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Youtube Version: Adam Lambert on OMG! Insider

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Anonymous said...

This place is jam-packed. Yea Adam is right...any sort of writing / composing cannot be forced; when something hits the brain, it goes booom! like a thunderbolt; sometimes gently like a stream or a rainbow in the sky or at times a 'cry in the wilderness'. Adam is a very hardworking person; his third album will materialise in good time. I hear some rumblings that he's just wasting time; that's because he has worked so hard and needs to unwind the tension; otherwise the brain doesn't go booom! it goes dooomed! lol! Actually, the AI judge job might help spur the creative process, because he's in close contact with people who are really an important source of inspiration to him; he loves to be around people and when a person feels comfortable, the ideas, lyric, music flow more spontaneously; the neurons become more activated / 'electrified'. lol!


Anonymous said...

Lammy......what a refreshing break from all of the bullshit negative and stupid comments.
Just think if we flooded this site with positivity.

Anonymous said...

Yea "flood the site with positivity", good thinking! At this point of Adam's career, positive words of encouragement are all that's needed. He is a deep thinker, a mature grown man who doesn't need people to tell him what to do. He's been all over the world doing a great job; surely that counts! And strangely, people can write 100 comments on more or less the same thing, telling him what to do. Goodness gracious. lol!


Anonymous said...

I do try to leave a positive comment relevant to the post when I can stomach going into those garbage comments.

Looking great while being vague, Adam. Good job keeping the new album secret (darn it.)

Anonymous said...

Who leaves negativity comments here??:)

Only the people who just want chaos and not real devoted fans he!he! THAT'S ALL indeed!!


Anonymous said...

This totally made my day:
"We are still close and he is still one of my best friends".

Sauli about Adam in a Finnish tabloid interview, IS, June 20, 2013

What a Sunshine!
Love, love, love these guys!

Anonymous said...

Oh, forgot to add (before somebody asks me to leave or move on or whatevs)...
I'm a true & long-time Adam fan, will always support him in any way I can. Love him, his voice & his persona SOOO much!!!
I grew to love Sauli, too and wish all the best for him and want to hear of him also in the future.


Anonymous said...

Can we PLEASE have threads where Sauli isn't mentioned?! It's boring to hear the same thing over and over and over again about him. Friends or not, Adam has moved on and to state the obvious, this is ADAM'S BLOG!

Anonymous said...

Go tell Sauli how you've grown to love him. Oh wait, he doesn't want you on his site.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks spiffy, love him. He's creating. Cannot wait, album 3, yay

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli ended their relationship while things werent toxic, so they can remain friends.
Very very mature way to handle life.
If only some fans can get a grip.

They have moved on, its evident.

Anonymous said...

Adam wouldnt say anything negative about his past loves. Why he is asked is beyond me.

Anonymous said...

@Anon June 20, 2013 at 6:31 AM

You seriously have a problem. I don't revel in being unkind like that, but really, what is the issue? And if there is an issue for you... it's a little thing called the SCROLL option... and oh yeah, another thing called FREE WILL! Use yours and scroll on by. Sheesh. I don't particularly care for all the medical talk on here, JMO, but I was interested in that little blurb about Sauli's comment on his blog; and it is relevant to how Adam is seen in the world, which is relevant to his career.

Anonymous said...

You do "revel in being unkind". You also have no concept of common decency. And you have no concept of the proper time and place.

Anonymous said...

7 03 what was Sauli's comment?
I'd like to know too :)

firing range, please hold back and scroll.

Anonymous said...

I don't comment very much because I just don't feel that up to it, and do not like negativity about someone so wonderful. The true fans are not negative and they support him wonderfully, he looks wonderful. lam-my post was very good and my feelings too. He is working on new music and it takes time, he writes most of his music and that's very challenging. I am alway's quite proud if Adam he is a talented sweet man that does work hard, one reason Adam remains so loved is not only his talent but how sweet and down to earth and grounded he has remained. I thought he looked so good in that interview, if the idol thing happens it happens if not other things are on the horizon for him. I so excited about hopefully the Queen thing happening too. Sauli a nice guy and all that but it is over and it is time to let it go.he looking happy to me not one bit sad and he very handsome in deed. Sue

Anonymous said...

ANONS 6:31, 6:41 and 6:50

Did you even bother to read posts @5:41 and @6:15??!

It was from today's paper and it was Adam related. Not a gossip from twitter. Or rehashing the relationship. Just showing what a class act Sauli (too) is! UNLIKE you three/one!!

@ANON 7:03 Well said! Especially liked your last sentence! So true!

Anonymous said...

Oh not being mean in anyway about Sauli, it's just my opinion no one has to agree with me it is a free world. Sue

Anonymous said...

this is not adam's blog (too bad as that would be a fun read) and what's the big deal with mentioning sauli or anyone else like adam's mom, dad, friends, etc.

Anonymous said...

Agree and you did say 'PLEASE'.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:35 AM
Not Adam's blog? What planet are you on? Stating the obvious, this blog is called "Adam Lambert 24/7 News".

Anonymous said...

This is a free Adam site and anyone can comment on anything whether we agree or disagree is what makes all the comments interesting. What I really don't like is the occasion rude or nasty comment.

BTW where is "daydreamin".


Anonymous said...

@7:35 Good catch! Ha ha

If it were Adam's blog, i.e. Adam writing and keeping a blog, I would be glued here 24/7, LOL!!!

glitzylady said...

@Anon 7:52 AM
I believe that comment referred to the fact that this is not Adam's personal blog.

I like both Adam AND Sauli and as long as people are respectful to BOTH of them, I still like hearing about Sauli ESPECIALLY when the the Sauli news directly pertains to Adam in a positive way. I don't enjoy the "drama" that happens here sometimes tho. Respect is everything...

Anonymous said...

Do people discuss Adam on Sauli's websites or are they too respectful to do that and choose to be disrespectful to Adam by discussing Sauli here.

Anonymous said...

Are you people this argumentative in your personal lives?
Or do you save it up for this site? I hate to harp on a familiar comment, but coming to 24/7 used to be fun, lots of puns, consideration for each other, amusing quips and of course Adam Appreciation 101. Has the whole world become an uglier place or just here? What a shame.

Anonymous said...

Some fans acting like Adam hates Sauli like they hate him. Well, maybe he does and doesn't like anyone talking about Sauli.

Anonymous said...

People who hate any Adam's bf like they hated Sauli are the ones having problems.

Anonymous said...

And there goes another thread.

I didn't mind this comment about Sauli since it was directly related to Adam. But then people had to go and turn it into an issue. It could easily have been scrolled past but this site always has to sink into name calling and hate and pettiness. It is really very sad. So many fans speak of how nice Adam is and that they support his causes and have learned so much from him yet you don't see any of that in practice here.

tea said...

I love those sunglasses with that face I love.

Anonymous said...

If Sauli says something nice about Adam, I'm interested.

Anonymous said...

I'm done being nice to the likes of you!
Why would I go to Sauli's site, don't understand the lingo. This must be the only Adam fan site where Adam fans who also like Sauli are totally disrespectfully treated... Shame on you!
I repeat I'm avid Adam fan and I've been here longer than you (almost from the begining, back in the days when this place was a happy place with a friendly atmosphere), so I ain't going nowhere. You get the fuck out of here!!!
5:41 & 6:15

Anonymous said...

Hey Sue...good to hear from you; yea you too know what to do. Like I said before, got to be extra careful and glad you're writing...helps the brain, that much I know but don't over tax your heart. lol! A happy brain and heart go a long way! lol! Adam has healing qualities in his own natural way which he might not even be aware of. I think that too is a gift.
Sauli is no more with Adam, they have both gone on their respective ways. They'll both make it big simply because they have a huge sense of cause and they don't compromise their values but at the same time accommodate others and work well with them; as seen in their still close friends demeanour and no backbiting or blaming each other. I like Sauli but Adam is the only person I follow closely, it has become a must-do. lol!
Take good care Sue!


Unknown said...