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Adam Lambert interview at Miami Beach Gay Pride 2013 pridelivetv on USTREAM

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, April 13, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, April 13, 2013


Anonymous said...

He's looking good alright but I do think there are lots of fans, me including, who are really disappointed by the way he's been dealing with the separation, ie. totally indifferent and emotionless.

Just a casual announcement among other, more important things.

Anonymous said...

I don't think we have any idea what he is really thinking, nor should he have to share with anyone.

Magiclady said...

Most of us like Adam, have lives to live and although we may be going through emo stuff in one area, we still have to live the rest of it at the same time.

Anonymous said...

I commend the way Adam is handling his personal life - he is always such a gentlemen. His private life is really none of our business. As a fan I will be there to support him and respect his right to privacy.

Anonymous said...

@2:08 I totally agree with you!@1:23 So you can read people's minds,wow!

Anonymous said...

1:23 pm .... I don't think Adam is indifferent. He seems fine and happy. So is Sauli. Sauli said they were just friends already at the Finland concert. It had been comiing for a long time. The fact that they remain close friends (Sauli said "best friends") is a wonderful thing. Let's wish the best for both of them, Okay?

xo laura

Anonymous said...

I really do not think a lot of fans are disappointed in Adam at all, he has to live his life and make a living and we do not know what he really feels! I think the S and Adam relationship has been more or less over for 2 or three months I think it took them awhile to face it and deal with it. They are both probably relieved its past them now, Adam has work and a new album, and award shows and china idol finale's and good stuff to look forward too, and S has his work. Can we please stop dwelling on this relationship it is now only a friendship not a committed relationship at all anymore! People deal in different ways I do not believe Adam is unfeeling at all! Sue

Anonymous said...

"Ain't NO SUNSHINE when HE's gone... " keeps ringing in my head...
I love Adam, but I miss Sauli!!!

Anonymous said...

@ 1:23 PM,

Including you, there are only few my dear!!:)

The most important is Adam and Sauli are still friends......

Life is too short move on and take a hike!!:)


Anonymous said...

As I was listening to this interview, the whole relationship thing didn't even enter my mind. The interview wasn't about the relationship thing at all. He is friendly and happy and talking about LGBT issues, which is what this whole even is about. Not for one second is he showing "indifference and emotionless-ness" about the break-up. Quite the opposite. He seems fine. I don't hear of any other fans who are disappointed at all. I'm certainly not. He's looking forward to a big year with lots to accomplish. He doesn't have to wear all his emotions on his sleeve all the time.

Hey, how about that guy's short pants suit? And too bad the interview was overwhelmed by all that background noise. Oh, well. The performance is sure to be great.


Anonymous said...

I think his skin looks a little darker cause he hasn't shaved..maybe growing out the stache (sp) again. wouldn't it be amazing if he would premier a live performance of "Runnin'" - I know we all want to hear it live..he NEEDS to get other projects in the works so he can go on TV and promote them...

Anonymous said...

I think his skin looks a bit darker because...

Lol Who cares if he got it from the can? It suits the beach. :D

Anonymous said...

It is great that they remain friends but it is also fair to say that the way things have been proceeding since January has been pretty ugly.

I for one didn't realise there was an Adam like that.

Anonymous said...

@2:45 PM - what do you mean..ugly?? what a silly statement..Adam has been totally handling this situation with grace and class..I mean.."how should he act"???? NO ONE in the public eye gives and interview and proceeds to moan and groan over how broken hearted they are that a relationship did not work out..Adam's relationship with Sauli has BEEN over for some time..they have both handled it with maturity..and they remain many people can even say that after a break up?????

Anonymous said...

And what do you know for sure that was so "ugly" about Adam? I haven't heard anything that is a fact. Oh, but I guess you do.

Anonymous said...

This is 2:53, my comment is for 2:45.

Anonymous said...

There seems to be a chunk of the interview missing. It skips right in the middle of a sentence. Oops.


Anonymous said...

Isn't it time to let this break up go? They have.....JAK

Anonymous said... are so right..I wanna see vids from tomorrow night's show...cannot see enough of my sexy boy..

Anonymous said...

The only ugly part is how invasive fans have been demanding information on a private relationship. And the endless ugly discussion of what is none of our business.

Anonymous said...

He working on a third album, takes a lit if work they do not just appear. He said he working on stuff, music new recordings then he will be on TV and promote it! Lots things coming in future! Idol saw how well he did on the voice China and grabbed him for the new show finale in China. Simon Fuller is the head one for that one too.what little I have seen of this years idol is not good, in America, at least I do not care for it, just dull. Sue

Anonymous said...

Sue, I'm watching American Idol and the contestants this year are amazingly good. I expect the top 4 girls will all get recording contracts. Adam still has that something special but this year is far from dull in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

1:23, please tell me all about your last breakup in detail in front of a bunch of cameras and strangers. I'll get the Kleenex, go ahead and start talking. BTW, how much do you weigh and what is your current bank balance?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if they were broke up already by the VH1 special? NYE in Bali Sauli barely showed his face.

Anonymous said...

I think it went further back to September, Sauli didn't go to fashion week with Adam. Does it really make a difference? I am not bringing it up again.

Anonymous said...

I have to say this. Adam appears to be trying too hard to let everyone know hes OK . Acting like this is too "in your face" I wouldnt be surprised if rehab was in the near future . Sorry cause I really respect Adams talent , but I fear for his health and his career .

Anonymous said...

I have to say that I liked the in love Adam a lot better than the Adam we see now - no matter how hot he looks at the moment.

Anonymous said...

I know some fans still miss Sauli. I miss him too. But it's kinda the same thing that Adam said about American Idol fans who sometimes come to him and say they loved him when he was on Idol: "You could love me know. I'm making music. I'm not dead."

Sauli hasn't died. His life continues in LA. Everyone who used to love Sauli can still follow him and support him. It doesn't take anything away from Adam - least your love. <3

Anonymous said...

4:44 Trying too hard? In your face? Rehab? Where did all THAT come from?

4:46 You like the Adam "then" better than you like the Adam now? Gee, the Adam we see now is happy, funny, gorgeous, energetic, excited to perform, involved in the Gay Pride event, meeting fans, talking about important issues. I can't think of one thing not to like.

Anonymous said...

I have to say- some people are talking out of their *ss.

Anonymous said...

3.50 you darn right he has something special! That's what u find missing, yes there are two or three that are quite good the very little I watched. I saw that one girl black girl last week that they all liked and she the best hands down, she got a real god voice. The thing is you need that I cannot wait to see what that person is gonna do next, can't wait to see what special thing they do next. That has not been there since Adam, for me at all. I tried to watch it this year Idol it just dies not hold my attention at all! If it was so good the ratings would not be down so badly 12.5 million the lowest since the start of Idol! The show needs that it factor. Now that Adam not gonna be there this year I will not tape it! The show as slipped from an average if 27 million Adam's year to 12 million and they were up against dancing with the stars. Usually the top three or four do get a recording contract at least for sure top two, I am sure this year no different! If you like it that's fine I hope you enjoy it nothing wrong with that! But I cannot wait for Idol china finale video's. you enjoy the show we all have different likes and dislikes nothing wrong with it at all! Sorry for mistakes, Sue

Anonymous said...

And the trolls just switch to a different subject.

Anonymous said...

I have to say..... is this horse dead yet?

Anonymous said...

Please be kinder and let the fans that need a little longer to deal with their separation to do it ALSO here! The break-up has been official for a week and not everybody has a chance or the luxury to hang out @fan sites 24/7!!!
Do you cut out your friends' spouses or partners the minute they separate and after that you are not allowed to mention their name or speak about them anymore?! I hope not.
I love Adam and am not trying to cause trouble, not a troll, just trying to be nice and civil and considerate. Thank you for reading (if you did) and listening.

Adamluv said...

@1:49 - never thought of it that way. Thank you for giving me another perspective on their break up. . . . Adamluv