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Adam Lambert Just Liked Sauli Koskinen's Picture

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, June 20, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, June 20, 2013


Anonymous said...

here we go again

Anonymous said...

I like all Sauli's pictures, sunshine on a rainy day!

Anonymous said...

Adam is the AI role model for Chinese Idol; Wow, Adam's got it made there, like millions watch the show. Hey, looks like he may be a huge attraction for Chinese Idol Season 1 finale, oooh-la-la! Adam, making another historic move. Whoa! We might get to hear a brand new single if that happens and it'll sail through the clouds and beyond, it's sheer unimaginable numbers we're talking about.
Yes, Adam will always like Sauli; he's difficult to replace. Well, in that case, if both sides are still available in the far-off future...something may click. Life's like that; we never know. Chances are as I feel it...unlikely. What's the problem, anyway? They're getting by so well on their own steam.


Anne Marie said...

Good for you Adam, but where is this pic taken. I follow Sauli and haven't seen this one. Does anyone know?

Anonymous said...

Nice that Adam and Sauli remain friends, good for them.


Anonymous said...

@7:16 go away if you don't like it!

Anonymous said...

That pic was taken at a hotel swimming pool. Wonder if that is where Sauli is staying now, or if he was just visiting friends.
Now I will say Adam, Adam ,Adam, cuz I am supposed to be writing about only Adam on this site, LOL

Anonymous said...

I think 7:16 meant that all the crazy posts are going to start again, not that sane comments will be made about Adam and Sauli.

glitzylady said...

I think we REALLY need to take a big hint from the Blog Administrator and feel free to like like Sauli. And make comments about Sauli (nice ones..). And also see that Adam and Sauli are still friends...And like each other. So please lets be nice :)))

Anonymous said...

did Admin say anything about people being kind to Adam?

glitzylady said...

Admin provides this blog entitled Adam Lambert 24/7 so I would think being kind to Adam would be a given. At least I would hope so.

Anonymous said...

he is still horn doggin' over that Koskinen guy.

Anonymous said...

Sauli said in his interview yesterday that he will be in LA about a month still. And he said also that he and Adam are still close and Adam is still one of his closest friends. So, why not liking a friend's pic? That pic is taken from a Hotel Roosevelt pool where he is with his friend Madde. I think Sauli lives still in that condo were Tye was living.

Anonymous said...

I meant he said: they are still close and Adam is still one of his BEST friends...

Anonymous said...

Check out this tweet:



He lives in New York. His website

Anonymous said...

Adam has some loyal friends who have oodles of respect for him.
Says a lot for the guy. Sauli is one of them.

Anonymous said...

I get a feeling that Sauli is bisexual. Remember Adam tweeted awhile ago about a friend of his is bisexual. It was before his WAG Tour. I think that's why their relationship ended. And Adam handled it so Sauli won't get hurt by fans. Just like what happened with Monte's situation. I see pics. Of Sauli with this girl a lot and I read a blog that they might share an apartment together.

Anonymous said...


"Idol watched its fortunes evaporate when its small town voters chose Kris Allen over Adam Lambert, believing the milquetoast Allen had more star potential when everyone else in America knew the opposite.
The stunning result cost the show its viewers everywhere but in those small towns, and four years later it’s never recovered in the ratings.
The Voice now faces a similar quandary."

Read more:

Anonymous said...

@10:06 PM
Now. according to you, Sauli is bisexual. Why do people keep going on and on about why Adam and Sauli broke up. IT'S NONE OF OUR BUSINESS!!

Anonymous said...

10:06 PM
I thought Madde has a bf/hubby? And also Pia w whom Sauli has been seen. And Katri surely is his friend. Sauli has lots of female but also male friends. Sauli just moved to the convo with Tye; although Tye moved away b/c of his work, I think Sauli lives in that condo the time he will spend in LA.

Sauli said in BB in 2007 that he is gay and that he could never think about being w a woman.

Anonymous said...

Adam liking a photo of Sauli is newsworthy?????

Anonymous said...

7:21 PM
It is a brand new pic and in his Instagram. Sauli has made a vblog around the Hotel pool too today.

Anonymous said...

10:29 PM
Well, there are not much news about Adam making music, so every news concerning him is newsworthy.

Anonymous said...

@10:29 PM
Adam tweeting about seeing a theater play or having heard a good song is newsworty? Adam tweeting Happy Father's day is newsworthy? Adam saying "Boom boom room" is newsworthy?

Everything that Adam does is newsworthy!

Anonymous said...

10:06 I don't think he tweeted about a friend of his being Bi the tweet was that bisexual gets a bad rap. That is the impression I got.

Jadam said...

This is the only fan site that posts stuff about Adams personal and private life.The others only post Adams gigs and appearances etc,
Its really nice to see what Adams is doing inbetween. I love to see him having a good time. But unfortunately this seems to bring out immature and wild speculation. Maybe we will get to the point that Admin wont be bothered with all the pictures we see now, and that would be sad for us all. So once again BE NICE guys We don't need to dissect everything he does do we? Then even worse is people being unkind and rude to each other.

Anonymous said...

Adam saying boom boom room, priceless.

Anonymous said...

Small things amuse small minds.

Anonymous said...

It's nothing but damage control from Adam's side. He noticed how upset people were on Twitter and then decided act like a friend should. Sort of. Finally.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see that both ex's seem to enjoy their live to its fullest. Adam indoors and Sauli outdoors. Smile people, smile!

Anonymous said...

I live in West Hollywood. Sauli definitely has a girl friend now. I saw him few days ago at a club all drunk and kissing a girl so passionately.

Anonymous said...

11:04 PM
Yeah, finally. Sauli has said several times (the last time yesterday) that they are still friends but Adam has said nothing after the break-up announcement, so which one to believe? Maybe Sauli fools himself and thinks more about their friendship than Adam who does not seem to care so much of it. He has so many friends whom he has known longer. But Adam was Sauli's first friend in LA and that's why important to him.

Anonymous said...

11:13 PM
Ha ha! Pic or it did not happen, lol.

If you mean Lexi, she is Danielle's friend and there is a pic in Sauli's Instagram of him giving her a kiss to her cheek (not very passionate). Sauli likes to kiss.

Anonymous said...

You writers in this sites are devils.

Anonymous said...

11:13 PM
What happened to Ade? Many thought he was dating him. But what if he is having a girlfriend? Good for him. If it is Madde, she is a very, very beautiful woman. Adam is dating guys. Good for him. Both are happy. Good for them.

But to tell the truth: I don't believe a word you say/write, lol.

Anonymous said...

11:21 PM
Admin teases us giving these topics to get people talking.

Anonymous said...

Madde is married so she is not Saulis gf

Anonymous said...

He has liked tons of other guys' sexy pictures,too, so what's the fuss? Adam had to do this to calm down his fans who were tweeting about the recent Sauli article while he himself was fooling around with hickeys in NY.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam and Sauli had a deep, loving. respectful and faithful relationship and do truly remain good friends.

Heck, Sauli is pictured in Adam's twitter background. Anyone notice besides me?

Just a personal thought, but I don't think Sauli would be pictured there if deep and good feelings were not still in Adam's heart . . . as friends and lovers. It seemed to me like a very true relationship.

It's very sweet.
xo laura

Anonymous said...

This is for you trools:

Anonymous said...

at 11:14 PM

They seem to share friends but they never seem to be together at the same occasion with the fiends in question. The split took place a long time ago and if it was as amicable as they claim, one would expect to see them doing things together, at least every now and then. After all they used to be best friends and enjoy each other's company.

Anonymous said...

Friend of mine recently divorced her husband. When we found out about their seperation we were shocked. They don't have feeling for each other but they are friends. They aren't seen in public gatherings with each other but they keep in touch.

I'm this is the same way with Adam and Sauli. They aren't in public places but I'm sure they call each other.

It's absurd to draw a conclusion for someone's life on a pic. or tweet. We truly don't know them. We only see their public persona that is only tip of the iceberg. The rest we have no idea what it is.

Anonymous said...

Amen anon 1:02!

Anonymous said...

the Finnish women have officially taken over this X Adam site. TTFN

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady 8:48PM
Just wanna thank you for all your efforts and info sharing and PATIENCE with all kinds of... (don't want to resort to name calling, sorry) well various posts...

Unfortunately the utterly stupid post right under yours @9:20PM shows that these posters (won't resort to name calling, won't resort...) don't understand what you just said and the word respect does not mean anything to them. So sad.

Just wish... You know what I wish.
Greetings to all 'long-timers' who wish the same.

Anonymous said...

Such a load of BS here!

Anonymous said...

Sauli said in last interview if it wasn't for Adam he would never have come to USA. And that folks is a fact that I always believed. Being with Adam gave Sauli lots of attention that he would never have had in USA. He speaks English now and admits he hardly spoke the language when he met Adam so that in itself he should be thankful for. Personally, I don't follow this stuff much but sometimes the folks that just want to hold on to any little scrap that maybe this and maybe that in the future are just insane. By the end of this year you will not hear or see Sauli anymore he is headed back to Finland.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

at 3:18 AM

Official takeover? And that news item came from a credible source such as your crystal ball or tea leaves, eh?

Anonymous said...

at 3:39 AM

Look, there's a caps lock key on your keyboard, use it wisely.

Anonymous said...

Oh my, has Vicky Pollard joined this site? LOL

Anonymous said...

I read Sauli's interview and he told that the first year wasn't easy cause he didn't know any one in L.A. and his English wasn't very fluent. I remember that Madde who is in this picture with Sauli was one of the first friends of Sauli in L.A. Sauli read her blog and wrote to her and they met and have been friends since then. Madde got married in L.A. and lives there with her husband.

HK fan said...

I don't think it was damage control. I watch Adams twitter feed a lot, and I haven't seen any negative tweets about him and Sauli for a long time. It seems it is just this site that spews such negativity.

@11.14pm and 12.14pm
How do you know they haven't been at the same events...were you at any of them???
Just because they choose not to have their pic taken together doesn't mean they weren't both in the same room....Heck I go out often with friends, hardly ever have my picture taken with them though.
Maybe its a conscious decision not to have photos together, because they know what some of the crazy fans would make of it, and all of the jumping to conclusions about how they are still sleeping together etc etc, or only doing it for show, doesn't mean anything. He's dammned if he does and dammned if he doesn't.

There are other ways of staying in touch with friends without posting a pic about it, a quiet get together at home, e-mails or how about the good old telephone....

Anonymous said...

3.39 big words or not I agree with you! Adam likes a picture, very kind thing he does get screwed up. It's fine to talk about Sauli if its done with consideration without saying unkind things about Adam, who was nothing but kind to him, it was a sunny good day or evening in the life of Sauli when he met Adam. They were good for each other two years, they are now friends not anything but.they acted very mature in this breakup both did inspire of the absolute lies told about Adam. This is an Adam L. Anything discussed here should be done with respect to Adam and not with utter disregard for his feelings. It's ok to talk about Sauli if it can be done respectfully to Adam, without untrue remarks if not then the subject should not be headlined here.

Anonymous said...

There's an unhealthy continuing Sauli obession here.

Anonymous said...

Making scathing remarks on someone's behaviour such as Adam "fooling around and not caring about Sauli" after their breakup, based on photos and tweets, is not justifiable and shows irresponsibility and immaturity on the part of the person making such unfounded accusations. If Adam attends a party, naturally he wants to have a good time, and bottom-line, they have broken up.
I also feel that it's not easy for both Adam and Sauli to be at the same function too often because their emotions are still raw and and a bit difficult to feel completely free to express themselves towards their new close acquaintances.
Perhaps it's time to stop flogging the dead won't come back to live however hard and long you flog it.


Anonymous said...

Correction.....come back to life


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I think Admin loves these disgusting Sauli bickerings.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

it has been confimred that chrslhmn instagram is the hiceky giver

Anonymous said...

I agree with Lam-my it's time to stop the disrespect for Adam who Sauli K luckiest day was when he met him. Did not cheat on him or anything else. Had a really hard time of it, and want to see Adam site for news not this crap. If people can be respectful of Adam then fine to mention Sauli but those few cannot so why post things to start this, I so tired of the disrespect to Adam and its his site. He did not cheat Sauli and did good things for him, they grew apart that's it if you can't believe that to bad that's what happen. Sue

Anonymous said...

AL has bisexual friends and is bi-curious himself. Bisexual gets a bad rap, because it has having the very best of both worlds.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

oh please with the confirmations, keep it to yourself

Anonymous said...

Why does confirmations bother you, there are friends on this site that respect each other more of that on this site would make it so much better. Sue

Anonymous said...

I think that it is good idea from Admin to put some Sauli news here. So everybody who are interested in Sauli or love Sauli, can express and write own feelins. On the other hand people who are not interested in Sauli, can scroll the discussion.
Everybody is happy.
Is it possible, that other discussions are free from Sauli discussions and when Admin put some Sauli news to this Adam fan side, so everybody can write about Sauli and Adam whatever he or she wants, but with respect? And nobody is coming to say "move on they are separeted and so on..."

Anonymous said...

Sue, Nice to read you are getting your strength back:)))!

Maybe the luckiest day for Sauli should be told by him only but still in his interview publ.yesterday, he said living in LA has been the most wonderful time of his life. And he wants to continue it as long as possible:). He takes life as it comes with a smile,though he says it hasn´t always been easy to smile, he has always tried to anyway.

A few peculiar comments here,of which some against Sauli, some against Adam. In general guite tolerable,don´t you think? Positive good comments from Jadam and HK fan, which are rays of light for me ! To me not too bad an outcome in general here!(of 67 posts).

Thankey Admin for this "hint" glitzylady was talking about.Nice to see friendly connections(liking a pic,which means friendship these days) between such sweet guys!:)

Anonymous said...

But with respect in a lot of cases unfortunately not what going on. Respect is the key word and that not being honored among the few who are ruining it for others, it needs to stop. It kind if hard to scroll by a nasty comment when you already read some if it, before you realize what it is. You can like Sauli without disrespecting Adam it all in these people's mines, he did nothing bad to Sauli. Stop the disrespect to Adam there will be more respect for Sauli it's as simple as that.

Anonymous said...

Sue has a good point; this is an Adam site and it's strange that people use it as their platform to slam him! Doesn't seem right to me. It's like someone comes to your house very often to scold you and tell you this is wrong, that is wrong. What do you do? You might even call the police. lol! As I've always said I like Sauli, he has a strong character; I even wrote poems about him and Adam.


Anonymous said...

8.53 I had a lot if set backs and I had a really hard time, but I trying every day. I just want to hear things about Adam and uplifting things. Both Sauli and Adam are good people we just need to respect that and keep it positive as possible. I do not think either of them did anything bad to each other, they felt with it maturely. I think it's time we all deal with it maturely ant not judge them including myself in that. That was they dealt with it maturely! Sue

Anonymous said...

Thank you Lam-my Sue sorry I keep hitting if instead of, of.

Anonymous said...

Whether they are a couple or not, I assume that Sauli is eternally grateful to Adam for introducing him to America, and esp. L.A., where the media is so dominant. Sauli would have had no chance to make so many connections in the U.S. without Adam. He would have had no visibility at all. Their relationship ramped up Sauli's celeb status in Finland as well. Sauli's TV show depended on him knowing prominent Finns living in the L.A. area. I think they're fine as friends. Sauli has a lot to be thankful for from his time with Adam.


Anonymous said...

I think certain folks just like to stir the pot and keep mentioning Sauli. They know it aggravates so we should just ignore the posts. Hopefully the posts will fade away as Saulie will eventually. Be patient only a few more months and by that time Adam will have another curie!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sue, so glad that you're strong enough to come back to this site. We know you've had a hard time. Keep working on your strength. You are one of the most sincere Adam lovers.


Anonymous said...

Let's be honest. There was a lot of disrespect to both Sauli and Adam by the Tommycrays. But of course Tommy is a saint.

Anonymous said...

I meant curie.

Anonymous said...

Sue, I still pray for you, I know it is hard recovering too but you will be better, lift your mind with positivity. I think rudeness is sometimes best ignored, it fades away pointless. Sometimes giving recognition to it results only for the worse.

I think Sauli people like me are not really dwelling on the breakup any more. Some want to talk about it yet. Disrespect is not a one nation problem nor a problem of a few here. People are individuals but boundaries of respecting one another can be easy to lose. Sometimes it happens to the best people too. I try to remember to behave good myself.

Anonymous said...

TJR is enjoying life with his girlfriend so he can be left out of this blog. He's had enough bashing the last few years.

Anonymous said...

Lol Sutan's assistant blogged about making out with Tommy at Sutan's birthday party. So he is not only enjoying life with his girlfriend.

Anonymous said...

I understand we don't always like the same people. Some fans like Tommy a lot more than Adam and are open about it. I get the impression that if you like Adam, but you like Sauli too, you should leave the fandom now. Is that what you are trying to say? I'm sure only Adam's fans sometimes criticize Adam too, but I guess because they are the real deal they are allowed to do so. Even if I don't constantly praise and worship Adam, because I think it's weird, it doesn't mean I don't respect him.

Anonymous said...

DRG, Finnish Embassy is an excellent connection between all the Finns living in LA area,celebs or no celebs. I remember Sauli saying he started connecting with Finns himself when he knew no one there. Starting slowly he became more active himself. I still don´t expect his connections are only due to him being a celeb bf. Being a celeb already in Finland his celeb-status ofcourse became higher w Adam,but I wouldn´t emphasize that too much either,because Sauli didn´t come forward about his relationship w Adam. It was always secretive as a whole and still is.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Sauli is no longer a celeb bf and he still gets job opportunities in Finland. Same thing with the non Finnish fans who still follow Sauli. Those Adam's fans who were interested in Sauli only because he was Adam's bf have already stopped following him.

Anonymous said...

Thank you , DRG and other's

Anonymous said...

@9:41 Lol, I think Tommy is male chauvinistic pig. I suppose his gf is ok with it.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:07
You are so right, the first true statement I have seen about Sauli.
Sauli was already a household name in Finland, and well loved. He took the initiative to find Finnish friends here in CA, without any help from Adam. Sauli has stopped people on the street to talk to them if he noticed they were speaking Finnish. Adam put his name out there just by promoting him as his BF. Everything Sauli did to promote the opportunity for the TV show, he is doing, he did without Adam. Adam couldn't have helped him even if he wanted to. Adam has been very kind to him, and has shown him places that made Sauli very happy. Adam also was able to make a home for him, and they were both very happy with their life, until their career opportunities separated them. Neither of them wanted to lose these chances, that might come once in a life time, they are both ambitious men. Adam didn't like living alone, as he has said many times, which is I think is for the most part, why he is out most nights with friends. Somebody said , quite accurately that Adam is an indoor person, and Sauli is an outdoor person. Let them each live in peace, without all this bickering.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is very grateful to Adam. He just said that in yesterday's interview. He said he is thankful about lots of things and that he would not live in LA of he had not met Adam.

Anonymous said...

@11.13 PM You saw Sauli kissing a girl passionately,may I ask when and which club did this happen?

I'd recommend you to book an appointment to an optician!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for responding to my post. I know Adam didn't do specific things to further Sauli's career networking in L.A., but the fact that he was Adam's boyfriend did make him a little more visible in the media. That's all I meant. Sauli is certainly capable of promoting himself, meeting new people and furthering his career. I really like the guy.


Anonymous said...

Thankey DRG for clearing your point.
That´s not just for us here but for all readers.:)

Anonymous said...

I found your 9:24 post a bit annoying and harsh... an unusual post from you... you are always so calm and 'level headed'... "no chance"... "no visibility at all" etc. sounded a bit too abrupt... I'm so glad you came back and explained further. I find Sauli very industrious and 'entrepreneurish' (sp?!) and I'm sure he could hack it anywhere if he wanted to. This by no means is meant to diminish Adam's impact and help etc., and Sauli said it very nicely in this June 20 interview.
Let's face it, they both are exceptionally great guys!
And just to make clear, I am Adam fan, have been from Feb 2009 and always will be!

Anonymous said...

Someone said Adam and Sauli are never seen at the same events. Has everyone forgotten that Sauli was invited to Leila"s birthday party? He is still considered part of the family. Also, Sauli and Danielle are often seen together. If Sauli "done" Adam wrong, wouldn't Danielle shun him? I think all is good. Adam and Sauli are still friends, but careers and travel keep them apart. At end of July, Sauli goes to Finland and will spend the Fall working with Katri. But when Winter comes to Finland, he will return to LA.

Adamluv said...

@DRG - thought your comment was neither abrupt nor harsh but just telling it as you felt. Much prefer straight to the point rather than the goody 2 shoes "butter wouldnt melt in their mouths" comments so often seen on this site. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Sauli loves L.A and feels it's his second home.

Anonymous said...

Considerate posting is always better than without it. I Don´t agree with post @7:05pm.

Anonymous said...

You can post telling your ideas "straight to the point" without any accuracy. Then it is considerate to others to clear your point. It is more honest to me. DRGs real point was of interest and that was important for some people to know.

Anonymous said...

My viewpoint is based on Sauli's perseverance and dedication in achieving his goals rather than the opportunities thrown his way. He might not have gotten noticed in LA but might still have achieved similar success elsewhere perhaps if he had ventured into Europe, etc...a different life pathway that could be just as beneficial. Adam definitely made a difference in Sauli's good fortune so far. Fox TV airs AI and and Adam to my mind, should have a large influence on the Fox deal Sauli got but again still very much depended on Sauli's own talents and hardwork. Adam on the other hand benefited a lot from the love relationship which he had yearned for and finally found it in Sauli. He felt the special connection he was searching for in Sauli. It's circumstances that did not allow it to come to greater fruition. So Sauli benefited from Adam as much as Adam did from Sauli in different ways; what I'm saying is, it's not one-sided.


Anonymous said...


Sauli said himself that he is thankful to Adam for many reasons, but actually Fox Finland has nothing to do with Adam. Sauli knows the boss, Mikko Silvennoinen.

Anonymous said...

