Sauli Koskinen interview in Me Naiset, 3/21/13, translated
Filed Under (Sauli Koskinen ) by Admin on Saturday, March 23, 2013
Posted at : Saturday, March 23, 2013
Article by Tanja Hakamo, photos by Susanna Kekkonen
Scans courtesy of @illuxxia
Translated by @moominbert
”I've never been one to just stand on the sidelines”
Sauli Koskinen moved to Los Angeles to be with superstar Adam Lambert in spite of not knowing English very well. He's now facing a new challenge: his own TV show.
”I'm ready to do this!”
pic 1 caption: Sauli does all kinds of sports. ”I have so much energy, I'd be climbing the walls if I didn't work out. I went swimming in rented Speedos in Helsinki because I'd left my own at home.”
Blogger Sauli Koskinen, 27, moves a champagne glass over to the side in the Kämp Brasserie restaurant to show me something on his cell phone. The picture is from his trip to Lapland a few days ago, where he got to go on a husky safari and visited wolves in their cage.
- That's me all the way. A cage with wolves? I'll be there! It wasn't until one of the shyer wolves sniffed my hand and gave me a dubious look that I realized I could die right now, Sauli says, cackling.
The laugh is throaty, fast and pretty contagious, and its owner doesn't hesitate to let it out. Koskinen wants humor in his life, along with energy and positive thinking. These are the things Sauli has been spreading during the five weeks he's spent in Finland visiting with friends and family. His good mood is even lighter when he's in his present home town, Los Angeles. It's there, in West Hollywood, that he lives with his partner, pop star Adam Lambert, 31.
- It makes a difference, waking up to sunshine instead of snow. And the sunshine isn't just in the weather, the people in Los Angeles also radiate a kind of light.
- Sometimes I think the government should provide a trip to somewhere sunny for all Finns during the darkest months of winter!
When Sauli sees someone with a great look or a fun item of clothing in LA, he compliments them and gets a happy ”thanks!” in return. When he asked a dog-walker in Hyvinkää last week what breed their dog was, all he got was silence as the dog-walker kept going.
- Finns think it's superficial when in America the cashier at the store asks ”How are you” although they don't want to hear your whole life story. But it's a hell of a lot nicer habit than just staring down at the belt and griping at you for having forgotten to weigh the bananas.
- LA has become my home, and life there suits me well. I can live freer and breathe easier there. I can put on leopard-print skinny jeans without standing out like a sore thumb.
Originally from Hyvinkää, Sauli moved to the USA a couple of years ago. The biggest reason was ”a little crush”. These are the words he uses to describe the beginning of his relationship with Adam. The couple share a mutual principle of not discussing their private life publically. Sauli has been asked to do a reality show about his life, but he isn't interested.
- I've said no to all sorts of offers.
Sauli describes his life as ”lovely” but is careful not to brag about his everyday life. The routine of everyday, he says, is not that different from what it would be, had he decided to stay in Finland.
- I write my blogs, go to the store, cook, go jogging and go out with my friends. Doesn't that sound like a regular life? If we get dressed up every once in a while for events, or get an invite to Elton John's party, those are just little forays into the glamour of Hollywood. My day-to-day life isn't glamorous.
He says he has managed to keep his feet on the ground even in the midst of celebrity.
- No matter what you've gone through, never think you're better than anyone else. I believe we're all equal, regardless of background or status. I have good self-esteem, and that has helped me to keep my head on straight in all circles I move in.
Sauli also won't admit to having become Americanized – outside of becoming hooked on healthy living and superfoods. Whole Foods Market, which specializes in organic foods, is his regular weekly shopping place, and he often gets his lunchtime juice at smoothie bars.
- I've started reading the backs of food packages a lot more carefully. It's easy to eat healthy in America, because the fruits and vegetables are always fresh.
The latest addition to Sauli's home is a juicer, which he uses to make a beetroot and carrot juice to replace morning coffee. He says most juice recipes sound worse than they taste.
- I've thought about whether I'm completely vain because I miss my juicer while I'm in Finland. Not that I haven't made Karelian pasties in the US.
In America, Sauli is actively involved in many of the local Finns' activities. There have been sauna evenings, and the latest even was watching the President's Independence Day ball on a big screen.
Wisdom, caution, courage
Sauli Koskinen entered the public consciousness six years ago as a 21-year-old adventurous young man spurred on by an enormous thirst for experience. He'd seen the world from behind Hesburger's counter and fry station, moved to the Canary Isles for four months out of boredom, and worked in a clothing store, where a customer urged him to go on Big Brother.
And go on Big Brother he did. In 2007, he walked out of the house as the third winner of Big Brother Finland. There was nothing unusual or particularly interesting about his life, but he was ready to share it with everyone.
- I don't regret doing it, but under the present circumstances, I wouldn't do it for any amount of money. Back then, I was just a thoughtless little boy who wanted to party and have fun. I didn't do it for publicity, but I also didn't pay any thought to what the show would bring.
Sauli says he was a little boy compared to what he is now. He turns 28 this month.
- I've matured, experienced a lot and moved on as a person. Six years isn't a long time, but it's been a significant period in my life. I've learned a lot from the people who have entered my life – how else do you learn as much as from other people?
Now that there is something, or someone, special in Sauli's life, he's a lot more protective of it.
- I still have a spontaneous spirit of adventure. When I go out with friends, I never know what's going to happen. I may still dance on tables and sing karaoke, but I now also carry a little voice of reason. I've gained wisdom and learned caution.
In addition to a sense of adventure, Sauli has courage. He moved to America without knowing English very well.
- I wish the best of luck to anyone who tries the same. I've never been one to just stand on the sidelines, but in the beginning, it was really hard to express myself in a foreign language. I felt like I was missing a lot and couldn't participate in conversation. I thought, ”damn it, this isn't me.” Even though life is good now, it's also been difficult at times, and my road hasn't been the easiest. Right now, my life is hectic and public, but this is the path I've chosen.
Sauli's family and close friends have helped him to cope, and he keeps in touch with them via Skype and other services.
- I'm lucky to have my best friends and sisters that I can call and vent to when I need it.
Reward for a quiet life
In addition to seeing friends and family, what brought Sauli to Finland this time was work and seeing Adam's concert in Helsinki. Before Finland, the popstar has toured Indonesia, Singapore, China, Japan, South Korea and Russia, where Sauli also went.
As Adam continues his tour, Sauli will start shooting his new TV show on his home ground in Los Angeles. Due to air on Fox Finland, the lifestyle show will feature Sauli hosting visits to Finnish celebrities living in the US. Sauli doesn't want to reveal all of his ten guests just yet, but he will be visiting hair stylist Riku Campo and restauranter Stefan Richter in their homes and other locations important to them. The details were finalized in Helsinki during his visit.
Sauli has been dreaming of having his own TV show for a long time and is excited about his dream finally coming true.
- Of course I’m nervous about whether the show will succeed or tank. This is really important to me.
To Sauli, who in the eyes of the public is often defined by his famous partner, a high-profile project of his own is also significant in terms of raising his self-esteem.
- I’ve been dreaming of having my own gig. I’ve been laying low for a couple of years, just waiting for the right project to come along and turned down ideas that didn’t seem right for me. I feel like my patience is now being rewarded. I’m ready to do this!
Over the summer, Sauli will be returning to Finland on other work-related business. He’s already anticipating Helsinki in summer and being able to speak his native language again. But traveling does present its own challenges to a relationship, especially as there are two who travel.
- Finding time together is just a matter of arranging it. It’s important to me to get to visit Finland every so often, I need these trips home to see my loved ones. My happiness is defined by being close to them.

Scans courtesy of @illuxxia
Translated by @moominbert
”I've never been one to just stand on the sidelines”
Sauli Koskinen moved to Los Angeles to be with superstar Adam Lambert in spite of not knowing English very well. He's now facing a new challenge: his own TV show.
”I'm ready to do this!”
pic 1 caption: Sauli does all kinds of sports. ”I have so much energy, I'd be climbing the walls if I didn't work out. I went swimming in rented Speedos in Helsinki because I'd left my own at home.”
Blogger Sauli Koskinen, 27, moves a champagne glass over to the side in the Kämp Brasserie restaurant to show me something on his cell phone. The picture is from his trip to Lapland a few days ago, where he got to go on a husky safari and visited wolves in their cage.
- That's me all the way. A cage with wolves? I'll be there! It wasn't until one of the shyer wolves sniffed my hand and gave me a dubious look that I realized I could die right now, Sauli says, cackling.
The laugh is throaty, fast and pretty contagious, and its owner doesn't hesitate to let it out. Koskinen wants humor in his life, along with energy and positive thinking. These are the things Sauli has been spreading during the five weeks he's spent in Finland visiting with friends and family. His good mood is even lighter when he's in his present home town, Los Angeles. It's there, in West Hollywood, that he lives with his partner, pop star Adam Lambert, 31.
- It makes a difference, waking up to sunshine instead of snow. And the sunshine isn't just in the weather, the people in Los Angeles also radiate a kind of light.
- Sometimes I think the government should provide a trip to somewhere sunny for all Finns during the darkest months of winter!
When Sauli sees someone with a great look or a fun item of clothing in LA, he compliments them and gets a happy ”thanks!” in return. When he asked a dog-walker in Hyvinkää last week what breed their dog was, all he got was silence as the dog-walker kept going.
- Finns think it's superficial when in America the cashier at the store asks ”How are you” although they don't want to hear your whole life story. But it's a hell of a lot nicer habit than just staring down at the belt and griping at you for having forgotten to weigh the bananas.
- LA has become my home, and life there suits me well. I can live freer and breathe easier there. I can put on leopard-print skinny jeans without standing out like a sore thumb.
Originally from Hyvinkää, Sauli moved to the USA a couple of years ago. The biggest reason was ”a little crush”. These are the words he uses to describe the beginning of his relationship with Adam. The couple share a mutual principle of not discussing their private life publically. Sauli has been asked to do a reality show about his life, but he isn't interested.
- I've said no to all sorts of offers.
Sauli describes his life as ”lovely” but is careful not to brag about his everyday life. The routine of everyday, he says, is not that different from what it would be, had he decided to stay in Finland.
- I write my blogs, go to the store, cook, go jogging and go out with my friends. Doesn't that sound like a regular life? If we get dressed up every once in a while for events, or get an invite to Elton John's party, those are just little forays into the glamour of Hollywood. My day-to-day life isn't glamorous.
He says he has managed to keep his feet on the ground even in the midst of celebrity.
- No matter what you've gone through, never think you're better than anyone else. I believe we're all equal, regardless of background or status. I have good self-esteem, and that has helped me to keep my head on straight in all circles I move in.
Sauli also won't admit to having become Americanized – outside of becoming hooked on healthy living and superfoods. Whole Foods Market, which specializes in organic foods, is his regular weekly shopping place, and he often gets his lunchtime juice at smoothie bars.
- I've started reading the backs of food packages a lot more carefully. It's easy to eat healthy in America, because the fruits and vegetables are always fresh.
The latest addition to Sauli's home is a juicer, which he uses to make a beetroot and carrot juice to replace morning coffee. He says most juice recipes sound worse than they taste.
- I've thought about whether I'm completely vain because I miss my juicer while I'm in Finland. Not that I haven't made Karelian pasties in the US.
In America, Sauli is actively involved in many of the local Finns' activities. There have been sauna evenings, and the latest even was watching the President's Independence Day ball on a big screen.
Wisdom, caution, courage
Sauli Koskinen entered the public consciousness six years ago as a 21-year-old adventurous young man spurred on by an enormous thirst for experience. He'd seen the world from behind Hesburger's counter and fry station, moved to the Canary Isles for four months out of boredom, and worked in a clothing store, where a customer urged him to go on Big Brother.
And go on Big Brother he did. In 2007, he walked out of the house as the third winner of Big Brother Finland. There was nothing unusual or particularly interesting about his life, but he was ready to share it with everyone.
- I don't regret doing it, but under the present circumstances, I wouldn't do it for any amount of money. Back then, I was just a thoughtless little boy who wanted to party and have fun. I didn't do it for publicity, but I also didn't pay any thought to what the show would bring.
Sauli says he was a little boy compared to what he is now. He turns 28 this month.
- I've matured, experienced a lot and moved on as a person. Six years isn't a long time, but it's been a significant period in my life. I've learned a lot from the people who have entered my life – how else do you learn as much as from other people?
Now that there is something, or someone, special in Sauli's life, he's a lot more protective of it.
- I still have a spontaneous spirit of adventure. When I go out with friends, I never know what's going to happen. I may still dance on tables and sing karaoke, but I now also carry a little voice of reason. I've gained wisdom and learned caution.
In addition to a sense of adventure, Sauli has courage. He moved to America without knowing English very well.
- I wish the best of luck to anyone who tries the same. I've never been one to just stand on the sidelines, but in the beginning, it was really hard to express myself in a foreign language. I felt like I was missing a lot and couldn't participate in conversation. I thought, ”damn it, this isn't me.” Even though life is good now, it's also been difficult at times, and my road hasn't been the easiest. Right now, my life is hectic and public, but this is the path I've chosen.
Sauli's family and close friends have helped him to cope, and he keeps in touch with them via Skype and other services.
- I'm lucky to have my best friends and sisters that I can call and vent to when I need it.
Reward for a quiet life
In addition to seeing friends and family, what brought Sauli to Finland this time was work and seeing Adam's concert in Helsinki. Before Finland, the popstar has toured Indonesia, Singapore, China, Japan, South Korea and Russia, where Sauli also went.
As Adam continues his tour, Sauli will start shooting his new TV show on his home ground in Los Angeles. Due to air on Fox Finland, the lifestyle show will feature Sauli hosting visits to Finnish celebrities living in the US. Sauli doesn't want to reveal all of his ten guests just yet, but he will be visiting hair stylist Riku Campo and restauranter Stefan Richter in their homes and other locations important to them. The details were finalized in Helsinki during his visit.
Sauli has been dreaming of having his own TV show for a long time and is excited about his dream finally coming true.
- Of course I’m nervous about whether the show will succeed or tank. This is really important to me.
To Sauli, who in the eyes of the public is often defined by his famous partner, a high-profile project of his own is also significant in terms of raising his self-esteem.
- I’ve been dreaming of having my own gig. I’ve been laying low for a couple of years, just waiting for the right project to come along and turned down ideas that didn’t seem right for me. I feel like my patience is now being rewarded. I’m ready to do this!
Over the summer, Sauli will be returning to Finland on other work-related business. He’s already anticipating Helsinki in summer and being able to speak his native language again. But traveling does present its own challenges to a relationship, especially as there are two who travel.
- Finding time together is just a matter of arranging it. It’s important to me to get to visit Finland every so often, I need these trips home to see my loved ones. My happiness is defined by being close to them.
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great article, you can see why Adam is attracted to Sauli's spirit.
Thanks for posting the translation...My Finnish is lacking at best :))
Here's to your new show Sauli.Best wishes.
In his thoughts and words, Sauli sounds like a perfect match for Adam. Both love to communicate and seem to have much the same outlook on life and people, all with an outgoing, positive attitude. Great Article.
I;m excited for Sauli ... it takes a lot of courage to do what he is about to embart on. Good for him!
xo laura
Sauli is very matured man indeed. he has good self-esteem also. Very good match for Adam. I`m happy for them. Life isn`t easy all the time for them as it isn`t for anybody. But it seems to me that they have good backgroud and they are willing to work for their relationship!
2:35 am
Thanks for your mature and realistic comment:) I agree:) They have a special relationship and they hold on to the love they have. Every relationship needs work and willing. That´s what makes it real:)
Will Saulis show be filmed here and shown here or just in Finland ? Whos producing this ?
So many thought Sauli held onto Adams apron strings but as you can see, simply not the case. Sauli was already a star in beautiful Finland so hope that curbs the negative remarks at last.
Sauli's future tv-show "Saulin parhaat kaverit" (Sauli's best friends)is produced by Fox.It will be filmed in Los Angeles and as far as I know seen only in Finland.The guests are mainly more or less known Finnish people, like Top Chef runner-up Stefan Richter. And some of our hockey-players, of course.:)I would like to see as one of the guests fotographer Ville Juurikkala.
I am so happy for Sauli!I read,and comment, regularly his blogs and I just have to say that he brings such joy in many people's life.And I admire him how he has handled the negativity.
I was on Adam's concert on Friday in Helsinki and what an experience!
These boys are so lucky to have each other!
Very nice article. I read the whole thing, something I don't always do. If anyone can make their relationship work, Adam and Sauli are both very well equipped mentally to do it. Their love and respect for one another will be the key. I'll be interested in any part of their lives they want to share with the public.
awwww the perks of shakin' up with the Glam one. should I boo hoo hoo or applaud....
What a lovely interview. Sauli seems to be well grounded,comes from a good family background, and doesn't intend to live off Adam's fame and success. He and Adam seem like a very good match and both are willing to work on their relationship. We get to share just a small part of their lives together and that's as it should be...not intrusive or invasive. All the rest is private. By the way, if Sauli needs any additional help with the English language, as a retired high school English teacher who knows all those rules of grammar and sentence structure(which most young people don't know or even care about today with social media), I am available for tutoring at no cost to him. Now wouldn't that be interesting. Maybe I could learn some Finnish...
@ 6:58 AM
and maybe you will run into
Adam now and then. ^_^
What an intelligent, talented young man. Well-spoken, just like Adam. He has a fire within him to accomplish things in his life, just like Adam. I'm so glad they have been able to keep their relationship strong even with all their time apart. It takes real committment to do that. Sauli's professional pursuits really sound exciting! Love his personality. And both these guys are total eye-candy. YUM!
What an intelligent, talented young man. Well-spoken, just like Adam. He has a fire within him to accomplish things in his life, just like Adam. I'm so glad they have been able to keep their relationship strong even with all their time apart. It takes real committment to do that. Sauli's professional pursuits really sound exciting! Love his personality. And both these guys are total eye-candy. YUM!
Oops! Sorry for double post!
6:43 AM
I would like to see inside your head. Is there anything else but emptiness and blackness? I don't understand how wicked and harsh some people can be. You come here on purpose to insult people you don't know and never will know. How are these malicious people raised? What values did their parents teach to them?
You may boo hoo or applaud as much and loud as you will. Sauli does not hear or care and will hopefully never meet you. By the way what are you doing in Adam's fan site other than trolling? Do you visit other fan sites too?
@7:45 AM Why are you blaming the parents? How about holding 6:43 AM responsible for their own actions? Do your parents have a leash on you at all times? Next you will want to outlaw parents.
8:03 AM This is 7:45 AM
My parents thought me some values by behaving on certain ways and telling what is wrong and what is right. My dad is dead and my mom is old and I still remember what they have taught to me. But I don't claim that I'm a perfect human being. I just can't stand people who insult or are mean to people who they don't even know. It's that simple for me. I don't know what this person's motives are and maybe I'm ad bad b/c I claim him/her and I don't know him/her. Just that I was taught in university that what we learn when we are children, will stay in our memory. I don't want to start arguing about this issue.
8:26 AM That is a Finnish saying. According to that saying "to be a wallflower" means that you are shy and don't want to be seen, you want to be quiet and hope that nobody notices you, want not to talk to anybody etc. = introvert. Sauli is the opposite, extrovert.
@7:45 You are the "therapist" aren't you?
@Anon 8:26 AM
This is the statement in context: The "I've never been one to stand on the sidelines" statement: In the text of the article he infers that he felt somewhat isolated by his limited English when he first moved to LA...not that he wants to be "admired" by anyone...male or female. But I can definitely agree, Sauli is no wallflower!!!!
"In addition to a sense of adventure, Sauli has courage. He moved to America without knowing English very well.
- I wish the best of luck to anyone who tries the same. I've never been one to just stand on the sidelines, but in the beginning, it was really hard to express myself in a foreign language. I felt like I was missing a lot and couldn't participate in conversation. I thought, ”damn it, this isn't me.” Even though life is good now, it's also been difficult at times, and my road hasn't been the easiest. Right now, my life is hectic and public, but this is the path I've chosen"
@7:45 AM You have no right to make supposedly definitive statements and then tell people they can't respond.
I'm really sorry to hear universities are telling people to blame mom and dad for their creepy stuff instead of everyone being responsible for their own actions.
It will be exciting when Sauli's show starts, not that I will be able to watch it here. I am counting on our Finn friends to send clips to this blog site every now and then. OK? ok
Why aren´t you people(some) never happy?? Always want to start arguing about silliest of things!!!! I don´t get it! Amazing tour is now behind, both boys have new exciting things coming in their career, beautiful days of together time for them...all is good! Nitpicking everything has got to be exhausting!
@9:10 am
Okay:) we are happy to do that:)
Adam Likes being admired by men and women. It does wonder for the ego.
anon 7:45 reading so deep into something you obviously don't know anything about. boo hoo for u sweetie
hey anon 7:45 you got a big mouth and always picking every comment apart that you find. just maybe someone is stirring your pot and it is working.:))
that there trollin' or pot stirrrrrrrin'. I think I preferrrr the latterrrrr
Lovely interview. Sauli is a mature, cute and good man.
@9:12,I get what you're saying. But I don't think it's exhausting to them, since they do it so much. I'm a casual fan of Adam's and used to come here for info about upcoming events. But I quickly learned that this site belongs to the obsessed ones. I thought they should all be happy a sardines in a can stewing in their Adam obsession. But I guess they love to argue so much that when there's Adam dissing trolls, they turn on each other.
I don't see how this behavior is helping Adam either.
I'm 7:45 AM.
I apologize everyone whom I have offended. English is not my native language and I thought that the phrase: "Awww the perks of shakin' up with the Glam one. should I boo hoo or applaud..." was an insult and not nicely said (there are so many Sauli-haters). So apparently I did not understand what the person wants to say. What does it actually mean? Sorry my broken English. I don't know the nuances of the phrases/sayings. As someone said I may read too deep, I'm a foreigner. I'm not a therapist but a social worker in a hospital.
But calm down people, I will not stir the pot anymore; if I understand correct, it means that I must keep out of this place. So I will.
And another thread dissolves into fighting and replying to trolls. Thank you to the ones who have made comments about the translated article and ignored the rest.
I'm happy we got to see a translation of the article. Sauli does sound like a great person and quite brave (and in love) to move to a country where he initially wasn't fluent and knew few people.
just so over the head in this neck of the woods. just maybe one day it will all be figured out. We can HOPE Can't we?
If EVERYONE would ignore the trolls there would be no fighting. NO excuse is good enough to justify reacting to them.
Can't I even point out that the numbskull used the wrong word? She meant shackin' up, not shakin'. Though I am sure Sauli shakes up Adam on occasion., and vice versa!
11:34, I so agree with you! Wish the others here would try harder to do that. They either don't recognize the trolls or can't resist responding. Let's hope this changes!
Everybody, please try to ignore the trolls!
I have been on this site since the beginning and IMO we have a few very young posters here who like to stir things up and some others of all ages whose native language is not English. Possibly some of the younger ones are more troll like and the ESL's in the crowd don't get the nuances and the slang of English. Perhaps we should ALL be a little more patient and thick skinned and think how our own comments may hurt someone prior to clicking on the Publish Your Comment box. Just saying...
@4:29: from your mouth to God's ears.:)
Sauli is mature for his age and identifies himself as being independent of anyone. I'm happy for this new opportunity for him and hope that it is successful in Finland. These two men who are admired by many of us have come from different cultures and found each other to love. I hope their relationship lasts a long time.
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