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Extra Sauli Koskinen Segment from Finnish Talk Show aired today!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, March 1, 2013

Posted at : Friday, March 01, 2013


Anonymous said...

In the first video he is asked to tell about his clothes (basic t-shirt, more expensive jeans, and the shoes he has spiked himself). He is also asked to tell about his tattoos but he doesn't want to reveal his tattoo stories. He is planning on adding some color on his sleeve while he is in Finland.

In the second video he is basically repeating same stuff he already said on the talkshow: his own Tv-show, living in LA and missing his family and friends.

daydreamin said...

Thank you for the translation!

Anonymous said...

Boy, Adam and Sauli are so nice and chatty. So real and available. You know how famous people put on such aires like it's such a BURDEN to be interviewed but Adam never seems to act like that.
Always ready to do his job and always nice and humble.
Seems like Sauli is the same.
Sweet guys!

Anonymous said...

Yes they both seem like very sweet open loving guys. Adam has found a great partner and I wish them both much success and happiness!

Anonymous said...

he is so effing adorable. His talk program will go over very well.

Anonymous said...


ADAM LAMBERT getting an endorsement for a Chinese video game!
We don’t really know much about the game outside of the fact that it is called “Rift: Planes of Telara,” but the significance of this commercial almost matters more than the game itself.

Traditionally the only Americans to ever get endorsements of any kind in China are the biggest of the big, and this puts the singer in pretty rarified air.
Not only that, but there is a reason that the likes of Leonardo DiCaprio and other A-listers do ads in Asia: they get paid a ridiculously large amount of money for it, given that China alone has over a billion potential customers.

It’s hard to really think about that sort of audience living in America, but it’s huge, and this is why we see many basketball players signing with Chinese shoe companies.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is such a cutie. I wish we had translations for all the interviews but I appreciate all we can get. Sounds like his show is going to be fun. Adam and Sauli have really had great news lately!

Anonymous said...

Sauli is looking more masculine and Adam more and more feminine each day. I smell a role reversal...:)

Anonymous said...

9:18 no I think you just farted.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is great guy; I wish him all the best!

HK fan said...

Full translation of the interview

Anonymous said...

@9:43 LOL!!

Anonymous said...

@9:43 I fart rainbows>>>just like Adam!

Anonymous said...

I think Sauli has a mind of his own. Finnish males are not very submissive, but they can be fair and honest even.

Anonymous said...

@5:58 lmao, so his outfit cost about $60, but looks fine to me. :)

Anonymous said...

@4:07 AM Lol Sauli submissive, he is more a dominator.

Anonymous said...

I've come to the conclusion that some Adam fans get scared of the idea that Adam would sometimes be a bottom. As if it somehow would make him less manly. Grow up!

Anonymous said...

@5:15 AM Sauli is a cute dominator ;)

Anonymous said...

Sauli don't do drag, but his former bf does, so..

Anonymous said...

@5:40 AM He is a very nice guy.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what Adam thought of his interview. He is so cute and tiny. They make an adorable couple. I wish them so much happiness. I think Sauli is glad for his career to take an upward hike. Based in just gravy. They can be together and work on their careers together. This is how couples stay together. More power to them.

Anonymous said...

@5:40 AM I don't know if being a drag make you submissive if you mean that? Adam was also doing drag at least when he was younger.

Anonymous said...

@5:49 AM I wish also all the best both of them together and separete. Of course I hope they are together but you newer know of that.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the full translation! They talked much more about Adam than I thought they did, when I first heard the Finnish version. Kept listening for Adam's name and thought I only heard it once or twice, but they actually talked about him more. Sauli is definately his own person, confident and honest. No BS. Adam needs someone like that in his life. Can't wait for the Helsinki concert! They're gonna blow the roof off!


Anonymous said...

DRG, you probably meant the talk show video. Sauli talks about his schedule in Finland in these 2 videos here. Not a word about Adam, I swear. Just how he has missed Finland, family, friends and his fans here.

Anonymous said...

For those above who have examined Adam and Sauli's sex life, now it's your turn. Tell us all about your sex positions and practices, details please.

Anonymous said...

Tobacco booth in the background. Before you start preaching, remember there are health risks in both tobacco and pot smoking. "Scientists have found that regular marijuana smokers can experience the same respiratory problems as tobacco smokers do. Marijuana smoke contains three times the amount of tar found in tobacco smoke and 50 percent more carcinogens, it would seem logical to deduce that there is an increased risk of lung cancer for marijuana smokers."

Anonymous said...

What the hell are you talking about? Let's expand on that subject. French fries, burgers, salt, sugar, potato chips, we know they can all kill us, go away!

Anonymous said...

Johnny posted this

LOL! I've never seen Bridesmaids but I kinda recognize myself from that.

Anonymous said...

@10:27 I drank 5 cups of coffee today. Yes, I'm a Finn.

Anonymous said...

does he know that alot of girls are after his boo

Anonymous said...

11:16 AM

If you mean Sauli, I think he knows and if you mean Adam, he knows also. They both attract women/girls too, but they also know with whom it is the most fun in the bedroom, lol.

Anonymous said...

7.32 that not how the lady who translated it to us said! She mentioned Adam several times you could hear that! She said people in Fenland knew him from winning big brother Finland, but he got a name or was known in America, LA, because he fell I live with Adam Lambert he said nothing bad about Gil but he surely said something about him! They ask him something about Adam he fell back on the couch smiled big, said something! I did not listen second vid. Correction that was he said nothing bad about Adam ! Sue

Anonymous said...

11.49 Sue I was talking about the talk show vid's. I got them mixed up! Sorry did not see these were different, just came on here! Sue

Anonymous said...


Lol maybe you should check the videos before commenting. XD

These two vids are different extra videos that were taken on the set of the talkshow as extra material for the show's website. If you would watch them you would see that they are not the actual talkshow.

Anonymous said...

@Sue I'm 12:05 and just saw your post above mine. ^_^ Sorry for jumping into conclusions.

Anonymous said...

I am one of Adams biggest fans &I support Adam & Sauli in anything they want to do but my question is why is Saulis tv series called when love fails.That does seems like a odd title. Love them both just if some one knows please write it on here hopefully positive.

Anonymous said...


Hi, this is wilma:) How are you?
I would like to clarify some things... I made the(not word to word) translation of Korkojen kera- talk show, where Sauli was as a guest. Adam was mentioned several times:)

7:32 on the other hand was talking about the 2 vids on this particular thread (I didn´t translate these). Please look at the very first post on this thread. 5:58 translated these two vids quite shortly, but well. On these vids were no mention of Adam. On second video Sauli also said that keeping in touch with family is a bit challenging because of the time difference (10 hrs) between Finland and the US. He also told that career-wise he´s putting a 100 % effort on this new show. And don´t think or dream too much or too soon ahead:)

On these vids too we see a confident and sunny Sauli:)


Anonymous said...

12:09 pm

Sauli´s show is NOT called that!!! It´s a tag name and nothing what so ever to do with Sauli:)

Anonymous said...

@12:09 I dunno what are you talking about. Sauli does not have a series or nothing called by that.

Anonymous said...

@12:14 PM Yeah Sauli looks sunny :)

Anonymous said...

12:09 PM

Where on earth did you get that? Sauli has not said anything about the name of his show. He said on the other web video that more info is coming soon and he will be busy next week preparing the screen scraps etc.

That is not the name of his show! Is it clearly enough said? The show has not name yet (at least in public).

Anonymous said...

This is 12:57 PM

I mean preparing SCRIPT/MANUSCRIPT/SCENARIO, not screen scrap. Sorry: Broken English (is there such a word at all as screen scrap?)

Anonymous said...

9:50 lol

Anonymous said...

$35 is not expensive for jeans in the US.

Anonymous said...

To 12:20

I think he just meant that the jeans are from an actual store while the shoes are from a second hand shop (and probs cost nothing).

I'm a Finn btw :D and sometimes it's hard to explain the nuances. I think Sauli just happened to say it like that but he definitely wasn't shocked like OMG these jeans were SO expensive. :)

Anonymous said...

Oops :D I meant my previous comment to 2:12

Anonymous said...

So great for Sauli! I have a feeling this might be only the beginning for him. Adam must be so proud. :3

Anonymous said...

OK, somebody is stupid. When love fails is from a fan's twitter name.

@rosie6172 He's a beautiful person inside and out. I'm so happy he and Adam found each other <333

Here's one more, taken just before he went to do his last speak. #SauliAtPowerpark

Anonymous said...

I love Sauli and his deep voice.
He seems like such a nice young man.

Does anyone know, has he spoken English for a long time or
just in the last couple of years?

He plays with his ear like Adam does, they both have the same little habit.

Anonymous said...

Finns study English in school.

Anonymous said...

@3:34: it's very rude to call someone stupid. Have you ever gotten something wrong or made a mistake?

Anonymous said...

7:09 PM

As someone said Finns start learning English very young at school. And in Finland the movies or TV-programs have subtitles, so we hear English and other languages all the time.

And Sauli has lived and worked half a year in Malta and traveled a lot before he met Adam, so he has been speaking English many, many years.

Anonymous said...

7:35 and 1 46 am

thank you.