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Adam Lambert with a fan earlier today at the Royal Pacific Hotel

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, June 30, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, June 30, 2013

Pictures by Livi Babusci ‏@livib20


Anonymous said...

the hotel looks beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Adam, all these pictures with fans are something they will never forget. You are always so gracious and patient. Hang on to that special quality, even when you are having a hard day and don't feel like it, because you are making fans for life. Many of us are touched just seeing these sweet fan pics.

And congratulations on a blow-out concert. All the reviews are just glowing! TOO FUN!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

The Royal Pacific Hotel near the Atlantic is making me laugh.

Lucky fan that caught Adam checking out.

Anonymous said...

Sweet down to earth Adam always:)
Simply love this guy!

Unknown said...

Loving the way the hat is pearch up like that ;) look at his new instagram pic deep lyrics possibly for A3 looks like they were in his notes of his Iphone

Anonymous said...

@adamlambert: Some rhymes for ur hearts.

Anonymous said...

@12:25 Is that a new song??

Anonymous said...

The LYRICS instagram pic... words for our hearts, says the man...

And also this, OT and not...

Adam (more than...) liked Sauli's latest Instagram pic saying: 'MAGICAL!'

I totally agree, there are just fab pics of Sauli, more than one...

And just to avoid anyone jumping on me. I'm not rehashing or trying to cause trouble, I'm FOREVER TRUE ADAM FAN, I love Adam, but I also love to watch beauty, kindness, love & sexiness... and that's what both of these guys OOOOZZZE!!!

Anonymous said...

3:46 You are not a fan of Adam because you keep hashing old news. Sauli has had a boyfriend since January and maybe before that so stop the nonsense. It is over. Just keep going to Sauli's blogs that o.k.

Anonymous said...

Adam is so over the top gorgeous in person..just perfect and his vocals are out of this happy to be his fan

Anonymous said...

@3:51 AM Since January or before? Don't be ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Hashing OLD news?!!
Adam posted the 'possible new' lyrics pic a few hours ago... and he liked Sauli's Instagram pic also a few hours ago... I was just passing the latest Adam news I saw.

I said nothing else, except that I love Adam and that I think these both guys are a joy to watch, cause they both are truly beautiful in my eyes. I only read and pass forward what I see on ADAM FAN SITES, get it!

Stop bullying people!

PS. I don't care who Sauli dates or does not date. But I still find his photos beautiful to watch, cause his sunshiny face & figure bring joy to my life!

Anonymous said...

One more thing.
I've been an Adam fan and here on this blog a lot longer than you, so watch your words!!!

When I started coming here there were no bullies here, no trolls, no hostility but DEFINITELY a lot more JOY & HAPPINESS!!!

3:46 (also 4:22)

Anonymous said...

It's all good - Adam, Sauli. They are friends and we should respect.

Anonymous said...

In twitter world they are getting together or even married. One commend and this is the result. I do understand why they don`t talk about each other or be in same pictures. People go gracy if there is any interaction at all! And these lyrics.. They can mean anything or nothing at all. people are assuming either they are coming together or Adam didn`t love Sauli at all.. Well atleast there is something to talk about. Sauli is going to Finland very soon so if he have bf in LA it`s going to be very difficult situation. That`s why I think he don`t have one.

Anonymous said...

Only bullies fools themselves folks!!:)

Just enjoy our Adam and more power to all who respect this site!:)


Anonymous said...

And I do love and respect both of them! This is 4:56

Anonymous said...

@4:56 AM Lol yes one comment and Adam wants Sauli back and still loves him. Well I think Adam won't do that again and anyway Sauli is going soon to Finland. Also gree that why should Sauli have a new boyfriend from L.A. when he has seen how difficult it's when you are a lot separated.

Anonymous said...

Quit bringing up Sauli. Fans of his can talk to their hearts content on his own sites. True Adam fans are here to discuss Adam respectfully.

Anonymous said...

Good luck to both of you, Adam and Sauli !! The future's not ours to see...que sera sera...


Anonymous said...

Who hasn`t speak Adam respectfully? True Adam`s fans can love others too.. Some here are really too narrow-minded. They suppose every one to love Adam but they don`t act like it them selfs..

Unknown said...

Exactly everytime someone mentions that sauli guy it sparks up shit as far as im concerned sauli isnt in the convo's anymore and we still dont talk about cheeks so shut up about the finnish bastard its about ADAM go to saulis blog and talk about him he wont understand anyway

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli still seems to have positive feelings towards each other. It's nice to see but doesn't mean they are going back.

Anonymous said...

@6:19 AM Do you know that hostility it's not good to your health?

Anonymous said...

Adam Jacko You are evil person!!! What the hell has Sauli done to you. You just called him bastard! And who don`t understand and what... I don`t understand WHAT YOU MEAN!!!

Anonymous said...

@Jacko, you told in one of your posts that you are a young person. Time to grow up.
Please, if Adam is not your real name, take it away from your tag or start acting and posting as the Real Adam L, your idol as well?

Anonymous said...

6:14 your comment is a sneaky dig, just have to squeeze them in don't you?

Anonymous said...

‏Jacko dear really it's not good for your heart to be hostile.

Anonymous said...

6:19 am

WOW! That is some strange and hostile comment you have there!!It is perfectly okay to talk about Sauli in this site. Why not? He is a friend of Adam´s. There are a lot of mentions here other than Adam. You preach that you are a true fan of Adam, yet I strongly feel that Adam would not appreciate the attitude you have towards others in this site. Time to learn some manners. It´s your choice, but quit fooling people here saying that you´re a big fan!! You give a bad name to those who actually are!


Anonymous said...

Adam Jacko should definitely change the name to Adam Wacko!

Anonymous said...

I love that relaxed look on Adam when he is NOT performing. Love all the leather and multi-colored suits when he IS on stage.

HK fan said...

full HD set from Orlando from the TALC ladies

nougat ‏@Tropicgrl42 5m
TY @TALCvids: TALC HD FULL SET Playlist from Universal Orlando @adamlambert performance is here … Enjoy!

HK fan said...

wow, over 800 pics from Orlando


Anonymous said...

One question to "Jacko"> which are the bases you name Sauli for bastard? I doubt you know him.
Adam loved him and shared his life with Sauli and they still have warm feelings for each other. They don't eat your bread!
@3.51 Sauli didn't have a bf in JAnuary after Adam.And not in February, March and April either.

Anonymous said...

Been watching all the videos, Adam rocked again. Really love the sound of just him and his band..perfect. Looks like a big crowd, people of every age, rocking to the one and only Adam Lambert. HOT & Sweaty Adam, he is not the only one that needs a cold shower...hehehehe


Anonymous said...

@ Adam Jacko

You call Sauli "bastard". You wish on other thread that some people here on this site should die. What is behind that hatred?

I don't understand how you can be a fan of Adam who wants nothing but good to people (and so does Sauli).
You don't know much about Adam's private life, or Sauli's. People who have followed these wonderful guys for years say that they are both good, down-to-earth, positive men. Adam said just year ago in FS that he was in a great place in his life and he said from the stage to Sauli that he loved him. So, people who say that Adam did not love him, say that he is a liar. They certainly had something special: I remember many interviews and Adam's look when he spoke about his man when they lived together.

But their story is over. It's fine that they seem to be friends. But this is what happens when they try to show their friendship.

People talk here about Adam's friends, Sutan, Markus, Tommy, Danielle etc. How is Sauli so hated that even his name could not be mentioned here?

And as far as I know Sauli does not have a boyfriend and has not had any bf after Adam, but he has numerous friends, also American, who seem to like him because he is, well Sauli.

Anonymous said...

9:04 BRAVO!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam Jacko is a troll pretending to be a crazy glambert. Please just ignore her.

Anonymous said...

Adam does not "like" Sauli's pics - they are not friends. Adam "likes" Sauli's pic and calls it "magical" - they are in love again. What a logic, people.

They are friends, period. If you would not go crazy every time they try to show their friendship, we would maybe even get nice pics about them together.

But esp. Jacko, calm down, Sauli is flying to Finland soon, so you can relax. The news about him will wane with time. And you can concentrate on Adam and his music only. But remember it is possible that he starts relationship with someone and you just have to deal with that. But let's hope he first gets his 3rd album ready. (Unless he needs some muse to inspire him while making the music.. Sorry, then the speculations, pics, news continue and are not all about Adam and his music).

Anonymous said...

I agree with Adam. That photo is "magical": beautiful gay man with great body and rainbow-colors = equality. Great!

Anonymous said...

They are both very attractive men. Not necessary to cauterize them as gay or straight. Yes they are gay but that us secondary to the kind if people they are. Adam Lambert is a sweetheart.. Yes do believe they are friends, time to be happy about that and forget the unkind feeling some if us had. Including myself time to just let them be who they are and that just good friends, nothing wrong with that at all. Sue

Anonymous said...

AL looks like he can do home repair. he needs his screwdriver and he's rarin' to go.

Anonymous said...

how many muses can one man handle?

Anonymous said...

God Adam looked fantastic at That Orlando concert. About the most handsome man I have seen. Many people said he was absolutely gorgeous in person. He dresses like this to travel, like a bit of a disguise people recognize him anyway. I sure many would love him to do home repair!

Anonymous said...

10:48 AM

Brad, Drake, Sauli and Bridger. You get quite a nice soup from this group. And all these young men, Oli (?) and Cody and the hickey-guy and maybe some more spicing the soup.

The soup will be very tasty! Yam!

Anonymous said...

Brad and Drake were years back, the other two just friends and the rest is even more nonsense.

Anonymous said...

Again. Just garbage.

Admin please give us back the site we originally came here for. I am so sick of this stupid and hateful fighting on what is supposed to be a fan site.

Anonymous said...

This is an anonymous site so things will be posted you don't like bitching about it also spreads negativity

Anonymous said...

WHEW! All this BS again I had to scroll all the way down once Sauli was mentioned!

Anonymous said...

Poor you!!, how painful to have to scroll.

Anonymous said...

1:03 PM

Oh how sad! Didn't you find any thread without Sauli-mentions? Poor you. Maybe tomorrow... Unless Adam "likes" some Sauli's bic or writes some song lyrics, then sorry... It's so painful to scroll and scroll and scroll and ...

Anonymous said...

@1:03 AM

I scroll only when I see name Adam Jacko. I love Sauli, but this Jacko, nooooo!

Anonymous said...

1:03 PM
Oh poor you! I advise you to go to the threads: Baby Loves Adam Lambert or Adam Lambert Tweets Hot Picture. No any Sauli-mentions. Not one. Think about it! You don't have to scroll, yippee!

Anonymous said...

11:25 AM

Ok, Brad and Drake -real love (has the fact that they are American anything to do with this?). Sauli - two years of "friendship" under the same roof (foreigner) and Adam lying about being in love. The honest guy is a liar. How nice.

Anonymous said...

2.06 meant they were friends now, can you read! Sauli is a friend now. I said nothing about the 2years they went together being friends. All mentioned are boyfriend years ago like Like Brad and Drake. Why would anyone bring their names up. They were in love two years they are friends now, what does love have to do with being American. Stop bringing up ancient history. I think right now Adam just dating people not in any relationship. He loved Sauli, Saili did love Adam and now they are friends no matter what you say or do will change that. They were mature about it thank God they were more mature than you. .

Anonymous said...

Adam and this young girl look great. Bet he feels so good, lots of young ins on board these days.