Adam Lambert LIVE IN St. Petersburg RUSSIA
Filed Under (performances,video ) by Admin on Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Posted at : Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Setlist by pelagiclina:

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Undeniably great as always, and looking fine as well.
First time singing BTIKM in the WAG tour. Great as always.
Why does the place look so empty in the 'Shout' video? He didn't sold out? Well, it was a venue for 12000 people.
BTIKM was so great! Adam had a full crowd of incredible back up singers. They all know Adam's songs by heart, like all of us. I just went for a walk and blasted the full Glam Nation Tour cd while walking. All Adam's cds are amazing. You can sing along to all the songs.
BTIKM was beautiful I always liked that song,but IMO Dr. Luke's production ruined it. It sounded so good with the band! The venue was not sold out. Gaga did not even sell it out. Just wait till Finland though,that will most likely sell out. But his vocals were amazing and there were a lot of people there who love Adam!Don't forget where he is,very homophobic city and surely the tickets are expensive,also much bigger than other venues he has played in.
It must be a huge venue if Gaga didn't even sell it out. There was a big crowd there nonetheless. I think he sounds fantastic in these vids. Light on the make-up, did you notice? Heard they did not perform Fever. That's ok. Hope to get more vids soon. He's looking SO fine.
Day after tomorrow in Helsinki I and about 11 000 other finbert and glambert will celibrate!! yeah! Wellcome to Finland.
So happy to hear BTIKM! Great song. Finland next!!!!!!!
You can't believe everything you read on Twitter!!
Adam is not at Gaga's level yet.
Gaga was at a different venue than Adam and sold out.
DECEMBER 09 - SAINT PETERSBURG - SKK Petersburgsky - SOLD OUT - 11,127/11,127 (100%)
It's Hump Day With Adam Lambert:. Vote your favorite, 'If I Had You" or "Chokehold"
Great videos.... The sound quality of these vids was very good. Some great closeups of Adam in the first videos. Adam seemed happy and was enjoying himself. Those international audiences certainly know all the words to Adam's songs just as his fans do here. It was good to hear BTIKM on this set list. I saw that Outlaws(Of Love) was on the playlist, but did he actually perform it? He is such an amazing performer and mesmerizing to watch. One last concert in Helsinki. Can't wait to see the vids from that one. Then it's back to California and the much warmer weather.
L love watching these concert videos of Adam on his WAG tour. He just seems so happy, smiling at the audience, and enjoying himself while performing. It's wonderful to watch someone who so thoroughly is into what he is doing. Adam was born to be on a stage where he can show what an amazing performer he is. It is just such a shame that his TP album and the singles released from it did not do as well as expected here in the US. There are such great songs in it as we have seen from all these concerts where he has performed them. Here's hoping that the third time is the charm and that the new album brings Adam all the success and acceptance he so deserves.
So Happy to hear BTIKM such a lovely song. I do agree with the poster who said the production was maybe what held it back a little plodding, but not here the band sounded great.
So many wonderful songs that so many people didn't get to hear. Oh well moving right along., too late now.
The next album will get more exposure I hope.
Darn it all goes tooooo fast! One minute your in the wonderment of Adam and that incredible voice (a moment of pure rapture), and you want that moment to last forever and then it's over until the next time. Need to bask in an everlasting Adam concert!
American doesn't realise outside that bubble just how adored Adam is internationally. It's a whole vibe going on All over the world.
Adam is nominated for best international artist Asian music awards against the biggest of names, but one of those names is not GaGa. That certainly is one of biggest catagories to be nominated for, and very big honor GAGA may be nominated for something else there do not know. Russia is a very homophobic place, but Adam is still quite popular there, he charts well and sales well there. GaGa was already a star while Adam was still on Idol, so she about a year or two ahead of him! Just see how far he gone in last year abroad especially Asia!ooks like he had really good crowds in all he done in Russia in the middle of a Blizzard, one of them and it looked quite crowed and big, with airports closed Some people not able to get there Adam himself traving on a train! Most of the concerts have been sold out over all of them! You can bet the tickets were not cheap as GaGa's were not. Adam will be bigger and bigger in Asia such a perfect for for his talent and now that net game bone of those big names have got one of those, and that endorsement is.a huge deal! So all and all Adam is gradually breaking down bearriers and growing quite large abroad! Adam also so multi talented, VH1 could have gotten and afforded any big name in the business to host Diva's they ask Adam! He the perfect host! There are the names that hit hard for a few years and then there are the ones that grow steadily and become icon's. Adam has many talent and I think Adam has a potentially huge market in Asia and other's, but most especially China! Made a couple mistake, think you can make it out! I will post every once in awhile. Sue
Sue good post also read an article from a link on Adamtopia that people were warned that there could be a threat of violence at Adam's concert. Oh yes, they threw a bumblebee from the crowd lol Well not to make a joke about this because it is dangerous there and so proud of Adam and all the fans that attended. very expensive too.
Gaga was there in 09,but hasn't she been banned from there ever since? Adam knows how to perform in accordance to what is expected from the area. He is so smart like that because he always puts his fans first and in doing so is breaking down barriers without having to state loud opinions like Gaga does.
Gaga was there in 09,but hasn't she been banned from there ever since? Adam knows how to perform in accordance to what is expected from the area. He is so smart like that because he always puts his fans first and in doing so is breaking down barriers without having to state loud opinions like Gaga does.
Sorry for the double post.
tea thanks for the AE link I was a little nervous about going there because they have been unkind to Adam for no reason at times, my opinion only. These articles were neutral and fun. I tweeted and liked my *ss off. Thanks again.
I just came from AfterElton too and I voted for Chokehold over IIHY.
3.57 that was adorable ! Hope that Buble Bee did not hurt my baby. Lol! I believe GaGa had had trouble in China too there are restrictions in China too when she performs, and some Cd's were not allowed to be distributed in
Her last album! Adam is a smart man and I he knows when to calm it down eliminate certain things in certain countries and also add songs that they really liked! BTIKM sounded great! Have gonna listen to the whole vid here have not heard all yet! Sue
One of the best, if not the best performance so far on the WAG tour. Adam was front and center, the dancers weren't hovering over Adam, and they were finally in synched with control dance movements. Well, as for Brian, I don't know what to say except he seemed a bit manic! lol
No, Gaga was in St. Petersburg on December 09, 2012. Wikipedia has a link to the Billboard info on the concert being sold out.
@4:38: That's the way it should be IMO also. All the attention on Adam. If only it would stay that way. One more show to go, tho. Then it's a "new direction". Hopefully one that doesn't include dancers.
I believe it was said she was at a different venue! All the concerts he done so far in Russia have done very well! Gaga talks about the gay things but talking about being gay and being actually gay are two different things. Also the gay bias has gotten even worse last few months not because of the young ones who love Adam but the rulers of the Country. Adam has very young crowd for the
Ist part the tickets are quite expensive, it terrible weather, and the young ones in a lot of cases have to depend on parents to buy the tickets and they are the problem. Also Adam and was there last summer with Queen and sold out huge crowds! I think the threat of trouble may have cause some parents not to let kids go, high ticket prices sure he has older ones too! That one I saw in Kiev or one of them was packed was a good size place!
Again Gaga been aroun two longer. Adam always done well in Russia, but the leadership is getting more homophobic all the time. Still they love him. There will just be places Adam will dominate, more than even the biggest within the next two years that is Asia! Someone said Adams songs stay consistently in the top ten on units at and mostly no. 1 on unistar in Russia! So far what I have heard he sounds wonderful best so far, it cut out on me have to go back on it! Also heard DJ say Adam's trespassing in top ten for month's in china! Pretty good for a guy who was totally unknown 4 years ago! I think slow and steady will win the race for Adam, actually in Asia he grown hugely last year, anything song he puts out has done well on unistar Russia, he doing good! It just seems no matter how many victories Adam has someone wants us to know they are not as big as someone else's whatever! Adam not trying to compete with GaGa are whoever he working hard and gaining lots of ground abroad! He has accomplished things in Asia, China not even the biggest names have and I am so proud of him! Now back to the vids hope they do not cut our on me! Again made few mistakes! Guess done my quota of commenting for this week, guess I missed some of you! Sue
Have they reached Finland yet . Usually someone spots them at the airport , either leaving St Pete or arriving in Helsinki . I hope there are no weather issues .Everything is eerily quiet .
just watched Idol, all fairly good, no one stood out tonight for me.
I'm sure that the news about the possibility of violence and also the high ticket prices account for the lack of attendance at the SP concert. Adam played it very smart by toning down the dancing and also taking out the songs with controversial lyrics.
Talented, beautiful and smart that's our Adam!
Love BTIKM... he's happy, he's smiling...
Why all this talk about Lady Gaga on Adam's blog?? :-(
Better Than I Know Myself - YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Such an underrated song, and the audience knew Adam was going to sing it from the get go!!!! :-D
That was a State Department warning issued to Americans, not Russians. Why the need to find excuses for the venue not selling out? It's not the end of the world if Adam doesn't sell out every single venue.
Look like a pretty big crowd to be really, they loved him and he sounded so incredable! All things considered, look like everything went well, did not look like a small crowd at all! His voice was just out of this world here, who really sings that good, honestly he just incredable! Sue
I'll be on my way to see Adam in Miami next month. I wish I was in Helsinki right now for the show Friday. Adam and Sauli soon reunited.
Adam looks so sharp in that gray jacket with the spikes.
Ready for album #3. He will prob go more rock. But have enjoyed the songs he has sung in this mini tour esp Shout & TFM in Asia. He knows how to please his fans. All this hoopla about JT when Adam is the Prince of Pop. Better voice, looks, music and personality. JT s a good actor & he is funny. But his album not as good as TP. Adam needs that kind of promo for album 3. HE is the most talented. Want him in the states to get this kind of attention, respect & admiration.
I miss TFM and Stay. Enjoyed BTIKM. Loving the closeup videos! Hate to see it coming to an end. Finberts have a blast! Come back and share!
I miss Underneath and Stay
I wonder if Rhi heard Adam's version and ask him to stop singing it . . . because he sounds so great....
Adam replaced Stay with Shout. They are just cover songs and can be varied.
I'm really trying to like the V JayJays . . . . . . but's they are distracting . . if they were just to the side (like most backup singers)and they have their little skit when Adam's changing. . . .Mostly I want to see and hear Adam . . it's hard with these girls moving around stage and the arms waving.
I thought maybe he's giving his vocals a rest. . . reason why he's not singing Underneath or Stay or maybe he just wants to mix it up...
Yep, agree. But still like them better than miss priss. Talk about distracting.
@9:28 IA, it makes them look unprofessional singers. The visibility is not increasing the value of any backup singers, because it's not their main task. Simple math.
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