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Adam Lambert attended Madonna's After Party

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, June 20, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, June 20, 2013

VIA justjared:

Adam Lambert and Zachary Quinto attend the after party following the premiere of Madonna‘s The MDNA Tour film on Tuesday night (June 18) at Harlow in New York City.


tea said...

Hey Adam, I admire you for not letting any grass grow under your feet. And thanx for sharing with your fans. Whether I'm right or wrong, I like to know about your activities.

Anonymous said...

Adam must have been thrilled. He loves Madonna!

Anonymous said...

Yes he has been on the move, I can remember the days when I could go without sleep or much of it. Not no more, still like to have fun, but need my sleep..hehehhe


Anonymous said...

I wonder if Madonna remembers when Monte brought Adam to her house and Adam met her for the first time.

Anonymous said...

Just dropped by a Madonna party. Surreal indeed.

Anonymous said...

Adam is certainly being seen while in NYC while attending musicals, movie premieres or Madonna's after party. I guess besides enjoying himself he is also networking, making connections and keeping himself visible. Hope whatever he has planned for the future, that it all works out for this very talented man.

Anonymous said...

Love seeing Adam in NYC, but not so crazy about the shirt. It reminds me of a Picasso painting. It could make you a little "cuckoo" looking at it. He does wearing any combination of black and white, doesn't he?

Anonymous said...

I've never been a fan of Madonna and I think she is passé, but she keeps trying very hard to maintain her status in the pop music.

Anonymous said...

what is up with the unflattering high collar shirts? a man should show chest.

Anonymous said...

Same here, never been a fan of Madonna.
She's someone who only tries so hard whose main talent is controversy.
But I admire her business head.

Anonymous said...

Madonna is a product. She can't sing or act. Much worse than JLo, imo.

Anonymous said...

I still admire Madonna, for many reasons. She's been for years and years the smartest woman in the tough and turbulent music business! Gotta give her credit for that. She's always been bold and rebellious. And she has a huge amount of great songs & vids, e.g. Frozen is one of my all time favorites! What she lacks in voice, she makes up by having excellent back up singers. The tours & shows (esp.earlier ones) were fun to watch. And that body she still has...soon 55 years ol... young!!!

Adamluv said...

@4:19 - thank you for your comments. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@Adamluv, thank you -
I enjoy your comments, too!

Anonymous said...

At least JLo seems a nicer person and likable than Madonna ever will be.