New Adam Lambert Picture (in Los Angeles)
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Posted at : Tuesday, April 02, 2013
VIA artur_world: #adamlambert #hollywood #california #ca #losangeles #la #life
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«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 251 Newer› Newest»Is he Adam`s new toyboy? Very cute looking though.
I think he looks girlish, but if Adam likes...
You wanna be called a boytoy/girltoy???
Stop it!! Stop ruining every post!
Adam is looking very good here.
This is very interesting. Sauli is execising,running,skiing and enjoying a lot of healthy activities. Adam likes to drink,go to the night clubs,kissing the boys and girls and put himself in trouble any tiem he has chance to do it.
So,what is the reason for Sauli to stay with Adam after all?
5:41, its because Sauli really knows Adam, loves him, trusts him and doesn't care about the totally uninformed crap you are shoveling!
5:41 PM
He pays the rent and is good in bed
Here we go again. Please stop.
Today was the first day Sauli has had off in over a week. What is Adam supposed to do, watch TV and wait for Sauli to come home. Adam has loads of friends who want to do catchup with him since he has been away for over a month. They are both quite content with their lifestyle, which by the way is none of any ones business. If either of them were doing anything they shouldn't be doing, the papps would be on it like flies to honey.
None of us actually know anything so we are all wasting our breath with snide remarks as well as fierce defense. We don't know! STFU
A to the f*cking MEN.
Aside from all the crap being spewed here .... doesn't Adam look kinda 'buff'? His chest is looking like maybe he's been working out a bit. I noticed it also in a recent post where he was with Sutan. He's looking mighty fine to me ....
@6:31 - thank you and especially agree with your last "word" or is that last 4 words! . . . Adamluv
Do you have any straight or gay fold patio doors?
He looks so fuckin good here it hurts
As for the douchbag ... he/she doesn't ruin the threads, we do by responding!!!!!! If we totally ignored it would get his/her goat so bad they would fume ... Give yourselves the upper hand fans and IGNORE, keep your power, don't give it over to the Dbag(s)
6:48, I've said it over and over and some people can't seem to resist responding.
Ah c'mon. This is an entertaining diversion from all the other kiss ass forums;)
@6:55 THANKS ... I've seen your efforts, have tried to support your position here and there ... You are right on the money ... I'll keep trying with you (or not trying maybe, lol). I hate to "respond" to say stop responding, :), but I think more and more peeps will stop responding altogether, will realize the power of ignoring ... I am really hopeful! :)
Awwwww...then it will be back to the same ole boring smoochbootytalk:(
Adam sure is looking buff here!! He must be doing something right. Keep up the good work Adam. See you in July. See you live stream on the red carpet from the GLAAD award program also. woots my dear man.
Adam is so frickin handsome, plain and simple ... Delicious. How sweet to see that he appears to be so smart and talented too
DAYAM! That's one sexy sumbitch.
I'd like to peck on them pecks;)
Me likey sexy single Adam.
I can't have Adam because I am a woman and 3000 miles away ... But damn I can enjoy his hotness and sexiness and amaze balls talent
I'd smooch his booty. See, that's not so bad after all ;)
But too much booty smooching gets old after a while. Smooch something else for a change lol!
@7:29: I only know one person that says amazeballs-is that you??
Adam's always surrounded by cute guys. That kinda happens when your gay.
I'm glad Adam is enjoying himself and not sitting at a screen. I'm headed out soon too, but needed me some yum Adam eye candy. Thanks ADAM, this pic fits the bill and then some
Are you sure that's not a girl?
@ 5:55 pm
my husband pays the rent and is good in bed - does that make me his girl toy? wait till I tell him, he'll be thrilled.
Adam looks so cute in this pic and must be having fun. Relaxing and enjoying himself, he deserves it after all that touring.
Hate to burst balloons but that guy has the same features as the one taping Saulis show. Sauli least in sight may have to do with his show.
where's the cougars? he should be playin' with the cougars!!!! isn't he a back door man?
I bet AL has tremendous hip action down under.
I don`t know.. Can we just accept Adam and Sauli are no longer together and leave it to that! There is no doupt in my mind about that matter. We probably never know what has happend but after all it`s not our lifes. This constans arguing isn`t helping anyone. Mayby someday someone can actually say the macig words which puts end of this... I hope everyone related can move on and be happy. Life is bitch sometime and everything isnt ment to be.. I came here first because of Sauli and I learned to like Adam. I hope I can continue to liking him after this.. BYE!!!
omg Adam looking so good here, as usual.
we love adam lambert bec. of his goen voice and hes a good human being- we like sauli too; sauli was only in finland never been famous her ein the usa. sicne he got involve with adma now what he has a show in fox finland and film his show her ein usa.he ahs connection wth adma now he got it. its all about music and voice. we dont like to middling celebrityl perosnal life people. pls understand all people has problem- after all were all human being.ordianry people cant have a perfect relationsip now ITS ALL ABOUT ADAM LAMBERT VOICE.
Bye bye adorable hair:(
So this is a quy which whom Adam was dancing last nigh? Good luck to him ;)
Neil answered to some troll:
LooLou @looloolou32 1 Apr @negativeneil Is Adam even sad because the break up with Sauli? Or is it what he wanted?
Neil@negativeneil 8h @looloolou32 how is that any of your business?
That exchange between the troll and Adam reminds me of the response Terrance made when somwone tweeted him the question Are you excited about Adam performing with Queen at the EMAs (no one knew if Adam was going to perform.) Terrance answered Very!
Sorry. I ment the exchange between the troll and NEIL.
Saw Adam's FB-page captured by some one who as an access to it and is leaking, and it says in Adam's status "male, single"...
Trolls are sending twitter messages to Adam, Sauli, their friends... Not so much to Sauli cause he uses less twitter.
Lots of beautiful guys in W Hollywood.
I saw it too. Looks like the rumors are true and Adam really is single now. Shit I liked him and Sauli together.
Any proof? I would like to see it too
All is fine until they say otherwise:)
4:40 AM Look tweets of this troll:
Sad it that news is told by a troll :( Adam and Sauli should really clean the table.
Okay I maybe a bit slow and dumb here, but could some NEUTRAL to the situation explain how is it possible to leak or even get access to a FB account that is private? I can´t even find Adam´s real and personal FB account!
Oh yes, I tried...god it makes me pathetic:D
@4:49 AM Well they say it's some one who is a friend of Adam and leaks out. Not a very good friend though.
A trashy FB-friend?
So lets get back to Adam's upcoming appearances . I wonder if he has ever considered having Allison Iraheta as his BG singer ? Shes done some of this lately and I think shes perfect for Adam .So talented and they have wonderful chemistry onstage . young and fresh
4:51 am
This is 4:49...thanks for you answer:) See this whole thing puzzles me since Adam would know for sure who the leaker is...he would block her/him right away. wouldn´t call that person a friend of mine...I´m beginning to think this is all a troll doing! and btw who are you referring to when you say they?
but are you sure that adam isn´t jealous about sauli because his friend niko is in LA and i am pretty sure that adam knows that sauli and niko is only friends but still in youtube is many videos, which they kiss each other!
4:49 AM Don't forget .Sometimes when celebrities want something known but some reason dont want to make a statement about it themselves,they will leak the news or have someone do it for them so that if questioned they can just deny knowing anything about it .And this causes more speculation which keeps ppl talking .And where is Tommy Joe in all this ? NOT dating Adam thats where .
anon 5:06 I saw some of these videos and the one with Sauli and Niko in bed together spooning is so cute . Niko has a gorgeous body .What is he doing these days ?(I know hes married) I mean career wise . I think he'll be on Saulis first show in the fall but I dont want to wait that long .
Hey foolish people, get your own life and let Adam live his!
5:08 am
This is 4:49...again:)
You have a point there too:) Celeb world is hard to follow...and I´m just a regular it´s easy for me to say that tell the truth flat out and be honest.
How the celebs actually handle all the crab, I´ll never know!
@5:08 AM Adam is protecting Tommy boy so that people don't blaim him causing the brake up ;D
Adommy crays believe Tommy Joe is soon ready to pop out of the closet
5:20 am
I think that CIVILIZED chit chat here is okay to have, even if it´s about something else than Adam´s talent and looks. The man is interesting, so he will be discussed. People just need to keep their head straight and BE NICE!!
5:27 am
See what I mean..not civilized.
Oh how much easier life would be without internet, fb, twitter, IG etc....okay boring as well:D
5:14 AM
Niko is married. He sells apartments and houses and performs with Scandinavian Hunks (dance group) and was in a dance tv-show (judge) last fall. He and Sauli are just good friends, nothing more.
Who's the guy behind Adam ? I've seen those eyes before but vantplace them .
5:58 am
Markus Molinari:)
And he´s just a FRIEND
The guy in the pic is Ollie. He's the guy who tweeted that he was kissing Adam in an NYC club last month. Adam would not have met up with him again if he had lied about something that didn't happen. Adam doesn't seem to care that Ollie was indiscreet about it on twitter. So that's that.
Ollie is a photographer from the UK. Obviously made a trip to LA. Adam has to know that this pic will connect the dots to last month.
I am sad about this becuase I love love Sauli but this is life. I'm oing to keep track of him the same way I do of Brad.
It is not for us to judge Adam or his personal life choices or the people he is with. As far as I can see all of his boyfriends are pretty sweet people. He's good at picking them and, eventually, he will pick another one.
Gonna wait for his music, Sauli's show and the next tour. Upward and onward.
What? That isn't the guy from NYC.
6:09 am
Well if this is true, then I´m sad to find out like this. Makes Adam look cold and insensitive to Sauli. They may have agreed to handle it like this, but still I think it´s handled poorly.
Lol. It's obvious to me adam and sauli broke up months ago but this is just some guy who met him at a club the other night and he had nothing to do with it.
I fear for others' mental health... and truthfully, also for my own I guess as I foolishly dared to open a comments section here! Mistake. When will I learn? I am trying to, his ridic thread helps a lot!
If Adam wants people´s focus on his music and talent only, I think he should put an end to this silly speculation. All it needs a one simple tweet. And this fandom could calm down.
But all this hoopla might just be a publicity stunt and it keeps him on people´s conversations...who knows..but what the hell do I know.
Blimey, stop making up things about which you know absolutely nothing. Adam and Sauli don't owe us anything. Their private life is just that .... PRIVATE .... and they don't need to tell us anything at all about anything. We're just lucky that they share some things with us but their private life is OFF LIMITS!!!!
I think it is extremely DISRESPECTFUL to be discussing Adam and Sauli's personal life. IT'S NONE OF OUR BUSINESS!!!!!!!!
If this is the NYC guy who claimed to make out with Adam, then the make-out story would be true. If not, no biggie. Adam wouldn't meet up with a liar.
Quit wallowing in Adam's love life, folks and get your noses out of the trough. Yes, it's extremely rude and discourteous to be so invested in his life and spend so much time posting about it. Get a life of your own.
Lol people. The Ollie guy from NYC is in London right now this is a guy with a different twitter who'd lives in la and was just tweeting about auditioning for jobs.
Some of us do agree that it´s none of our business and we need to stay out of it... But do you see it´s getting worse! That´s why he should put an end to it.
Take your own advice and stop worrying about what other people are doing . It's is a fan site and people want to talk about adam. It isn't hurting him
Thanks for the info 7:05A. I am 6:58. No biggie then.
It's okay to discuss Adam's personal life. He does. The line is drawn on being mean-minded.
7:05B. Adam can't put an end to it. If he denies, some people still won't believe him. If he confirms, everyone will speculate about the next guy. It's no-win.
Could someone tell me what harm could it do if the break up is true and he would tell about it straight up?
@6:09 AM OMG is this Oli?? I remember Oli and Cody were the boys which whom Adam was making out in N.Y.
7:24 A
See that´s interesting why people wouldn´t believe him if he ´s clear about it? He is honest.
Of course people will believe him if he says they have broken up. I think they didn't want to say anything while they were in Finland but now is a good time
What if Sauli got bored with Adam fussing about his looks day in day out, not to mention his twitter addiction?
Yup! It takes two to create and maintain a relationship.
@7:43 AM Of course that is possibly, Sauli looks happy now...
Oh c´mon this Oli and Cody kid...they´re exactly that kids...making up stories:) and even if they weren´t...way too young for Adam:)
Sauli looks very happy and so does Adam...that´s why I think all is fine between them:)
@7:43 I think they share this hobby "fussing about looks day in day out" and they both like to play with clothes.
Yeah and Sauli also likes to help others with that kind of fussing with cloths, hair and so on. He did that when he was in Big bother.
This guy reminds of Oli from N.Y. but that Oli is in London now according his twitter.
We can`t know who left whom. But it could have been Sauli also. It`s not easy to be with celebrity. And we really can`t know what kind of partner Adam is (or Sauli). He sure is nice in public and he seem to be good friend but how about in a realtionship? Adam hasn`t been in long term realtionship living with his partner before. Mayby he isn`t good with that.. Or Sauli.. But it`s kind a redigilious to keep it seacret. They both look stupid, dishonest and lack of respect. Im so honest my ass.. Besides I don`t think they are going to be even friends. If they would be friends why no one Adams friend even congratuation Sauli on hi bd. If they are friend why can`t they all (or att least someone) are. Sad so sad.
I just would love to see a pic of Adam in studio right about now:)
7:58 am
Oh pleeeez...there are a lot of different ways to wish happy b-day!! Social media isn´t the only option...thank God!. Good grief!!!
Yes, I agree we need some music news. Adam has some good gigs coming up but ...
Tommy fans are trying to prove that Sauli is using Adam's fame to promote his TV show. They are like trolls on twitter pretending to be Sauli's fans and tweeting everyone in Adam's circle to make them say that A and S are no longer together. Crays are in all celeb. fanbase. Best to ignore or block them cause they have no proofs other than their own made up delusional so called facts.
8:10 AM
It has nothing to do with Tommy, although I'm sure a couple of his crazy fans are celebrating.
Sauli`s tv show will come out in autumm. So I don`t think they can pretend to be in relationship for that long. And now he is filming it so I don`t think his relationship status is relevant to that. And if his show is only based on with him dating Adam it is going to be fail. The only thing I can think of is that Sauli never has really spoken his life with Adam. So why start now.. Adam on the other hand has spoken abouit it quite a lot. So I think he is the one who should make the tweet and tell the who it is. I have lost some of my respect for him because of how he is handling all of this. 2 years for God sake and then this.
Shoshanna probably just wants it to come out at a good time. Like not when there is press about the glaad award, for example. They don't want to overshadow good news.
When is the good time then??? There is always something.. They should just do it or if they can`t handdle it then they should`t get involved with anybody!
Adam has terrific things lining up careerwise all the time. There is no such thing as good time for personal news like this to come out. If there´s something to say, he should just say it and have it done with.
Unless...there´s nothing to say:)
Today might be a good time if there is no other news coming out today. The glaad award is old news now. Sauli's birthday is over.
You know maybe they weren't sure until they had a chance to talk again at the end of tour, so it hasn't been that long. No reason to rush into announcing a permanent split. It must be hard to be in the public eye. I have sympathy for that.
And if they weren´t sure, they had a chance to talk it through. So maybe there actually is nothing to tell.
I only read a few of these rediculous comments about Adam's and Sauli's personal life, it's none of anybody's business! Just once I liked to see 106 comments about Adam'a music, all the great project's and award shows on the horizon for Adam, it his site. It's fine to talk about Sauli but not if it just prying into both of there personal life's. there just is so much more to both of the's nice men than there love life. I do not care how famous Adam is or Sauli they deserve to have something in their life that's private like their relationship, the status of that they do not owe us any updates on. If that all some of you can talk about, and worry about with all the stuff going on in this world. Why not pick a worthy chairity like Trevor project to work with, or spend more time with your family I been doing that one, my grand kids! Please stop worrying about Adam and Sauli, I do believe they are together just working on projects, but if not that is not for us to worry about they are grown men. Actually talking it to death will do nothing to help the situation at all! Sue
8:45 AM
Except Adam changed his facebook status to single when he got back to LA, they haven't been seen together once and didn't even go to Sauli's bday party when he had nothing better going on. So the resolution is pretty clear
OMG, it never ends with you people. Get your own life.
If Adam and Sauli got married on the 6pm national news tonight the trolls would be right back here stirring up the same garbage, twisting more stories to get people upset. Let it go. Ignore them. Respect Adam's privacy. I can't even imagine what he and his family think of us right now.
So much being friends. Not going even Sauli`s bd party. A friend would have gone. What is Saulis fb status if Adam`s single? Did they really pretend in Helsinki? Adam used Sauli`s neclase in St petersburg.. They go in and out hotel doors going in same car.. Why bother I just ask!
Administration needs to start closing the comments once this shit starts happening.
At the risk of stating the obvious to the rest of you fun, friendly, sane people... it is only on person making many of these comments and answering themselves... let them have at it
moving on... interesting lyrics Eber sent to Adam
The only liars are the trolls and some of you should be as ashamed as they should be for believing them.
7:28 That's because you're normal. Adam is honest but some people have always believed that the relationship is a lie and keep saying so on twitter. They are the ones fuelling the rumours. Confirming the relationship won't help.
I have to say I have always loved them. And it was very sweet, beautiful relationship but I also have to say I don`t think it is anymore. And it makes me sad :(
This is not Adam Lambert fansite! It troll-a-topia!
Believe me the trolls are Tommyberts. They want to make Sauli fans look bad in this fandom.
I like troll-a-topia! Also, troll- a-toliet!(with a French accent).
Okay...this is getting way out of hand....ADMIN!!!!!!
10.27am be careful what you say. It might just happen to you. How does anyone know what is going on in Adams life and why is it that when he has his picture taken with another man, people ASSUME he is cheating or not with his bf anymore. Seriously, get a life.
Has anybody thought that wanting to be a wild popular superstar it´s not sexy and appealing to the audience to have a steady and solid relationship?? This is just a thought that came to mind...there might be some very hard sacrifices and decisions Adam has to make:( he did say that he´s learning when to surrender... Is it possible to have both? I would like to think so very much!
8.47 am Quite right. Its really sad that people are more focused on Adams personal life rather than what attracted them to him in the first place. His music. But that doesnt matter anymore does it? Adam doesnt need therapists. He needs fans.
Tommy's fans are crazy. Admin please delete some comments on this thread. 10:27am. You are nuts. Get a life will you.
Is he surrender and for what. I also have wondered if he think his relationship with Sauli has affected his career? Is he even blaiming Sauli for that. He was so happy about Tresspassing and it was a letdown..
I don´t think he blames Sauli one bit. He´s not like that. But there are expectations how absurd it might sound. But when has the music business ever been sane?? No matter who he´s with it would be the same thing.
Look Tommy crazy girl - this has nothing to do with tommy or his fans. And Sauli has nothing to do with Adam's career - either positively or negatively. They probably broke up for the same kind of reasons most other relationships fail, plus they have the stress of long absences and a public face
Why does Adam have to announce a breakup. They are not married and I never heard Adam refer to Sauli as "my partner". Also everyone is assuming if there is a split that it was Adams decision. Maybe it is Sauli especially he can be more independent in the USA now he has a more permanent job.
11:02 am
Oh boy...Adam has referred plenty of times to Sauli as his partner, his love, his significant other. You just haven´t paid attention.
And btw...there´s no hard fact they aren´t together:)
It's very hard for me to believe that Sauli would have lied in all his interviews in Finland on March. He said in TV that he is a very straight person and told Adam if he liked Adam's song or not. And in some newspaper Sauli said that even both have to travel a lot "you can always arrange mutual time, it's only a matter of arrangement". And he let us believe that they still live together (or, he did not deny when the interviewers implied that but let them believe it's so). I don't want to believe that this man that I learned to know so honest in BB (3 months under the public eye) would be a liar now just to gain some success, or what ever reason there could be.
But, my strong faith starts to be a bit vague when I see Adam with these guys and see tweets about him dancing and going to clubs and bars when his partner is working. I would not like that if he was my man. Is he so insecure when he is alone that he can't stand himself alone? He needs always to be surrounded with admirers.
I hope I start seeing news about him making music, making something else than having fun. And if it is true that he changed his status to single, I'm so disappointed to Sauli also. He must be pretending and must have done that for quite a long time.
Sauli certainly doesn´t have negative impact on Adam´s career. I´m not just sure if that´s what the business thinks.
I don't think Sauli has a permanent job - when his filming is done in a month or two I suppose he will go back to Finland for good. But at least he got that tv show out of this experience - imagine how sad it would be if he just quietly moved back home after turning his whole life around to be with Adam.
I don´t think Sauli lied in Finland. He didn´t have to say all those relationship things in interviews he said. He could´ve kept quiet and nobody would have wondered since he´s always been protective of their privacy.
11:09 AM
I don't think of it as lying. I think they just agreed not to talk about things with the media in Finland.
And I agree it would be nice to hear what Adam has going in the future music wise. But he could be working on things and not telling us.
11:17 am
Hey pay attention now...Sauli said he´ll be VISITING Finland on business in the upcoming summer:) When he opens his mouth, you better listen, because he means business.
11:20 am
See that´s just the point he did discuss their relationship (not much) in the media Finland.
Sauli became more well known because of Adam. If Adam had not met him he would still be the guy who won Big Brother in Finland. Not sure if he was getting work on Tv before Adam.We will see if Adam takes him to the Awards.
People just assume so much! Sauli has said that LA is his home now.
11:17 AM
Sauli said he is coming to visit (not moving) Finland in Summer b/c of some work-related things. But he loves LA and I think he has made so many Finnish friends there that he may live in LA for a long time if he is allowed (visas etc.). I don't believe he would have returned to Finland even if he had not had this TV-thing.
@11:24 AM And Adam came more known in Finland because of Sauli so what?
When was this award gala now? Around mid April? I think Sauli is still filming with a tight schedule. The lady in the filming crew has said March 19th that he´ll be in the US for a month. Gotta work hard and long´s the money that talks.
11:24 AM
Sauli had a TV-show with Niko in Finland after BB and he is such a person that I think he would have found some TV-jobs in future too, if he wanted some. This Fox-connection may not have been able without Adam (or Sauli living in LA with someone) -the show is about Finnish people living in LA but I'm quite sure he would have done some TV-work here.
Adam tweeted that it´s gonna be a big year for Sauli (in a good way)....excited to know what they know:)
11:27 AM Yeah, Adam would not have sold Hartwall Areena nearly out if he had not been with Sauli. I heard people speaking that they got interested in him after he started dating Sauli.
11:29 AM They seem to have very tight schedule. Sauli said in his latest blog that he has been doing long days every day they started (on Tuesday the 26th) and he had the first day off on Tuesday (2th of April. I don't think he can take part to Adam's events on April (maybe on May?).
Lol how is Sauli going to support himself if he can't work in the US and doesn't live with Adam? It's not just a matter of saying you want to live in LA.
11:24. Adam was wellknown in Europe from GNTour he does'nt need anyone to help his career. Also I don't think these guys have anything in common for a long lasting relationship except the obvious and that might have died a natural death. Relationships are so hard to keep and with cultural ; language and travel it must be difficult to maintain and I think Adam missed his friends and Queens in the clubs. The llast few months he has been making up for lost time and partying lots and lots even in Asia he managed to findthe gay clubs.
11:39 am
I think that too. Very happy for both our boys...exciting things ahead:) I think it also needs relationship adjustment since Sauli will be career busy as well. But that´s exactly S was referring to in his interviews when he said that they will find the time to be together:)
Why can't fans of others post on their own idols' blogs? This is Adam's fans' blog and we are tired of reading about others and degraded comments on this site. Get a life of your own or find yourself a new partner or relationship. Leave Adam's personal relationship to him. He has great parents and friends to give him advice and he is grown person to handle his own love life.
11:45 am
You are telling Adam is a liar since he´s the one who said that they have a lot in common:) I think he knows best. Not you:)
Neither one of them lied, IMO.
11:46 AM
Lol no one is trying to give Adam advice. It's pretty normal for fans to want to discuss a major change in someone's relationship
12:04 pm
Exactly. And I might add alleged changes in relationship. And it´s okay when the discussion is done in good manners.
If Adam ever makes a mistake to come here and lurk, I´m sure reading a couple of comments makes him run so fast that Usain Bolt couldn´t keep up with him:D
11:45. Its obvious they have nothing in common but Adam had the hots for him and invited him over to good old US of A and Sauli has had a wonderful ride for a couple of years. Now its time to move on.
Is this true?
@12:13 PM Well they both seems to move on...
12:13 pm
You might be that shallow. But it is obvious that Adam has a lot deeper feelings than just the hots. He said he loves Sauli very much. And does he still? Neither of us know that for a fact. But don´t degrade him and Sauli by saying it´s just a fling.
@12:13 PM ? Is this just troll talkin?
12:15 pm
NO IT`S NOT TRUE! I`m from Finland and nothing like that is shown here. Calm down. That´s a troll!
12:15 PM
No! Finnish media is not writing anything. In one website there is a comment that Sauli's status in FB is "single" and the question because of it is "Did Sauli and Adam Lambert break up?" But the FB-page is not Sauli's official page but a FAKE FB-page. That's all.
And this looloolou33 is a troll that has been sending tweets to Adam, Sauli, Shosanna Stone, Katri Utula, Neil, Eber, Sutan, Niko Nousiainen etc. and asking them to tell the truth. She/he is sure they are over and demands the truth, lol. She/he starts all over again and makes new accounts when he is blocked. And by the way the other troll has sent the demands and information today also to Perez Hilton, TMZ and Seiska (Finnish magazine). Good Grief!
@:13 PM Yeah sure that's why Adam wrote to Sauli in his album: “My best friend, my light, my love...".
12:19 PM
12:28 pm
Are you serious?? There are some disturbed people running around loose!!!! This is the major downside of internet world!!!
My comment was to FIRST 12:28 pm!
12:35 pm
11:45 AM
Maybe in other parts in Europe. But in Finland he was not that famous before Sauli (he had fans though) and would IMO have sold only half of the tickets to Hartwall Areena without him. And why didn't he perform in other parts or Europe? I think his albums have sold best in Finland and his songs are still heard in radio in Finland (Cuckoo is quite popular; how in Sweden, Norway, Germany etc.), when you think for instance Nordic countries.
So they both a liars b/c I remember both of them saying that they have a lot in common.
This troll is trying every one and everything:
"looloolou33 @looloolou @shoshannastone Even finnish media @iltalehti_fi wrote about their (Adam/Sauli) break up. They took it back down but they are on in."
I don't want to think that they are liars :(
@12:35 PM: This is 12:28 PM
You say it!
Some people need to go see their doctors about upping their meds. I'm only half joking. This puttin fake stuff on the internet is a legitimate psychological issue that people are being treated for. There was just a woman in another fandom that was faking two or three different people. Many people were fooled including Artist Supporter.
We are being trolled. Time to stop falling for it.
This is getting crazy. Couldn't they just post ONE picture to Ingstram where they are happily together celebrating Sauli's bd or something or announce the break-up.
12:40 pm
Adam is working on new music as he stated the other day in twitter, believe he was in Vienna, new recordings coming he worked his ass off for the past four years since walking off the finals of Idol, he has not just been in clubs! Sauli working on a tv show now, Adam got a bit of off time not even sure very much of that, he working on new music. He getting stuff ready for the award shows ect., these fashion he wears do not just happen you know he has to put them together, the whole look! Unless Adam gets married he is single, does not mean does not have a boy friend.Adam album has done very well abroad, so it was a success. One of the reason's he getting the Davidson award as they stated in an article is because he Adam continues to be one of best saleing artist worldwide, that's what was said on Glaad article. Adam album has done quite well actually abroad and no matter what it had several billboard no. 1's here! It abroad sales has made a successful album. His sales has got not one damn thing to do with Sauli K! Sauli got a some work now that wonderful, Adam been working almost non stop for years, he not spending his life in clubs, if that what he enjoys doing for his off time nothing wrong with it! I like Sauli this is Adam's sit its about Adam's concerts, award shows, music, all appearances it's not for getting into his relationship business. I do not care if it is the Sauli cray's or the Tommy Cray's stop screwing up this site it's suppose to be about Adam Lambert's career and appearances and backing his music of which he had already stated there is new music on the way in the future, he is working on new music.correction it Adam l. Site not sit! That all I saying about it, I out of this crap the one person that keeps coming on here with this have fun talking to yourself. Sue
Adam and Sauli were together in Finland. What more proof do you need?
I also hope that Adam would do something to calm down this situation cause he surely knows what's going on. He is usually active in social media and correct false rumours. This is no fun for fans who are confused and trolls are every where.
To the person who saw the Facebook page: Are you sure it's an up to date profile? Could it be a scan from before he met Sauli?
Yes the facebook page was new. She said he just changed his status from in a relationship to single since he got back to LA
And she posted lots of pics from the tour and adam talking about his recent bali trip
New pic of Adam last night
Brian Klamm @babyxboo
Met Adam Lambert last night #famousgay #adamlambert #abbeywesthollywood #drunk #drunkmess @ The Abbey,…
@12:40 Yea, that lie about the finnish tabloid only reveals that the troll don't understand finnish.
You surely are a wonderful person but if you don't want to read about Sauli here, scroll please. Not everyone thinks like you. This thread is now insane but this has been a vivid day in Twitter-land.
I'm from Finland and I've been following Adam's career before and after Sauli and I must say that Sauli has made Adam known here amongst people that did not know anything about him. So SK has had something to do with Adam's career here. And the hosts usually mention Sauli-connection in radio when they play Adam's songs. Ant the press is crazy sometimes; before Sauli Adam's tweets were not noticed, but now nearly every single bit is announced. I don't know about the sales but in general, Sauli has made Adam much more known in Finland (even some old people recognize him nowadays, lol). Sue, I'm sad that you like to down Sauli so often. They are both good men.
But this is not a matter to argue about. Scroll people, scroll!!! And read the threads that please you. There are several threads here today also.
@1:09 It makes me laugh that that guy isn't Tommy. How about you? :D
1:07 PM Thank you! So that's it. Stop speculating and go on living. The break-up is true although Adam and Sauli handled this situation badly when thinking about the fans.
I saw the screencap of the FB page and it was a very poor photoshop job.
I don't usually pay any attention all this crap about Adams personal life ... dont thinks it's my business .... But reading all this garbage is starting to bother me... think I need to step back ... no wrong choice of words ... take a break from this site ... sad but coming here is stressing me out .... yes I know dont pay attention or just don't read it .... but this site is part of my day everyday ...and its upsetting to know I care this much about some else's business .... so time to leave for a while.... rose petal
@1:19 PM What so special on that picture? There are a lot pictures Adam with cute gays lately and none on them is Tommy or Sauli...
Well one thing is clear Tommy is not Adam's bf and has never been.
What the hell is it with people and these pics where Adam is with someone????? Taking pics is perfectly normal. Adam is a public figure! There´s nothing more to it!!
1:30 pm
Is there actually someone who has believed it?? Weird world!
@1:19 PM Is there a picture?
Comment to first 1:30 pm!
1:31 pm
@1:31 PM Well yes :D @Jana_pe is the funniest one.
1:22 PM
Lol sorry but she didn't make up new pictures and a video of adam as a baby. Plus this person posts from time to time in the past and has known things. She isn't a fake
1:36 She is the one who was calling herself a trash before. She has leaked before.
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