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Adam Lambert & Friends sneak out of Blok Club in Hollywood

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Adam has a rocking night out clubbing with friends, Rock on Adam!


Anonymous said...

Go Adam Go! We've got your back!

Anonymous said...

Wilma!! Let Adam in the car people. Is that Danielle with him?

Anonymous said...

Why would it be necessary for Adam to hide in back seat? We see him all the time coming out of bars. What's going on Adam? Unless he has been lurking, and knows his fans don't like him going to bars every night, who cares if he does, it's his life.

Anonymous said...

Is Adam hiding in the car? Everybody already saw him it looks sort of redic.

Anonymous said...

He must be tanked and loves the drama.

Anonymous said...

Is Pop Candies on TV? I hope not.

Anonymous said...

I think he has been drinking too much and he feel sick and that's why he hiding. But i don't mind. He can do whatever he wants! :)

Anonymous said...

Lol he just doesn't want his pic taken for whatever reason

Anonymous said...

He must be drunk, we all saw him, and also already knew it was Raja's BD, so of course he would be there, yes it looks like Danielle. I am sure there were a lot of people we recognized. They might have gone on to another bar, and didn't want papps to follow them. Sauli is good friend of Raja too. Adam has been known to go on to other bars without Sauli, ex: Dannielles BD. The whole episode is a bit silly, but I think it is part of Adam having a bit of fun with paps and us.

Anonymous said...

Just does not want picture taken, so what. does not mean he drunk!

Anonymous said...

That was Danielle...maybe Adam feels sick? Whatever reason he's lying down in back, he doesn't want his picture taken. So what? No big deal.


Anonymous said...

I don't understand why is Adam trying to hide when the paps and peeps have already seen him?

Anonymous said...

Wonder how his hangover feels this morning, of course he doesn't know yet, because he won't wake up before noon, LOL Who will make his first cup of coffee? hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

Adam is just having fun with the paps. Adam won't live his life for the approval of his fans or family. Please give him more credit. LOL

Anonymous said...

The Best thing about being over 40 is we did all our stupid stuff before the internet and facebook. No hiding now, LOL

Anonymous said...

Try something new Adam, after the first time not a surprise any more. Try putting a bag over your head and we will try not to recognize you. LOL

Anonymous said...

Do you really think Sauli was there? LOL! He was not invite. They are no longer friends! GET IT !!

Anonymous said...

Ain`t no Sunshine when he`s gone...

Anonymous said...

maybe he went belly up

Anonymous said...

Adam is NOT happy and he is behaving in a really strange manner.

Anonymous said...

he better get back to normal by Saturday when I see him. LOL

Anonymous said...

Wow all the psychological opinions going on today. Who needs a shrink on this site? Having fun or just hiding out? Like the bag over the head remark very funny. Thanks for keeping us entertained Adam happy Birthday Raja

Anonymous said...

@11:01 I guess you were invited cz you know?

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Raja!:)

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Sutan!

Anonymous said...

At least he's not driving

Anonymous said...

I didn't see any pics of Bridger or Molinari. Where they at the party, too? If not, why ever not since BC is supposed to be Adam's bf?

Anonymous said...

They all looked worried, the driver included. LOL

Anonymous said...

Bridger was there. Marcus was working at Bootsy Bellows.

Anonymous said...

12:00 pm

How on earth do you know that? :D

Anonymous said...

A guy on facebook talking about the great party at Evita last night with Sutan and Bridger and some others listed.

Anonymous said...

So totally reliable

Anonymous said...

LOL at trying to sneak out without the paps getting a good shot. They must not be good at it yet if Adam has to knock to get the door opened, LOL.

Anonymous said...

Well he is a gay guy living in Weho with lots of friends he is conversing with and lots of pics of himself at Evita and Rasputin so I don't really think he is just making shit up. That would be strange.

Anonymous said...

Adam is certainly no dummy, so nice to have a driver when you go out. Lookin good!

Anonymous said...

I don't remember he was behaving like that when he was out with Sauli. He was making jokes many times with paps and I thought he wanted to make Sauli feel relax but maybe he was himself relax.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes Adam talks to the paps, sometimes he doesn't. No big deal.

Anonymous said...

I agree...sometimes he talks with paps, sometimes he doesn´t. But try to hide from them...not so common.

Anonymous said...

Was this after Sutan's BD party?

Anonymous said...

Yes leaving the club

Anonymous said...

at 1:11 PM

He was inside the car and he didn't have to avoid talking to anyone. Everybody saw him enter the car. Why hide? Weird.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam was so drunk or on something other stuff...

Anonymous said...

Do you think he was drunk when he walked out of the movie theater and put the sweatshirt over his head? Lol.

Anonymous said...

Whatever the reason, it's HIS life. However, Saturday evening, peeps will be paying to see him in FULL voice to give a great show. If he does that Saturday, who the hell cares what he does the rest of the time?

Anonymous said...

Saw an interview that Adele gave after her Royal Albert Hall gig last year or year before. She said that she couldn't drink anymore because alcohol was really bad for her voice...

Anonymous said...

TJR and Ashley Dzerigian as well as George Michael (according to TJR) were also at Sutan's birthday party. Ashley is really beautiful.

Urethra_Franklin said...

These comment sections feel like Groundhog's Day...

Anonymous said...

Adam is playing with the PAPS again!:)

No worries!!!:)


Anonymous said...

3 18
Adele has admitted to being on her way to becoming an alcoholic, performing drunk on stage for example. Plus she was a heavy smoker.

Anonymous said...

At 3:39 PM

Yeah, sure...

Anonymous said...

What is this funny business? He broke up with Bridger?

Anonymous said...

Adam might also be on his way to becoming an alcoholic...

Anonymous said...

@ 4:11 PM,

Yah! I'm sure!!


Anonymous said...

Who is the shadowy person who slips into the car at the 35 second mark? after Adam, Danielle and the guy in the front seat get in? Maybe that's why Adam hid he didn't want his face in the same shot as the shadow. Only the shadow knows...ha.a...ha

Anonymous said...

JFC you people are obnoxious.

Anonymous said...

Adam hid his face and he was in a hurry to get into the car, and they were all very serious. Was he crying again? Or about to? Did something happen at the party?

Anonymous said...

What a lot of nosey parkers speculating here!

Anonymous said...

As oppposed to the nosy parkers just checking out what he was up to? Nosy parker and holier than thou.

Anonymous said...

In Oz a 'nosy parker' gets the title of a stickybeak. Sure seems like a whole lotta stickbeaks on the thread! Ha!

Anonymous said...

Not fun coming here anymore. Speculation is ridiculous. Not true fans. Just enjoy the pictures.

Anonymous said...

Conspiracy theory time. Why would it be as simple as people getting in a car.

Anonymous said...

A rose by any other name would smell the same. We are all sticky beaks. ALL OF US.

Anonymous said...

Bridger was there, I saw a photo. He has a hat and in the end of the video... a guy with a hat is entering the car...
So, Bridger left with Adam. DAMN !