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Latest Adam Lambert Picture from Pittsburgh

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, June 15, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, June 15, 2013

VIA @cuckoobert:
Adam was at Shiloh Grill say night for dinner. The restaurant owner had a pic taken with him.


Anonymous said...

can't wait for videos

OT: Got my hotel and driving to see Adam in Orlando yeah. Are any other glamberts here going?

@Jak- It's not too far for you


tea said...

Very Cute!
I'm excited for more pics to come.

Anonymous said...

Have fun, Brownie!

Anonymous said...

Wish we could be there but I will be very happy with any vids that are posted!


Anonymous said...

@ brownie.....JAK here....I's killing me. We had a family meeting titled "how can mom see Adam?" So far, we have not come up with a solution. I cannot stand or even sit in the hot sun for hours in a crowd, where I could not see anyway........g'son is trying to find out which hotel he will be far no reservations at the W.A.....where I've been promised a room and I can station myself at elevators or clock in the lobby for a "sighting" at least. My only hope would be if g'son could get info about a sound check!
He thinks my (mild) obsession is funny, but I assured him I am deadly serious!!!! I just whisper in his ear...."first class airline tickets for your 6' 5" body on your coming world trip!" Be nice to Grandma!

Anonymous said...

Good luck, JAK! You're lucky your family is trying to help you! A sound check spotting would be really cool IMO.


Anonymous said...

JAK, do they not have a section for people in wheelchairs at the venue? Why would you need to be there so early? Couldn't you arrive right before the show starts?

Anonymous said...

If any1 should b there its U
> So hope u get there
Light and Love, Dana

Anonymous said...

im going to orlando

glitzylady said...

I wish you lived in San Diego right now...I might be able to help you out... no sitting in the hot sun..with a good seat. Darn it...........

Anonymous said...

JAK here....yes you can buy a ticket and go into park at 7:00 I believe, but it's dubious that you could get anywhere near the stage if you do that. As far as wheelchairs go, since the park rents bodied people do so to get themselves and their party to front of attraction and ride lines......not nice. As yet no special area is designated for people like moi! I don't think it's "meant to be for me". I've been watching Pittsburgh ustreams and I honestly can't take the crowds and screaming. If and when Adam ever comes to a venue with theater type seating......maybe I could see him. I gave up on bad sound, one really bad I am lying comfortably in bed watching Adam vids from Idol, guerrilla gig in Australia, at venues covering Is This Love and Stay! And eating pecan praline ice cream.......diabetes be damned!

Anonymous said...

@ Dana.....I am sending love links to you and your family, I hope your brother will recover from cardiac difficulties.