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Adam Lambert joins Mid-State Fair lineup

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, June 19, 2013


tea said...

To you lucky people attending, Enjoy to the Max!

Anonymous said...

I don't live close and not enough notice to get time off from work to go. )' Would love to see him it's been a good while.

Anonymous said...

Adam will be in Orlando at Universal Studios June 29 and I am going..cannot wait...I live in Florida

Anonymous said...

i live in florida im going

Anonymous said...

About Madonna's after party

Anonymous said...

Not together I hope, LOL.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link, he really is busy this week, socializing with the stars.

Very excited for everyone going to his concerts, I am still walking on air from Saturday.


Anonymous said...

Hi NK,
I read a few posts back that you got to meet Adam! How lucky were you!!!! I was hoping that you peeked in the bash on Sat as I was hoping to meet you. Were you able to get close to the stage during his concert? I was four rows back and when his gorgousness appeared on stage I couldn't breathe! Someone at the concert told me he was staying at the hotel we were in! I had such a great time. I met sooo many glamberts. I didn't want the day to end. Adam seemed so happy and we showed him so much love! I too am still walking on air!

Anonymous said...

Hi Adele,

Yes after we checked in we did walk around and I was trying to find the room the bash was going on in, but didn't see anybody. We did get a late start leaving for Pittsburgh so we didn't get there until about 3:00.

Lucky you, 4 rows back, wow..we were right under the balloons that were hanging that they dropped, left hand side by the sidewalk. Once the concert started we got up on the sidewalk so that we could see him on stage.

We had such a good time, made so many friends, I am like you I didn't want it to end!!! People were going wild over him, they loved it him.

Adam was incredible on stage, wish he would have stayed on for hours..LOL

So glad you had a good time and so close to him on stage, very happy for you. I still can't believe I met him, already had the picture blown up and framed!!!


Anonymous said...

I am going to San Diego and this CA Mid State Fair Arena.

Anonymous said...

Hump Day with Adam

Adam is number 8 on the Logo Hot 100 (combines men and women's lists)

Number 4 on the male only list.

Anonymous said...

My three sons graduated from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. We all have been to many fairs there and if you go you are destined to have a great time. We've since moved to another state so I will miss this one. Hapy for those who go.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Adam is having a great time in NY :)

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert 6m
@KinkyBootsBway was SOOOOO great!!!! Go see it!!!

Anonymous said...

Dang...Adam is mingling with A Listers. Brad Pitt, Madonna, John Travolta. Who else? Kelly O is his friend. We knew that. Now is she the one helping Adam to network with these great people or his management? Adam look like a star. Walks like a star. And sings beyond the stars.

Anonymous said...

3PM, I'm guessing Adam's friend Charl had something to do with it.

Anonymous said...

Adam is just too good and too handsome to put into mere words..he looks so much better without the eye shadow..just a little liner would be cool.. it looks to me like he has lost his sweet little double chin, you know, the one you just wanna pinch, and I would bet that he has had some procedures to clear his skin and to reduce that little chin..also, looks like he has lost weight..I think he may be working out..My fervent hope is that he does not burn himself out with all the partying...he NEEDS to get that third album out in the near future..and I certainly hope they ask him to be a judge on is entirely possible that he could save the show...

Anonymous said...

what's with the troll frenzy lately?

Anonymous said...

3:12 beats me ask 3:07 she thinks she is pretty cool at it. LOL

Anonymous said...

State Fairs again. Fantastic for the fans but hells bells people.

Adamluv said...

Love me some Pink Floyd, and a tribute band is better than nothing. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I think I may be able to go!! 76.7% sure.

Anonymous said...

Adam isn't playing with the tribute band. Other huge acts there this summer include John Mayer, Tim McGraw, Rascal Flatts, Matchbox Twenty and more. State Fairs are not a bad thing anymore.

Anonymous said...

Lots and lots of people attend concerts at state fairs. Why thumb your nose at them?

Adamluv said...

Geeez - I know Adam isnt playing in the tribute band. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Just think he could be playing to 50 people in a bar like the guy who won American idol. This is actually a very good gig

Anonymous said...

The acoustics at state fairs are usually terrible even though the acts may be first class. I went to see Adam in August, 2012, at the Arizona State Fair and the acoustics were so awful but Adam did his best even though he had just gotten off a long flight from New Zealand with no sleep before the show. I paid $237.00 to sit on a folding chair in row 22, but I still had a good time and went home hoarse from all my screaming. But, again, many people were sad that the acoustics were so terrible and the crowd was 7,000 people, plus many of us had paid the big bucks to see Adam.

Anonymous said...

Adamluv, to be fair your comment wasn't clear and didn't warrant a geez reaction.

Anonymous said...

Lol why would anyone think adam would all of a sudden play in a pink Floyd tribute band? That comment was beyond stupid. Lmao

Anonymous said...

7:02 no one said that, Adamluv clarified her comment and if that's not good enough go jump in the lake.

glitzylady said...

State and regional Fairs attract MANY well known acts these days. I suspect anyone who scoffs at the desirability of large fair venues isn't aware of this??? Unless you are Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars, Pink, etc., etc.. , a 7, 10 to 15 thousand seat venue, such as a large State Fair is pretty darn good: keeps the artists in the public eye, keeps the money coming in, and keeps the fans happy, with the opportunity to grow the fanbase. For instance, Carrie Underwood and Celo Green (not together!) are playing at the state fair here in WA late this summer. Adam was there in 2010 (10,000 seat venue..). And even at our little local "regional" fair, One Republic (Sleepwalker writer Ryan Tedder) was here 2 years ago. ..... Beats the smaller 2,000 seat venues that are a staple of the concert circuit as well (and Adam's typical GNT venues...) . So not so bad when you put it in perspective.. :))))))

glitzylady said...

@Adamluv is a smart, savvy Adam Lambert fan. And a nice lady........

Everyone be nice please. :))))))))))

Anonymous said...

glitzylady I am kind of worried about the short notice of the concert. I hope he has a decent turn out. JT will be here in concert in December and they are already advertising and have been for awhile. Just a worrywart.

Anonymous said...

I am still reliving my Pittsburgh Pride concert and the whole day. I loved seeing the band and everything was so wonderful.I had two drinks and some jello shots the guys were selling. Nice memories and I read on another thread they called it Adam Lambert Day.

Anonymous said...

@LAMBERTLUST: ALF Pre-Sale Still Going On For Adam Concert! 07/19/13 - Paso Robles, CA: Get Your Adam Lambert Tickets!

glitzylady said...

@Anon 8:11 PM
I know what you're saying.......for sure.. I think we all worry a little about that. Still some seats (in the back..) available for the Del Mar Fair concert and that's less than 2 weeks away..... Wish I could support Adam for the Paso Robles concert but I'll be heading down to San Diego from Seattle (in just over a week!!! YAY!) and I suspect my also-fans family would perhaps give me a very hard time if I flew off to CA again only a few weeks after that.. (now if I could convince my hubby to go along "for a little vacay...). Although I do have tickets for a Bruno Mars concert in Seattle that will most likely be skipping the PR one. :(((( I have friends in CA who are going tho.. Driving up from LA...and down from San Fran......

Anonymous said...

glitzylady - thanks for the info - and reminder - about the state and regional fairs. I was one of those that was kind of disappointed to see Adam would be playing another fair, but you raised some very good points. Also, I saw Adam at the OC fair (which was great except he didn't do an encore) and will see him at the San Diego fair and am just excited about seeing him in person again! Thanks - L

Anonymous said...

@tkradio: Hot 995: @ADAMLAMBERT+ #PRIDE: Glamdimonium takes over Pittsburgh's pride event! |Pittsburgh

Anonymous said...

@GaleChester: O Music Awards for Glamberts Fan Army Voting Ends Soon! RALLY YOUR ARMY & KEEP ON VOTING #GlambertsOMA

Anonymous said...

@GeralynK: Last minute rally for the #Glambert Fan Army Win!Go bitches! LoL #GlambertsOMA

Anonymous said...

@GaleChester: Via Adam Lambert on FB: Want to get a chance to meet Adam? Share a photo or narrative inspiring others to Live...

Anonymous said...

Big fairgrouns used to be more of a second-tier sort of venue. But not now. As some of you have said, big name acts perform at fairground and do very well. I'm so glad Adam got this new gig, but I PRAY that enough Glamberts are able to go. We don't want him singing to a sparse crowd. I, like some of you, am going to the SD show and can't make this new show, as much as I'd love to. So, come on all you Glamberts who can possibly make this one, PlEASE GO!


Anonymous said...

Some of these fairs have huge arenas. OC Fair has a huge arena which seats up to 9,000. This PR Fair has a huge arena that seats up to 15,000. They have/had numerous well known artists perform/d there. John Mayer will perform there. Justin Timberlake will perform there. My son went to Eminem and KISS concert there. Yes, it is not in metropolitan city. But it is in gorgeous area of California with beautiful CA winery. Close to San Luis Obispo. It is a gorgeous city by the beach. There is a nice hotel in SLO by the name of The Cliff. If you have money stay at this hotel and drive to the concert.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 8:40 PM "L" :)
I was at the Costa Mesa/OC Fair Show too :)) And Fantasy Springs.. Adam was SOOO good at both..and such different shows :)))) As much as I would love to see him doing the arena shows..I really feel that he's in his element in the smaller venues. But then I'm just being a ***little*** selfish. Its so much fun to be able to see him without binoculars... But then again, I'd love for him to be able to sell out big arenas too. Most of all, I'm just happy to be able to see and hear him perform....both for him and for us.

Anonymous said...

Adam saw another Broadway show.

Thomas Johnson ‏@Thomas_Ian23
@adamlambert backstage at @PippinMusical this evening. Really kind man.

Anonymous said...

Past acts at the Mid-State Fair have included Justin Bieber, Keith Urban, Toby Keith, Maroon 5 and Train. The stigma of fairs and casinos no longer blanket applies. Lots of these venues are very nice and attract top acts.

I'd take Adam at my state fair in an instant.

Anonymous said...

Kris Elder ‏@krelder
Adam Lambert is super nice, met him backstage of Pippin.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't laughing at adam luv you idiots. I was laughing at the person who said her comment wasn't clear.

Anonymous said...

10:24 sorry that was me. I better go jump in the lake!!!!

Anonymous said...

Delta Foundation of Pittsburgh on FB: Own a piece of history. We have a few more Adam Lambert street banners now available. $105 ea. You can order them online at

Anonymous said...

The banners are already sold out.

Anonymous said...

darn I was going to try to get one tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Tummy porn

Anonymous said...

'Selfish' not. Adam is dynamite in smaller personal club venues and nothing compares to them ever! But like you, I want to see him fill those venues to the hilt.

Anonymous said...

Hi Glitzylady
Ryan Tedder just completed the Voice in Oz and now moving onto The
Voice in the US. He has written some crackerjack songs including Adams.

Anonymous said...

I've never been to a State Fair with perfected sound. But that aside, this is Adam in all his glory and he will conqer all. Don't miss out on the opportunity.

Anonymous said...

Can't understand why tickets are still available. Adam filled the OC Arena to the max a few years back.

Adamluv said...

@Glitzlady - thanks for the kind words and having my back! And to @7:57 and @10:24 (maybe same person?) thank you as well. The idea that anyone would think someone believed that Adam was going to perform in a tribute band is beyond ridiculous. . . . Adamluv