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More Pictures of Adam Lambert Backstage at Pippin the Musical (June 19)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, June 21, 2013

Posted at : Friday, June 21, 2013


Anonymous said...

I suppose he is screwing these guys too, right? Oh, and he is out again!!!! Shame on you Adam. You know your fans have the say in what you do in your life. Dont want to get in trouble with them again. They own you.

Anonymous said...

Poor guy. Its never going to end :(

Anonymous said...

Adam is always willing to take pictures. He is such a nice person, and always has respect for the next person. He is having fun going to all these plays. He has a lot of friends in theater, that he is visiting. Such a likable guy.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing pics of happy Adam w friends in NYC!!!

Happy Adam, Happy me:)

Anonymous said...

Well I am a single white woman who happens to be straight,I have dated quite a few men no a lot of men but do not have sex with each & every one I date.very few on that list so why would it be any different with Adam he dates has fun does not mean he is having sex with every one.If he did it would be his business a risky business but his.I have a lot of male freinds I can talk to them better than female freinds so quit putting us single people down we do have morals.

Unknown said...

Yep and no more negitive comments

Anonymous said...

Especially from you!

Anonymous said...

1 59
Lol your life is nothing like Adams. Stop projecting.

Anonymous said...

@2:36 PM
That includes you.

Anonymous said...

The first comment was SARCASM, peeps!

A good one - thanks @11:22 - based on all the stupid comments here every time there are pics of Adam w guys and Adam going out 'every night'. Lol.

Anonymous said...

How do you know my life is nothing like Adams do you know me 2:36 PM? Do you even know Adam?I would think you don't know either one of us so don't be so quick to judge.