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Meet #glaadawards sweepstakes winner Kymberlee!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, May 10, 2013

Posted at : Friday, May 10, 2013


Kymberlee said:

I honestly wanted to go because I totally missed the Los Angeles Media awards so when I found out there was a sweepstakes to not only attend the GLAAD media awards in San Francisco but also meet Adam Lambert; I jumped on the opportunity. I also actually found out about the sweepstakes because I was looking at GLAAD's Facebook page to see if they had any internship opportunities to work with the Entertainment Media team or the Special Events team in Los Angeles. I am just so happy to attend this event with my Mother for Mother's Day weekend! I'm excited to attend an event that celebrates and honors people in the media that admirably represent the LGBT community.
I am honored to attend this event!



Anonymous said...

Congrats on your win Kymberlee. Take in the whole day and enjoy yourself.

tea said...

Congratulations Kymberlee! Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

A very lucky and beautiful young woman. I'm sure they will have the time of their lives.

Anonymous said...

Adam tweeted his AI segment WATN official video:

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert

Give it some view counts

Anonymous said...

Congrats Kymberlee, what an time you will have!

This is some good reading about Clear Channel and others.

Forty-eight of the top 50 network advertisers have ‘excluded Rush and Hannity’ orders. Every major national ad agency has the same dictate"."

Story and video:


Anonymous said...

@kinkykiedis: UK Glambert Alert! Adam is on American Idol at 9pm on 5* cable channels Sky 176 Virgin 151 F'sat 131 and F'View 30 You don't want to miss it

Anonymous said...

@got2btrue2u: 151 SCREEN CAPS ALBUM! ADAM LAMBERT CHINESE IDOL INTERVIEW 4-22-13! See them all here:

Anonymous said...

@glam_alidol: Fan video taken by yani:2013.4.22 @AdamLambert Chinese Idol Interview

Anonymous said...

‘American Idol’ catches up with Adam Lambert (Video)

Anonymous said...

@ AL_Nachrichten

For those who can not receive ORF. On demand, the ORF confirmed by email that the Life Ball will be streamed live. He will also be for 7 days after broadcast can still be seen on the ORF website: Dear ..., I am happy to share with you that the 'Life Ball 2013' is expected, as well as live streaming and video-on-demand will be provided for up to seven days after transmission to look up on our TVthek worldwide. Sincerely Verena Schwarz General | Marketing ORF customer service ORF CONTACT Customer Service GmbH & Co KG 1136 VIENNA, Würzburggasse 30, AUSTRIA Phone: +43 1 87070-30 F: +43 1 87070-330 Daily: 8.00-24.00 clock

Anonymous said...

Mother's Day 2013 - Celebrities And Their Moms (Photos)

Adam's picture with his mom

Anonymous said...

Trespassing Deluxe is now #53 on top 100 pop albums. Nice to see more people downloaded it after seeing Adam's WATN on Idol!A very nice jump on amazon also.Wait till he sings next week!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Kymberlee! So nice that she gets to take her mom and her mom's partner. Hope they have a wonderful time :)

Anonymous said...

Via @Maggy_97 (Germany): The #voicekids website says Adam sold more than 5.4 million CDs! \o/
OMG A kid on The Voice Kids is performing @AdamLambert's 'Whataya Want From Me' in the show Finale!!! #voicekids
(Video to come!)


Anonymous said...

I though his sales were quite good now it's looks like I was right! Sue

Anonymous said...

Adam himself tweeted a link to his video package from last night on Idol... go give it hits!!!!!!!!! It's on the American Idol site specifically, give it hits! :)

Anonymous said...

Here's the link

glitzylady said...

Congrats to Kymberlee, so exciting!

Anonymous said...

have fun kymberlee

Anonymous said...

1;26 I think that was the amount of units sold with FYE and not TP. Units include album sales, Eps, singles, remixesm and maybe GNT video.

Anonymous said...

American Idol ratings rose last night from 11 million last week to 13 million last night. You think Adam's segment had anything to do with it after reading articles about low ratings of the show every single week!

Anonymous said...

Read her tweets here:

She is German and she says the voice kids mentioned Adam sold 5.4 million cds.

Anonymous said...

5:54 my guess would be a combination of excitement over picking the final two and Adam and Alecia Keys. MC single and
MV will have to grow on me. I don't listen to country music but Alaina is a doll, good energy. I liked AK single a lot. There was a lot of hype over Randy leaving that day also. GLAD Adam got a little bump with his album too. His segment was brief but excellent, loved it!! all JMO

Anonymous said...

5:44 I believe she tweeted that but I don't think the facts are true.

Anonymous said...

@6:00pm. How do you know it is not true? She took a picture of the program showing numbers of cds sold. The show must have gotten that no. from Adam's label or publicist.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Examiner article link Anon 12:34. I am so excited that his TP album has gone way up on iTunes! I particularly loved, in the video, where they showed that he had 10 #1 Singles!!!! Maybe not in the US, but certainly worldwide. He is truly an International Star! So happy for him.

Anonymous said...

No, the short video about Adam wasn't the reason for the bump in Idol ratings. Few people even knew that segment was coming. It was down to the final three of what is considered the most talented group in years. Ratings will be up next week too because it is the finale.

Anonymous said...

Lol no way could he have possibly sold that many albums. It's impossible. Must be singles

Anonymous said...

OT . . . When pics of Adam kissing his BF came out when Adam was on Idol . . . . he was practically crucified . . . . . today the singing shows and viewers don't give it a second thought.. . . and I think alot of it has to do with Adam living his life his way . . .no BS coming out years later . . . I am so proud of him . . and having an amazing voice doen't hurt either

Anonymous said...

Congrats Kymberlee. This is such a wonderful honor and will be a Mother's Day to remember! Have fun!


Anonymous said...

I can tell you one thing it dies not include all singles, alone he sold nearly 5,000,000 singles off first album. Adam said this two years ago. I just read it on THR are one if those talking about Adam on Idol. Plus he sold over two million world wide if FYE. That right there if added together is 7 million Adam said this stuff two years ago. Check out the article about Adam on idol it stated it. That does not include mix albums acoustic albums that went into two printings GNT DVD. Trespassing did sale se here and Canada but a lot better abroad. He did contrary to some beliefs here have hit singles abroad, heard DJ's and many from abroad reporting that. He had seven various types if albums according to his European rep.five million definitely sold way more than 5million if your counting singles. Maybe counting all albums together, I have no idea. He sold nearly 5 or right at 5 million singles FYE, and over two million albums for that. Does not count all other album, mixes DVD, acoustics ect. Worldwide. That was world wide sales first album. Check out article better yet ask Adam. Just FYE album sales and singles for that world wide around 7,000,000 counting singles. That dies not count trespassing and all other singles and album sales word wide.i do not know exsactly how many cd's but I can tell you 5,000,000 does not include his singles too! Read article check it out, Adam stated this two years ago, from his own lips. He sold a lot more than you think. Like I said not sure about CD's, but 5,000,000 definitely does not count in singles. Read the article check it out, tweet Adam about how many albums and singles first album sales. Call me all the names you want I know this to be true. I followed Adam four years and heard him say this about first album two years ago many times after and just read that article stating this.feel free check it out. Sue

Anonymous said...

Please check out Wikipedia, for first album sales as of jan. 2011. 4.2 million singles first album just FYE alone only almost two millions that two years ago. Now it over two million this is world wide sales an close to or over 5000,000 single sakes I believe just first album. Check out Wikipedia.that two year old figures. Just read updated article over two million and five million singles. Not counting any other albums, anything. Do not listen to me check it and check resent article. Guess everyone doing Glaad awards now. Hope get something here like said kids have all computers! Boy I hope so do want to see red carpet! And award. Sue

Anonymous said...

@ Sue. Are you this intense in your daily life? It must be exhausting. Are you ever calm?

Anonymous said...

It will be calm and ignore you, ok! 6.19 non signer. Sue

Anonymous said...

Adam on the Red Carpet with his mom at GLAAD Awards:

Anonymous said...

YT vid of the Red Carpet. Adam starts at about 39:10

Anonymous said...

It must be very stressful to sign ugly remarks. I am quite calm thank you just tired of people claiming things are always lies are wrong not checking facts! Like I said not sure if total CD sales for all albums, worldwide. But it in no way can be 5,000,000 if counting singles because he sold that much in singles along first album. I was not being mean or hateful in anyway. Just was staring to 5.00 that could not include singles. In 2011 he sold 4.2 as of now 5,000,000. And over I believe of first album but he sold at least that many as article recently stated. I not upset, mean or not calm. I been called every name in the book, that's why I said that. I always told I am wrong so check out what I told you.if you express an unkind remark have the kindness please to sign something to it, it's unfair. Not signing. That was I was stating to 5.00. You have a nice night, I meant not at all to be mean in anyway.snarky remarks not needed. I do not want to argue, and I quite calm. Hope all are enjoying Glaad, wish my daughter did not have computer. Sue

Anonymous said...

Please try post here something Glaad!

Anonymous said...

Just saw the picture and vid of Adam and his mom on the red carpet. They both looked gorgeous. She looks too young to be his mother. Now I can't wait to see the vid of Adam actually getting the award.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks stunning on the red carpet. Wish we could hear some of the red carpet interviews, but maybe we'll get some later. Can't wait for his award presentation and his acceptance. Leila looks lovely. Like mother, like son.


Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert 3h
Thank you @GLAAD for honoring me at the #glaadwards. Text GLAAD to 80888 to donate $10 to support GLAAD's work

Anonymous said...

Adam on the Red Carpet pic

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Adam!!

Adam won music award too!!!!

Anonymous said...

GLAAD ‏@glaad 10m
It's a tie for the #glaadawards Outstanding Music Artist: @AdamLambert "Trespassing" and @frank_ocean "Channel Orange"

Anonymous said...

A great night for Adam! Congratulations Adam! I'm so proud that your community has recognized your efforts these last years and you have always remained true to yourself courageously no matter what comes your way. You are a fine young man and an inspiration to me.

You and your mom looked gorgeous on the Red Carpet.