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Adam Lambert at Gay Pride Parade Right Now ~ Adam is presented the key to the city ~

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, April 14, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, April 14, 2013

VIA olaf1228: ADAM LAMBERT sitting at the table next to us!!! #pride, #miami, #sobe, #southbeach, #soflo, #ocean, #drive, #sunday, #fun, #weekend, #friends

Kyle Collins ‏@KyleCollins: "Key to the city!"


Anonymous said...

EEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeee! Lucky you, Mwah! for the pic.

Anonymous said...

Awwwww, he needs a hat.

Anonymous said...

looks like Johnny with him

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I really, really love that Adam Lambert is a classy 'gay' guy.

Anonymous said...

WOW! talk about a glambulge!

Anonymous said...

Two pieces of the same pattern is a bit too much - he looks VERY gay.

Oh well, it is Pride and he is gay so it must be ok.

Anonymous said...

hateful, ignorant, intolerant narrow minded (make that close minded) people who sprew out hatred towards people simply because their sexual orientation may be different from theirs make me sick to the stomach actually gets into knots when I read such beautiful granddaughter is in love with a girl and I have a problem with anyone who trashes gay the name of Christianity of all things..these nuts need to educate themselves, seriously, and get a life..

Anonymous said...

Adam looking every inch the star he is. Even the wild outfit suits him perfectly. It's a party... why not look like a party GOD! Man, he's beautiful.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

wonder what he will be wearing at his concert tonight..whatever he wears, he will look hot and sexy..cause he just is...always

Anonymous said...

Oh dear it the same person who always posts about his glambulge??? Gets a bit tiring...since there´s no glambulge shown in these pics...I think there´s a hell of a lot more to him than just his GB.

Anonymous said...

Btw does anyone know the name of the singer / band?

(Adam's face on it)

Adamluv said...

@12:25 - agree with your comments. But if it wasnt gays to hate, they'd choose blacks, whites, latinos, immigrants, and so on. Haters just have to hate on someone. Sad way to lead your life. . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Who's hating anybody here? It's the outfit that looks stupid, not Adam.

Anonymous said...

Awww, come on guys, give Adam a break. First off he's in Miami and wearing something 'beachy', plus he's showing his PRIDE and flaunting it. I'm sure he wore this to make a point - he's out and proud. Good for him!

Anonymous said...

Oh come on its a two piece out fit it looks very gay oh well it's a gay pride so it must be ok, also Adam is a classy GAY guy. How about if you do not like the outfit saying do not think to prints go together not loving it or Adam a classy guy without the Gay thing. I don't think the outfit is stupid it festive and high fashion, however you don't have to like it but to put very remark and critique down to a gay thing is disrespectful! He doing a gay pride event yes he gay, but he many more wonderful things than gay he a lovely sweet talented man that just happens to be gay. Actually with all the disrespectful things been said on yahoo and here lately I do not think we are being to sensitive to this matter! I also cannot stand people who hide behind being Christian to bring down any body that's different from them, I am not saying that was done here today or than its done here but on different sites and Internet it sure has! Sue

Anonymous said...

@Sue, Thank you because I wasn't happy with that classy gay comment either. I was going to let it go, but since you wrote about it, I had to make a comment in agreement with you. Adam is a classy guy period.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

12:22 pm . .he is very gay . . .duh

and we love him!!!

Anonymous said...

Come on really, he's not that fragile, he is a bloke for God's sake.

Surely, if the outfit doesn't look good, you can talk about it.

Anonymous said...

I love the outfit . . .it's difference . . . it's
Florida . .it's Pride Day . .I love that it's black and white

he looks so hot . .open chest . .nice too . .looks good and he sounds Great!

Anonymous said...

Adam look awesome what he has on.

Anonymous said...

If you can tear your eyes away from Adam for a moment, remember the name and face of Debbie Wasserman Schultz.....a politician who makes me proud of Florida..JAK

About the outfit on Adam, it's probably a very cool thin cotton fabric that is comfortable in the heat.

Jadam NZ said...

Please no. Don't start again with the critical comments people (you know who you are)
I like the outfit it is beachy and it is Adam, could it be a jump suit one piece thingy maybe?

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so gorgeous and fashionable as always! He makes me feel so proud of him...nancdruuu2

daydreamin said...

I think the outfit is completely high informal (beach) fashion. To me, I did NOT once think GAY when I saw it. I love fashion and think he looks great, gay or not and I'm not gay, not that it matters.

Anonymous said...

I love the outfit! It really suits Adam as the photos show. Revealing a little more upper bod. I think he looks COOL! <3