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Adam Lambert's Mysterious New Photo Shoot Today

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, April 6, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, April 06, 2013


Anonymous said...

Adam should wear glasses ALL the time. He can indeed wear anything, even eyeglasses.

Anonymous said...

Show us some pictures Lies. Where is Adam wearing glasses at 7:19?

Anonymous said...

This is about the ATT and Trevor Project commercial.

Additionally, MIHP is privileged to be partnering with Los Angeles based 360 Agency to produce a commercial and public service announcement. AT&T and ‘American Idol’ season eight break-out-star Adam Lambert have joined forces for this project to support the Trevor Project and their work with the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgendered Questioning youth. The team at MIHP is honored to be participating in a project with such a noble cause.
For more information about the Trevor Project please visit:

LA Teleprompter ‏@LATeleprompter
Had a great shoot with the amazing @adamlambert. To call this guy a professional is an understatement. An absolute pleasure.

LA Teleprompter ‏@LATeleprompter
@BorneoBert @adamlambert Not a photoshoot :( I can't say anything else.

Anonymous said...

LiesAngeles ‏@LiesAngeles 17m
How Much Do You “Glamberts” Love Adam Lambert??? via @sharethis

Anonymous said...

pic here

Anonymous said...

thanks for the link for the picture I went to Lies site and read the article and saw Adam in his eyewear. cool.

tea said...

Thanx for the link 7:34 AM. I was thinking I'd have to delay satisfaction on photos about this issue. Not so, YAY! :)

Anonymous said...

This is the first and the last time that I will be writing here.

I have been a fan of Sauli since 2007. And becauce of him I was introduced to Adam. I was impressed: what a voice!What a performer! I bought all the records, the magazines, I voted for him and donated money for charity. I thought I was a Glambert. But now I have noticed that I am not a Glambert - I`m a fake. I am only a fan of Sauli.

It`s time for me to say my goodbyes to Adam. I wish nothing but the best and success for him.

It`s also time to say goodbyes to this page/blog. I want to thank all of you. These past two years have been an interesting and rewarding experience. YOU, THE GLAMBERTS, ARE THE BEST! Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Something about Adam wearing glasses in these photos reminds me of Sir Elton John and that is definitely NOT a criticism. I'm a big fan of Sir Elton and I'm NOT a fake - I'm a REAL Adam Lambert Glambert!!

Anonymous said...

Yes .... we Glamberts are THE BEST because we are fans of THE BEST SINGER. :-D

Anonymous said...

Is being a fan a lifetime commitment really? Things change and it's okay. We have the option to be a fan, we have the option to move past it. I have now lost interest in Sauli. I don't dislike him, he's just not going to be on my radar any more.

Anonymous said...

Sauli not on the radar means more time to devote to the wonders of Adam. :x)

Anonymous said...

@8:04 AM
Same with me. But I still listen to Adam's music and watch some videos. And when I see somewhere that he has released the new single and album, I will check it from YouTube.

@8:38 AM
So, I have lost some interest on Adam an he is not going be so much on my radar any more. But Sauli will be.

That's how it goes in these fandoms.

Anonymous said...

Good, at least his fans are great but the rest of the world still seems to be in need of education.

Yahoo news site about the split:

About 1000 comments full of hate, and number keeps growing rapidly.

Anonymous said...

How sad .... Don't think I'll go look ... For me Adam is love... there is much prejudice against any gay relationship still in this day and time .... I knew this would happen .... I understand how Sauli's fan feel I wish him all the best ... and hpoe all his endeavors are successful .... but I am a glambert forever and always and I will not follow him ....unless there's is something on an Adam site .... Peace and love to all glamberts and to Sauli's fans as well .... rose petal

Anonymous said...

8 04 am good bye, thank you

Anonymous said...

Being a Glambert is a constant. Willing to embrace Sauli while he was part of Adams life but will move on without him. I had never heard if Sauli until he came to LA but wish him well.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

9:18 That is par for the course at Yahoo as far as the comments go. The comment section is very racial and homophobic.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You people are sick. I see a picture and go to comments and all you are talking about is THE break up. Get over it. Nothing lasts forever, even love. How can you turn against someone because they broke up with their boyfriend. Newsflash!! It happens every single day

Anonymous said...

I know how many people are going to stop in and say good bye and get their little digs in while they are at it? Pretentious much?

Anonymous said...

I've been of fan of Adam and his music since the first time I saw him on Idol. I think he is the best vocal talent in music today even though he doesn't get radio play and his sexual orientation is still mentioned as an issue in so many articles written about him even now. He is truly one of the special people in music today, one who is articulate, smart, humble, charming and honest. Can't wait for the new album and the first single from it. My focus is on his music. Adam's personal life is just that...personal and private and none of my business. If he chooses to talk about it, fine, but I am more interested in what the third album will be and hoping that it will successful in the unpredictable music world today.

Anonymous said...

Like every damn thing alway's Adam fault nothing anyone else's fault. It takes two to make a relationship and break one. Adam was nothing but good to Sauli, they just grew apart period! Any real fan would never turn against Adam for that. I am a real fan and I back him 100 per cent. I not a fan of Sauli and never have been, but he was Adam's boy friend and I respected him for that. Adam Lambert my man and he alway's I am interested in his talent and his music not his love life! It's time to drop this soap opera and get back to what really important Adam's music, award shows ect. Adam eventually needs someone in his life that's established a bit older and can be there for him and his music career! But that's his decision. Anyone that would leave Adam because of this because he did nothing wrong is one sorry fan, I don't care what they bought or went to before! That's the way I feel about it I am tired of this! This is an Adam Lambert site it is for his support not to tear him down are judge his personal life. The same few people are ruining this site.if you are just a Sauli fan he got a site does he not, support him there.

tess4ADAM said...

TOTALLY AGREE with @Anon. 10:16 AM ... what kind of 'fan' leaves b/cuz of something that is 'personal' & 'private'? We have no control over the situation. Supposing ADAM had said Sauli had ended the relationship? Would you still blame ADAM & follow Sauli? I don't understand you people! I've seen marriages of 25 years or more break up ... am I supposed to stop being friends with either/both parties? Can't you see how foolish this is? Life goes on & maybe someday in the future ADAM & Sauli will decide to try again ... you don't know how things will turn out! It's TOTALLY their DECISION! Let's at least accept it with the same CLASS as ADAM & Sauli have shone!
AND .... I think ADAM looks like a college professor in glasses ... classy & dignified ... JMO

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

I really think it's just as Adam said, they both have busy schedules which made it hard for them to spend any real time together. It's far better to face this now rather than continue on and face the risk of any further conflicts. Their both still young enough to pursue their careers, but their careers are very demanding right now when they are a bit older they will be more settled and hopefully will find partners they can settle down with.

Anonymous said...

I really think it's just as Adam said, they both have busy schedules which made it hard for them to spend any real time together. It's far better to face this now rather than continue on and face the risk of any further conflicts. Their both still young enough to pursue their careers, but their careers are very demanding right now when they are a bit older they will be more settled and hopefully will find partners they can settle down with.

Anonymous said...

Lies Angeles is a papp so it wasn't a photoshoot.

He did apparently do a public service announcement for the Trevor Project earlier today

glitzylady said...

LOL! Adam tweeted this:

Adam LambertVerified account
Hahah you guys- those glasses were a friends. And completely a joke. Lol they're so funny. Y'all take me too seriously.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:18 AM
I make a serious effort NOT to read those "Public" types of websites, like Yahoo, least the comment sections, because there is always so much snark and hate for Adam. The nasty trolls of the world just wait for gossip items about Adam, and to be honest just about anyone else too, not just him, and then say the ugliest things they can think of. It gives them a feeling of power to put down someone else. Say something positive if you wish, just to counter the nasty, but it happens like that all the time. Adam is a target for all of the anti-gay creeps of the world. Sadly.....

Anonymous said...

@tess4Adam(Lambert Outlaw)
I for one did not mean anything bad by saying I would not be following Sauli.... I think he's a fine young man ....but my interest in Sauli came through thus my interest has cooled.... peace ... rose petal

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, it's not just Adam, they are equal opportunity haters. It's the nature of commenting on that site. Just never open the comments on anything there.

Anonymous said...

glitzylady, I also went to the Yahoo site briefly. I rarely do, but I did this time. I was sickened by the few comments I read, so I lef the site. Anyone who thinks that gay people don't have anything to fight for should read comments like those. I can't imagine facing that kind of hate for something I had no control over. It makes me all the more proud of Adam for being who he is honestly and openly without apology. It must be a lot harder than it looks.


Anonymous said...

I posted on the top entry with the pics of Adam in the glasses, but I'll say it here, too. He looks like a Naughty Professor! Very sexy!

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:22 AM
Yes, I also mentioned in my comment that it is not just Adam who is a target on those sites: any celeb or public figure is fair game for the Internet trolls of the world.

glitzylady said...

I agree completely.

Anonymous said...

Wonderwall at has the story too and has few comments so if some are so inclined to leave best wishes for Adam there you wouldn't have to deal with many stupid comments and nice comments would outnumber stupid for a change.!

Anonymous said...

"The respect and privacy rights and intimacy"
Provide support to Adam-Sauli, giving understanding and respect for their intimacy, is your personal spiritual area where we can not enter, judging or speculate is a right that we can not violate, we must all protect our own and of others !
Let us support with solidity, artistic talents, human, her charms .... Let us ask with force positive, continue their growth, successfully reaching your professional goals, spiritual in harmony!
A cordial greeting to all! HH

Anonymous said...

The people if you can call them that, that spew that hateful crap think they can say any horrible thing they want no one will know who they are. If they use a name it phony and probably change it, all the time. None of us may know who they are but God does they will get there just rewards in the end! It probably best to stay off that yahoo sight, should be reported to Glaad! Go to some these other article sites and leave a positive comment! Sue

Anonymous said...

I don't go anywhere I know will upset frequently absent myself from some of our threads, it helps my blood pressure!.....JAK

Anonymous said...

we all glambert concentrate adam s music now- were interested in adma music in the first place not his perosnal life or other celebrity perosnal life-MUSIC IS VEYR IMPT TO ME AND TO US GLAMBERT ;FOR LIFE GLAMBERT .

Anonymous said...

I will follow Adam the song writer and performer. Fantastic voice. As long as Adam remains in the entertainment field, I will follow him.

Anonymous said...

hey 5:07 where's your usual drivel about Adam having a baby? Guess the split with Sauli shut you up. GOOD.