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Another Adam Lambert Vine Video: "Band JAMZ"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, June 14, 2013

Posted at : Friday, June 14, 2013


Anonymous said...

big party time tonight! and tomorrow night!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

And the band's all here! Woohoo..........


Anonymous said...

Big party for me tonight! Tonight they repeat the Fashion Police and I see Adam on the big screen with amps on high. I know Charlie the dog will howl. Ha.


Anonymous said...

Yay! So good to see them all performing again! Missed them sooo much. No Keisha and Renee though ?

Good Luck y'all have a great time tomorrow in Pittsburgh!


Anonymous said...

Can't see the video. Just a black square with nothing to click on. Help!

Anonymous said...

@ CT Yes I need an Adam concert fix soooo bad. Hope we get good videos. I think there will be a livestream but doesn't always sound good or work sometimes. Lucky people who will be there!

Anonymous said...

Ok, as soon as I said crank up the amps, I realized he doesn't sing on this show...but it was worth it to hear him say FABULOUS....which was enough to get a howl out of my Basset. Everyone have fun tomorrow in PA.


Anonymous said...

I'm all excited!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam-knock 'em dead tomorrow!!! Water is flowing in Africa from your wells and our hearts are overflowing with joy for what you have accomplished with your celebrity!!