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Adam Lambert Concert at California Mid State Fair

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Friday, July 19, 2013

Posted at : Friday, July 19, 2013

Adam chatting between songs at Paso Robles

Outlaws of Love


Anonymous said...

ADAM LAMBERT announced he is parting ways with his record label, RCA, after disputes over “creative differences.”
Maggie Magoo left her two cents on why the move is a good choice for the pop star on Adam Lambert Parts Ways With RCA, Says “My Heart Is Simply Not In Doing A Covers Album”: “
RCA seems confused about their role. The artist creates. The label sells.
RCA failed utterly by not even attempting to sell the critically acclaimed Trespassing, even after it debuted at #1 and was enthusiastically received by fans, polls and critics worldwide…
Compounding their failure to sell, they lost one of the rare Great Ones. Just Dumb: “They coulda’ had it all”.
Adam and his Glamberts moving on together to better places. None of us are afraid of the future.
We can’t wait!”

Read here: AL leavs RCA

Anonymous said...

I don't really like to hear negativity directed at Adam's xlabel by the fans esp on articles many will read. It just brings out the negative trolls and haters. We don't need to burn any bridges for Adam.

Anonymous said...

People just can't keep their big mouths shut. None of us are afraid of the future? I don't recall any of us fans not having a label.

Anonymous said...

Adam HIMSELF thanked his label for their great energy and support during the making of FYE and TRESPASSING. People need to grow up and realize that labels and artists will always have differences of opinions and purposes in life. There is no reason to go all negative about RCA. I thank them and Adam for working well together for 4 wonderful years. It's just time for Adam to channel his énergies in a new direction.

Let's say "Go Adam" but without any snark remarks towards his former label. K. Clarkson once parted ways with RCA but came back. Who knows what the future holds for any singer??

Anonymous said...

Oh this is just the 'beginning'.
Adam's career is taking off in a soaring direction now.

Anonymous said...

Adam creamed the Mid State Fair! That little old venue was treated to a bit of brillance tonight. Plus an extented encore. The rock mode coming through loud and clear now. Cannot wait to see what happens from here!

Anonymous said...

I agree, we shouldn't be trashing RCA in comments. It reflects poorly on Adam and all his fans. If Adam can be polite and gracious why can't his fans?

Adam looks great in the vids. Can't wait for the better quality ones!

Anonymous said...

Maggie Magoo?? Probably not even a real fan.

Anonymous said...

RCA/Sony paved the way for Adam and all due respect for that. He became and international star under their label. One door closes and another incredible door opens.
The mind boggles at the future!

Anonymous said...

As Adam was gracious with his open letter parting with RCA his fans will be the same. No negativity. BTW did you guys notice RCA was tweeting about Adam yesterday and posted his pics. on their website. I bet they are trying say that they will miss him.

Anonymous said...

Adam sounded amazing tonight! I watched the Ustream and the audio was fantastic...the video kept buffering but that's probably my computer problem..anyway, I'm just grateful for anything we can see and hear of Adam. He was sooo great! What a voice <3


Anonymous said...

Love Adam's shirt, I don't remember seeing it before.

Anonymous said...

Love Adam's shirt, I don't remember seeing it before.

Anonymous said...

Adam's class and important to keep class in the fandom.

Anonymous said...

Adam looked amazing and sounded terrific. He really seemed to be enjoying himself on that stage. I like the three songs that he used as the opening to the concert. They got the audience right into the music. He does have such a great voice and each time I watch any of these vids, I often think about how consistently underappreciated he is in the music industry. Can't wait to see him on GLEE and also with Queen at the IHeartRadio concert in Sept.

Anonymous said...

@daydreamin, saw the videos you uploaded on a twitter feed. They were fabulous! Hope to see them on this site. Please?

Anonymous said...

Another FAB concert. Love Brian backing Adam - a great sound.

Anonymous said...

Watched the livestream. It was amazing. The crowd and Adam were both on fire, wish I could have been there. DON'T bad mouth RCA. It's not a good idea to bUrn bridges, and everyone has a right to make demands. Obviously RCA and Adam had different ones, so they split.
I'm looking forward to seeing forward to seeing a song Adam sings on Glee, hitting #1 on iTunes.

Anonymous said...

Adam 's official page on RCA still exists. Wonder when they will take it down?

Anonymous said...

Wow! The videos are all great! Adam looked absolutely magnificent. I DO love that shirt, too. And aren't his side-burns longer now? VERY sexy, very rock n roll. Looked like the crowd was very into it! He is simply luscious. Luscious.

I agree that we don't need to bash RCA. They're a business and they do whats best for them. Adam did what's best for him. Adam will move on, hopfully to bigger and better things. Gotta take a break from the vids for a while.


Anonymous said...

I just want to thank all the fans who share their videos as always!!:)

Our incredibly talented Adam will be fine!!!:)

No worries!!:)

Can't wait to Rock with him for the 3rd album...


Anonymous said...

Recorded stream is done processing! Watch Adam Lambert's entire concert from tonight in Paso Robles again

#NAKEDLOVE Adam Lambert, @adamlambert

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the videos, with out you we would not be able to see Adam and the band concerts. A lot of us live Adam Lambert thru our computer screens. And we are just plan in love with this man. Hoping to meet him someday, and go to another concert. Some of you have. others not. So from the bottom of my heart thanks again for filming, and thank you 24/7 for such a great site.

Anonymous said...

side burns!!!
Adam. Adam, Adam

Maybe they're for Glee.

Anonymous said...

I just watched @daydreamin videos of last night's concert on youtube. Fantastic videos. Thanks Daydreamin! Gives us a recap.

Anonymous said...

This is a pretty long set list, Adam-wise. Very cool encore, too. Everybody REALLY got their money's worth at this show.


tea said...

Many thanks for the videos! ♥♥♥
I totally appreciate them.

Anonymous said...

I've been watching the videos this morning and watched Ustream last night. Thank you, thank you, and Thank You to all who to this great fan service for us and Adam! Your work is truly appreciated!! Now I'm going to watch some more videos!!

tea said...

I'm all about everything being all about Adam, but maybe someone that went can say a word or two about Allison???

Anonymous said...

Just saw more vids on AO. I thought this particular Is This Love? was one of the sexiest I have heard Adam sing. It was dripping with sensuality. I thought he was on fire last night and the crowd looked incredibly into it. Apparently, this venue is into country music a lot. It's not a real pop music area. But Adam marched in a showed them how it's done, and I hope he gained a few new fans in the bargain. I simply can't get enough.


Anonymous said...

Country audience? Wish Adam sang Ring Of Fire!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam stands out like a black painted thumb among the country singing line up at the Fair. Adam's concerts are always so much fun and awe-inspiring that I'm annoyed when people who know nothing of Adam's brilliance thumb their noses at him, like the fair previewer who rated him 4/10. But, always great to learn of their schoolin' in the aftermath of an electrifying performance like this one. Hope we see some crow-eating, if not voluntarily from the guy, force fed from concertgoers. That would be sweet! atm

Anonymous said...

Tried to get tickets to Iheart, what a joke. They had already sold them to the scalpers.

Anonymous said...

@ tea I really like Allison's voice, but I don't like her music.
With her vocal ability she would sound great with some deep, dark, smoky, bluesy jazz type songs.