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Young Transgender Fan Gives Thanks To Adam Lambert

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, June 13, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, June 13, 2013

Very inspiring video by Melanie Becker:

"Hey, i mad this Video to say thank you to Adam Lambert. He give me the Power to come out that im a Transgender and Gay. And im so FUCKING Proud of it! Thank you Adam Lambert!"


Anonymous said...

What a sweet, brave fan of Adam! Another great testimony of the wonderful influence Adam has made on others! There are so many people who feel alone for whatever reason and our Adam has reached out to them with his all inclusive love and respect for everyone. He tells us not to be afraid of who we are and to love ourselves and live our life to the fullest. He has brought so much happiness to others. Good luck to this transgender fan! I am so proud to be a Glambert!..nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

I'm going to have to make sure I have a box of tissues nearby when I come on site. I find myself puddling up frequently lately. My husband said "why do you watch something that makes you sad?" I had to explain that they are both sad and happy tears......sad for the pain but happy for the courage that is exhibited. We don't know where Adam is with his new music we are all anticipating, but we are privileged to know he is affecting many young people to be brave and accept that their life can be successful and full. Bravo!.........JAK

tea said...

What a tough 'row to hoe' and it shouldn't be. With this video you are passing on the strength Adam has given you. I wish you the best Melanie.

Anonymous said...

Good luck Alexander, you are very brave.

Anonymous said...

That old phrase "out of the mouths of babes..." comes to mind. Wisdom beyond actual years.

Simply stunning, in the best possible way.

THIS is the sort of thread that should bring about a hundred plus posts.


glitzylady said...

I agree..and only 5 so far....

This is our chance to celebrate what Adam has done for so many young GLBT people.........Inspired and helped to bolster their courage to not only be open about who they are, but also to be PROUD of who they are.....

Adam's music is great, his singing voice amazing, but his "VOICE" and advocacy helps to change lives.......So much respect for this man..and this young man as well.....

Come on people...make THIS one a record breaking comment thread.....

Anonymous said...

Adam has obviously SAVED this young person's life, in all senses of the word. And that will be his real legacy, when all is said and done. Not how many albums he sold, but how many lives he's touched with his music and for just being himself.

Jadam. said...

I am sure this is what Adam is all about (The music to of course) though that is what Adam does not who he is. It appears there are at least hundreds maybe thousands of young people who have been inspired by Adam.
So cool.

Anonymous said...

Adam Mitchel Lambert is the miracle for the new generation.

He encourage especially young people to be proud of who they are and not to be afraid....

Love and acceptance are the only answer indeed!!:)


lorraine said...

Bravo to Alexander! You are a brave young person and I'm so glad Adam has touched your life in such a profound way.I wish you a life of joy and fulfillment.
Yes, the whole world needs to know the positive impact Adam Lambert has had {and continues to have} on people,especially the young who are struggling with identity and acceptance.I tell everyone I know who TRIES to trivialize my passionate devotion and admiration of Adam, what He contributes, besides his beautiful voice, to lost souls everywhere. As a 5th grade teacher, I can tell you that Adam's influence is significant and real.

lorraine said...

I did not mean to capitalize the letter H in the word "he" in my comment above. It really was a keyboard mistake. Only God's name gets capitalized when using a pronoun--but I do thank Adam for helping to do God's work here on earth--that of spreading Light and Love...

Anonymous said...

Adams legacy will be revealed as time passes. Believe me, this is just the beginning!

Anonymous said...

I do believe Adam is given a mission from above and this is just the start.

funbunn40 said...

Like JAK I had to get the tissues. It's amazing what one person can do and how many lives can be touched or changed. Adam is such a beacon of light for so many. I hope all goes well for this young man and he can begin to live his authentic life with pride and purpose to keep passing it on.

funbunn40 said...

My mention of Melanie as a "young man" was deliberate, as that's how she sees herself and hopes to live her life in case anyone thought I had made an error of her gender.

funbunn40 said...

From the onset of Adam's career after Idol I believed he was destined for greater things, making a huge difference in the world with his vocal talent as his vehicle. I had written those feelings to his mom, Leila and she responded with a beautiful reply, agreeing that she also sensed that Adam would make a huge difference in the world, not only for himself, but for others. It has come to pass in ways to numerous to calculate. There's no telling how many young lives he has saved or changed for the better, giving them self worth, strength and hope. I admire and respect him more and more each day. Adam is a rare, beautiful gift that keeps on giving.

Anonymous said...

Always take note of your posts and also in this agree with you...however, imo the low number of posts here gives a rather realistic view on the issue of this vid...

- true acceptance of equality & diversity is still in its baby steps...
- difficult subject to write about and approach if you have not 'real life experiences' of it or you don't want to have anything to do with it...
- if you care for real, support equality and celebrate diversity, this - the reality - makes you teary eyed and puts a lump in your throat (if not, this vid makes you think more than perhaps you would want to)...
- this is not an issue for a typical flailing with a 3-4 liner with lol in the end...

On a very positive note:
- some decency left also in the minds of 'local trolls' and 'snarky commenters'; Thank you for NOT posting on this thread!

So happy for this young person in the vid and all the others who have gotten braver and helped by Adam's example and his caring, giving and shining persona.

Just me thinking (sorry for any mistakes).
Soooo PROUD of Adam and always a fan.

Anonymous said...

Nice post 5:40. Very insightful and well articulated.

Adamluv said...

Beautiful heartfelt tribute to Adam. I wish this young man all the happiness and love in the world. and of course, ACCEPTANCE. . . . Adamluv