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Close Up Adam Lambert Signing for fans after Pittsburgh Pride Sound Check 6-15-13

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, June 15, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, June 15, 2013


Anonymous said...

There has to be a way to get a hand in his hair. hmmmm

Anonymous said...

he must get so tired of leaning and smiling..bless his heart..methinks he is a little too slender..needs to put a little meat on those bones..

glitzylady said...

Adam is a very gracious man, and I suspect he doesn't mind the "leaning and smiling". These are his fans, and I think he appreciates the fact that they love and support him. He didn't have to do this little impromptu meet and greet.... and yet he did.

I also wish I was there.... :)))

Anonymous said...

@glitzlady well said!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam always gracious to his fans. Makes mr think of the two Divas on Idol this year who were above it all.

Anonymous said...

The best part of Adam that I truly appreciate, admire and love is he is a great human being, a sweetheart, no arrogance at all.

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwweee Sweet Adam!!