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Enquirer magazine: American Idol Begs Old Favorites to Save Show

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, June 21, 2013

Posted at : Friday, June 21, 2013

VIA @ovationimpact


Anonymous said...

Is this show really going down hill that bad?

Anonymous said...

I seen Adams picture but not his name surely they will ask him.Clay would be the worst.

tea said...

It sounds like they are trying to negotiate with Adam, but can't agree on terms.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam needs the exposure, he has to let the country see his personality. The show is still drawing a large audience even though it's no longer on top. You can still write music and record with their schedule. I really think Adam would revel in the job and be good at it.
I also liked Blake Lewis the year he was on, he was clever and cool, I liked the beat box additions he gave to some of his songs. Idol give it a need to do something different to pique the public's interest and as we know, Adam is interesting and Blake is different! I
don't really see J. Hudson being a big draw unless she has some personality that has escaped my notice. But
she has talent and good credentials............JAK

glitzylady said...

Hard to know what's really happening. The National Enquirer isn't exactly known for truth in journalism. But still nice to see the pic of Adam :))

On the plus side, Adam was pretty evasive when questioned about Idol judging in the Red Carpet interview a few days ago... So who knows!

Anonymous said...

@ 1:47 says "Although Adam Lambert is considering returning, he doesn't want to put his singing career on hold."..............I think that is just a polite way of saying "He wants it but they haven't made up their minds."
He's told the world he wants it. Do it Idol....take a bold step!

Anonymous said...

Lol this is total bullshit. Do you really think they are considering David archuleta, that little milquetoast to be a judge? Use some common sense people. Adam would kill for,that job.

Anonymous said...

Adam creates buzz no matter what he does. We notice it here on this website with every little thing he does. On good grounds he terminated his relationship and the media and fans went crazy about it. Adam draws attention cause he is unique and different. He is good looking and can speak million times better than those A Listers that sell millions. He can be Cowell 2.0 IMO. But in a positive way cause he is quick with his talk. Idol is a full if they don't hire him.

Anonymous said...

Adam will be the only reason to watch. Articulate, smart, kind and music savvy.. Plus he was the only former AI contestant to mentor. No to Carrie, Clay and Jennifer. They are arrogant unlikeable divas. Please get Adam but pay him enough. Not a measley mil. He will work his ass off as always.

Anonymous said...

Adam, Paula Abdul, pharrell, Keith Urban. Keep critics short and sweet. More time to the contestants. Less talk. One hour show. I'll watch it.

HK fan said...

Clay and JHud would make me want to turn it off.
Carrie seems OK but not the most engaging personality.
None of the others are a big enough name except possibly Daughtry in the US...but don't like him either.
I'm with JAK, I would like to see Adam judging because I think he would be great at it articulate, gorgeous, witty, been in their shoes etc and I think the US really needs a way to see Adams personality rather than their perceived bigoted ideas of him.
But then again I don't want to go on the blogs and see people tearing shreds out of him like they do every other judge...

Anonymous said...

I can't figure out who it is the Idol alums find difficult to work with. Can anyone read who it is?

Anonymous said...

No matter who they pick as new Idol judges, there will be criticism. Look at some of the negative comments already about JHud. Is she officially signed? I would love for Adam to be a judge because he is intelligent, articulate, and savy about the music business. But I am sure there will be the haters out there slinging all kinds of comments about him as a person and I don't want to see that happen to Adam. Time will tell whether or not he gets the job; he said he would like to do it, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything. The only positive aspect about Idol in comparison to all the other singing shows is that it does produce a viable performer in the music business achieving some degree of success because of the support and backing it provides the winner.

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping for Adam too. I also think Kelly Pickler would be interesting....... I really enjoyed her on DWTS.


Adamluv said...

@HK - do agree with you about Aiken and Hudson. Personally like Carrie due to her work in her state with animal rescue. She has her own dog rescue group. I know it has zero to do with her singing and judging ability so no one needs to tell me that. Still dont want Adam anywhere near AI as a judge. Wasnt Adam and Queen going to perform at some event in England a few years ago and when the entire event was cancelled some blamed Adam? Hopefully someone remembers more of the details. I fear Adam would be blamed if it's the last year of Idol. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I think David Cook would be good too. How about Adam, DC, Pharrell and Jhud?

HK fan said...

It was the Sonisphere festival at Knebworth that was cancelled, and it was only last year... I had tickets to go and see Queen/Adam..
On many news articles/blogs etc Adam was blamed for the cancellation/for not selling tickets, even though I think it was 5 Sonisphere festivals across Europe were also cancelled, and had nothing to do with ticket sales, but more on crap organisers..

Luckily for us they then organised the Hammersmith concerts.

HK fan said...

It says that Clay Aitkin has been approached but many other Idols don't want to work with him (clay) as he is too difficult to work with...
He also doesn't keep up with music, and has stated in interviews that he can't stand pop.

Anonymous said...

Thank you HK fan

Anonymous said...

I agree with a number of you here.

Adam would make a great judge and the job would certainly give him great positive exposure.

Sure, all judges take the heat of negative comments. Adam would facr that, too, but he wouldn't be the only judge that's happened to.

The positives of getting the job outweigh the negatives.

Adam is the only AI alum that would get me to watch. JH, CA and the others don't really interest me. I hope it's not an all-Idol panel.

Adam was rather evasive when he was asked about it in NY. That can be a good or a bad thing depending on what he knows.

The show is on the wane, but it still gets decent ratings. It's still THE ONE, when it comes to singing shows. Frankly, I think all the singing competition shows are becoming kind of passe. Let's hope Adam gets his chance. I'd love to be a fly on the wall when the Idol peeps discuss Adam!


Anonymous said...

Oh, and I think there would likely be time to work on new music and be a judge at the same time. It's do-able. Adam can be a multi-tasker.

Anonymous said...

I think that Adam should wait for a role in another type of show. Music shows are way too many and redundant. He is so amazing in so many ways. Come on tv gurus, Adam Lambert can win anybody with his voice and his smile.

Anonymous said...

Adam/queen sonisphere was selling more than the other nights, but organizers started late and were not well organized. good thing as it would have been a muddy mess outside. hammersmith was so much better

Anonymous said...

Adam was not evasive about whether he wanted the job, he was being pressured about whether the rumor was a fact that he got the job. He answered a couple times "you know as much as I do". Whether or not, he won't make the announcement, Idol will!

Anonymous said...

All I know his name seems to come up immediately as a possible judge for the past few years. If you are playing the odds, it has to hit sooner or later. ( :


Anonymous said...

8:03 PM
Clay Aiken hates pop? Well, what the hell does he think he sings .... rap, hip hop, country? LOL .... total loser!

Anonymous said...

Can't read this article because it's blurred. Hope it says positive things about Adam.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:55 PM - read @ 2:05 pm - they tell you what article says about Adam.

Anonymous said...

Clay doesn't sing pop, he sings old fashioned covers, not up to date pop music.

Anonymous said...

A totally made-up article based on the idea of an all-contestant panel, throwing in as many names a possible to get as many hits from Idol fans as they can. That said, they knew who to show in the pics: Adam, Kelly and Carrie. It says a world about the general view of competitive chances that they put Adam up with those ladies.

Anonymous said...

Anon. 3:17 AM
Old-fashioned covers of old POP songs.

Anonymous said...

I think the Idol judging panel should include one person from the recording industry - someone with a wealth of expertise in that field.

Anonymous said...

Enquirer is such a crock. I don't think Adam is even being considered. He wasn't being evasive during that one interview just truthful. He let it be known he wanted the job so the rest is up to them.I am pretty pos KU will keep his seat too.

Anonymous said...

I'm okay with Keith Urban, but getting rid of 3 judges and leaving one sitting because he was "a good boy" seems really childish. I'd also like to say I'm glad Randy is gone, he should have been gone last year. He was a bit arrogant representing himself and MC at the start.

Anonymous said...

aww I will miss Randy.

Adamluv said...

@HK - thanks for the info. about the festival. . . . Adamluv

Adamluv said...

BTW - have met and spoken with Randy Jackson a couple times at clubs when he was there to support the Canyons (with Adams friend Alisan) and he was very friendly, open and came acoss as a really nice guy. YES I KNOW, he was there on a PR job so of course dont know the real Randy as none of us do about any celebrities that we meet out and about. And he loved Adam from day one on Idol so will always have a soft spot in my heart for him as I ALSO have for Ms. Paula!!!!! . . . Adamluv