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PICTURES: Adam Lambert after watching The Great Gatsby with a friend at ArcLight Hollywood

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, May 14, 2013



Anonymous said...

LOL, we get shy Adam again.

Anonymous said...

LOL, we get shy Adam again.

Anonymous said...

The man looks good even with his head covered...but I think it sad he can't walk around without being harrassed by the paps.....rose petal

Anonymous said...

He looks so cute with those sunglasses on sitting in his car. Why don't the papparazzi leave him alone? Congratulations Adam - 2 million followers!! WOW!!

Anonymous said...

At first I thought it must be raining, but no. Just bein' shy. Still cute as ever. Wonder who the friend is?


tea said...

Lookin' good Adam, but we don't need to see your head to recognize you when you're wearing tight jeans.

Anonymous said...

tea, ain't that the truth! We know every inch of Adam from head to toe.

Anonymous said...

Adam!Adam!Adam! :):):) Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Is the friend Markus Molinari??

Anonymous said...

Adam don't hide your flawless face, and I love all the attention he is getting! They don't follow or take pictures of stars/entertainers, that no one cares about.


Anonymous said...

Yes, the man in the right side is Marcus Molinari. BUt who is the man in his left side?

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, the picture of him in the car with the sunglasses, "LORD HAVE MERCY" WOW!


Anonymous said...

I didn´t pay attention to the man on the left side...I guess I thought he had nothing to do with the dude on the right with beige pants and blue sweater doesn´t either...but what the hell do I know? Nada:)

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but that was totally unnecessary for Adam to cover his head. It looks ridiculous and it's a safety hazard. He really needs to learn how to deal with the press, especially as his star continues to rise.

Anonymous said...

When Adam was seen going out with Sauli he never covered his face or tried to hide from the paps, so why is he doing it now he's single again? Maybe he is worried they may start asking questions about his split with Sauli.

Anonymous said...

Random guy, looking like that. Nope :).

Anonymous said...

Random or not...didn´t pay any attention to him:)

choons said...

Maybe he's had a facial recently and is sensitive about his skin just now?
Maybe he was crying at the movie - he's admitted to doing that before. Maybe one of the paps said something irritating?
Or Maybe he's just grumpy (totally allowed).

Anonymous said...

A safety hazard to cover his head? LOL, only if he trips and falls and lands on his face.

He's covered his face from the paps twice recently. Big deal. He'll probably be back to recording them and asking them questions next week.

Nice pants, Adam.

Anonymous said...

I agree with NKlovesAdam. When the paps stop following Adam then its time to worry. How in the world is Adam going to be a mega star when he can't deal with a couple of paps?!

Anonymous said...

For Pete's sake, he's just goofing around. The paps know who he is. He isn't hiding hs identity. Just didn't want to show his face so much. No biggie. He's very cute regardless.


Anonymous said...

Adam deals fine with the paps. We've seen that a zillion times already. Maybe this is just his new game with them and people should chill.

Anonymous said...

Adam hates his pic taken when he does not have eye make up on. He must have left his glasses in the car, cuz he seemed happy when he could cover his eyes. So silly, when we don't care either way, but he is very sensitive about this.

Anonymous said...

@11:28 P.M., no one is upset, we're having a little fun, and it is just a little strange (silly), at least to me lol

Anonymous said...

I think he is just being funny. Cute little devil.

Anonymous said...

Not Markus, he's too thin.

Anonymous said...

He couldn't be more serious, I agree he was covering his eyes, because people comment when he doesn't have eye stuff on. Personally I think he looks fine either way. Markus is a partner of Bootsey Bellows and also a jewelry designer, that is where Adam knows him from.

Anonymous said...

I don't get it.All of the sudden no pics huh?

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

He's not shy, just trying to cover something, no idea what. Bad hair day, maybe?

It looks a bit awkward and totally unnecessary.

Anonymous said...

Could just be a zit!,,,,,

Anonymous said...

Come on we know Adam not shy. Going for laughs here. The Dark Side

Anonymous said...


"We've been here too long tryin' to get along
Pretending that you're oh so shy
I'm a natural man doin' all I can
My temp'rature is runnin' high"

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's because of his looked like he was wearing very little,if any eye make-up at the GLAAD awards..He looked very cute coming out of the theater.I hope he gives us his review of the movie( or maybe not,if it's bad-lol!)He was just goofing around.

Anonymous said...

It was his private time going to the movie with his friend and he wanted to keep it private. BTW I saw The Great Gatsby over the weekend in 3D and I loved it. Haven't seen the original one with Robert Redford. So I don't know if it was better than the original one. DeCaprio killed it again. I love his acting.

Anonymous said...

Any idea why the narcissistic freeloader also known as Pretty Kitty was not with Adam and Markus at the movies? When Adam went to movies with Sauli Tommy came along.

Anonymous said...

Fame's a bitch. Everything has its detractions, some more than others.

Anonymous said...

Bad side of celeb: Papparazi and no privacy. Yes it is part of it but how would any of us like to be in a fishbowl? It sucks.

Anonymous said...

All of you who are so outraged that the paps are always there shooting private moments, just remember, that's why you're always here looking for the latest shot.

Anonymous said...

2:41 You made my day! Keeping it real. Good on ya.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what Adam thought of the movie. As someone who taught this novel in high school and who has seen the Redford version, I have some definite opinions about Baz Luhrman's production of The Great Gatsby, but I won't bore you with them. I like Adam without all the makeup esp. when he is out casually with friends. He doesnt have to be totally made up everytime he goes out somewhere. And I guess any guy he is seen with him now is a potential hook up and rumored to be the new boyfriend. Those days of being totally unnoticed are gone for Adam and I think he realizes that his personal life is not so private any more. They say when the paps stop following you and don't take your picture that is the time to start worrying. Isn't Adam rehearsing for his appearance on Idol this Thursday? I would love to know what he is singing with Angie, but I suppose we all will have to wait to see the show. It should be an interesting finale, but not as good as the one for season 8 with Adam and Queen.

Anonymous said...

LOL, Adam is making jokes about it.

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert 13m
I Love doing covers. Right mdmolinari ??

Anonymous said...

Love Adam's little joke about it. It'g just playful. And paps-wise, it make a more different kind of cute picture, not same-old, same-old, which is what we love about Adam anyway.

As many of us have said, when the paps DON'T follow you, you need to worry. Adam doesn't have that problem, and that's a good thing.


tea said...

303 PM when I saw that on his twitter account it gave me a good laugh. Adam does have a great sense of humor. He'd make a good talk show host.

I agree DRG, when the paps stop following him then we can be concerned.

Anonymous said...

I saw the rest of the pictures, ROTFL. That picture of him in the car with his head covered is hilarious!! Insane!!! lol

Anonymous said...

isn't Adam in love with Leonardo Dicaprio? they should go out

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli were just banging buddies, nothing more.

Anonymous said...

Hey!:) Adam I'm in front of you watch out!!! :)

Silly goose!!:)

You are so freaking cuckoo indeed!!

You are rockin with your glasses eh!:)


Anonymous said...

Isn't it funny that even with his head fully covered, we immediately know (even if not informed by the paps) that those "legs" and "jeans" belong to Adam fricken Lambert :)!

Anonymous said...

"banging buddies" that is so rude, they meant a lot more than that to each other, even if they want to be single now. You don't think much of Adam to say such a thing.
OT Sauli might be doing some Tutkas here, Katri is in LA now, and they were at a pool swimming and sunning. Probably at her hotel.

Anonymous said...

I read that Angie and Adam will be singing her song that she wrote, and sang on AI. I think they rehearsed on Sunday evening, I think she lives back east somewhere. She will only have to rehearse the one song for Thursday. They send you right home after you get kicked off.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Adam felt the same way as a lot of critics did about the Great Gatsby and didn't want to offer an opinion after the Les Miserables backlash.Even if he liked it there would be a lot of comments about him fancying himself a movie critic. Smart move - no movie comments. Also no questions about Idol and judging. Who needs that right now?

Anonymous said...

I think the sunglasses picture is so hot Adam couldn't possibly be any hotter.

Anonymous said...

Wow 3:01 Wish I had your ability to cover so many subjects in such a short space. Kudos to you. :)

Anonymous said...

That picture of him in the car. That little lock of hair coming down over his forehead. Sigh....

Anonymous said...

As totally sexy as Adam is - one of the sexiest things about him is his sense of humor! So sexy in a man! That, and his sun glasses! THUD!

Anonymous said...

They've filmed Gatsby 5 times, do you suppose this time they got it right? Depressing book.

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous May 14, 2013 at 1:30 PM
I totally agree with you, maybe he does not want to show us his wrinkles around his eyes and acne spots on his face... showing that he is aging and afraid that a part of the public prefer fresh youth and not mature youth...

Then again, Adam is like wine... the older, the better...

Anonymous said...

In the top picture, I see a resemblance to Neil.

Anonymous said...

6:13 do you think we're stupid? As if that last line meant you are a fan? Hater - go someplace else.

Anonymous said...

I think he is avoiding questions, this behavior is new for him. Maybe he doesn't want the , AI judge questions I think the paps could care less about his xbf.

Anonymous said...

ot, so cool I just came from twitter and it looks magnifico seeing over two million people following Adam.

Anonymous said...

6:23 pm

Possibly you're stupid. I'm pretty sure 6:13 was making a facetious remark. Read it again.

Anonymous said...

He is avoiding their questions about American Idol and he refuses to respond to them. He takes a cover. They are TMZ paps around L.A. and right now Randy Jackson leaving AI is all over the ent. news media. They asked bunch of AI alumni about Randy and AI and Adam is very accessable living in L.A. so he is their target and refuses to chip in. Good on you, Adam! Only respond to them on public events not your private time.

BTW did he get a different car? Interior of his BMW was beige not black.

Anonymous said...

He looks like Leonardo Dicaprio dipped in black hair dye.

Anonymous said...

Banging buddies could mean going out and shooting guns.

Anonymous said...

AL might have a good sense of humor, but alot of people sure don't get the sense of humor on this blog.

Anonymous said...

usually when someone gets dumped, they replace the dumpee with a car.

Anonymous said...

show up with KFC chicken buckets on the head with the eyes cut out.

Anonymous said...

I love Adam when he is in a playful mood. He seems to want to have some fun with the paps. And he always looks so good in any style of sunglasses he wears. I like his natural, casual appearance on a very hot night in LA.

Anonymous said...

3:34 PM

Does Adam always say about his "banging buddies" that he is "in love", "his heart is in good place", "he loves him to death" etc.? If so, he is not a man whom you can trust and not worth of all this worship he is getting.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks in these pics as a 31-year old ordinary guy with double cheek, swallen skin etc. Nothing glamorous. But he looks like any other sweet guy coming from movies. IMO MM looks a lot better. Sorry folks! I know Adam is nice and talented and so on...

Anonymous said...

@8:16 PM

Anonymous said...

I doubt using sweet, nice and talented is going to save you, take my advice and run now! I hear a crowd gathering and marching this way.....Run! ^o^

Anonymous said...

8:50 LOL

Anonymous said...

8:50 PM

I'm runnin', runnin', runnin', runnin'. Sorry, I dropped my thick pink glasses a while ago, LOL.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam knows Markus through Katy Perry. Markus seems to be happy whenever Adam is single again.

"Adam Lambert and Drake LaBry split.
The means WE still have a chance!"

Anonymous said...

I hope Markus and Perez someday have a fight over Adam. That could be entertaining, lol.

Anonymous said...

Hello, trolls.

Anonymous said...

I'd prefer that Adam be able to sing one of his own songs on Idol, but oh well. I'm sure Angie's song is good.

Anonymous said...

Markus must be vegan. he has definitely shed a few pounds.

Anonymous said...

I would love to see Adam Lambert cupping his hands around the breast of Katy Perry. they would be so hot together.

Anonymous said...

anon 8:45 you like that don't you?:))

Anonymous said...

I saw TGG and thought it was a little overhyped. I want to see Disconnect the movie Adam tweeted about but can't find it.

Anonymous said...

8:50 P.M. aka JAK ?