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New Videos of Adam Lambert at the Miami Gay Pride 2013

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Anonymous said...

WoW! He REALLY belted WWFM!

Anonymous said...

OT: This article has been circulating written by a jerk at the Miami gay pride newspaper. I love the comments and now the article seems to have been taken off the internet

Anonymous said...

Glamberts are so incredibly easy to manipulate...

No one cares about that article except for glamberts. No one would have known about it if it weren't for the glamberts...

SFGN wrote it to provoke overprotective glamberts and to get fame for their own paper. And it worked: now it's the glamberts of all people who are tweeting that article to everyone. -.-

Anonymous said...

11.35 am

i think you are absolutely right...fallen to the trap glamberts:(

Anonymous said...

10.58 you hit the nail on the head that just what the guy is he a jerk a jealous jerk. He probably never been honored for something that big deal and its eating on him. Sure Adam's fans took care if him. The Miami big wheels seem to be genuinely fond of Adam, that probably why the article went by by by. People there were grateful for someone of Adam's status and talent attending and performing! I doubt he made much id anything from it just his expenses. Adam done so much for his community plus other Chairatable works he done. The man has saved live's through his water endeavors, the Trevor project, and other's. he wrote songs and donated and just lived his life open and honest as a good role model for kids struggling withe their sexuality, it's not easy for young kids it was not for Adam either Inspite of a warm excepting family. Certainly he had many rejections just because of him being gay and proud of it and not living a lie. I really cannot think of one other person on this planet at this time that deserves that Glaad award more. The guy just jealous and people like that will never get the respect of an organization such as Glaad! Sue

Anonymous said...

I have not at all seen the article, u have tweeted nothing about it. I do not tweet at all period ever. I only responded to what was said here. I in no way spread anything. I guess we are overprotective and should just consider that they are just trying to get a rise out of a bunch of Adam fans and get some recognition for some raggy paper. That was I have tweeted nothing about the article correction! He probably just another PH the world full of them there a dime a dozen. I would hate to have to make a living talking crap about hard working people and telling as many lies about them I could make up. Some people are right we need to ignore it and if there no readers no hits they will be out of business won't they. It's hard to do it however. I know I am guilty of quickly over reacting to this stuff I admit it! Sue

Anonymous said...

Well, I read the article and left a comment. Any non-Adam fans who read this article without knowing anything about Adam's positive influence on gay rights will really get an education. There are lots of good, informative, well-written comments. Sure, the publication wanted hits from the Glamberts. But that's not a bad thing in this case. The fan responses posted are mostly well-informed and thoughtful. A non-fan would learn a lot from them. There aren't any real crazy wacko types of responses. I think it's more poositive than negative in the long run. The author of the article was truly "under-informed."


Anonymous said...

Lol but now the magazine has already posted a long "apology letter". A bit too quick reaction.

It was a clear publicity stunt and glamberts came marching in to distribute the magazine...

Anonymous said...

No I think it was good in this case they reacted respectfully and commented. Yes maybe the right thing is to ignore it but it just never gonna happen. It's human for people to react to back up and protect who they care about. Like I said I do not twitter, mostly because I do not really know how to do all that stuff. Those kind of comments are unfair and disrespectful to Adam . Know one deserve the Davidson award more than Adam does in my opinion. Se people in Miami wherever it was, don't know the kind if really Chairatable person Adam is and looked bad. I think in this case Glambert's followed there heart and commented appropriately. They took the article down if people can't see it they can't read it. They need to give an apology in the paper not just on line if its in a real paper. I heard there comments were respectful, no real Glambertt is gonna stand by right or wrong and let someone trash Ad like that, it's never gonna happen. Ignoring may be the right thing to do but it's not the human reaction fans are going to have in a case like this ever! If I did twitter I am sure I would have reacted the same way! Sue

Anonymous said...

Where can we find the "apology"

Anonymous said...

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Jadan NZ said...

OT Gay marriage bill has just passed its final vote last night.
As from August Gay marriage is now legal in New Zealand.People have been working very hard for this result.
Yay for us.

Anonymous said...

He doesn't look his usual happy.

tea said...

@ Jadan NZ
Kudos to New Zealand! That is good news for all of us who believe in equal civil rights.

Anonymous said...

JAK here........@ Jadam......NZ is Lucky 13 . That's not a large number of countries, but it's a start! My congratulations to the citizens of NZ on giving ALL their citizens equal civil rights.

Anonymous said...

@ 1:55 It was not an apology from the guy that wrote the article, who is the owner of the magazine, but another publisher. HE rebuted what his boss wrote. You can read it here

Anonymous said...

FINIALLY...good footage that really shows and let's us hear how WONDERFUL the PRIDE concert was!

So well done and sexy. Besides looking amazing, Adam let go with the vocals and blew the roof off the place. FUN! FUN! FUN!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Side note...I've not read and have no interest in reading the negative article noted on this thread. This kind of stuff reminds me of an old saying concerning rumors and bad comments. Don't spend time worring about them, just live your life so that no one believes them.

Adam lives his life in a fashion fitting a big-hearted, multi-talented, beautiful, kind human being. He knows who he is ... and so do we.

It IS sweet of those that wrote in response to the article to defend Adam. Tho' he doesn't needs it, it feels good. We love him.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Congrats to NZ for passing the Gay Marriage Bill. Great news.

I purposely did not read the negative article discussed in this thread about Adam. I get no pleasure reading negative things about just gets me upset. We know what a gem Adam is and how lucky we are to have him in our lives. Thank you, though, to those Glamberts who through their comments defended Adam. Of course he always deserves our support.

Can't wait to see Adam walk the Red Carpet and perform in China tomorrow. Hope the live stream works!


funbunn40 said...

That petty article from South Fla. Gay News is still there and I just finished posting my 2 cents worth which turned out to be more like 20.00 worth, being fired up and disappointed in his bitchy envy and lack of research. @11;35AM,You have a right to your opinion,but sorry, I heartily disagree with you. Norm, who wrote this snarky article embarrassed himself with his lack of info and showed his own feelings of envy and inadequacy. He personified the gay caricature image that plagues the gay community to uninformed straights. He deserved to be called out to check out his facts and his whining just reflected on his own character. I have not seen any long apology letter, but would appreciate the link from anyone that has it. I just wish the gay community would come together and be glad for any support, whether from straights or fellow LBGTs.

Anonymous said...

All the crazy glamberts are on the war path once again.

Adamluv said...

Happy to hear about New Zealand. A week ago tomorrow Uruguay (So. America) became the 12th county to pass marriage equality. And while the rest of the world moves forward, here in the USA Montana finally repealed their sodomy laws................ No comment necessary. BTW the Republican National Committee, meeting here in LA, last week unanimously affirmed their opposition to marriage equality. And the beat goes on. . . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@ Adamluv

Did they also re-affirm that evolution is a hoax, that Adam and Eve cavorted with dinosaurs in the garden of Eden, that the earth is flat and Ronald Reagan should be declared a saint and that guns don't kill people and that if you are raped, little messengers will meet the sperm rushing to find an egg to fertilize and persuade them otherwise?

I don't get the LA newspaper so I was just wondering.

Anonymous said...

I wish Adam would release Cuckoo and Naked Love as singles!

Anonymous said...

Johnny looks much better.I think his body is becoming more muscular. May be one day he can compete with Terrance:)

Anonymous said...

I dig your POV Adamluv, pretty much always ... :)


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