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Charl Brown Thanks Adam Lambert for the Support

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Anonymous said...

Wow! That's our boy on the right. So nice to know that his old friends still keep in touch. He's hard to let go!


tea said...

Another plea for the Trevor Project. For those who aren't aware yet (I'm sure every Adam fan does not check up on him countless times a day like me) that they can help just by liking thru their facebook, check this out.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I'm not on Facebook.
Looks like Adam has grown much taller from this era in Germany. Like his face a lot.

Anonymous said...

I thought he was a girl!

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so young there but still very cute. I think he has grown into a very, very handsome man and, of course, there's always that voice!

Anonymous said...

JAK here......this is completely OT

I just wanted to say if you don't hear from me for awhile.....I have not passed on to my heavenly reward or hellish torment or run away with Gilles Marini. I have had all the "happy" stomped out of me by recent squabbles on the site and need a vacation to hopefully find my happy heart again.
Be nice.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure this is from the play Hair. He played a woman - Margaret Mead? - so looking like a girl is intentional. Find it if you haven't had the pleasure of hearing him sing the part. JAW DROPPING! ... and funny!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Is that Scarlett Cherry in the front of the pic? I know she was in Hair with Adam in Germany.

Anonymous said...

Adam is so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

JAK WHAT GIRL??? Don't let other ruin your fun. I love your posts.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Adam played a woman in Hair and sang "My Conviction," a hilarious song. There is no video of him performing it that I know of, but there IS audio. It's on YouTube. He does a powerful, comic falsetto. Really shows off his voice and his incredible control.

DRG (JAK, don't be gone too long. We'll leave the light on for you.)

Anonymous said...

Hey JAK!:)

Just don't leave us hanging here!!

Mother dear we enjoy your comments all the time.... Anyway you just give yourself a break and then come back after a day he!he!

Just take it easy......


Anonymous said...

Jak-I have been on here since this site stated I know that I just have to skip over what I don't want to hear.We are die hard Adam fans I won't leave now.---blueeyes

Anonymous said...

JAK, you will be missed. I've been tempted to take a LOA too, based on all the nastiness here lately. But you can't take Gilles with you -- he's mine!!!

Anonymous said...

this is blueeyes should have said started sorry.

tess4ADAM said...

@JAK ... hope you don't stay away too long, hon ... I have been hit 'n miss here at 24/7 for some time now although I don't think anyone has noticed ... so I just post on the happy threads now & again .. can't type too good with my one good hand ... so it takes too long for me to comment ... I'll(we'll) miss your sane comments here ... Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

You will be missed sweet lady. Will patiently wait your return. Be well...LB

carolynj said...

A few entries back fans talked about returning this site to a positive place that offers support for Adam. I'm all for that. Jak, I will miss you, but I also cringe (shuddering in my shoes) at some remarks. Adam seems to be so kind and supportive to other artists, always saying kind words, and we can all learn from that.

HK fan said...

don;t stay away too long, you and a few others are the reason I still come and lurk, and sometimes post here xx

Anonymous said...

@ 2:07 pm

No, that's not Scarlett.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks just like the female anchor on local news channel 6 here in beautiful Boise.

Adamluv said...

@JAK - hope you return soon. Your informed, insightful, educated and just plain common sense comments will be missed greatly by me. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Thanks again, Lammy!

daydreamin said...

JAK things just will NOT be the same here without you darn it! You are the one that pumps laughter and lightheartedness into this sight. Ok that does it. I'm on a plane to Florida to see you haha! We can still flail over Adam over a glass of wine!

blueeyes I had no idea you've been here since inception! I have been wondering if you are the blueeyes on twitter? I'm so glad you've taken a name for yourself as it has been nice getting to know you since you've taken a name. Ive been enjoying your posts.

Anonymous said...

I looked at the picture and saw no Adam! And then looked again, he really does look like a girl! Adam is always pretty no matter what! I love that he played a girl and his voice was so amazing!
@JAK - will miss you not being here! Take a break, but always come back! I've had my feelings hurt here a couple of times I'll admit. When I read the nasty comments, I just think - the crazies are here and I take my leave, but always come back! We need good people like you here!!!
Take Care,

Jadam NZ said...

Oh JAK, No, sorry "they" have got to you,sometimes it seem to me as if those commenters were young people or maybe not even young people deliberately writing rubbish to get genuine fans up in arms.
If this is what you need to do my dear do so, but pleeese come back don't let them spoil our fun.
Take care lovely lady, till next time. xxxxxx

lorraine said...

@ JAK Probably no one notices, but when the heat gets too hot here on this site, I just bow out-only to return when things cool down a little. I try to remind myself that none of the nastiness can penetrate-unless I allow it. I think of all that Adam puts up with- and all he does is carry on ,spreading love and positivity.The kindness, goodness and caring,and laughter we share far outweighs all the "other stuff. " Enjoy your break and your fantasies of Gilles.We await you with open arms when you return. XO

Anonymous said...

@JAK I'm gonna miss your intelligent, humourous comments. And your wise advice and common sense. You always make me laugh and I look forward to your posts. Please come back soon.

carolynj said...

Jak, sure hope you are on to read all the love being sent your way. You are one of the reasons I finally decided to post. Love the humor, love the insights from you. Come back when you are refreshed.

glitzylady said...

I said exactly the same thing early this AM in this thread:

I had pretty much had it with the way things were going lately..So I said I was taking a break..which lasted roughly about 6 hours, give or take. Because this thread happened:

And a whole lotta love was sent Adam's way. It gave me hope that things might just get better here.. I don't know if you've read it, but if not, I hope you can take minute. It might make you feel just a teensy bit more like being a part of this crazy, wonderful, occasionally weird blog again. So far things have been pretty good. Fingers crossed......

In the meantime: (((((HUGS))))))

Anonymous said...

Please come back JAK I think all the fussing was over something stupid a poem . It's obvious that rose petal was way too keyed up about that tornado , its over and done with, she needs to move on I for one am hoping she is gone for good , way too much whining for me. But JAK I love you and hope to see you back soon.

Anonymous said...

I think it was Lam-my that was the last straw for JAK. She has always been a supporter of rose petal's poetry and since she had been through a tornado as a child, in my home state, I doubt she found any beauty in it either.

JAK have a nice vacation and come back with your happy heart restored. :)

Anonymous said...

What production was Charl Brown nominated for?
Anyone know?