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Adam Lambert Shirtless Pictures ~ Complete Collection So Far ~

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Anonymous said...

No. 7 wow! Sue

Anonymous said...

alllllrighty then, way to go. Thanks for posting these pictures you are a lot of fun admin love the Adam doll on the other thread too.

Anonymous said...

The Zodiac Show and Burning Man with the Necklaces pictures just KILL me! I LOVE THAT LOOK. He is such a babe in all of them, tho. Beautiful inside and out.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Hubba Hubba Ding Ding
Baby You've Got Everything

Shortened to Hubba Hubba in the 40's. Yep I'm that old! And not blind or dead!

I lived in the historical times you can only read about. haha

Anonymous said...

$h]t I just cleaned the last of the Johnny drool off my monitor and here it is again.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Vote for Adam on this Grammy poll:


Anonymous said...

Thank you for fixing the site so we won't get blank space.Love Adam & this site.

Anonymous said...

Finally, I can see these beautiful pictures. Thank you for fixing the problem.

Anonymous said...

drool baby drool!!!:)

Now I have the reason to go to bed early!!:)))))


Anonymous said...

I've seen most of these pictures; perhaps a couple are the 'Hair' completely naked ones, showing only the top half. lol! Adam was asked if he felt uneasy about being naked on stage and he answered no, because they had a fan each. What kind of fan Adam? lol! Okay, Adam has beautiful physique, shown half or full; imagination takes you everywhere, the other half too. lol!


Anonymous said...

Adam, what if the fan flops or drops or gets caught? lol! Looks like no fresh news for the time being; Adam is filming Glee and preparing for a Las Vegas showdown with Queen...Good luck! The Snake fengshui seems to be blowing favourably for Rooster; time to fly Rooster; it's your year.


Anonymous said...

Adam has a very large rib cage. No wonder he has magnificient out of this world singing voice. BTW it also makes him very sexy too. No wonder he is hiding his naked body from public eyes. He is hiding his unique god given treasure at times but he shares it through his out of this world singing voice.

Anonymous said...

4:22 and 5:42, you can see them because they are not instagram photos. Admin said she will no longer post the instagram photos.

Anonymous said...

In the Zodaic show picture...Crawl Through Fire, you were very theatric and fierce on stage with flaming torches and holding a kind of 3-pronged rake, yelling. I like that act, whole lot better than what I see on Glee; inject/crawl some of your fire, much needed there.


Anonymous said...

Adam is a beautiful gift. The voice, the body, the face, the man.

Nice to see that the Grammy poll is showing so much interest in Adam and Glee. Keep voting! Every little bit of PR helps.


Anonymous said...

How could one person be blessed in so many ways! #6!Love to see that look come back.Also love the pic with the black beads and I just guess all of them! This is why some don't like Melvin. What a face!

Anonymous said...

DRG what is it about for Grammy poll, what are they voting on for Glee? Could you tell me! Sue

tea said...

Off Topic
This article is titled, The True Majority in America.

"Recently my absolute favorite singer, well him and Fantasia, Adam Lambert, performed in Washington DC. Rare for him, not taking into account the many messages in his songs, he talked a little about politics in his opening.

He expressed a basic American, and quite simple concept. He addressed what it feels like to be branded, in Twitter as well in life, as #others. He competently, intelligently, and with deep passion, gave his viewpoint about equal rights under the law. Then he sang a song, that he wrote, that is a perfect follow up to his statements; an anthem of love."

Anonymous said...

Whew! Thank you for that amaaaazing collection of shirtless Adam pictures <3. What a face, chest, well whole body! Wow, Adam has it all....and the VOICE!

Thanks again for posting those pics....think I'll go back and have another look LOL!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why o why o why the drag photos?

Anonymous said...

9:15, none of those are in drag.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:15 PM
What "drag" photos??? These are all "gorgeous handsome male" photos...

Anonymous said...

nice pix!In the second one,in the green BB pix,those large holes where he had piercings thru his nipples,wow!that looked painful.wonder if that was why he wasn't wearing jewelry there..He does have a nice chest,tho.

Magiclady said...

Love these Pics. Beautiful bod, our boy! He seems so shy about it which makes it all the better!

Anonymous said...

Adam has a singer's chest for sure. Beautiful man.

Anonymous said...

Aww, 9:15, You must know by now this is all a part of the amazingness that is Adam! There are a few "drag" pictures - VERY beautiful ones - but these are not them. These fall into more of the theatrical and Kid Club file. Wonderful stuff.

If they ever remake Rocky Horror Picture Show, I vote Adam (picture #3, yes!) for the role.
Dr. Frankenfurter is one sexy, transexual, bisexual character. Ha.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

9:24, I think those are rhinestones, not holes.

Anonymous said...

Ryan Seacrest Hints AMERICAN IDOL 13 Judges Panel is SET Says Fans Will Be Excited

"At the San Francisco American Idol 13 auditions recently, host, Ryan Seacrest, was asked if Keith Urban would be returning to American Idol as judge this season. His answer was rather intriguing. It appears that the panel has already been chosen:

"I was with Keith yesterday, we embraced, and said to each other ‘I hope we get to spend a lot of time together.’ He’s a great guy, and I’ve become a very good friend. I think, based on what I have heard.

The audience that watches American Idol is going to be very excited about the panel that we’ve put together for this Season 13. Its a very special season. And I think you’ll see some good chemistry this year."

Well. That sounds like to me that Keith, who has expressed interest in returning, may once again sit on the panel. That Ryan is hinting at long time Idol fans being happy with the new panel, leads me to believe that at least one spot will be filled by an American Idol alum.

It was widely reported that Jennifer Hudson, had already hammered out a deal with FOX, ready to be signed, but that the huge shakeup that saw the exit of FOX reality chief, Mike Darnell, and executive producers, Nigel Lythgoe and Ken Warwick put her contract on hold.

Maybe the new team, which includes former Swedish Idol producer, Pers Blankens, and Darnell’s replacement, David Hill, have decided to sign Jennifer’s contract anyway.

Or, depending on how big ADAM LAMBERT’s new role on the upcoming season of Glee is, perhaps he’ll be pulling FOX double duty as an Idol judge. After all, he’d been rumored as a possible candidate for the Idol panel as well.

I’m sure more will be revealed. Or leaked, as the case may be. FOX is keeping a pretty tight lid on this so far. Kudos to them."

Read here:

Anonymous said...


One Direction's new video broke Vevo's record:

.@OneDirection views on , VEVO apps, Xbox, Roku, YouTube + added up to a WHOPPING 12.3M VIEWS in 24hrs! #BSEVEVORECORD

The New 24hr Record = 12.3 MILLION. Just….WOW. #Directioners ain't playin. #BSEVEVORECORD @onedirection

Anonymous said...

mmadamimadamm ‏@mmadamimadamm
UPDATED 07/23 as of 11:00 p.m. ET: All the videos (by videographer) so far for Paso Robles in one post at IDF:

Anonymous said...

WOW indeed! Simon Cowell created 1D. Third place finalist on UK XFactor. He is probably jumping up and down in his bed right now. Yes that's a great example of youth market. Young kids use social media to share their fav. music with their friends.

Anonymous said...

Does raise our hopes up and AI would be smart to bring Adam on board the sinking ship lol! He'll not only stop the leak but raise it back to the surface. Yea also beneficial to Adam for the promotion of his new music. If Adam does land the job, it could be due to the fact Adam helped in some ways in the franchise of AI in China...this is a very beneficial two-way business partnership with Adam as the go-between due to his good relationship with China. And if Adam releases his 3rd album there...hmm.


Anonymous said...

@10:59pm. I hope Adam gets Idol judging panel. Last week AI posted a picture of Adam on their facebook page. He got over 11k likes and 99.9% of the comments were all, I love Adam Lambert. Idol audience truly loves him and it will be a great exposure. Love Keith Urban. Millie Cyrus showed tons of love to Adam on GMA. Panels of judges IMO: Urban, Adam, Hudson, Cyrus. Fresh young panel and eye candy all around with Seacrest as an AI host. Ratings galore!

Anonymous said...

Lÿndsey Parker ‏@lyndseyparker

Exclusive: @allisoniraheta & @halocircus sign a record deal! Congrats! (cc: @manimalvinyl)

Retweeted by Adam Lambert

Anonymous said...

Adam should take these opportunities that are opening up to him very seriously. No more adreline nervous to blame. Otherwise, he has to sing for his old fans for rest of his life and we know he doesn't want to do that cause he loves change. Is change gonna come, Adam? Please make it happen!

Anonymous said...

Adam still takes good care of Allison, his little sister; like asking her to open his GNT concert. Congratulations Allison! You sure got a beautiful big brother.


daydreamin said...

A picture of Adam taken by a friend at the Marriott hotel where he and they also stayed. Damn I looked into that place but they were a little too pricey. I had a feeling he would stay there.

Anonymous said...

those still don't look like rhinestones in pic 2.If they are,they'd look better if they were light colored,not dark,which make them look like holes;not important--the pix are all good,anyway.BB looks very sexy w/or w/out a shirt,a tank top,etc.

Anonymous said...

MJs certainly isn't a credible opinion. She doesn't even like Adam.

Anonymous said...

Pics 7 and 16 .... WHOA!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam isn't shirtless in half those pics. The money shot is the one of him sunbathing in B&W swimtrunks. Why mess up a perfectly great photo day with the other shots. It's his midriff, baby!

Anonymous said...

Pic #1 - I bet he's an absolute whizz at applying lower eyelashes. He could give me a few tips. ;)

Anonymous said...

MJ and Brad Bessey think it might happen. I'll take that rumour.

Anonymous said...

Photo 16 is an absolute keeper!!!

Anonymous said...

@Anon 12:29
Your post is stupid, hurtful and ignorant!
During these 4,5 years I have followed his career
- Adam has always taken job opportunities seriously (most probably the same applies to time before AI)
- the AMA 'adrenaline rush' explanation was to calm down the homophobic and narrowminded, mostly US peeps - the rest of the world (who saw the AMAs) truly noticed Adam and he gained new fans, cause he was fantasticly different (his singing was not his best, and that can be put to nerves - his first worlwide live performance - but his attitude & showmanship was spot on!)
- and what ever you mean with 'old fans' it is both insulting and stupid - AGE does NOT matter and any TRUE performer is proud to have long-time fans and does not 'abandon' them in search for new fans!

One more thing:
I'm sure Adam keeps changing & SURPRISING his fans constantly and I for one LOVE IT! Some fans (long-time or newer, older or younger) leave the fandom, and many more will join the fandom, cause he's only just begun... The lyrics of the song FYE are so appropriate, still and yet again!

Adam IS Change!!!

Anonymous said...

It's obvious the age BS has touched some raw nerves here. Forget about it ...... there are far more important issues in the world.

Anonymous said...

sue, 4:20 has posted a link here for a Grammy poll. I voted on it. It probably means absolutely nothing, but I always say, vote for Adam whenever possible, because it can't hurt. Keeps his name out there. Vote!


Anonymous said...

I have not lost hope about AI. It would really make a difference in Adam's exposure. The Glee thing could be done at the same time. Lots of signers, actors, etc. work on multiple projects at the same time.

Adam has a sexy, broad, masculine chest. That voice comes from that deep, resonannt chest. His body is so well-proportined. Waist and legs balanced with the shoulders and chest. Gorgeous.


Anonymous said...

WOW...Allison...Bravo! She sounded fabulous in that video embedded in above Yahoo article.

Anonymous said...

@5:15 AM, I read 12:29 AM post and found it to be a harmless opinion post with no ill intent. According to context, "old fans" mean not new fans, at least that's the way I read it. Also, there's an element of truth in 12:29 AM post because Adam has been known to be a little bit impulsive (AMA). He seems to be doing much better in that area. I think that you and 12:29 AM both care a great deal about Adam and his career.

Anonymous said...

Adam took a pic....with out his shirt,
And dared us girls not to flirt ,
But of course we had a look
And away our breath it nearly took ......rose petal

Was underneath but what a big smile these pics put on my face ...... peace

Anonymous said...

I read Allisan got married to Matthew Hagar this year who is a member of Halo Circus.

Adamluv said...

Thank you 24/7 for this fabulous birthday gift to me, today being my special day and for the first time in days finally able to see pictures. Great way to start off my day or any day - pictures of the must gorgeous, beautiful, handsome, sexy man alive - the one and only Adam F. Lambert. . . . Adamluv

glitzylady said...

Happy Birthday Adamluv!!!

Anonymous said...

Not on Facebook. Can't vote.

Anonymous said...

Wow! 16! Adam's the only one without sunglasses.

Anonymous said...

Photo #3......very ornate crotch curtain!......JAK : )

Anonymous said...

Genteel and gentle as a dove
A robust body, a hive of love
Encases a voice, with a huff and a puff
He'll blow your house down without rebuff


Rose petal, we might have co-written another one. They flow. lol!

tess4ADAM said...

Just voted at the Grammy poll ... ADAM leads @ 82% ...
Keep VOTING! fellow Glamberts ...
Thanx for the link @July 23 4:20 PM

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaws)

Adamluv said...

@Glitzlady - thank you for the shout out. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@ rose petal

I like your poem, it put a smile on my face too. : )

Anonymous said...

Hmm this seems a bit too scantily clad; good try... :)


Anonymous said...

Adam is so pale he's practically flourescent. I wonder how much sun he can take without burning.

Unknown said...

Are you telling me Adam was actually nude in Hair an no one has a pic??!!

Unknown said...

Boys a ginger so about 6 minutes.

Unknown said...

Ha ha. You are awesome. And Adam is gorgeous.

Rosepetal said...

I like the poem too but I didn't write I believe Lammy did.

Good job Lammy....maybe I'll try something sweet instead of sad , these pics sure inspire
a few thoughts.., on second thought prob should share those kind of thoughts..:)

Rosepetal said...

On second thought gets a little poem hope u like it.

I saw some pictures on the web,
They put bad thoughts into my head
At my age I should be immune
But a shirtless Adam is singing my tune.