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Adam Lambert at the Hong Kong airport!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Anonymous said...

Adam has to be exhausted after the long flights.

Anonymous said...

I'd be surprised if he weren't tired at this point in time.

Anonymous said...

The man who travels with him has been with him on tours for quite a while. Seem like a nice guy. Hope Adam gets plenty of rest before all the big day on Thursday!

DRG (hope that the traveling companion guy writes a book someday!!!)

Anonymous said...

50 Shades of Black?....^o^

Anonymous said...

@adam_events: Updated info for April 18th, China Music Awards:

Anonymous said...

Someone on another picture comment section said the guy with the grey hair traveling with Adam is his manager from DMG his management group. Nice job if you can get it.

Anonymous said...

Is Adam performing at the China Music Awards or is he receiving one? I guess I haven't read up on that event yet. I don't know how Adam isn't exhausted from the crazy hours he has between flying half way around the world, to making personal appearances and then performing on top of that. I guess when you are young, healthy and focused on your career, you are able to do all these things. Ah, I remember those days so well and they were a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

Off topic: The 'Adam Lambert Facebook' page (only official Adam's page on facebook) is less than 8K away from breaking the 4,000,000 mark! And his personal twitter account is fastly approaching the 2,000,000 mark! So proud to be his fan. He is proving to the world that he is indeed an all-around, talented singer/performer. And this, despite all the 'bumps' thrown his way over the years.

Anonymous said...

He performing and nominated for a big award!

Anonymous said...

I hope when Adam reaches 2M, every fan will purchase one more cd to celebrate this achievment.

Anonymous said...

That official facebook page is awful. It's like an afterthought his management forgets about. Too bad.

Anonymous said...

Tired, but Adam's getting an expert on the wonders of jetlag, which also includes not only loosing hours but days too. Going to the US you gain the day and from the US you loose a day. (Back to the future moment). Missed many days completely when travelling including many heading overseas to Adam's concerts. Even lost entire baggage full of Glambert clothes when I met Adam.

Anonymous said...

awww those fans are so thoughtful not wanting to bother Adam because he looks tired.

Anonymous said...

Sweet Glambert fans.

Anonymous said...

Adam is a time traveller. May he travel everywhere safely.

Anonymous said...

So happy Adam arrived safely! On to another triumph I'm sure! Go Adam!

Anonymous said...

From what I've heard, Adam WON the big award and will be performing two songs at the event. This is NOT a "concert" performance by Adam. It's just few songs included in the awards show. I think that's great!


Anonymous said...

JAK here.....I wonder what the longest number of hours Adam has ever been en route by air.....counting wait time between flights? It once took me 18 hours to fly from Rome, Italy to Tampa, Florida. Fortunately I only had a migraine the last 4 hours!