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HD Videos from Pittsburgh

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, June 16, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, June 16, 2013


Anonymous said...

I want more video's to see. Thank your for sharing. Love that good old rock and roll music. I want a rock and roll cd. Adam. Oh so good to see you up on stage again.

Anonymous said...

Can't believe I'm the 1st to comment. I LOVE this look on Adam, wow so sexy. Hope he wears that exact outfit in Orlando. Waiting to hear from other glamberts that were there how it was. Amazing videos- Thanks


Anonymous said...

Great vids!

Anonymous said...

Adam is really sounding and looking so good. It seemed like he was enjoying himself. He doesn't need backup singers and dancers to distract from his vocals. And Ashley seemed to be smiling more and having a good time. Thanks for these vids.

Anonymous said...

Great vids! Great Adam! Great everything!

Anonymous said...

Adam looked and sounded wonderful. 10:15 start praying right now for that same outfit in Orlando cuz he not only looked good, he sang his butt off in it.