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Another Video of Adam Lambert Accepting GLAAD AWARD

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, May 11, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, May 11, 2013


Anonymous said...

WOW! That was a beautiful speech. Yes Adam love is the only answer to problems of the world. So powerful is the light of love and unity that it can illumine the whole earth. Division and hatred regress humanity to live in darkness.

Anonymous said...

Love is indeed the way out of a lot of people-purported, seemingly unsolvable problems. And then commitment, honesty, acceptance, magnanimity need to follow closely. Love needs to be accompanied with selfless acts; that is the welfare of the other person instead of oneself is in the forefront; very difficult you know! Adam in his little steps will generate a palpable impact on the worldwide LGBT community but most pertinently on home-soil. The presenter said Adam gave new life to AI in 2009; time to give it another jolt lol! as judge next year.


Anonymous said...

Adam was a wonderful speech, people just do not realize how intelligent Adam is. I so admire him. If you do not love Adam you do not know Adam, for the great guy he really is. Congrats again, Adam.

Anonymous said...

I believe 1.25,was me Sue, I believe having a senior moment on the remembering. Sue

leilani Aloha said...

Bravo Adam!!! Great speech!!!
So so proud & happy for Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam always keep it real....He's not only a great singer,he's a great human being.

Anonymous said...

JAK here......I couldn't stay away on a day like this. Happy news. Happy times are best when shared with family and since this is my Adam Lambert I am. I'm considering Adam's double awards a special treat to enjoy on Mother's Day. Happy Day to you all! \o/

Anonymous said...

what can I say..we picked an extraordinary person to obsess over..if only there were more like him on this would be a better place...Adam..keep keeping on and loving yourself and others cause we are sending this love right back to you...and bless Leila..she should be so damned proud of her amazing son..HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY Leila...

daydreamin said...

Hi all. I gotta get some sleep before Mothers Day brunch but wanted to share my video of Glaad. (Its 330 in the morning). I will have another of the red carpet tomorrow with my experiencesince its still uploading. Have a wonderful Mothers Day all you moms out there!

Anonymous said...

Official video from GLAAD in HD. Give it some hits :)

tea said...

Bravo, Adam!
Love the intro - all true.
Love Adam's speech!!!
I love Adam!
Bravo, Adam!

I'm feeling new good feelings have been empowered by Adam to be okay to be an old person. Thank you for representing love for all, Adam.

Anonymous said...

My friends will call me crazy as hell by loving this amazing man indeed!!!:)

I can't wait to tell Adams personal stories to my future grand children someday!!:)

Love and acceptance!!:)

Happy Mothers to all of you!!


HK fan said...

so good to see you back. Hope everything is OK with you.

Anonymous said...

Adam just keeps giving so many wonderful is it possible that I just keep loving and admiring him for his talent and positive energy he keeps sending out..speechless cause I am so overwhelmed by glad to be his fan

Anonymous said...

Me too @4:39 my friends and family think I am crazy too..but I don't care...I just tell them how talented he is and share his music with them

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy that Adam was recognized and won two awards. His speech was inclusive and that is why I love this man.

Anonymous said...

tea, will that love for all extend to Angie Miller?

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad he won BOTH awards! So deserving. Anyone who thinks that Adam is just some vapid, dopey singer should see him speak in situations like this. I love how he explains how impossible it is to please everyone. Being an out performer is not as easy as it may seem, esp. when you choose not to hide your private life completely, as may gay performers do. I am so proud of Adam. He lives his life so honestly and takes the flak for it, but never backs down. LOVE HIM!


Anonymous said...

Forgot to add: Hi, JAK!!

Anonymous said...

Besides being this amazing singer, Adam Lambert is a very intelligent and articulate individual. But those of us who are fans, already know that. It was a great speech and congrats to Adam for all he has done for the LGBT comunity. Love,indeed, is the answer and is the foundation for all that follows including understanding, acceptance and respect. And didn't Adam look terrific as did his mom. She must have been so proud of him as we all are.

Anonymous said...

Link to transcript of Adam's speech:

IMO his speech was in response to that So. Florida article. Very well thought out. Hope that guy gets to hear it.

Anonymous said...

@7:36 my thoughts exactly.

Happy Mother's Day.

@JAK so glad to see you're have been missed.


carolynj said...

Talk about a man that keeps it real! His speech was so heartfelt, so thought out, so Adam. Just as he gave his fans "Trespassing" so we could get to know him better, his speech let the Gladd audience both see his feelings and his ideas. Very few celebrities are so open. I'm a forever fan.

Anonymous said...

I am gong to donate to Glaad for them recognizing Adam as a great artist and honoring him last night. He looked great and what a wonderful speech. He should run for public office. Mayor of West Hollywood one day, Adam?

Anonymous said...

I loved Adam's speech. It was in response to all these factions/people pulling him in a hundred different ways for whatever the reasons. Whatdoyouwantfromme? is so true. He cannot be all things to all people. You have to love him for standing up for his beliefs and the impact he has had on the LGBT ocommunity. He really is one special individual and his mom must be so proud of her son.

tea said...

Nice article spelling out the intro and acceptance speech.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Adam look great at the GLAAD awards presentation? And his mother looked more like his sister. There is a special, loving bond there between them and she has always supported Adam . It was a very heartfelt speech and LOVE is the answer to so much that is wrong in this world. Didn't the Beatles sing "All You Need Is Love"? After watching this video, you realize the reasons Adam is so loved by his fans around the world.

Anonymous said...

adam lambert someday become a mayor-in west hollywood it would be nice.

Anonymous said...

Stoped by here today to just to see if u were here .....I'm working for a friend today and everyone was calling their mom to say. Happy Mothers ... and at first I thought I've no one to call... then I thought there's 24/7 moms... and my pretend mom JAK...So happy mothers day to all ... Ive stayed away cuz I felt bad for causing trouble .... but I miss everyone so I'll try to be nice from now on.... I'm so proud of Adam
and all he's got going on these days....can't wait for idol this week.... rose petal

Anonymous said...

@ rose petal..........Dear adopted daughter, what a nice surprise on this special day. This is my first day back in a couple weeks, I think.....didn't count the days. I needed a break and enjoyed it immensely......I'm sure I'll be slipping in lots of OT comments on my vacation time! Don't think you caused trouble, trouble lies in wait and pounces on the most innocuous statements which then snowball all out of proportion to the original comment. It's a plague!
During my hiatus I lurked twice and both times disaster!,,,,,,
People calling each other idiots or fighting the Adam-Sauli
battle. I backed out and read a couple of Ken Follett's 1000+ page books! Very restful!

Anonymous said...

Oh, pressed the wrong key, didn't leave my tag on 8:50 comment........Happy Day to you rose petal......<3. JAK

Anonymous said...

@ HK fan........Other than my usual list of aches, pains and miseries....I am absolutely fine...and feeling quite chipper!

@DRG.......Thank you for leaving a light on for me to find my way back....this is a special place to me, with special people!

@GMT.......I'm glad to know I was missed......tho I suspect a few breathed a sigh of relief and said "Thank heaven, she's gone!" But here I am safe and sassy!

Love to you all <3................JAK

Anonymous said...

I stopped by a couple of times as well ...and saw now bad it was... makes me sad when Adam is about love and peace... I spent my time away painting my front porch... Then buying a lot of flowers to decorate it with ... I feel bad for the poor flowers cuz I will forget to water them .... and thier death will be swift ... Oh well it looks good for now ...rose petal

Anonymous said...

Adam look very good and beautiful. I just hope that he don't use too much botox:(

Anonymous said...

Was that a sour note sounded here in Happy Valley? JAK ^o^

Anonymous said...

And the trolls are back as well as responding to them. (Though I couldn't care less if Adam uses botox, the commenter obviously knows it upsets some people.)

Anonymous said...

What I would like to see less of is branding people trolls.
We do not need a troll patrol. What one person calls a troll another just sees as a negative remark by member of the blog, they are allowed, right? And we should be the one who decides whether we want to respond or not. Ignoring does not work, that's been futile.

I did not assume 11:52 was a troll........I am sure many fans hope that Adam will be sparing in the use of botox, I personally feel he did have botox for the forehead lines he had . It looks great. Of course, it's Adam, he'd look great one way or the other.........JAK

Anonymous said...

I think Adam should be a politician. He has personality, charisma, and those beautiful lips--ahem...I mean oratory skills.

Anonymous said...

They fit the definition of a troll. We have had people here admit to being trolls. And ignoring trolls has never been given a fair try because too many of you can't resist.

Anonymous said...

l1-51 - The first four sentences you wrote were eloquent. Too bad you don't live up to them.

Anonymous said...

Something ugly is developing here, can we just nip it in the bud?