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Adam Lambert LIVE IN Moscow - Videos!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, March 16, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, March 16, 2013


Anonymous said...

I love watching Adam perform, but the backup singers behind him and to the side of him seem so distracting as I watch the videos, esp. as they flail their arms around. Maybe if you are in the audience and see the entire stage it is different, but they just seem so distracting to me watching it from someone's perspective who took these videos in a closeup manner on their phones. I have nothing against the singers, but from some of the other performers I've seen on tv shows, the singers and band members are usually to the side. But if this is what Adam wants, who am I to criticize his judgment. It's only my opinion which in the big picture doesn't matter at all. I am just happy to get these vids and to watch his performances. He looks terrific in that blue suit, doesn't he?

Anonymous said...

Yes he does, look nice!

Anonymous said...

Adam looks great, and so do the back-up singers, those girls do a fantastic job supporting Adam, I love their outfits, love the Johnny and Terrance, Brian, Tommy and Ashley, their a great team and work so well together. Amazing to see the crowd in Moscow it's huge they certainly love Adam especially coming out in all the snow.

Anonymous said...

It's wonderful to watch Adam having such a great time on stage and enjoying himself. Yes, he does look good in that blue suit. He must have warmed up the Moscow audience as they came in from the snow and very cold temps. I don't know how he does it moving from the heat and sun of Indonesia and Bali and now to Moscow and then Finland. He never gives less than 100% to all his concerts and has an amazing stage presence. You just can't keep your eyes off him. These global crowds really do love Adam.

Anonymous said...

Now why can't Adam come back home and do several concerts here as he has just completed in Europe and southeast Asia? I just don't get it. Are the promoters so afraid he won't bring in the crowds or sell enough tickets? I think that is ridiculous. I read he is doing the gay pride concert in Miami and then the San Diego Fair, so is that it locally? I guess I will have to be satisfied to watch his performances on video until he actually gets back on the stage for concerts with the release of the third album.

Adamluv said...

@5:05 - thank you for your totally positive comments. Very refreshing. Getting tired of the "I love Adam BUT .........." and then proceed to tell us what's wrong with him, his dancers, his backup singers and so on and so on. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

he is stuck in the middle of a hairy Vaaaajayjayyyyyyy funny shit

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness for all the videos we have seen here from Adam's concerts in Asia and now Europe. We as his fans who follow this blogsite are probably the only ones who know what Adam is doing now in his career. Most of the public audience probably has no clue and think his career has just ended. He has become a global superstar, done concerts with Queen, hosted a VHS Divas show, etc., but most people don't even know that because he receives so little publicity. His second album may not have done as well as anticipated, but it has given him a terrific songlist for these concerts and other songs from the first album. Adam is a mesmerizing performer and the best vocal talent in music today. Hopefully the American music listening audience will realize this with the next album he releases.

Anonymous said...

Love anything Adam and the Band we can get, the singers are doing fantastic job. Oh sweet Adam, he intertains use to good. Yes he alway givesus a 110 perent proformance. Thanks for sharing the video with us. I very much appreciate it all.

Anonymous said...

@Adamluv 7:00

Amen sista!!

Signed: The strawberry blond from the opposite coast ;)

Anonymous said...

I agree with some of he comments here, I also would love to see Adam and his band continue performing with his WAG tour, through-out the US and here in Australia and New Zealand. This tour is too good to simply give up on so quickly, the concerts in Asia and now Europe so far have all been sold out which doesn't surprise me, this is Adam's music and audiences want to hear it. Here in Australia when Adam performed a small promo of TP tickets sold within the first 10 minutes with some people paying up to $2500 to make sure they wouldn't miss out on getting in, the promoters would only allow an audience of 200 people, why?

Anonymous said...

Adam luv, people have a right to post their views whether their views are the same as other' people's views. It's about freedom of speech and I like to read different views even if I don't agree with them.

Anonymous said...

Adam has spoken - there will be no U.S. tour. Why can't people accept that. He has a 3rd album to write and I can hear people screaming already if the album isn't released before the end of the year. Some artists take years to write an album.

As Adam has said .....entitlement ain't sexy.

Anonymous said...

@8:11 PM....From 7:40 PM...Entitlement ain't sexy, well I wasn't trying to be sexy nor was I expecting or demanding that Adam should do something that is beyond his control or simply not possible to do for what ever reason at the end of the day I do respect that, however I have a right to express my disappointment because I for one along with many others happen to love the TP album and would dearly love to see an extended tour. Adam has spoken and yes I heard him, but you my dear need to learn a few manners and show some respect for other fans points of view if you don't agree then fine but your comments are too aggressive.

Anonymous said...

@8:11 PM....From 7:40 PM...Entitlement ain't sexy, well I wasn't trying to be sexy nor was I expecting or demanding that Adam should do something that is beyond his control or simply not possible to do for what ever reason at the end of the day I do respect that, however I have a right to express my disappointment because I for one along with many others happen to love the TP album and would dearly love to see an extended tour. Adam has spoken and yes I heard him, but you my dear need to learn a few manners and show some respect for other fans points of view if you don't agree then fine but your comments are too aggressive.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam's summer performance schedule will fill up more as time passes. It certainly won't be just the Gay Pride in Miami and the San Diego show in July. I know he'll be working on his next album, but he'll have time for performances here and there. Let's just hope that album #3 will result in a U.S. tour. PROMOTION PROMOTION PROMOTION!

I think wants the back-up girls to be out and proud and not tucked back in the corner. You don't have to like them, but he wants them there, sometimes in the back, sometimes up fron with him, sometimes standing, sometimes sitting, etc. I realize lots of back-up singers stay in the back or the side and don't move from that spot, but that's just not how Adam is doing it. I like them just the way they are. The show will evolve and change over time. Nothing is carved in stone.
So happy to hear the Moscow fans cheering and singing along. They know all the songs.

Here's to a fabulous 2013 with lots of Adam, all the time!


funbunn40 said...

Adam is so generous sharing the stage and I think he likes the company of his Glamily around him. He must remember his anonymity in the chorus during Wicked and the struggles he had being allowed to shine on stage. His loyalty and generousity to his friends, having them in his videos and on stage is pretty apparent. I think seeing it from the venue may give it a different perspective.

Anonymous said...

RCA LABEL- adam pls have tofur all over usa. austrlia as well nd new zealnd perhaps in brazil.peopl wants to see you singing pls understand.

Anonymous said...

I've been to 2 live concerts of Adams with his band and yes the back up singers as well, and yes it is a totally different thing to hear and see them performing live compared to a video, you really cannot compare the two. When you see them live it all starts to make sense and it's easy to understand why Adam has planned it in the way he has, trust me he is a pro and knows what he is doing.

Anonymous said...

@DRG..8:22 PM.
Let's also hope that Adam's 3rd album is received well in other countries apart from the US if Adam is to hold his International standing and that should also include Australia, New Zealand, and someone mentioned Brazil which is another country that has been crying out to see him. It's not just about promotion, Adam spent months promoting TP in the US but sadly the radio stations chose not to give it a go whereas the countries I have mentioned have been playing his music and deserve some concerts, otherwise Adam may stand to lose some fans, fans will only wait so long, it's not good to ignore them.

Anonymous said...

@DRG, you make a wonderful spokesperson for Adam but did you ever stop to think that people may prefer to speak for themselves rather than have you giving your opinion over there's, please don't stifle other's right to make comments. You shouldn't feel the need to be a referee, as long as people are polite they are entitled to express themselves freely, without you jumping in with long explanations, you are beginning to sound more like glitzylady everyday, I think you both have a need to control everything, we are not children and do not need you to tell us how or what we should be thinking. Freedom of expression, one of Adam's expressions and I totally agree with him.

Anonymous said...

Well said, 8:42, and I agree. Adam not only needs MORE promotion, but he needs a different KIND of promotion. Obviously, the radio station visits didn't make it happen. He needs TV promotion all all kinds, network TV, not obscure cable shows. And yes, he needs to get album #3 out in a reasonably short period of time, not a whole year. He says he has good music he has already worked on that he can draw from, along with brand new stuff. You're right. He cannot afford to lose fans in places that love him. I think he and his management will handle the timing differently this time, at least I hope so. There just has to be a way to market him, and of course, he needs THAT ONE HIT SONG that sets the whole new album in motion.


glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:05 PM
Wow. I didn't even say a word in this thread..and I still get slammed. Nice. Lately I've refrained from having an opinion on anything, except to post a few links and to cheer Adam on. @DRG said nothing controversial or argumentative IMO. I can see why so many do not post a tag here anymore. Wise. Those of us who do are sitting ducks. Sad. Slowly but surely we leave. I hope you're happy.

Anonymous said...

TP was one of the best albums I have ever heard. The promo and mgmt team needs to get behind the 3rd album and do their job. I wish Adam would change mgmt companies because thy are too busy with Katy Perry and ignoring Adam - the TRUE talent. He needs people that recognize his talent and will work hard to get him massive exposure in TV, commercials, movies, etc I do love these mini concerts as he is singing such a wide variety. His stage presence is out of this world. The third album (USA & world tour) will maybe have new dancers and backup singers. But I know Adam likes to work with friends. He knows best and I trust his decisions. Love that blue suit so much by the way. He is beautiful and he makes me happy. What else can I ask of my if fav star?

Anonymous said...

This is the only site where you can stay anonymous and say how you really feel rather than sugarcoat everything. I appreciate it. I know people have strong opinions but I appreciate the honesty and I think Adam does too. We are all here because of our admiration for the great Adam Lambert.

Anonymous said...

@9:05, do you realize you seem like a bully? To me, you do, my OPINION. At least DRG & Glitzylady never bully

Anonymous said...

9:05 is hilarious ... Talks about manners and being polite and then goes on to be unnecessarily hurtful and a bit mean spirited. Physician heal thyself!

Anonymous said...

Now people are trying to force a tour on Adam at home and abroad when he said very clearly that there will be no Trespassing tour (apart from the one he's currently doing). Let's RESPECT his opinion and look forward to his next album. Adam isn't a robot; he's a kind, caring person who has a lot on his plate. If fans can't wait for his tour after he releases his third album, then they're not true Adam Lambert fans.

Anonymous said...

Everyone here is considered a bully if they don't agree with everyone else.

Anonymous said...

We have oodles of videos of Adam's concerts wherever he performs but obviously, some people are greedy/never satisfied.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

GLITSYLADY, of course they are happy that is the main agenda of the 24/7 troll is to drive away devoted Adam fans,it just kills them. They just can't stand this nice site because their favorites have none. Jealousy rearing it's ugly head. When Adam's segment is on AI many people will soon be reaquainted with what he has been up too.

Anonymous said...

12:16 here, up to.

Anonymous said...

What are you people complaining about? Adam is performing twice in the US this year and who knows? Maybe there'll be more shows if he has time. There are countries where Adam has never performed so don't be selfish. Share the love around.

Anonymous said...

Can't get thru WWFM without tearing up . .what a beautiful soul!

Anonymous said...

I'm not complaining because we don't have a tour but I think he could do some shows . . . just test the waters here . .a bit more . . .hoping . . .things change

HK fan said...

I agree, I find the constant arm waving very distracting in the videos, but when I saw the show live I didn't notice them so much, I found myself able to just watch Adam, saw very little of anyone else!!!!

HK fan said...

would also like to add that I adore that blue suit, sad we didn't get to see it at the Hong Kong show.
And will add that there was a couple of times at the HK show when the Vjayjay;s sounded out of synch with Adam, and a couple of noticeable bum notes, from Reyna, Keisha is definitely the more talented singer.

Anonymous said...

I consider it a compliment to be compared to glitzylady. I like the variety of personalities on this site.

I still like the fact that people can post anon on this site. I choose to sign my tag, but I'm glad it's not required. Keeps things interesting, to say the least.


glitzylady said...

I also find it a compliment to be compared to you. So thank you :)))))

Anonymous said...

Maybe Adam will test the waters with songs from the third album. I have seen different performers appear on tv shows singing the first single from their new album even before it is released. I think Adam needs all the tv promo that he is able to get starting out with the main ones such as Ellen, Katie, The TAlK and the evening shows such as Leno, Fallon, etc. Why not even DWTS? Didn't Adele appear on it? And if Idol would have him on again to perform, well, these shows would all help to promote the new album. We all knew from Adam that there would be no "official TP tour", but hoping that the third album gets a tour and all the promotion that is possible to make it a smaashing success. He has an amazing stage presence and is mesmerizing to watch as he continues to add more dance moves to some of the songs he performs.

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....I'm going to be brave and jump in here, tag and all.
First Happy St.Patrick's Day to any McBrides out there (my people).

Second, I'm asking questions again.
If Adam is the one who apparently decides the setlist.....even though I love the recent covers of Stay and Shout...and am glad they worked out an arrangement of TFM so it can be performed as a soft ballad...(I'm getting to it)
Why do you suppose he doesn't sing Runnin, Take Back, By the Rules and Map? Also the terrific neglected Pick U Up? All his, all great. I know some of these songs would need new arrangements but as you see it's been done with TFM and a now reggae OOL?
As a fan I long to see the bonus songs listed above at least performed since I have accepted that we'll get no singles of them with a calm and ladylike demeanor...
(quiet sniffling and a tear or two).
Tucking them in to concerts would at least get them heard. I feel like they have been shipped off to the land of forgotten songs.
? :(

Anonymous said...

JAK, I agree about those "forgotten" songs on TP, all versions. And Pick U Up is one of the hidden gems of FYE. One of my all-time favorites that I would love the world to hear. How about some twitterers give Adam some NICE tweets about these songs? Maybe he'll consider them for future performances. They're just too good to keep buried.

Wow, this old thread just keeps on growing!


Anonymous said...

I'd like to hear those songs. Loyal as I am, I'm getting a bit tired of Fever, IIHY, Cuckoo, NCOE, KI, PTL. I would like any arrangements they came up with for the bonus songs or even do Soaked again. Of course, it's my own fault I watch every performance we get videos of, can't help myself. OCD

daydreamin said...

@DRG % @JAK I agree!

Pick U Up and Runnin' are twp of the hidden gems also. I have tweeted Adam on several occasions (as have many others) to sing Pick U Up and Runnin' but he is choosing not to sing them for some reason. I know some are difficult to sing live, but I absolutely love what he has done to TFM and wish he could do something similar to these two! I do love that he surprises us now and then with something new.