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Latest Pictures ~ Adam Lambert exiting an office meeting in West Hollywood

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, June 10, 2013

Posted at : Monday, June 10, 2013

VIA Just Jared:

Adam Lambert is all dressed up while exiting an office meeting on Monday (June 10) in West Hollywood, Calif.


Anonymous said...

Hi Honey . . . love your smile!

Anonymous said...

Exiting a meeting or was he really on his way to or leaving filming Fashion Police? Guess we will know when we see his clothes on FP tonight.

Anonymous said...

Me too!!!!! And everything else including those shoes!!! He is just too gorgeous!!!

Anonymous said...

He is wearing this outfit on Fashion Police but gee, maybe he had time in his day to also have a business meeting.
We will never know, will we!!!

Anonymous said...

I know, I know, I have said it a million times, but hot damn he is so drop-dead gorgeous ( :


tea said...

Posted in the wrong place. I wanted my comment here to say
Adam, you melt my heart, you gorgeous man.

Anonymous said...

Lookin good Babe! As usual!

Anonymous said...


My goodness, he is yummy. This is Adam before taping Fashion Police,

He's on NOW ... looks wonderful!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Joan just choose Adam as her date!
(our of three, Dating Game style)

xo laura

Anonymous said...

"OUT" of three. geeze.
xo laura

Anonymous said...

Adam once said that his feet are size 11 1/2.

Anonymous said...

Adam is 6'1". If he didn't have big feet he would tip over.

Anonymous said...

Whose that women in the background, that doesn't have a clue ? lol

Anonymous said...

We've seen his toes, frequently, they aren't that long.....what is he smuggling in the toes of the shoes? My husband wears size 13 and the toe part of the shoe is not that long!
Quite curious. : ). . . .JAK

Anonymous said...

Those teeth hmmmm : )


Anonymous said...

ADAM, you're simply gorgeous, baby!

Anonymous said...

Those lips are so yummy looking. The rest of him is not bad either LOL! I don't know how many times I've described Adam as drop-dead gorgeous. Never get tired of saying it either.


Anonymous said...

Joan and I share the same birthday and we both share Adam! Love them both.

Anonymous said...

The man knows how to dress that greenish color and the shoes :)

Anonymous said...


Size 13? I know I shouldn't ask, but is what they say--------------------? Huh?

Anonymous said...

Looking good in that suit.

Anonymous said...

Adam can certainly stop traffic! If I saw Adam while I was driving down the street, I would slam on the brakes and stare at him as long as I could!............nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Probably just signed his contract for Idol Judge. Think about it. Auditions start on July 11 in Salt Lake City and run thru part of August. He has nothing on his events schedule. Quite a coincidence. He will do Idol finable in China end of August. Just saying.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, meant to spell finale.

Anonymous said...

They started last year's auditions without judges. Think about it. Just saying.

Anonymous said...

Lol the judges have nothing to do with the first round of auditions. They only announced them mid September last year which is when the judges rounds start.

They just hired the new producer and fox exec for idol and so starting fresh

He is prob just leaving the studio where fashion police was filmed.

Anonymous said...

This guy is uber gorgeous!!!call me mad but I spent 2wks thinkin of him naked*yeah*.do hope he is working on a third album!!!please let him start!

Anonymous said...

Judging by pic two, our boy needs another round of botox. Love him with no lines...looks younger. And I of all people should know. My 3 year old granddaughter asked me if my winkles hurt. Winkles is not spelled incorrectly for her.

Anonymous said...

Idol ideally (for their purpose) finalizes new judges in August. Last year they were way behind becuase they started almost from scratch and interviewed EVERYBODY. Who knows, could be the same this year.

Hope Adam doesn't hear people suggesting that he isn't beautiful enough without the botox. Shallow people have a lot to answer for.

Anonymous said...

1:36 PM
Adam doesn't need Botox!!! Plastic-looking faces are ugly.