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New Picture: Adam Lambert with the ladies of Rock of Ages

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, June 16, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, June 16, 2013

@nekazang: The ladies of @RockOfAges & @adamlambert backstage!


Anonymous said...

Rock of Ages with some rock hard bodies. Yowza, what a six-pack on that gal. I work out, but that would take a whole new level of dedication. Impressive. Glad Adam is out celebration and having fun. He deserves it and what a treat for those gals!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

I meant to type "Celebrating" of course. But also wishing him a whole year of "Celebrations" and great surprises!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Am I so glad Adam did not join those Rock of Ages gals with their satanic symbols. I pray Adam never will.

Anonymous said...

Umm, taking a little light entertainment a bit seriously, 12:12am?

xo laura

Anonymous said...

More trolls. Maybe it's time to close the comment section.

Anonymous said...

Cool that Adam got to go backstage and meet everybody. I wonder if he knows people in this show.

Anonymous said...

12:22am ... closing the comment sections because of trolls? THEN THE TERRORIST WIN!!! hahahahaha

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Rock of Ages is a classic show! (not to be confused by the movie which was so poor). If you haven't seen the stage show your missing out! (and missing Lonny! Ha!) Great fun and laughs for Adam.

Anonymous said...

Ignore trolls people. Minority cannot rule the majority of dedicated Glamberts.

Anonymous said...

@12:22 Why do you consider it's by a troll? Was it anything against or negative about Adam?

Anonymous said...

So sorry who ever you are, but your prayers come too late. Adam's been using that sign entertainmentwise for a long time... also on AmIdol... Most rockers do!

And these gals in the pic are just showing they're rocking with Adam!
IMO the Best Performer and Singer there is!

Anonymous said...

Adam said he was going to catch some theatre "later in the month" If I lived in NYC, I'd be walking up-and-down Broadway at 7:45 every night this week.

Anonymous said...

all up in his business. as it should be:)

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam got some inspiration from Rock of Ages for album #3! Would love to see him in a big Broadway show someday, too.


Anonymous said...

he needs a condomn with all that eyesexxxing goin' on. giggle giggle

Anonymous said...

@ 12:12 A.M.........JAK here.......the hand signal in the photo is not was used in ancient Italy to ward off the devil! In the days of metallic rock it started being used as a "you rock" sign.......that should make you feel better....I hope!

Anonymous said...

I've been using that hand gesture at rock concerts for the past 30 years..LOL


Anonymous said...

And it's mostly comments responding to a troll. Very sad. Why can't people ignore the trolls????

Anonymous said...

Please stop calling everybody a troll, if they post something that's a bit different than your idea of what 'is allowed' (I'm starting to wonder!) to be posted here! Geeeesh!

Anonymous said...

someone here masters in Trollology.

Anonymous said...

Good one 10:02!


Anonymous said...

The comment at 12:12 AM is a troll. A troll comment is meant to elicit a negative response. And that is exactly what happened. The troll is probably still laughing.

Anonymous said...

The responses to 12:12 post were informative and positive.

@JAK, thank you for the info re the ancient Italian use of this sign. I always greet a chance to learn something new.

Anonymous said...

Simply a question...aren't the ancient Italians the Romans?

Adamluv said...

Dont think @12:12 is a troll but rather a person who hasnt paid any attention to the music/rock scene in decades. Also might believe there are Satanic symbols everywhere. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

You people are pretty dense if you don't think 12:12 was a troll. It's one of the reasons there are so many negative comments here.

Anonymous said...

Adam's friend from high school is in the cast of Rock Of Ages.

Adamluv said...

@1:27 - I might be "dense" as you say but at least I'm not a coward who makes their comments with an "anon" tag. And BTW, you might be the "dense" one since my comment was meant to be an insult. . . . Adamluv

funbunn40 said...

Adam does have a lot of friends in the theatre community and continues to support them. It was a big part of his vocal and stage experience and he knows what it's like to be a part of it. I also hope Adam will be a part of it again when time and opportunity permits. I think we're a little too free with the troll naming, just an opinion. I've met people that think Halloween is worshipping the devil, coming from a percepion from the 13th century. I was shocked, as my house has always been decorated for Halloween with plenty of ghosts and goblins, just to have fun with my kids and others. Childhood has always been such an innocent, sweet time to celebrate. They grow up soon enough with the negativity and fears in the world. Some religions have their own views that also, even tho' may differ from many, are reality for them and doesn't make them any more or any less people for their beliefs. People get too hung up on being right, when their views are just that and nothing more. We are all different will never agree on so many things.

Anonymous said...

Most rockers are satanists (sold their souls) why this hand signal is used in rock arena. Comments here are simply confirmation of that fact.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:07 PM

Anonymous said...

JAK here....I am really sick of people calling other people trolls and I am really sick of people who keep saying ignore the trolls, you are equally irritating. We don't need a town crier to recognize the comments made to be hateful or stir up trouble. By pointing them out you only make them happy because they have served their anger and upset. If someone is called a troll and remember it may be only your opinion, and they aren't.....then they defend themselves and everything goes to ugliness. This is a thread for comments, so comment, some we'll like, some we won't.

P.S. Rome was and is a city (at one time in history it was an empire that ruled many countries from British Isles to Egypt and beyond)........Italy was and is a country......Romans are Italians , but all Italians aren't Romans.

P.S. Satan doesn't need to buy souls, he is overstocked with bigots, thieves, murderers, idiots and droves of the self righteous.

P.S. Halloween evolved from a Catholic Church holiday called All Hallows' was the night before their All Saint's Day....a time to celebrate dead saints.
November l was when the Celtic people's of Ireland, Wales, Scotland and Britain celebrated Samhain...the lord of the dead. Souls good and bad of the dead returned to walk among the living...sort of a reunion.....villagers went door to door gathering food and materials for a great bonfire and feast. if you gave you would have good fortune, if you didn't maybe not......
Thus...trick or treat. In order to frighten off any bad souls who might come a-calling, people hollowed out turnips and lit candles inside. Thus....when these people immigrated to USA they found pumpkins much easier to work with and soooooo...scary jack-o-lanterns.

Both holidays honored the dead.......Satan's connection was whipped up by over zealous imaginative hell and brimstone religious ( ? ) congregations.

I have used up my allotment of space for comments so will shut up for the rest of the week.

Anonymous said...

@ Jak

Don't go away for a week. I would miss you.
Love your rants!

Anonymous said...

"Satan doesn't need to buy souls, he is overstocked with bigots, thieves, murderers, idiots and droves of the self righteous." Lol! Doesn't need???? Lol!

Satan doesn't bother with these group because they already belong to him. He goes after those who can snatch souls in droves for him - the celebrities.

Satan always works hard, he never rests and he is never content not to entice each soul with worldly goods and success while here. That's his currency.

Anonymous said...

Stupid hand signals cause so much aggro here.

Anonymous said...

Sorry @ 12:36

But you are nuts! Brainwashing I suppose by some fundamentalist church or sect.

Anonymous said...

@12:36 June 19th, whoever or whatever!!!

So much waisted energy and paranoia on trivial things. Worry about important things. I don't know world piece, help the starving for a few. I'm hearing that you give "satan" to much credit and not enough credit to The Lord.. Clearly you need more prayer.
Adam is a fine human being who supports the arts. Trust me this is not where the "evil" is. Thats not to say some people in the arts are not tainted but it would also have to be said there some tainted and evil in parishioners who worship in their churches. It's in the minds of people who are paranoid, self-righteous, and have hate in their hearts you know like Hitler, Osama Bin Laden for a small few in our history but you get the point, yes.