on a daily bases like this woman does me then it does, so I was not referring to you! I have been sick all night so gonna rest! I hope that woman will give it a rest! Sue

Anonymous said...

Trolls,leave this site if you post things that are untrue,hateful, and show your jealousy of Adam.He has admitted to having dermabrasion on his face;so what??Lots of people do..(even "reg" teens,etc.)also,and taking care of his skin has helped so much..he looks great,& has a beautiful soul and voice to match that beautiful face.

Anonymous said...

Lol...sajid khan. He was in all the 70's mags. A real hottie. Times must be rough now, huh?

Anonymous said...

I thought Dang was a Chinese translation of Adam.

Anonymous said...

Sue, I am genuinely worried about how angry you seem lately. I know some of the comments left here are frustrating but your responses have been mean and uncalled for. Are you ok? Do you need to take a break? Being so angry all the time is concerning.

Anonymous said...

@March 4, 2013 at 3:34 AM

I often the same thing :). A few tiny unimportant marks of so called imperfection are there lest we think him a total GOD! :). LOL. A few inconsequential facial marks remind us he is HUMAN, cuz it's so easy to gorget that sometimes, lol.

Love that dude!

Sigmund Freuf said...

Spiraling into madness...turning on each other...
A very interesting study indeed.

HK fan said...

A short video from a Chinese fan explaining ther meaning and pronounciation of Dang Dang.

ETA: I found the answer myself... in this youtube video... sigh hehehe

Anonymous said...

Gee, the rage on this topic and indeed this blog is uncalled for and appalling.

Anonymous said...

I did not write 11.30 in case you think I did, but do agree with them! Other people here are saying much the same as me so why aleay's call me out for it, everything I wrote I signed on this page! Yes honestly I do need to take a break, for two weeks I have had migraines because of this, not even eating right because I am to busy defending Adam! My husband out of down so I worked all night last night catching up, had not slept in a day and a half, I laying down now like 4 hrs. Averaging less than that a day, and my health was not I'm good shape to begin with! I have to agree I am not acting like myself at all, if some of the mean spiiited remarks said about Adam and they are just that T word can do this to me, te to get out! Adam is doing great, he abroad knocking th dead, getting rare gaming endorsements and generally making big old counties fall in love with him! I over here arguing with mean cruel people, when they start turning me that way it time to get out! I always been a nice woman and frankly I not acting myself, that what needless cruelty can do for you! I will alway's check in for the great vids and to see where Ad is next! He will be working on album so suspect a there will be much down time, probably do a bit in between! I have said this before but I am our for a good while, until can somehow manage the insanity of the cruel remarks said to Adam just to start trouble! I doubt I ever can, so I am out! To all the level headed nice people on here keep up the good work, I do love ya! But just gonna say to myself that mean guy is just not worth it and Adam career will be fine because it will, they are jesus of his sucess, that all it is! kA is a nice guy and his fans are not, but I should never take it out on h which I have! rose Pedal and all I love ya and just keep up good work, I will not continue to be upset, not vowing that, tho! Anyway this time I am out of here, everybody try and be possitive! I am sure I will get a nasty remark's to me, for even this but that's ok, I will just consider the sourse! To you who are alway's possitive to Adam love ya and I really ginna miss talking to you, like in saner times! Sue

Anonymous said...

Sue, getting migraines, losing sleep and not eating over this is not worth it. Please do take a break. There is something wrong if you are getting this upset over it. Please call your husband and talk to him about this.

Anonymous said...

I believe it's called called Karma;

Anonymous said...

And some people think the trolls need help?? Go figure.

Anonymous said...

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