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Adam Lambert Likes A New Song!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Anonymous said...

Hate it!

Anonymous said...

Not my kind of song. Not my kind of artist either. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

A little violent was it not? Adam likes all different kinds of stuff,. I guess I to old, there not a song on either of Adam's albums that are not superior to that. Just my opinion! Sue

Anonymous said...

Nope! Too dark a song. Maybe you have to be in a special kind of mood to appreciate that...IDK


Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure Adam likes it for the artistry--the style of singing,the emotion. The lyrics could be more figurative than literal. Hope so, anyway.

Anonymous said...

The youtube is a live version. While I like the guitar, I like the recorded version of the song Adam tweeted about better. Her last video was hilarious.

Preview at iTunes

Anonymous said...

Just because Adam likes a song, doesn't mean that we have to like it too. It's just his opinion about a new song. I often learn about new artists from Adam's comments or liking a song, but that doesn't mean I am necessarily going to like it. I didn't even listen to this one, but from the few comments here, I think I will just pass on it. Too much tragedy yesterday in Boston to listen to something that is violent and dark.

Anonymous said...

What an awful song! Must be a Taylor swift wantabe :)

Anonymous said...

Very dark song,not my style.

Anonymous said...

8:23, she is actually well known, has written hit songs for other artists and critics wonder why she hasn't been a bigger success. She has a new cd out soon.

This song reminds me of the Carrie Underwood song about taking a baseball bat to her cheating boyfriend's truck.

Anonymous said...

She's indeed out the box and an impressive song writer. Lyrics dark on this one.

Anonymous said...

I kind of liked it could relate to it with my first marriage.

Anonymous said...

doesn't jive, not at all. Derivative as hell.

Anonymous said...

Adam must have done a slow burn when he listened to it. lol

Anonymous said...

Turbulent times, eh?

It is so obvious that he wants Sauli to come back but for some reason he is not.

Just take a look at Adam's recent tweets & song choices. It's all there.

Anonymous said...

12.44 it not obvious at all, it over. That just plain bull. He perfectly happy honey and there are plenty waiting in line for Adam Lambert. Please stop trying to interject SK in every single conversation about Adam. Trust me he fine. Please go to S twitter site with this nonsense so very tired of it, as we all are. What part the relationship is totally over other than a friendship that you don't understand.

Anonymous said...

@1:19 Oh hi there besserwisser. Care for a joke? I would dump Adam too. His taste in music and guitarists is so bad that it must tell something about his personality. Boooring :)

Anonymous said...

@ 12:44 AM

Something is definitely going on behind the scenes, the latest song tweet is so totally different from Adam's usual favourites that it for sure is a message to someone. And I don't think he is that passionate about very many people.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam is hinting that he and Tommy are releasing an acoustic EP. Tommy said he's going to play with Adam soon. The rest of the band does no longer exist. Are you getting excited? I'm not.

Anonymous said...

Troll away please, it one song certainly not all his taste in music. He so over SK and Tommy just a damn friend. Hell yes I am wiser than you idiot's. wait til the late hours of the night that you think you can take over this site with your utter nonsense. You talk about boring you trolls are beyond boring, get your own site this is for Adam Lambert Supporter's!. Not for you silly trolls.

Anonymous said...

I like it,,could not stop was so dark it was kinda of black humor..she ha a unique sound..

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:44 AM
I feel the same, and tust me I'm not a troll.

And 1:19 and 2:56, you are being mean and hateful towards everybody who says something about Sauli! No need for that. Anon 12:44 post is not hateful or negative. Please allow people to write about Sauli, the separation is recent and no one here knows ANYTHING how they are doing for real (regarding the status of their friendship etc) - love, respect and acceptance!

Anonymous said...

Adam is sending secret messages again? LOLOLOLOLOL

Anonymous said...

Trolls and cray love to post here.

Anonymous said...

To me it looked like Adam's relationship was too crowded with all the Adam's friends and Tommycrays in it. Good luck with that to the next bf candidates.

Anonymous said...

3:22 AM, I do like Sauli but since this is an Adam Lambert fan site and Adam and Sauli are just friends I don't see how there will be many comments about Sauli unless they are from either trolls trying to stir up trouble or from overinvested fans who can't move on when obviously the relevant parties have.

Anonymous said...

@3:51 but if you like Sauli, that makes you a "troll" and "overinvested fan" too, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

Just take a look at Adam's recent tweets & song choices. It's all there.
at 12:44 AM

That's the impression you get.

Anonymous said...

Why can't people move on from Adam's relationship with Sauli when according to Adam, the relationship ended some time ago? There are comments about Sauli on nearly every topic here. If you want to discuss Sauli and Adam's relationship with Sauli, please do it elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

Not a fan of this song.

Anonymous said...

@4:17 you are persistent. This blog would not have many comments then, but I can see that's what you want. I'm sure there are other Adam blogsites with hardly any comments.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure this song would appeal to a lot of people depending where your head is at. Not for me in this moment in time....nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Nothing in Adam's song tweets except the wish to work with some of these people. Of course Tommy is playing with Adam soon, They are all going to Pittsburgh. Never mind about the rest of the band being broken up. The ladies are so good they are in the recording studio with other singers and Brian is music director to a lot of people including Bruno Mars in the past. Tommy better get going working with other people while Adam is off. Adam is getting single gigs one a month for a whole year ahead at least. Adam gets big bucks. Tommy can't live off the $$$ he gets paid for that stuff.

Be careful what you wish for. Tommy needs the band to recommend him for other jobs.

Anonymous said...

Adam's recommendations should help Tommy get other jobs. No?

Anonymous said...

Brian has a lot of connections. He's a music director. Remember Brian got kevmonkeys the radio promo job that everyone thought Tommy should have got. Brian brought in the ladies. He is a go-to guy for background musicians singers. He and Tommy are on good terms. If Brian stays with Adam then his schedule and Tommy's will be similar. Keeps the band together for Adam. JMO

Anonymous said...

Some of us are just tired of all the garbage about Sauli and Tommy and whatever contrived complaint people come up with. Give it a freaking rest.

Anonymous said...

Tired? Time to take a break.

Anonymous said...

12:44 AM You're might be right... I am worried about Adam.

Anonymous said...

The Trespassing radio promo tour started promisingly. All the radio gigs should have been with Kevin. Adam and Tommy together were unprofessional. They do business together like dumb and dumber. Just like Adam tries to make all his fans to like Tommy and Tommy loves the attention, he was also trying to make the dj's like Tommy. It looked like the new music was less important to Adam.

Anonymous said...

1:19 and 2:56 Are you Sue there?

Anonymous said...

No, that's not Sue. 1:19 and 2:56 is ESL.

Anonymous said...

What other crazy and trolly comments can we throw out here? We're missing too gay and not gay enough, complaints of facial hair, disappointment in no tour near my town, Idol sucks, and I don't like the weather today. Got them all covered, we can all go do something productive and away from the computer now. YW.

Anonymous said...

Adam is a single man. He isn't in relationship so this song has nothing to with his life at the moment.

Anonymous said...

I liked this song and her voice, lyrics are dark but so is life sometimes, maybe
again - a secret message....
who knows:)

Anonymous said...

I liked this song and her voice, lyrics are dark but so is life sometimes, maybe
again - a secret message....
who knows:)

Anonymous said...

Skylar Grey is a very talented singer/songwriter in the industry. She is Eminem's protege. Worked on bunch of songs with him. She is well known among young kids. I would be happy if he gets to work with her on his third album. BTW I love this song.

Anonymous said...

IMO Sauli is on his way to a great career, and with Adam having a lull in his, working on his album and not much else, means Sauli won't be around as much as Adam wants. So he wants to be single again, to go to clubs and parties, and let Sauli get on with his own promising career. He was happy with Sauli for a while, but now wants his freedom again. I guess thats better than cheating on Sauli. Much better for the public to think they both wanted a separation.

Anonymous said...

I remember her singing with someone on and awards show and she was good. Good voice plays piano. I don't know if I like this song but some songs grow on me. I always appreciate when Adam tweets new music.

Anonymous said...

Adam will be working on the album and nothing much else. You think an album is an easy thing, especially if you write a lot or at least se of it. it a big responsibility and he just right now rehearsing for a major music award a performing in china, very good for his already promising and ever growing career especially in Asia. He has several award shows and will be doing things off and on while working on the album. Adam had a career sense idol and was performing before idol and as always taken care if his own self and worked to make his own career moves such as idol, and before. S and Adam were in love they live together two years and because of that connection living with Adam Lamber, SK met famous Finnish people he may have made the connections to those people himself, but had he never lived in LA are met Adam and was still in Finland this LA TV thing would not have happened, say what you want, Adam helped him a lot and was good to him. They did not break up so Adam could date, that way he would not cheat I doubt he ever did anything until they knew relationship romantically was dead! They are friends and nothing wrong with that, but I doubt Adam us in anyway trying to get S back or visa versa it's over and probably has been for a good three months, so if Adam wants to date he free as so is S. this is an Adam Lambert site not a SK site they are not together now. The few S people think its ok to come on here and run down Adam and Constantly stress how wonderful S is,well Adam as I have stated before us my priority and I am tired of you putting down Adam career, Adam in china rehearsing for a big music award, he also doing the finale of China idol this year, he doing just fine. I wish S well and I did like him but thanks to all this interjecting S into every single thing Adam does that he has nothing to do with you make some people not want to hear about him at all on 24/7 the relationship as far as anything but friendship is not there anymore and there both happy and everything Adam does is not geared with S in mine, they are just not in love anymore let it go, it happens all the time. Stop trying to put my name to posts I did not sign. Sue

Anonymous said...

Mind readers again.

Anonymous said...

For God's sake, Adam is lovely but he is not God himself!

A lot of his charm was due to the fact that he was in love. Now we are facing a dry period and it is not as entertaining to watch him fool around with random dudes who are trying to get their 15 minutes with him.

Anonymous said...

right on! He puts his pants on, one leg at a time, just like the rest of us. He has been gifted with a beautiful voice and I hope he continues to do well. Of course he speaks well, because he is holding a mic. and loves to talk about himself. Hope he comes up with a better album this time, he might have been distracted with Sauli being part of his life. There are no excuses this time, it's up to him now. We will all be waiting eagerly for him to at least start working on some songs.

Anonymous said...

Here we go again!! Unbelievable! We know nothing about what Adam or Sauli thinks and feels...and that goes for you too Sue!!

Like Adam answered to that pap asking is it okay to talk about his relationship, he said no! why would you even ask that? I don´t even know you!

Everyone here should think hard about Adam´s answer and take a hint!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Skyler is a great artist. A smart young woman as well. I am not a teenager but I am not dead either and I adored Skyler's track C'Mon Let Me Ride... was smart, funny, and a great tune. And I don't know what Adam Lambert you all have been following, but not only is it safe to acknowledge he likes a vastly wide variety of music, I think there has been much evidence, from his own comments, that he likes tracks with a bit of dark... nothing suprising or new here.

Anonymous said...

9:50 am

So Trespassing wasn´t as big of a success as expected in the put a blame on Sauli. Trespassing succeeded abroad and Adam is very much loved in Europe and that Sauli´s doing also? It must be... due to your line of thinking! Good grief!

Anonymous said...

@April 17, 2013 at 9:50 AM

Some good points... but, speak for youself regarding his coming up with a better album next time. I am not in the Pop Music Industry, but I have my history with music, I know a few things, and Trespassing was a good album. In the pop community, I think it was a better album than, say, Pink's latest one. Just my opinion... as was your comment about needing a better album next time only opinion. The insertion of a "JMO" into our comments would go a long way!! JMO ;)

Anonymous said...

Tresspassing got 4 stars out of 5 from Rolling Stone mazagine. No hits. Why?

Anonymous said...

omg why the troll frenzy again? lol I hope and pray my two toddlers never live in such a small world they have to troll on a site of someone they don't like night and day.Please please lord I have been a good mother.

Anonymous said...

Don't know when or if USA are going to except Adam. It's too bad ones own country doesn't back him. He is only making strides with the gay community, which is fine but it will never help him in the big scheme of things. I am glad that Asia and Europe like him, it might be his only chance to make it really big.Hope he is investing some of his money in some sort of business, it might wind up being plan B, lots of artists have done this, and it has served them well.
No need for him to stop singing and making albums, but it is always nice to have a soft cushion to fall back on. JMO

Anonymous said...

Sue, you're babbling again, repeating and repeating.
Take your own advice quit discussing Sauli.

I don't consider Skylar being a protege of Eminem's a plus!

Are the majority of you going to survive if Adam never becomes a big singing star in the US? Talent does not always equal success. Life is not fair, yada, yada, yada.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:31 AM

I'm afraid it is not going to happen for Adam in the US.

If he wants to make it big (and he does), he should pack his bags and move, eg. to London. He would be much better welcomed in Europe and get a lot more media time, interviews, shows, concerts etc.

Jadam NZ said...

OT Guys. Last night Gay Marriage was legalized in New Zealand from August this year.

Yay for us.

Anonymous said...