New Old Picture from LOS ANGELES
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Sunday, March 24, 2013
Posted at : Sunday, March 24, 2013
VIA BeejanLand: Myself @sam_sparro @adamlambert and the ever so stunning @sutanamrull hanging out in LA. What a great night y'all!

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That's a nice picture of everyone, except Sam's silly mustache
Please, a little respect for Sam's tribute to the 1930's and 40's. That mustache was called The Matinee Idol ! That stache graced the upper lip of Robert Taylor, Cesar Romero, William Powell, Douglas Fairbanks, Valentino............never heard of them, you say? how about Clark Gable (Gone With The Wind) ?
How about my uncle.....Clay Lowrance? No, he wasn't an actor....his only claim to fame was being Davy Crockett's great great great grandson! I'll have admit I thought they all looked silly !......JAK :-)
Lol! JAK
See how lucky you are to have many of us are left to fill you in on vital info about old movie stars, fashion, hair styles, ration books, USO dances, troop trains, Betty Grable's pin up picture in white swimsuit showing off her insured million dollar legs (photographed from the back, cause she was pregnant at the time). How many of you have actually experienced pumping water from a backyard well, hauling it inside in buckets and heating it on a wood burning kitchen stove and then having a Saturday night bath in a washtub in the that your body and soul were nice and clean for Sunday School. Night time jaunts to an outhouse (with spiders). The ice man's horse and wagon who brought you a 25 or 50 pound chunk of ice to cool your food in an ice box....of course in the North in the winter you had a window box for milk, butter, etc. If you got hurt you would go to phone ring up the operator and say....."Ethyl, get me Dr. Turner, J.A. fell out of the loft again and is going to need stitches!"
Ahhhhh, the good old days!.....JAK
I remember them well!
OT - IMO Sams mustache always makes me think of a porn star. Not that I'd know anything about porn mind you. Do remember all the movie stars that @JAK mentioned due to my mom. She had such a crush on Clark Gable, and as a teenager Rudolph Valentino was the man of the hour. She and all her friends lined up for hours in LA for his funeral service. Sorry this got soooooo OT but I warned you all! . . . Adamluv
Looking at the picture again and wow - Sutan/Raja makes one hot and sexy woman!!!!!!! Even as a much younger woman, I never looked that good - how depressing is that - that a MAN beats me in the beauty department. LOL . . . Adamluv
For Gog sakes.Why admin can't delete all of these advertisments!
Sam mustache is awesome! It makes him look different,special, and sexy:)
@JAK, Fortunately or unfortunately I remember all that you have mentioned, especially taking a bath on Wed. and sat. in a metal washtub in front of a kerosene stove at my grandmother's mother had all of the movie star magazines and looked like a movie star herself. My dad keew several movie stars at the time and there were always great stories! He was invired to Bing Crosby's ranch, but declined because of the way he treated his wife and sons at the time and had no respect for him. So much glamour and so much debauchery! lol. Adam has the glamour and all positives! The thin mustache is definitely from another time, but think it's time for the old Hollywood glamour to reappear.
Just to you let y'all know, Admin is very aware of the problem with the ads in the comments section and has tried to fix the problem but the issue lies with Blogger. They are trying to fix the problem. Admin says NOT to click on any of it!!
@JAK I want to have a campfire with you and you can tell us all your wonderful stories!! I, unfortunately don't live near any of my parents families, but when they come to visit, I now take something to record those amazing stories of how and when they came to America from Poland. I love it! I remember the Saturday night baths where me and my 6 brothers and sisters took baths to get ready for Sunday church. OMG how things have changed!
Sorry to continue the OT!! I think Sam looks terrific. I've always been partial to them. But hey! Really love the guy on the bottom section of the pic! Now I have NOTHING to complain about there!
believe me, pornstars do not have moustaches like Sams!!!!
Yup, JAK, Adamluv and Funbunn I remember the iceman; Saturday communal bath with siblings to be spiffy for church on Sunday; hand me down clothes; picking wild blueberries in buckets on my aunt's farm; going to the "biffy" in the middle of the night praying I wouldn't fall in the hole; headlights on all cars taped over so that only 1/4 of the light shined out after Dec.7, 41; blackout curtains on every window shut by sundown; my dad being an air raid warden; chewing hot tar from the road in the summer; 10 for a penny candy; hayrides in the summer; sleigh rides in the winter; 3 grades in a classroom of 20; getting my arm caught in my mom's new electric ringer washer; hanging out the wash on the clotheslines; MMMM Tyrone Power with his stasch; sitting on the floor with my sibs and "watching" the radio which was bigger than a chest of drawers or "chesterdraws" and listening to Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy; my uncle in the Army Air Corps calling from Maryland to tell us to leave immediately because we were being invaded by Martians (thank heavens we were ring 2 on a 4 party line); 4 kids in a twin bed 2 at the head and 2 at the foot; so many cousins always around to play hide and seek with; mom making bread 3 times a week; growing up happy as a lark and free from dawn to dusk in the summer not knowing how poor we were. Oops, I think I've just given a hint about my age, silly me. Early onset Alzheimer's, I recon.
As far as I'm aware, Sam has been sporting his mo for a long time, and yes, Sutan would've made a gorgeous woman!!
Great photo!!
I love when you guys go OT, it's like reading a book, hearing stories of the old days. Well, I mean old to me. It sounds like a different world you lived in. A nice one. I don't want to insult anyone. Hah. But it makes me remember Little house on the Prairie tv show.
And what is wrong with going OT? How much can you discuss a mustache???
I love this site. I really enjoy the comments from JAK and Adamluv. I can tell how much you guys love Adam. I have been to 2 of his concerts. I live in Canada and when I retired the staff kidded me about hearing me listening to Adam's music during my lunch hour with my door closed. I don't know what it is but he has definately touched my heart and so have you.
@7:54 It was a different time. So innocent and special. People talked to one another. We knew all our neighbors. We listened with fascination as our parents' generation told their life stories. I wish my grandkids could have just one month back in the good old days to see what it was like. Kids graduating from high school this year have all the knowledge I had by the third grade. It's sad that history is not being taught. And cursive (handwriting) is not taught. How are kids going to be able to write their signatures or read the letters my husband and I sent to each other while he was in the service for 4 years? I mail my grandkids cards on all special occasions and sometimes forget to print. They wonder why I don't just text them. In my high school, no girl would be caught dead in her underwear. Now girls send pictures of themselves nude to their boyfriends and those pictures end up on the internet to last forever.
There's an Irish blessing that goes: May you live in interesting times. Well, I've gone from out houses and horse drawn wagons to Mars and the internet. I know my time on earth has been very interesting, but I dont know what my grandkids" will be.
When our first daughter was born, one child in 600,000 was autistic. Now it's one child in 110. How did that happen? What are we eating or being imunized from that is causing this to happen. When I was growing up, I didn't know anyone with allergies. No one got food poisoning. There was no e-coli. Foods you bought in a market were not recalled for bacteria or other contamination. No one died because the potato salad wasn't constantly refrigerated. Sadly I have to wonder...what the hell happened to the world I grew up in?
Anonymous on purpose
@ 4:57 pm
It disappeared like the dinosaurs did. But it can stay alive in memory if our children and grandchildren are told stories about the time we lived in. It wasn't all good, there was WWII, polio, measles, mumps, chicken pox, whooping cough. There were golden days and education standards were so different. You graduated from high school knowing great art, literature, music, architecture and world history.
Best part - kids had freedom, we explored and played all
day unsupervised and scooted home before dark as per your mom's instructions. The electronic age has it's wonders, but we had hopscotch, baseball, jump rope, spin the bottle, hide n seek, truth or dare, puzzles, jacks,
pick up sticks, roller skates and our bikes!
I wouldn't trade the decades I grew up in for the present, but our grandchildren adapt, this is the world they know.
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