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Cute! Shirtless Adam Lambert Doll!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Update on INSTAGRAM PICTURES: Since some people are having trouble seeing Instagram pictures on this blog, we won't post embedded Instagram pictures anymore! Sorry for the inconvenience and trouble!


Anonymous said...

Computer illiterate old farts have problem with Instagram. Otherwise, the young fans can see everything perfectly. Sorry for the inconveniences from old farts. Stay in the back grannies.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, admin. Many of us are so grateful that you wers able to bring us the pictures, too. Now, we can drool with the rest of the fans.


Anonymous said...

2:27, I have registered for all kinds of things online successfully. No matter what I do wtih Instagram, it won't accept my info. Old far I am not.

Anonymous said...


You do realize that most of Adam's fans are 30 + right?

I'm 36 and most of the Adam fans I know are around my age.

And your comment is very rude.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it has anything to do with age. Maybe the age of the equipment. I am probably one of the older fans and I can see these pictures very well and I thank you very much for posting anything Adam. Let's try to be nice to one another.

Anonymous said...

damn what is with this trolls age fixation lately? ahem I am 26 and couldn't see a freakin thing from instagram. ha, ha love the Adam doll, love his wild hair. Leave it to a Glambert!!

Anonymous said...

very cute doll!! were the fans having a ball on twitter with it?

Anonymous said...

when I am on my daughters computer I can't accsess Adam's twitter from this site unless I switch to chrome.

Anonymous said...

Everything has worked for me very well. Oh and btw I'm 17 and I'm a huge fan of Adam. :)


Jadam NZ said...

2.27 you are very rude, if you were my grandchild I would be so disappointed.
You claim to love Adam, who accepts everyone as they are,yet you are being ageist. You are showing your inexperience and ignorance.
Im also disappointed in myself for even answering your comment but have let it all go passed in the past, as I will from now on in the future. I hope you do eventually grow up to be a nicer person.
Obviously there has been a technical reason for the instagram problem which incidently this oildie had no trouble viewing.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Thank you. And I am probably an old fart to you 52, but I will keep my front roll view.

Anonymous said...

Sorry row.

Anonymous said...

3:41 lol loud

Anonymous said...

@ 3:41 P.M........As of this date elected

Poet Laureate of 24/7.............Kudos from JAK

Anonymous said...

@2:27PM - You must be talking about yourself - being computer illiterate I mean. The problem has nothing to be with Instagram and being an old fart. I know because I'm an old fart and a granny and quite proud of it! (You will be too if you should get to be so lucky!) I have not had any problems seeing the posts this week and it's not due to my computer genius any more than your computer "abilities". Evidently you are not a real Adam fan because you are nothing like Adam. In fact, you are the anti-Adam. Bullying is not cool.
The oldsters here are loved and respected because we have lived life and understand we all need each other at one time or another. You will learn this one day. Adam understood this at a young age as do many younger fans on this site. Try to be more like him and them and you will enjoy life more. You don't have to like us older fans but we're not going away. Peace and Light!

Anonymous said...

What??? Since some people are having trouble seeing pics that means none of us get to see pics??? How is that a solution? Obviously there is a problem with some peoples updates, cookies or compatibility on their computers or phones. Admin could rehost the pics before embedding them to solve the issue.

I don't see how not embedding the pics for anybody is the reasonable solution. And then it devolves into a fight over age.

**ADMIN: Please reconsider this decision.**

glitzylady said...

I suspect Admin will post pics..just not directly from Instagram....It's as easy as taking a screen shot of the pic, saving it to the computer (a 10 second process on my Mac), and then posting it. I may be an "old fart" (apparently anyone over the age of 30 or so...) by some people's definition, but computers don't scare me. The inability to view the pics most likely had NOTHING to do with computer skills (and age...geeezzz come on, that's just rude to suggest that) and everything to do with our individual computers' ability or inability to read the program.

Anonymous said...

I am an old fart and technology challenged but NEVER had any problem seeing what has been posted here from instagram.

Anonymous said...

Easier to save pics than do a screen shot.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 10:24 PM
I can't directly "save" instagram pictures. At least I've never been able to. I save most pics by simply double clicking on the pic and hitting "download", but instagram pics on the instagram site are protected. Screen shots take no time at all. Instagram pics are the only ones I have to use that technique with. I have a Mac: maybe different on a PC....

Anonymous said...

2.27 so obviously a bully troll, used that as a chance to take a stab at the older ones, probably 108 year old troll trying to make itself feel better.

Anonymous said...

I'm 64 and I've had no problem accessing any of the pictures on this site and I know sfa about computers.

Anonymous said...

2:27 PM
I'm 62 and I had no problems seeing these pics and as far as age goes, don't worry dear, your time will come when you too will no longer be a young one. Be kind to older people their not as silly as you might think, these days 60's is still young anyway, in fact people today are living much longer than ever before so a large number of seniors are computer literate. Just recently read where a lady in her seventies completed a university course, so don't underestimate people just on age alone, it's discrimination to do so.

Anonymous said...

Haha, that doll is so cute!! I love it.

Anonymous said...

These dolls are fantastic.

Anonymous said...

This Doll Maker Fan is fast & fantastic!
Wonder how many Adam dolls she has made so far??? What a fabulous collection she must have by now... would love to see them all!
Thank you, Kardam!