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More Videos from Pittsburgh Pride

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Sunday, June 16, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, June 16, 2013


Anonymous said...

So I just watched the Trespassing video and at the end Adam said "Thank You Pittsburgh" and threw a kiss to the crowd. I watched the stream but missed that part and I also read some complaints that he just left the stage at the end without saying anything which is not true.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for these videos. Seems like the crowd loved him and Adam looked gorgeous! Wish I could have been there!

Anonymous said...

I think that WWFM will always be my favorite Adam song. This is the one that got him the Grammy nomination. Whenever he performs it, the audience always sings along. And that song title is a question Adam has probably asked himself many times. He seems to be pulled in so many different ways as to the kind of music people want from him. Of course, as a fan I want him to be successful in the music business, but even though Trespassing received good reviews, it did not bring him the recognition most thought it would. I know we can all come up with various reasons for that and it is just frustrating for someone with his vocal talent. He seemed to be having fun on stage and enjoying himself along with the band members. Ashley looked great and smiled a lot more too. Thanks for the vids for those of us who haven't seen a live Adam stage performance. He's been gone too long from performing live and after seeing him on AI with Angie Miller, I realized how much I missed listening to that amazing voice.

Anonymous said...


Real fans knows that's not Adam's style leaving without saying anything to the crowd indeed!!:)

He is one of the best entertainer and courageous guy in his generation....

So no worries my dear and we just rock with him eh!!:)


Anonymous said...

Glad to know he DID thank the crowd and say goodbye. It would be so unlike Adam not to. I don't know how to open the vids. Clicking on them does nothing. Guess my computer doesn't read them. Help??


Magiclady said...

Geez he looks mighty fine! Love the vest.
Sounds great! Miss seeing him sing.
Sexy dance moves. The man is as hot as ever!
Can't wait for Queen Collab for TV!

Anonymous said...

@5:41 I really hope a Queen collab for T.V. works out! Meanwhile Adam will be working on the next album!

carolynj said...

DRG -- Your videos might run in a different browser. Sometimes I have to use Mozilla Firefox, which you can download for free. Then go to the 24/7 blog at
It might work for you. You need to see Adam's performances!

Anonymous said...

I use Chrome when Safari is not responding. It is also free.


Anonymous said...

I have to say Saturday was one of the most amazing days and I will never forget it. First of all I was so fortunate. My daughter, husband and myself happened to be walking down the block and out of the blue I heard Adam singing. I stopped in my tracks and was like OMG, that is Adam. My husband thought it was a tape or something of him, and I was like NO that is Adam. So my husband said find the stage, he is probably doing a sound check. So he took me by the hand and ran through this long alley, down a couple of blocks to find the stage. And there he was on stage with the band. I was shaking I just stood there and watched him. Then when he was done, he left through the back of the stage and come down to the sidewalk and starting signing and taking pictures.

My daughter and I had our picture taken with him and after that I said something to him, I can't remember because it was like a dream, but I put my hand out and he took my hand and gave it a little caress, I thought I was going to fall over, I was literally speechless. I moved to the side and just watched him until he was finished and left. My husband and daughter took about 50 photos of him for me. He was so handsome, pictures do not do him justice, and he smelled so good too.

The concert was perfection. I was expecting it to be great, I have heard so many people on here say that he is better live, and believe me he is. His voice was flawless and the band sounded great. He really rock more at this concert I think, it had more of a rock sound and I LOVEd IT!! People were singing and dancing and clapping and yelling his name out, the crowd love him.

We had a great time meeting people, met so many Glamberts and so many nice people while waiting for Adam to come on. We really had a blast.

My husband has always like him especially with Queen, but now after going to this concert he wants to see him again.

In my wildest dreams I never thought I would be able to meet him, and I did, my dream came true!!!! ( :


Anonymous said...

NKlovesAdam wow you lucky dog!!Nice your husband is a Glambert too.

Anonymous said...

hey you guys, give Angie and Adam AI duet some more views. Let's get it up to 800,000 views. Almost there.

glitzylady said...

Yay!!!!! So excited for you!!! What an amazing stroke of luck.....Just wow!!!

You're so right: Adam is absolutely and awsomely handsome in person. And close up. He actually doesn't quite seem real.... And he does sound completely incredible in person. Videos never ever really do him justice.

Anonymous said...

NKlovesAdam, I am SO jealous! What a wonderful experience, both the soundcheck and then actually meeting him and touching and smelling him! WHOOOOO! I'll be seeing him in San Diego and I can't wait. Love your story!


Adamluv said...

@NKLovesAdam - thanks for all the great info. Lucky girl you! And I do agree about Adam being even more yummy (if that's even possible) in person than in a video or TV. Sounds like a fun time for everyone. . . . Adamluv

Jadam NZ said...

Awwwww NKLovesAdam I am so happy for you. Why cant everyone be like you and get so much joy out of the experience.
Thanks so much for you report.

carolynj said...

NKLovesAdam -- What a great description of your experience. So happy for you.

Magiclady said...

All the responses to NKLovesAdam took the words right out of my mouth! So envious.

Love when a Glambert takes the time to tell us about her experience meeting Adam. I am still waiting for my turn.
Thanks for reliving it for us!

Anonymous said...

i agree with any trolls who will comment Adam performance.

Anonymous said...

I'm SOOOOO happy for you!!!

Reading your post made my heart race and I felt was Runnin' (lol) with you! You got the EXPERIENCE OF A LIFETIME, hear & see & touch & SMELL him...

Thank you so much for your post!
It brought happy tears in my eyes!

And greetings to your family, what a supportive husband and daughter you have!
What a day, take care NK!

Anonymous said...

Gotta love this gorgeousman!!!

"I sing good, but I don't read so good!"

BB, you SING more than good, you SAAANG!

Anonymous said...

@NKlovesAdam: Thanks so much for telling us about your beautiful time with Adam. It sounds like a wonderful dream, but you and your family were really there! So happy for a true Glambert like you!

Anonymous said...

Adam and Tommy seem to have little or no make on? I love all the different never knows what he will look like next. He certainly keeps us guessing. What an interesting man!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Make-up is hard to do with a moustache. Maybe that is why.

Anonymous said...

I actually like Adam with less makeup. Wasn't that more for the Glam Nation tour? He looked great on Idol with Angie and I think he looks terrific now although I prefer him clean shaven. I think if I ever saw him in person, I would probably be unable to talk and would make a fool out of myself. Thanks for the vids. It was great to watch them and catch up with Adam performing again.

HK fan said...

wow, lucky, lucky you, what an amazing experience for you and your family.
The joy and excitement you felt is coming through the computer screen loud and clear.
A memory to treasure for ever.

Anonymous said...

I also went to Pgh w/ my spouse and we caught soundcheck while figuring out where the concert was. There were not many people and it was fantastic to see Adam in action, checking that the sound was exactly how he wanted it. he came out and took pics/signed for a long time, maybe 45 min or a litte more. I got in line and pretty much froze and mumbled 'thanks for coming out' and could not say any of the things I really wanted to say. I feel not like I missed a great opportunity to say something more meaningful rather than get a pic, but maybe I'll be more prepared next time. it was so upclose and personal it was really overwhelming at the moment! he looked fantasticly fit and lean.

Anonymous said...

Love Adam no matter what he wears or sings. Pure voice and drop dead gorgeous. Saw him in person and never was that affected by any other concert I have attended over the years. I wish he could be on Broadway in some super fantastic show that would feature his amazing talents. He can do anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!