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Latest Pictures from Pittsburgh

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, June 15, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, June 15, 2013


Anonymous said...

Wow, not a bad pic in the bunch!

Anonymous said...

Looks like the concert was a smash! Can't wait to see the great videos. Adam looks incredible and so does Ashley and Tommy with their new looks. I'm sure the videos will show the whole band better.

Adam, only a rockstar could pull off those pants lookin' skinny and sexy and so hot!
What a sight.


xo laura

Anonymous said...

Great pics!

Anonymous said...

Mmm adam is one fine mother bleep ;)

Anonymous said...

Love the picture of he going up the steps. That's my glitter boy.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

he seriously has some sexy eyes.

Anonymous said...

One of my favorites, too!
Finally he wears pants that reveal his nice ASS!!!
Oh, and I truly love his voice, too... LOL!!!

PS. The next pic (#7) brings back memories from the 2009 AI Tour... when he totally melted the mic stand... Ooh, fun memories!

Anonymous said...

....kinda likin' this facial hair....less if any makeup...über masculine Adam....(not that he has never been uber masculine).....but just sayin' :)

Anonymous said...

Leila must be a very proud gorgeous mom of a stunningly gorgeous baby boy!