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More HD Videos from Pittsburgh Pride

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, June 17, 2013

Posted at : Monday, June 17, 2013


tea said...

A cute article on Pitts Pride and another Queen event.

tea said...

THANKS SO much for these great videos. They really have me feeling the love for Adam. I haven't a clue how any one can not love him.

Anonymous said...

Thank You TALC for the vids!

Love the beginning of Fever ........Adam is the cutest Dork ever. Also those hip thrusts at the end and then he kind of laughs at himself??????


Anonymous said...

I had to laugh at Adam's cute dance moves and movements during his concert. He doesn't have to do somersaults, handstands and splits, he is just so cute, and doesn't take himself serious. I had a good spot at the concert and didn't miss a thing ! heheee

Anonymous said...

Thank you for these videos. They were so nice and clear. I was waiting for the clear ones. Thanks TALC FOR SHARING.I wish I could of been there, and a close up seat. Adam always has everyone dancing and moving around at his concerts. Thanks again it's very much appreciated.

Anonymous said...

I never seen Adam up close in person. What is he like, people say he has the most beautiful eyes.
Please tell me.

Anonymous said...

The introduction to Chokehold is different from what it used to be. Who is he referring to? Any suggestions?

Anonymous said...

This is a great HD of SHOUT which I love so much:

Beautiful clear sound and Adam's voice is out of this world.

Anonymous said...

@9:22 Adam does have the most beautiful eyes. I saw him 4 times live and his presence is unbelievable. You can feel his energy and his voice is so much better than we hear in these videos,though thank goodness for these wonderful videos! I feel so excited seeing him live I get on emotional overload and don't come down from the high for days! I hope you get to see Adam live one day,it's an unforgettable experience!

Leilani Aloha said...

Vocals, Looks, Charisma, etc,,,,,,,,,,
Adam's absolutely FABULOUS!!!

The band looks & sounds great too!!!
Thanks for the vids!!!

Anonymous said...

I saw Adam at a concert, I was not up real close, and I was on cloud nine for days. Want to see him up close also.

Anonymous said...

LOL. First time I ever noticed that Tommy has no butt!

Anonymous said...

If you see Adam perform live you will never for get it.Thank you talc for these vids but it is true after you see him live the videos seem so much better.Brings back all the good memories he is the best.

Anonymous said...

What? No more than 13 comments on this thread!! This is purely about his music and performances...I´ve read many people say that they are only interested in his professional life. Where are they now??

Anonymous said...

4:46 AM

Good question, lol. I've noticed the same. People whine when there are threads about his private life and say that only music and career matters, but then there are just few comments when there are threads about music, music vids etc.

Anonymous said...

8:14 am

I know! It´s weird!!! And hypocritical! Well I guess it´s just me and you then...LOL

Anonymous said...

I can no longer see the videos. I live in Canada is that why? Anyone know?

Anonymous said...

What an excellent show and the Voice must be happy if you was able to see that gig! thanks for sharing these vids - they can be seen well at least here in Finland.Im glad that Adam and his band are having so fun!