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Adam Lambert's New Instagram Avatar

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, June 20, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, June 20, 2013


Anonymous said...

Hello gorgeous! The Dark Sude

Anonymous said...

Hello gorgeous! The Dark Sude

Anonymous said...

Great picture of Adam, love those full lips..soooo kissable!


Anonymous said...

Handsome Adam, hi baby! Love your new Instagram Avatar!

Anonymous said...

The facial hair is ageing.

Anonymous said...

hey I think this is the picture a few threads back I was going to use as my desktop and never got to it. Now I will. Great picture for his avi too.

Shaley said...

His new avi, my new screensaver;)
The facial hair makes him look his age. So if that's "aging", it sure looks good on him:)

Anonymous said...

Adam is one who will grow old gracefully.

Anonymous said...

Helloooo, Gorgeous! Talk about a classic, beautifully formed face. I don't care one way or another about the facial hair. He is stunning.

glitzylady said...

I can guarantee you that if you came face to face with Adam, in person, this close, you wouldn't be thinking about the mustache. At all. And whether you like it or not :))))))) It would be the LAST thing on your mind....Seriously.

Shaley said...

I can't think at all when I'm face to face with him! :-D
I just turn into a blubbering idiot.

Shaley said...

@glitzy: Are you going to see Raja Friday night? I forgot to ask retrogurl. Did she tell you we are? Should be a blast!

glitzylady said...

Yes, she let me know about Raja in Seattle at the "W". Thanks for mentioning it again. Sounds like a HUGE amount of fun, but I probably won't be going. Unless I can talk the hubby into going. He'll be out of town next week and I'll be leaving for LA/San Diego the day after he gets back so will be spending the weekend together. You two have a great time!!!!!!! Will be waiting to hear all about it!

Anonymous said...


Yes! Yes! Fans who hasn't seen him close will say anything he!he!

When I met him I was just stunned and screaming inside!!!! OMG!!!

I just wanted to eat him alive that's all!!:))))))

He's facial and freckles are to die for he!he!


Unknown said...

He is beautiful and im really getting tired of people say negitive things so anyone who comments atter this if you have nothing good to say shut up and if I hear and more whens the new album I gonna flip he cant shit out another album and when he comes out with that one yall gonna want a 4 th one a day later shut up and wait when he is ready then he will release!Stop being so greedy let him live and The fucking admin person shoulnt have brought sauli up it wasnt newsworthy its their private relationship let them do what they please

Anonymous said...

You are very offensive, was that Jacko or Jacka##?

Anonymous said...

With all due respect Jacko, your comment almost dares people to respond negatively.

Anonymous said...

And also with all due respect @Jacko, although I can hear you are meaning well (I feel the same frustration with the stupid, constant BS comments), that kind of language is not tolerated on 'the other fan site' you referred to in one of your posts.

NEVER curse @Admin - due to her we still have this place that so many of used to call 24/7 AL Paradise... Hard to imagine now, eh?!

Anonymous said...

was meaning to say ... 'so many of us used to call...sorry, also my phone is getting tired of the

Anonymous said...

Yes please show respect to the Admin, this person puts a lot of time and effort into this site, for us.

Anonymous said...

If you don't like Adam, his music, his lifestyle, then stay off this site with all those negative, nasty, disrespectful comments. Put your pent up frustration into something that will make a difference in the world, a change that will make life better for people. You don't even know Adam Lambert except from glimpses that come through this blogsite so stop being so judgmental and give it a rest already. I thought this was a site for Adam's fans and not for venting your dislike of him.

Anonymous said...

@ 5:31 pm

What the hell are you talking about? This attacking has gotten out of hand. One comment that Adam looked older with the facial hair (which many people have said over and over ----"he looks younger clean shaven") and it sets off these kind of remarks. They did not say they disliked Adam,
I saw no evidence they suffered from pent up frustration, it was not a negative, nasty, disrespectful comment. Dozens of people have said the facial hair makes him look older, not old - older - as @ Shaley says above, he looks his age. Is that an insult?

Read what people say, not what you imagine they are saying. Does everyone here have short fuses, ready to explode?

And, @ Jacko - you are disgusting and a fine one to be criticizing other people's comments. On practically every thread you repeat the phrase "shit out a 3rd album". just what kind of respect does this show for Adam or this site.
Watch your foul mouth!