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Adam Lambert: "Pippin Musical was so fantastic last night!"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, June 20, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, June 20, 2013


Anonymous said...

I have no desire to see Pippin but would love to see all the others Adam has mentioned.

tea said...

Good to hear you're enjoying yourself.

Anonymous said...

He's enjoying a lot of great shows!

Anonymous said...

Lol four shows in four days. Networking with his old theater people, talking to show producers and reminding them he is alive. He is looking for a job

Anonymous said...

IMHO Adam made the right choices .. TV.. IDOL ,which was watched ,at that time, by about 25 million people here and around the world. Then becoming a POP singer/recording star. He is world wide famous,because of all the exposure and of course because of his amazing voice. The folks on Broadway are probably some of the most talented artists in the world,but who really knows them. I grew up in New York and studied theater arts,so I went to dozens of musicals and unless someone was a famous guest star,I never remembered any of the casts names.
When the musical is over,they have to then audition for another musical.. SO HARD all the way around.

Yup Adam was so wise.. he has millions of fans who adore him ..most often people know his name

Anonymous said...

Adam is definately networking. He has to multi-task in the world of show biz. New CD, new music, tours, TV and maybe, just maybe, a stage show at some point. He's definately out there with the bigwis getting lots of face-time. It helps that he does already know some of the actors and actresses in these shows. And they, of course, know him! Werk it, Adam!


Anonymous said...

I don't know if Adam is looking for a job(anon @ 10:08AM), but he seems to be taking in some of the best musicals on Broadway. He probably has some very talented friends performing in these shows and he seems to have some free time to take it all in this past week. Adam seems to really be enjoying himself in a city where there is something to do on any given night. Maybe he might consider a move to NYC one day.

Anonymous said...

Not looking for a job. He just said he is working on his new music. He knows people in every one of these shows. It must be great to see your friends in Broadway musicals. Four isn't a lot for a theater lover, especially when friends are in different shows.

Anonymous said...

Oh right. Working so hard on that album. Lol

Anonymous said...

We don't have to be 100% faithful to Adam. I listen to many other artists' new music. I have bought albums before by other artists that mean more to me than Adam's music, but Trespassing is really excellent album. I am kind of over FYE though.

Anonymous said...

He said he been in the studio, he writing you can't rush art, I sure you make fun if that tho. He writes most of his music why don't you all go write a. Album, you know so much get a record company become a pop star , please publish one of your songs here it so easy. I cannot imagine how hard us to put together an album that was as good as trespassing. Now he got to please record comp. and every other aspect of the business, very hard plus he is international and get music that is internationally excepted. It just all so easy to people who no little about it all, if you know so much why don't you write the alb summit it to Adam and his management he will be ready to go, get started as easy as it is should be finished by the end if the month.

Anonymous said...

Lol the point is he doesn't have a deal with rca for a new album. It's very obvious. Just like it was obvious he and sauli broke up in January, just like it was obvious there wasn't going to be a trespassing tour long before he,told us. Some fans are naive

Anonymous said...

call me crazy, but I would imagine if RCA wasn't willing to support another album from Adam, they would just drop him from the label..and we haven't heard anything about simply is not possible to just spit out an album overnight..and there was a Trespassing tour..just not in the US...Adam will be just fine..he has too much talent and is too liked by people in the industry not to succeed...

Anonymous said...

Lol I will call you naive.

Anonymous said...

He said he working on new music he been in the studio and creating and he is. They would drop him like Many before of they not going to support another album. He said on the insider he has been in the studio he has been writing he is creating. He not a liar, there will be a album, your not naive. Seems also like to me there are several concerts this year, in America and he keeps adding them.

krismidas said...

Lol 1:28 and 3:58. I will call you ignorant and mean-spirited. Lol lol lol.


Anonymous said...

I don't know what to think about a new album. All I know is that it looks like Adam has learned his lesson about giving out too much information about everything. I thnk he's keeping it quiet until a definite release date has been set and until he's sure RCA won't flake on the date like they did last time.

Anonymous said...

Seriously do you not remember what it was like when adam was working on an album? Flying to florida, nyc, london, miami to work with top level people. Getting tweets from writers and studio people all the time. This year there has been zero, except one night when Nile was in town working with someone else. Instead he is filling his time with a bunch of charity stuff and random gigs, and lots of vacation and partying. He admits there is no timeline for his album. That is because he can't write one himself and rca isn't setting up anything for him. He is just spitting out pr bullshit when asked about it.

Anonymous said...

He just stated on that album, he did not fly all over the place when he just started. Adam Lambert does not talk bull shit never ever been his style. If he had not started one he would have said so. He said he had been in the studio, he was creating and he was writing. He in very early start if it. He will start working with more people sure he has started with some believe someone besides Nile's said he been in studio with Adam. Adam Lambert not a liar, he does not do bull S. as you so nastily put it. The only bullshit I can see here is what your spewing. No matter who asked him he would not lie about it. Really do not know why anyone bothers you always put Adam down only reason you are here is to do that. There will be a album some times next year I suspect, he writes most of it does not happen over night.

Anonymous said...

Sue, why are you not signing with your tag these days???