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New Professional Video from Hope for LA Event

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Anonymous said...

Love LA Mayor and Council Prez for loving ADAM!

Anonymous said...

Great speech. Times are changing.

Anonymous said...

I hope this got a lot of attention in Los Angeles. Adam's face needs to be out there, and having the Mayor himself talk so glowingly about him should be big news. Very Proud Moment!

Now to make Adam big news around the United States ... and The WORLD...hahahahah.

This will come true, mark my words.

xo laura

funbunn4o said...

Meaningful speech. Glad Adam was a part of this inspiring event, giving hope for a more fair equal society. Adam has grown into a caring, man with an important contribution not only for sharing his talent, but his humanity. I'm glad that he's getting recognition for it. Now if it will only spill over into his recording career as it should. He looks so handsome and dignified in this video. His parents must be bursting with pride.

Anonymous said...

I hope more people do watch this important and meaningful speech by the Mayor. I'm sure Adam would agree it's about more than selling his cds. Much bigger and more important matters. Glad he was honored at the event.

(Laura, Adam isn't even mentioned in the speech. What are you talking about.)

Anonymous said...

A bit of Adam in this vine from Raja's bday party. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Pic with Raja and Adam

Anonymous said...

There is picture of Adam and his new bf also at Sutan`s bd party. I don`t know how to bring it here tho.. ;)

Anonymous said...

We don't know if Adam has a boyfriend or not.

glitzylady said...

Another instagram from Adam:

"None of my concern"

Anonymous said...

Good info. Great pix of Adam. Happy b-day, Sutan! Wonder what the "none of my concern" means?


Anonymous said...

He does have serious look on his face in the instagram picture, which is uncommon for Adam. Still handsome!


Anonymous said...

Neil has to be impressed as Adam hit the policital arena and all for an incredible cause. Equality

Anonymous said...

I don't get why a gay guy would get dressed up like a woman. Would not other gay men not be attracted to him because he looks like a woman. Just a thought I have had for a while. Thinking out loud,

choons said...

@7:27 Sutan doesn't present as a woman 24/7. But when he does he's gorgeous and fabulous. Who wouldn't love that? There is no one way to be gay, or straight, or whatever. You are who you are. What a wonderful world.

Anonymous said...

7:36 but I would like to know if other gay men are attracted to him when he gets dressed up like a woman?

Anonymous said...

Being a drag queen isn't a sexual thing.

Anonymous said...

7:40 I see many gay women dress like men 24/7 so I think that is just their style. I don't think they look fabulous and gorgeous though.JMO I don't look all that good either with my just off the pickle boat look.

choons said...

@7:40 Yes, of course! But if that was the only reason you loved them then your relationship wouldn't work. There's a person under the makeup and that's who you fall in love with.

Anonymous said...

marriage equality i agree and i love it- but not enough- nopw obama adm spying on american people ; know ur emails and message- wrong wrong-this country almost like hitler era. drone sand etc. spying and etc. omg-wrong pres. i guess.

Anonymous said...

8:27 I hope he spies on me he will learn a lot about Adam. I get a million google alerts about Adam everyday. LOL

Anonymous said...


LOL, your right, me too, he would be like, "This women is tripping over this guy Adam Lambert, WTF"...hehehehe


Anonymous said...

Ha 1:36, you caught me. I didn't watch this video. Too screamin' tired. Referred to an earlier video of the Mayor and Adam.

But mark my words - Adam will RULE THE WORLD. hahahahhah

Have a great day!
ox laura

Anonymous said...

Lol why is he hiding

Anonymous said...

Love what Adam Levine said in defend of his gay brother.
" Straight marriages should be " illegal" as most of the marriages are Not working out!"

Love conquers All!!!

Anonymous said...

@ 8:27 am

Every administration has spied on the American a never ending attempt to keep us safe from harm. There are just easier ways to do it in the last 20 years. Many disasters have been averted by tracing phone calls, emails, etc. The government keeps most of the plots quiet, not wanting to give terrorists more ideas. Some we hear about in military and govt. circles. Plane bombings averted, subway bombing in major cities, poisoning of city water supplies......these are a few that have been stopped.

Spy away agencies, keep me and my loved ones safe.

Anonymous said...

Just imagine gov. database is full of Adam Lambert news because of us. LOL! Obama might end up insisting to meet up with Adam SOONISH!

Anonymous said...

@11:28am. I approve Levin's comment about straight marriage. Marriage sucks big time. My single friends look younger and happier than me. Can't wait to end mine soon.

Anonymous said...

5:02 (used to be police call out for drunk driver)

Looks aren't everything and your friends' looks are a regretfully dumb reason for divorce. Hopefully you don't have children to ruin.

Adamluv said...

The Hitler/Obama loon is back. Had hoped she'd moved to another country due to Pres. Obamas reelection but no such luck. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@ 5:02 p.m......It's not marriage that sucks it's the participants. My marriage has been 56 years of joy, passion, humor, sharing, adventure and just plain fun.
We have comforted each other when we have lost loved ones and if we're just having a down day we can curl up in warm familiar arms for a loving hug . I know that couples can be lopsided, one doing all the giving, I know that not every couple are truly a team, but I also know that waiting around daily for your spouse to make you happy is have to want to make each other happy, or, a word I like better......content. Content with flashes of happiness and hilarity.

If you can't wait to end your marriage, end it. But if you don't know how to be happy don't expect being single to guarantee it.

The right marriage is more precious than gold. It's after midnight and I'm going to go snuggle up under his chin which always smells like Acqua di Gio and breathe him in......JAK

Anonymous said...

Lucky in love

Anonymous said...

So happy for you JAK and I love reading your 'siippa stories', LOVE shines through in all of them!

I just don't think you have to get married or be married to have what you're having, so I'm happy for everybody who are happy with their spouses, significant others, partners etc.

Marriage 'as such' is totally overrated and certainly not a guarantee of happy times for ever after.
However, loving AND looooong lasting (>50 years) relationships are to be congratulated in this day and age, what ever 'the form of the union' is, cause they are getting rarer and rarer...

Anonymous said...

@2:22 A.M........JAK here.......I agree that marriage is not necessary for happiness. We have been brainwashed that it is. My youngest daughter grew up seeing nothing but happy marriages, both sets of her grandparents, aunts and uncles, her dad and I and her older sister! as her 20's were slipping by she convinced herself she was in love , that it was necessary, and got engaged, gown, invitations, deposits, oldest daughter told me "I don't think she loves him" I talked with her and that was cancellation #1. This happened twice more in her 30's. She finally realized that everyone doesn't necessarily have to live happily ever after with a spouse. The weddings dresses were donated and she entered her 40's single and reasonably content with her life. We all breathed a sigh of relief.
A year later after dating for 3 months she eloped and has now been married almost 10 years to her Mr. Right and I have a grand dog! If you are lucky in life you find someone to love.....It could be a husband.....but also just a best friend or a supportive family. Love can be shared in many ways....I've had single friends who give love to their students or the patients they treat or the children at foster care facilities where they work. What's of key importance in life is to experience love in any form, it makes life fuller and rewarding.

Jadam said...

Beautifully said JAK.