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Bonnie McKee - American Girl

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, July 22, 2013

Posted at : Monday, July 22, 2013


Anonymous said...

I think this video is supposed to be ironic? Bonnie McKee is very talented at songwriting and singing. I'm getting the feeling this is kind of a sideways glace at the "American Girl" girl... "I was raised by a television". Combined with the eye-candy party look, shoplifting, etc.

The song is a catchy pop tune. Just hope the little kids don't follow all the examples of "fun" here.

Wishing her success. She's worked hard for it.

co laura

Anonymous said...


I thought Adam was so cute and hilarious in the original video for the song. Should have kept him in.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

she reminds me of Ke$ha.

Anonymous said...

Colorful, but the music made my migraine worse. JAK :(

Anonymous said...

The song is kind of generic IMO. Cute, I guess. Loved Adam in the original video, too.


Anonymous said...

Apparently this is the official video for the song but seems like lots of people like the first one to see their favorite star lip synching along.

laura, kids who shoplift and steal cars don't need silly videos to give them examples. Chill.

Anonymous said...

It's just more crap, which we have enough of already.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:03 PM

I agree, kids don't need silly videos depicting a cute American Girl stealing. This is a poor example IMO. Bonnie can do better than this.
I also agree, it's crap.

Anonymous said...

Since when did music videos become paragons of ideal behavior? It's just a silly video. Some of you need to get out more. Or flip channels more.

Anonymous said...

Some people need to develop taste.

Anonymous said...

Hi 8:03pm, I agree, kids that are shoplifting and stealing cars aren't going to be influenced by a silly video. I was thinking of the 8 to 12 year olds these videos are aimed at. But, yes, I'll chill. This kind of discussion has been going on for generations.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Love this song. It's catchy & light-hearted. Some of you oldies need to move with the times & not be so serious! It's a fun song & as Adam would say "It's not that deep."

Anonymous said...

Why not use the other video with tons of big name stars in it? That video was more unusual I guess sex and all this stuff sales better. Who gets all those stars in their video, she does not use it, must be a reason. This was ok, I thought the other one much better. But what do I know? I like the song, anyway. Sue

Anonymous said...

I'm 8:27 P.M. And I'm 33 - does that make an OLDIE?

Why do people assume you are old if you don't like something?
And if I were old,
wouldn't that be considered bullying, no matter what age you are? Try practicing what Adam preaches.

Anonymous said...

it's just an OK song.

Anonymous said...

9:14 here, age 37.

Anonymous said...

Posting that the song is 'crap' is offensive. If people posted that Adam's songs are crap, we Glamberts would be offended and defend his songs like there's no tomorrow. Nasty criticism is ugly, unnecessary and uncalled for.

Anonymous said...

The oldie bulling on here is getting to be a way of putting people down if they do not agree with you. Adam definitely would not agree with bullying people because of their age. Why do you you just assume someone age because their opinion differs with you. I think most of the older people on here are quite young at heart.

Anonymous said...

I actually really like the song, it is catchy and it a light hearted pop song, not the best ever but I like it. The first video I liked a lot better. Now to get my old ass some headache meds. Sue

Anonymous said...

The bullies are those that tell people to get with it or say you must be old. Just because someone doesn't like something, doesn't mean they should be marginalized as old. Please, Adam would want us to be kind to each other. Let us express our views without this name calling and placing us in an old box. And like a very smart person wrote above, I agree. Most of Adam's fans, regardless of age, are young at heart.

HK fan said...

I really like the song, very catchy, can see it being a huge hit (and i'm practically an oldie..almost 48!!)

BUT I loved the first video.....why when you have such a fun video, with so many big name stars would have this one as the official video, its fine as videos go, but nothing special.
Surely with all the names appearing, you'd get all their fans tuning in just to see them, that's millions of fans that would be interested in watching.

Anonymous said...

Maybe all of those people would have to be paid if that video was used! I think it may have been made as sort of a demo - for fun.

Anonymous said...

9.24 was me Sue forgot to sign! Sue

Anonymous said...

On this site - crap is an opinion, posting it on Bonnie McKee's site would be offensive, I'm pretty sure no one intends to do that, does Bonnie have a fansite?

Anonymous said...

I won't bother to watch it. Liked the first video only because Adam was in it, but I didn't like the song. Now that I know Adam isn't in the video, what's the point. She seems like a cool girl, nothing personally against her. JMO

Anonymous said...

Dug up and re-ran 'August Rush' the other day.(2007) Realised that Bonnie McKee was in the movie cast.

Anonymous said...

Oh Bonnie McKee's an accomplished songwriter. Not so much loving this generic sound.

Anonymous said...

OT .......

A royal baby has arrived :-D ...... a boy. Not yet named as I type this.

Anonymous said...

Posting the word crap is offensive on any website including this one.

Anonymous said...

How about Lammy, how old are you?

Anonymous said...

You know what? I am really starting to get offended and angry at the term "OLD" being so often used on Adam's sites. Every freakin' one of you will be old some day and I hope all of you who have been so mean to us older fans get your uppins. And, YES, uppins is an old term but it speaks for itself! At least I have lived to be old and just maybe you younger fans may not!

Anonymous said...

Be kind to each other. Adam's about love and positivity and loves his fans. Looks like we all need to take a page out of his class book and respect each other regardless of AGE, color, creed and

Anonymous said...

The old thing comes up because so many commenters say how proud they haven't listened to radio in 20 or 30 years and then make comments about not getting today's music or how much better music was 30 or 40 years ago. The constant comparison of Adam to Elvis by people who saw Elvis in person. All that makes you sound old.

Anonymous said...

Guess what there are some in there thirties only listening to Internet radio more and more each year, my young daughter only listens to Internet radio. Lots of people are getting away from regular radio, because of what it has become and many are your favorite word young. Adam Lambert to me is way more exciting that me. Elvis was, do not remember bringing up EP all the time, Adam been referred to being the young Elvis why some bring it up, but to me he way better. The reason old always brought up is a way of humiliating the older ladies who may not agree with you into feeling bad about themselves. This been going on a long time now, it's just starting to hit nerves. You all will not always be young you will get to middle age and beyond hopefully. See how it feels to have some people tear you down and insult you on a daily bases for being older. Some have made the older ladies feel we do not count for anything as fans, were old grand ma's have no right to like Adam and support him. Lots of these negative comments are coming from young fans not old and we get blamed. Start respecting people of all ages and everything here and be a better place. I know I am going to be told we do not need a lecture fr you grandma like the other day, when someone voiced there opinion that was not twenty or thirty. I have not listen to radio in a year or so not 20 , 30 years I listen to Adam play his stuff, that's what I like to hear. Time for another vacation from here the headaches like I said before are not worth it, only Adam worth it all. Sue

Anonymous said...

It's not the age or "old" that is the problem, it is the attitude.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie McKee is a very talented songwriter who has turned out number 1 records for the top-selling stars such as Katie Perry. She also wrote for Adam. I guess she decided to write for herself. She's an okay singer and is obviously aiming for the younger crowd. Maybe she picked a silly song because she was not sure of her voice for a more dramatic record. Who knows. It's a harmless record to me, but I agree she should have just used the celebrity video - much better!

Anonymous said...

Let's be honest - people are saying they prefer Bonnie's 1st video of American Girl to this one because Adam is in it full stop. It's not rocket science. Some of you are so transparent.

Anonymous said...

Why is it when one of the "oldies" expresses an opinion or a comment about something that may be somewhat crass, offensive or just plain stupid, that we see all these negative comments in reference to it. Many of Adam's fans are older and they have certainly helped to boost his csreer in album and/or ticket sales at concerts. I agree it is the attitude, the lack of respect that is the problem in many of today's younger generation. They have been given too much, expect too much, and often do not appreciate what they have. As a retired high school teacher, I have seen the changes in each generation of students, and believe me, it is not always positive, respectful or encouraging. Many of my former students have become my friends through the years and they still respect my opinions and thoughts about many different subjects including music. I am not a grandma and certainly dont look or act my age. As ALincoln said:"It's not the years in your life that count, it's the life in your years" and I firmly believe this to be true.

Anonymous said...

Go to an AARP site if you want to talk to other grandmas about your aches and pains or that adorable grandchild.
This is supposed to be about adam.

When people post completely clueless things they are going to be laughed at. Oldies like sue are urethra are worse bullies than anyone

Anonymous said...

Yes, I prefer Bonnie's video because Adam is in it, but also because it is enjoyable to me to see the other stars/celebrities that I know in the video. Also, it is not offensive to me at all. Bonnie's official video is offensive to me. I'm sure Bonnie could care less how I feel, but it's just my pov. Some others seem to feel the same way. Hurray for freedom of speech! >>>>>>>>>>>nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

I don't post anymore here, but I just have to jump in and say that, and I don't like being unkind, that I do think there is too much "medical talk" and such on this site. I am 42. Love the song, will download for my workout mix! Love Bonnie. Hate this video, think it's beneath her, but get the "business" side of why she went in this direction. I don't consider myself old-thinking, but think the Kardashian generation, of sorts, is a bit concerning. I don't think a video like this will ruin a generation, but I do think it's a bad message... and you know what, my 16 year old neice (a dancer, extremely hip, smart, funny) thinks it is too. It wont' ruin a generation, of course not, but when added in combination with all the other similarly minded junk put out in pop culture today I think it's a bit of a shame Bonnie didn't go in another direction with the official video. And just to prove I'm not a pearl clutcher, I also think it's absolutely ridiculous the amount of unearned reverence and appreciation the British Monarchy gets when their college-minded graduating High School Seniors who lack a privileged lifestyle continue to struggle for college payment assistance, for example. And back in this country, we allow our children to swallow and digest the sort of notion that Bonnie is putting out here, but we don't entreat our youth to appreciate the diversity and talents and creativity of some of Adam Lambert's more left of center friends, the ones who traditionally would be considered quite outlandish and flamboyant (when they are probably very thoughtful and creative humble and have lots to offer and teach). I guess I am getting off-topic here. I do love me some sexy, outlandish, aint-that-deep, quirky kooky mad-talented Adam Lambert, as glammed up and fucked up as he wants to be or as dressed down and boy next door as he wants to be... I dig all that he gives us... so I am hardly a prude... but I do think the message of this video sucks a little, good for an artist who does not have the vision for more (insert Kesha here, and hey, good for her, she's taking her vision all the way to the bank) but to me, JMO, Bonnie is above it and could have still had a summer blockbuster lighthearted Pop Romp video without the skuzzy underlying message of this particular MV. But ultimately whatevs. And yeah, regarding the "old talk", I suspect a lot of fans on here love the spirit of rock and roll that Adam embodies, quite a youthful notion, and its totally cool and expected that he should capture our post-35 crowd, but I do have to say that the medical talk and such I find out of place here, very. Just my POV.

And yes Laura - Bonnie has worked hard for her success, good on her!! Always enjoy your posts Laura.

Anonymous said...

@Anon July 23, 2013 at 6:55 AM

You have some good valid points I support... but what "urethra" have you been reading? She's one progressive out of the box left of center cool beotch if you ask me. But to each his own.

@nancdruuu2 July 23, 2013 at 7:26
Thanks for your post. Having read your posts for quite some time now, I know you are "of a certain age", :), but I always find your posts to be quite progressive, forward thinking, open-minded, tolerant and downright hip and cool... and you show that one can be all those things and still feel that Bonnie's vid here is lacking some taste. But hey, yes, like you said, I'm sure she couldn't care less. As least, when she cashes in on this summer hit she'll have, at least we can feel good that she has tons of talent to back it up!! Unlike some over-produced cash-cow Pop product like a Selena Gomez (who I like and all, I'm just sayin', putting forth an example of someone who is a good actress but not nearly the creative chops and prowess that Bonnie possesses).

Anonymous said...

Wow, if people are offended by this video you must not be able to watch much tv or listen to much music. Were all of you so easily impressed as young people that you would do whatever was in a video?

Anonymous said...

@7:53, that's just being snarky. Some posters have commented on a deeper level, so what? The discussion is kind of cool I think. You go ahead and keep it surface and aint that deep tho. That's cool too. It's all good

Anonymous said...

7:40, the youth is way ahead of the rest of the country in terms of accepting Adam and his left of center friends. 70% of those aged 18-32 support same sex marriage, twice the level of their grandparents. The numbers for acceptance of homosexuality is even higher.

Anonymous said...

8:03, where have they said much more than it's offensive. Maybe a comment or two on shoplifting and lack of respect in today's youth. Just saying you think it is offensive or crap isn't any deeper.

Anonymous said...

The entertainment market is mostly aimed at youth demographic cause they are the ones tell their friends about what is happening. Now because of power of social media they can spread any new music in a matter of minutes to go viral by sharing on facebook twitter Instagram etc.

Anonymous said...

@ANON 7:51AM-Thanks a lot! nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

@ Anon July 23, 2013 at 8:10 AM

7:40 here. Correct. If you think I was implying otherwise, you didn't read my post closely enough... and I wouldn't blame you, it was verbose and long-winded, sorry about that. :)

Anonymous said...

phew I'd rather hear how someone's heart surgery went than a rambling post like 7:40. JMPOV.

Anonymous said...

Seems like a Carly Rae Jepson approach acting younger and cutesy.

Anonymous said...

8 25

But the companies who buy ads on radio and tv want a young demographic because those are the people who try new products. That's just a fact of business. Having a 70 yo fan show up at a radio station hurts adam, not all fans are equally desirable

Anonymous said...

@8:48, and neither Bonnie nor Carley Rae are super young are they?? They are both over 25 anyway, right??

Anonymous said...

@ first 8:58, it is true. I don't attach any opinion or mean spirited comment to that, that is just true. oh well, things looking bright for Adam right now.

@July 23, 8:42 AM
You sound butt-hurt. Who ate your cheerios this morning? That post wasn't without on-topic content 'tho; articulated with lots of words or done so more succinctly, posts with meat and content are more desirable than your whining (or aches & pains chatter). JMPOV

Anonymous said...

I think CRJ is around 28 and BM is 29. not sure don't have time to look it up.

Anonymous said...

Age 28 or 29-ish, wow, now see, I find that so interesting...closer to 30 than not. Think of all the pop acts (even like an Andy Grammar and Pink, Gaga, Olly Murs) and most are closer to 30 than 20. "Disney" kids like Demi Lovato and Selena etc get catapulted by BUSINESS people into Top 40 for MONEY, the payoff, and that's fine, but so many on current Charts (Katie Perry, Usher, JT, the list goes on and on) are closer to 30, and well over, than 20, probably because it speaks to the time it takes to make it in that business, like Bonnie McKee (like Adam) ... so I just think it's short-sighted to cut off the 35+ crowd as an undesirable demographic. But what do I know? They have highly trained numbers people who have it down to a science and it's all based on the bottom line and profit margin. I am not naïve. Well, I guess I'll shut up now or 8:42 will get their panties in a bunch. ;)

Anonymous said...

9:06 I wish I was as interesting as you think you are.

Anonymous said...

Got no dog in this fight but 9:06 may not be interesting to you 9:19, and you are not as clever as you think you are to me

Anonymous said...

is this the new site for preschool kids ? my god don't some of you people ever shut up?

Anonymous said...

I see the negative planters have been busy working this thread.

Anonymous said...

I really do not ramble like you did about my medical, I mention it here there and I sure do no go on about it. I feel I have se friends on here, like Lam/my, DRG, JAK, Rise Pedal, Glitzy Lady and others who when I really down can just mention something too, and others here also. I am not a bully at all but I surely been bullied on here like crazy, I only defend myself. If you don't like the brief medical talk scroll on by. Your post was certainly not exciting 7.40 it did not make a lot of sense, so sorry if I bothered you in the past but, you got back at me with that post, I to would rather here about my heart surgery than that post. The first video was much better, yes I liked it better because Adam was in it hell yes, but it was a way better vid. With countless stars besides Adam. Yes elderly people are getting bullied on here, period. You all do what you want I don't care about all this mean stuff Adam who I care about. I will get off of here let you be mean, what matters is Adam he has all ages of fans and he cares about all if them and that all that counts to me! Have a nice day, Sue

Anonymous said...

That was Rosé Pedal, sorry for mistake. Sue

Anonymous said...

Time for your nap granny sue

Anonymous said...

10:20 man, you sure have issues lady.

Anonymous said...

Sue, laura here. I am sorry for some of the mean comments. You are a sweet and good fan of Adam's and if you need to reach out at times I think it's fine. You have many friends here.

Most of the posts about this video and the topic in general have been interesting and make for a fun discussion. But sometimes we, myself included, have forgotten to treat each other like the beams of light we are. We are brothers and sisters in the highest sense of the word. Let's try to always remember to treat each other like we would like to be treated.

Peace and love to you all.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Thanks that funny that is what my fantastic grand kids call me, oh, and there is nothing wrong with talking about your grand kids, granny Sue or Susie is what they call me, love it! But 10.20 you are not fantastic you are a immature Jerk! Sue

Anonymous said...

Laura sweetie, I appreciate it and your right we should maybe overlook the Melanie's on here just be friends with the kind people. They don't like all we say are the brief reference to medical do not listen, I hope none if you have to go through heart surgery because it is hell on earth. Maybe a few have. Guess I sorry I called 10.20 a jerk but 10.20 was being one. I love your posts Laura they are alway's quite good. I think the good people here out way the bad, whatever your age is if you care about Adam and support him all that counts! Now about that Nap! Correction above that was overlook the mean ones not Meladies, sorry. Sue

tess4ADAM said...

@8:58 AM ... Guess it's a good thing that I'm a shut-in & not ABLE to go to radio stations & concerts for ADAM otherwise I might be HURTING his career ... according to you ... so I'll just have to be content to watch ADAM on TV/my computer & buy all his albums/DVDs I can find so I can consider myself a 'closeted' Glambert ... I would NEVER want anyone to see me supporting ADAM ... not if it would HURT him ... so I'll just adore him behind closed doors ... if you think THAT's OK!!! I wouldn't DREAM of showing up in public in a WHEEL CHAIR ... that would never do!! Love 'n Light thru' ADAM ...

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

@8:58. That's exactly what I said. Major companies always aim for younger demographic to advertise their products cause the biggest marketing promo is word of mouth or in today's social media it's by sharing music on facebook twitter Intagram etc. I follow Rihanna and sharing every little thing she does is over hundreds of thousands. Something that I assume Adam is trying to achieve by being in Glee and iHeart radio festival. Hope his older fans to be discreet about their age and etc. Cause business wise that can hurt Adam. You can be old but you can be wise too!?

Anonymous said...

Loved the first video. This one is total crap!
Shallow, cheesy, insipid, but if it becomes popular, then it is typical of the music scene these days. My friends would laugh at this.

Same here. Internet radio all the ways,

Bonnie is so talented but she caved in to the music industry.

Anonymous said...

11 44

It's not about being in a wheelchair. It's about age.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the past Medicare age Adam fans can be rounded up and transported to an underground facility where they can be hidden from sight. I am sure they will go willingly because they don't want to harm Adam's career in any way.
They should be supplied with a modest amount
of food weekly, because after all, we are humane and don't want them dead...just out of sight! And quiet!

They will be allowed to use their Social Security checks to purchase any new albums Adam may put out. They can order by mail so no one actually sees an oldie buying Adam's music....that would be tragic.
Extremely detrimental to Adam's career.

Grannies will be granted 3 days out of confinement a year, Christmas (or Hannukah), Thanksgiving since it is a time for family gatherings and their birthday. Hopefully they will not try to prolong their lives, they need to be weeded out to make room for new "oldies".

Since I am probably the oldest "old grannie" on the site I should be the first to volunteer to be hidden away..........
And I will do just that

WHEN HELL FREEZES OVER !...................JAK

Anonymous said...

The sad thing is when fans aren't just old but also dumb.

Anonymous said...

Listen! It's business. That's why RCA didn't want to fork out million dollars for third album cause they saw what they saw at radio stations. Let's face facts. Now older fans can bring their nieces and nephews and grand kids to represent younger fans just like Taylor Swift, One Direction, Justin Bieber, etc.

Anonymous said...

RCA confided this to you personally?

Anonymous said...

that settles that I will be wearing a Britney Spears mask when I go see Adam at iHeart. lol I wonder who Queen and Elton John fans will disguise themselves as?

Anonymous said...

Let's face it miss know it all Adam career is looking up RCA or not. After the tragedy if Cory passes he will be on Glee, yes that will help with new young fans. The music festival also, with all ages, certainly young ones.zny people including Queen who recently changes record companies I read, have dispute with record and change.RCA came back in all her glory. I absolutely think Adam wants knew young fans to buy new music but he also really appreciates ones who have been here all along, all ages. I am betting some older ones here but more music and attend just as much as younger. Both Adam album with international sales did pretty well. Abroad I say most all are young, especially in Asia. 12.35 the thing is some of you not only young but dumb! Young and older Adam appreciates all fans. You younger ones are no more important, maybe more important to radio stations and record company but He loves all his fans, period, the positive ones negative ones not so much, as he has stated!

Anonymous said...

JAK your post has me laughing so hard my family thinks I am el loco.

Anonymous said...

Lol did granny sue wake up from her nap?

Anonymous said...

what was this post about? oh yeah, a mv. I watched it a few more times and it wasn't all that bad but doubt if I will put it on my ipod.

Anonymous said...

ignore the one or two trolls on here they are giving the band a break.

Anonymous said...

1.32 yes old troll and the biggest pain in the ass on this site, grannies Sue's up from her nap. Might have known you were the one making that remark. I believe you were the idiot telling an actual fan on here JAK Or DRG last week you did not need a lecture from so old granny. You called every fan on here a troll, crazy fools, and everything else you can think of you are an absolute pain in the ass troll that cares nothing about Adam and has no business on this site, no matter what your damn age is. You can say anything you want to me, who cares you are a troll, stuff it lol!

Anonymous said...

oh no! now act indignant because the troll word was used.

Anonymous said...

It seems old grannies are up front and vocal more about Adam's career and look than younger ones suppose to be. Just stay in the back and let Adam shine and have younger ones in the front. That way you enjoy him more. Otherwise you will let his light dim over time.

Anonymous said...

Are you "youngsters" in a position to buy numerous $50.00 giftcards for your many grandchildren, great neices and nephews so they can download Adam's music on their ipods to support him or do you just pirate them as many of you have admitted on this site? My 7 brothers and sisters and their families all love Adam. My 5 grown children, their spouses and my grandchildren all love Adam. He reminds me/us of bygone days when people actually sang and had good voices. We "oldies" as some of you have called us can afford to give generously to Adam's charities. Can you? Do you? How many albums have you bought. At last count I have purchased over 75 to gift. At 71 I am happy to be in good health so I can go to Adam's concerts and see his fabulousness in person. To the "old" posters here who are not able to do that, my heart goes out to you and I thank God that Adam has brought joy to you. I hope we all live to be 100 so some of the youngsters here can catch up.

Thanks Tess, JAK, Sue, DRG and all the rest of us oldies who remember what respect is and taught it to our children.

p.s. That mv by Bonnie IS crap!

Anonymous said...

some of the commenters on here today came straight from the deep freeze and I pray they are not raising children.

Anonymous said...

2.27 loved your comment, so funny and true. Adam mom is in her mid fifties sure they would think that quite old, it is not. He takes her every where so proud of her she quite attractive, all older fans I seen are very attractive and supportive. Adam mom not standing in the back roll, for anyone. Yes, so true most older ones have more means to support Adam, flying all over to see him. Wish I was able to you know I would. Anyway I adored your post, Sue

Anonymous said...

I have also bought many albums, and will always try and do that! Sue

Jadam NZ said...

Well said 2.27., from another oldie.

Anonymous said...

Wow, it is amazing how many positive and negative comments appear on this site about anything related to Adam, but the ones about grannies, the older ones, etc.are insulting and disrespectful to a group of individuals who have supported Adam from the beginning and continue to be his loyal fans. I would think that these fans will continue to follow Adam in the next steps of his career while the younger fans of a Bieber, T Swift, Gomez,etc. grow up out of the teen years and move on to someone else in music. I haven't seen Adam in a live concert performance, but I will continue to be a fan and look forward to whatever the future brings for him. At least he is never boring or uninteresting and often brings a smile to my face and makes me feel good after catching up on the latest from this blogsite.

Anonymous said...

There is quite a gap between the ancient mariners on this site and the tweeners who follow beiber. And the fact that none of you seem to understand the point about desirable demographics is just sad. You are a bunch of defensive, selfish and not too bright people.

Anonymous said...

Yes I am one of the old ladies that love to watch Adam and also have the funds to buy anything I want to & to fly all over to see him live.I have never had any one refuse to take my money or act disrectable when I payed them & leave large tips they never ask my age.

Anonymous said...

4.00 the only cap is in between your silly self centered, disrespectful head. Yes Adam Lamberts fans who are all over the age spectrum will be here when JB have moved on, to the next teen sensation flavor if the month. 50 and sixties are not ancient. Adam mom looks better than most twenties. The 70 and older on her are light hearted, attractive and sweet and supportive. So disrespectful, do you have moms, grand mothers, hate to be one of yours. I hope if and when you have kids you learn to be less selfish and more respectful to older people, and teach respect to your kids, this is awful. No older people here are being selfish and they are not ancient, take care of your figure and looks like Adam's mom and others I seem that are older Adam fans and you will always be a proud Attractive Adam fan. Adam has said he does not understand why people get hung up on age. For as demographics we do understand Adam will get more young ones with Glee, Vegas and other things. But, fortunately he has the whole spectrum. jB fans mom are footing the bills. That will stop next couple years are so. Adam fortunately has all ages to cont. support. I do hope through Glee ect. ad gets more young fans, and fans of all ages. Because the older ones here are going no where.

Anonymous said...

Read this:

Hopefully it'll help you to understand the importance of youth marketing.

Anonymous said...

I was at a wedding this past weekend and the DJ played a lot of Justin Timberlake's new songs that sounded a lot like Shady, Kickin In, Pop That Lock tracks on Trespassing. JT album is fairly new and these kids were dancing and singing all the lyrics to JT songs. That's how songs become popular. Young kids share them and listen to them all the time at parties.

Anonymous said...

Where did the idea that older fans don't understand demographics and marketing come from? Some of us made our living in the business. We know the importance of a target group. We were here cheering when we heard Adam was going to be on the Diva's show and thrilled when we heard about the new job on Glee.
Why has ageism become a nasty trend? You do know you are all ageing daily, if you are lucky and surviving.

Someday if you are fortunate enough to hold an adorable grandchild
In your arms, I hope you think back on how disrespectful
you once were.

Anonymous said...

adam being on Glee will get more young fans, quite a few more. Plus the Vegas show will open up I believe se doors for him, between these two things and more Ad will get more young fans and fans of it here ages. We middle age and older understand, we friggin get it, knock it off. Be hugely happy for more young fans. But, the other fans are helping him too, this crap about sit in back and disappear is nonsense, they financially give him good support. He needs all his fans, been here from the beginning. You think if all if us leave that's gonna do it for you, it would leave a big financial cap for Adam. Does not mean we do not want loads if new young fans spreading the Ad sings all over the world, most his fans abroad are young. What were saying is were tired if being disrespected and treated ugly, Adam does need all if his fans. I don't need your stupid article start getting respect your not helping Adam at all. Here's hoping many new young fans for Adam however through Glee, Vegas and much more coming up for Adam, plus many new fans if all ages.

Anonymous said...

5:20, good point about JT's music being played at the wedding. Adam's music has been as current and high-quality as anyone's out there, even those at the top of the charts. We've all said that if his songs had been recorded and released by any other top-line singers, they'd be hits. Adam has an image problem, a persona that people seem to be afraid of or confused by. To many people, he's just not cool to like, talent aside. People say, "He has a great voice, but I don't like his songs." Well, his songs are pretty much like other top pop songs and were written largely by top pop writers who write for other top singers. Adam's got to find a way to be accepted and liked by the mainstream. For some reason, he suffers from the gay stigma, the Idol stigma, etc. even when others don't. He's trying to branch out wherever he can to get acceptance from new people. Maybe THEN his music will be cool to like. Just my opinion.


Anonymous said...

Adam needs to be "rediscovered" as if he was emerging for the first time.

Anonymous said...

I see the age issue has caused ill-feeling & sensitivity here. There are many more important issues in the world than being old. Let's all move on from it.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the age issue seems to have caused a problem here. We should all be so lucky to live to a nice old age with our physical and mental faculties in tact. In today's world with violence, abuse, drugs, alcoholism, hunger and the stress of everyday existence, many of us will not live into the later decades of life. So as fans of all ages, let's just enjoy Adam's music and follow him on the next phase of his journey in an amazing, exciting, and yes, sometimes unpredictable and controversial career. Maybe he does need to be "rediscovered" as someone suggested and his appearances on Glee and the concert with Queen in Sept. just might do that for him.

Anonymous said...

I expect Glee will help him a lot, and the queen thing. Actually Adam done so much more than so many from idol. I suspect the next two years are gonna be Adam's years. I think he gonna emerge very different on Glee. Adam, is and international star and being on glee and seen world wide will open new doors.that voice will blow them down on that Glee stage. I also suspect Adam gonna start getting in other ends if the entertainment industry. There will be new music and concerts. I think there new opportunities Glee may lead too, coming. I think he will emerge quite different on Glee. I just so happy Ad still relevant and growing when many from idol are not at all. I also think the Vegas thing gonna lead to more Queen, some big wigs at Vegas concert here them together. Sue

Anonymous said...

Songs by Bruno Mars, JT, Robin Thicke, Pharrell, and others sounds a lot like tracks on Trespassing. My heart aches every time I hear them on my top 40 radio for hundred times a day and I tell myself goush that could've been Adam's Shady or Trespassing or Cuckoo or Pop That Lock or Kickin' In. Tell myself did the music industry used Adam as ginie pig to test the style of these songs see if people will like them and then have big names to copy the the style in their new albums and play them on the radio none stop. I can't tell you how much I cried when I read that article by THR about RCA wanting Adam to make 80s covers for his third album. Thinking he could be huge if radios played his happy dance tracks just like BM JT and others having same style of music as Adam's.

Hopefully Adam can revive Rock again yes for other artists on his third album as he revived funk music on his second album for other artists. Urgh!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam has gotten more chances and more promotion than most people off Idol. Do you know that only the winner got signed by the label UMG this year, while the runner up and Angie Miller did not? Do you know how little Jessica the runner up from the year before sold and how little promotion she got? Adam certainly has had more opportunities than David Cook/Kris Allen/Lee Dewyze.

It's just a tough business and very few manage to hit it big.

Anonymous said...

I just so depressed the more and more I read. I just cannot fight anymore. Like u said before my health more important. I am 64 and even tho had lots of medical challenges I many times I look much younger, so really tired if being treated like I am already dead, and I am 120. It very sad CM passed away, but with a bit if a delay Adam should be on Glee I read an article he could do a lot for the show, and I think it will do a lot for Adam, both the show that needs I'm and Adam will get a big boost I'm career I really feel. There will be big wigs in the audience at the Vegas thing which is quite a big deal, I think some more opportunities after seeing Adam amazing voice and performance will arise from that. What has past has past, lets look to the future Adam has had more challenges than most but he still here, and growing I think next two years see a lot if progress for Adam. But, just to much gloom and trying to fix Adam career by getting rid if the oldies, and worrying about what happened in the past. Adam got so many talents he will thrive one way or the other. Things are looking up and I think he will reinvent himself, u gonna leave it to Adam he got more than we know up his sleeve. Yes Adam should and eventually is going to be a big star even here, one way are the other. So I not living in the past, yes trespassing should have been huge here, but time to look forward to Glee and Vegas and much more, that will come out if it. I think I will back out and let these young ones run things their doing such a great job, not. So hope he does get plenty new young ones out of glee, since I hurt him so bad I am gone, I do not want to hamper Adam so, I will step out for now. But I will be here to check and see what happening next, when his glee stuff starts ect. Stay strong all the other older good fans. Sorry for mistakes hope you can make it out, I put u in the place where I should be and few other mistakes, sorry. Sue

Anonymous said...

Will the new young fans like reading comments on this website about: I haven't listened to the radio for the past 30 years, I hate listening to radio playing autotune artists lipsyncing at their concerts, my fav. artists are Elvis Frank Sinatra, before Adam the last concerts I went to was in 50s, never heard of facebook, twitter, Instagram, Vibe, Keek, etc.? I assume these type of comments will turn them away! Don't you think so?

Anonymous said...

@ 10:12 P.M......Not really. I haven't read what you quoted above, were they quotes or your imagination? I read that some people don't listen to radio, why should they if they prefer their cd's or iPad playlists or mp3's or music videos? Isn't radio a little old fashioned? Never read anything about radio and auto tune artists, lip syncing is old stuff too, all the previous musical movies were lip synced or even dubbed with someone else's voice. I've heard a lot of praise for Elvis, but never heard anyone even bring up Sinatra's name.
Never heard anyone say they hadn't been to a concert
since the 50's and is there anyone alive that hasn't heard of Facebook,twitter, etc? Perhaps a few living in the jungle along the Amazon.
I think your complaints about so called comments come from your fevered imagination. I read the comments daily and have done so from the beginning, I don't see
how I could have missed all the ones you mention.
Exaggerating more than a little I think.

Anonymous said...

@9:59pm. The difference is that Adam is unique and he is a trendsetter. His first album was eclectic with collection of tracks from different genres. Couple of artists followed suit and made their albums eclectic. Such as Gaga, Perry, Beyonce, etc. With his second album he created cohesive funk songs. He set a trend for artists like BM, JT, Thicke, etc. to make funk albums. None of those idols you mentioned are trendsetters.

Anonymous said...

Omg lol. I hope you are joking with this trendsetter stuff. This is the kind of thing that makes adam fans the butt of jokes.

People just need to,accept Adams career for what it is and stop thinking he is going to be some huge star.

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking a little while ago how much Adam has done, none of those idols above mentioned even come close. He actually done quite well and an international star, none of those mentioned, come close to accomplishing what Adam has already done. Be patient Glee, Vegas ect. Is coming Glee will bring new fans who will buy, and follow Adam. Think some offers to Queen and Adam will come out if Vegas! The CM death will just be a few weeks set back, at this point I think glee needs Adam as much as he needs them. Whenever there a lull in between performances, people get restless and go on about his career. I think good things are coming, there just no comparing Adam to those other Idols Adam a much bigger talent and has already accomplished way more than them to date.

Anonymous said...

Ummm, trendsetter ... Adam's "Dragon Attack" red jacket look. Later seen on Darren Chris on Glee, then Jennifer Lopez in concert. Just an example. We'll see what the future holds. Let's just wish him the best.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

What makes a person a star is indefinable. It's not necessarily beauty. Aretha Franklin nor Janis Joplin were beauties. It 's not necessarily a beautiful voice. Rod Stewart, Mick Jagger, Willie Nelson, not exactly the best voices, but a quality that appealed to thousands.
Adam has beauty and voice but his appeal escapes many thousands who don't hate him they just don't care enough to listen to him. I don't think he will be a huge star but I think he will always have an audience who do appreciate him.

Give up blaming people for him not taking the world by storm, he's special in our eyes but not in theirs.

Anonymous said...

11.03 go back in your hole troll. Adam done a hell if a lot better than most. I feel quite good things coming for Adam starting with Glee. What he is, is a hugely talented unique artist. People make fun of Glambert's who cares your not a Glambert. Please find some other artist to run down this is getting real old over and over again!

Anonymous said...

kA and some from Idol cannot fill up an audience if 200 people. Adam can fill up thousands, 10,000 in California all concerts this summer thousands, most concerts sold out and people come from all over the country and abroad to see him. Certainly abroad most concerts sold out, only two or three from idol even international at all. There quite a few want to hear him. He may not be a huge star at this time but he certainly not the nothing your making him out to be. He played to 250,000 with queen and 5 other sold out shows. The man done pretty good and there certainly are people who want to hear him. 11.30. Yes the 250,000 was charity but others were not.

Anonymous said...

@11:49. Maybe when you learn to comprehend what you read you will understand that @1130 was not dissing Adam.

She (I'm assuming this post was from a she since few men hang around this blog) was simply saying we should enjoy Adam's talent and success without demanding that everyone LOVE him and we should not be disappointed if he never is a HUGE STAR. To quote Adam, " some people like it, some people don't." Obviously she sees his special quality but is realistic enough to know you can't force other people to see it. In no way did she imply he was a nothing.

There's a lot of paranoia and exaggerating going on.
Pay attention to what you are reading before you make a dumb comment.

Anonymous said...

In spite of anything that may have impacted negatively on Adam and his career, he seems to have done quite well in the music business. He may not have reached the heights of success and fame that so many of his fans wanted, but I don't think he has been a failure either. He is a uniquely talented performer who just doesn't seem to fit into any specific category in music today. Maybe his role on Glee and then his concert with Queen at the IHeart radio shows will open up an entirely new audience to him . I think that Adam will be in the entertainment business in some capacity for a long time to come .

Anonymous said...

How refreshing - someone who uses their brain.

Anonymous said...

I suspect the thousands and thousands who went to the Queenbert concerts were Queen fans. Hopefully they also left as Lambert fans.

Anonymous said...

9:03 PM
How dare you refer to mature age people as oldies, from the moment were born we start growing older and none of us has any control as to what date we arrive into this life or the date that we leave. Your comments are ignorant and show just how young and foolish you are, the longer you live you learn just how precious life really is growing old can be a very rewarding experience.

Anonymous said...

Lol granny needs a nap!!!

Anonymous said...

I have a friend who isn't prejudice at all and he has tons of friends who are gay living in San Francisco. I sent him bunch of Adam's live performances and he said Adam is very good looking and has a great voice but I am not moved by him the way you (meaning I) are. He isn't dynamic, my friend said. That comment from my friend reminded me of Kara's comment at beginning of his Idol run. Remember when she said to Adam that your performance doesn't touch my heart. I am not moved by your performance. Maybe that's the key for Adam to open up people to listen to his music.

Anonymous said...

BTW my friend is 27 and I am 34.

Anonymous said...

Fans who insist that adam is a huge star, or that he will be a huge star, are just going to make themselves miserable. Just enjoy whatever comes along without expectations. I think adam is enjoying his life. People who are crying, depressed or upset should just get a new hobby. Being a fan should be fun.

Anonymous said...

7:59, Agreed. We all get so emotionally attached and involved. It's hard to pull back sometimes. Adam will always have a name in the music world. He's been a "first" at several things already. His names will be in the books. Does he have to be at the top of the charts to be successful in life as a singer? No. We all expected that to happen, but life isn't always like we imagine it to be. Adam will not fade away into nothingness. He has made a name, a mark. His career will take various courses, I'm sure. He's unique and left of center, as he has said many times. I love that about him. I'll follow him and enjoy him regarless. He may surprise us many times along the way.


Anonymous said...

That lol person has called everyone in here everything in the book, troll, fool, crazy, now all it can think of is Grannie needs a nap, by the way lol 5.43 is not me must be another Grannie, it is simply a troll who cares nothing about Adam, pretty much hates everyone and should be ignored, or better blocked off here. Bit gonna waste my day arguing on here. Lets get something straight, I said I was depressed never over Adam never ever he wonderful. I meant over the disrespect and just plain nasty things on here, were older big deal, but were great fans and we stuck with Adam through thick and thin, and I think a lot if good stuff coming and that's gonna really depress the career no it alls and gloomy doomer's. I seen many more men lately and heard other mention it wearing lambert tee shirts and then there is the Queenbert's. lot more men are attentimg Adam's concerts a lot more, so a couple if guys in their thirties who are gay or bit moved big deal, we all have different tastes. Adam may not be huge yet, so what a few if the past winner's and the one who beat out Ad some how could not feel up 300 people at a bar Adam can still sale out concerts in the thousands, people traveling from all over the country to see him, and from abroad also to see him. queen says Adam 1 in 100 million the guy from glee said so excited for him on the show he a god, LM before the tragedy said she was so excited and also the producer. Adam Lbert one of the best live performer's I have ever seen he certainly moves me. That girl talking to Lance bass on the radio the other day sounded very young and was just singing Adam's praises, I always see very young ones at the concerts, more young than old way more. I feel with Glee and Vegas , good things are coming for Adam and that is gonna depress the career fixer upoer's in here and gloomie doomie's. he may not be a huge star yet he sure is not the nothing some if you are trying to make him out to be, he an international star and he quite well actually. Adam very talented he has too the charts abroad. Adam is branching out into other things and will do well even tho he may not have had big hits here, has had a couple. I also think Glke and Vegas will help any new music on the horizon to sale plus some if the old. I not depressed are upset about Adam's career one little bit. It's the nasty people on here that's depressing on an other wise great site, that are ruining it for others. Now come on lol take your best lame shot at me, and whoever else that wants too go at this oldie. My daughter and her crew and Chili's coming to a party at the water park here today and that happy ill see her, got work to do, what I able too. Adam has done well, he had set backs and good things on the horizon now I quite happy for Adam. That was Glee and Vegas made lots of mistakes I am tired sorry! Adam certainly need not be huge for me to love h he accomplishes a lot and will be here a long time to come in different capacities, but he must always do lots of singing because he he an incredable singer and performer I never seen better! Yea I know Grannie needs a nap, I know, I get it, I do think the Glee and Vegas thing will certainly help Adam, again sorry for mistakes I guess, Sue

Anonymous said...

Don't worry no more long posts to bore you, like some of this unnecessary gloomie nonsense has bored me. Sue

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see what role Adam will have on GLEE. It almost was not going to happen. I just read somewhere that Ryan Murphy almost canceled the show after Monteith's death but after talking to Lea Michele and others, they decided to continue with this season. It may take them some time to figure out how to handle Monteith's death in the show and then work in Adam's role for future episodes. I can't wait to see him in the show this season. And the concert with Queen for I heart radio should be something amazing. I like the idea of Adam being "rediscovered" by an entire new group of fans who do not realize what they have been missing since his Idol appearances. In these most recent concert vids, I see a more relaxed, more mature, and a happier Adam Lambert on stage and maybe that is because some good things are coming his way in the next few months.

Anonymous said...

Just a few comments from me:

1. The song is boring and so is the video. A monotonous pop tune that you think you must have heard a million times before.

2. Grannies are ok here and elsewhere, too, but I do hope women that are past forty will stay away from the front rows at Adam's concerts. He needs younger fans than that.

3. As for his career, he needs to team up with some current music writers and producers. All his Trespassing videos were slightly old-fashioned, sort of too much of everything and they lacked all the artistic animations that are so popular these days. Adam looks good so he can rely on his looks spiced with some animated special effects.

4. About Glee, I wonder which role will be Adam's since he is past his prime and a lot older than the other characters in the show.

5. I am a fan and I really love him a lot.

Anonymous said...

2:02 Let's see....

1. Totally agree with you.

2. I am 44 and get carded when I go to the grocery store and buy wine, when hubby and I go out to dinner and when the girls and I go out for drinks. Am I ok for the front row, or should I hide under your seat?

3. Adam needs animation. Are you kidding or just out of your young mind?

4. Cory Montieth was 31 when he died. Adam is 31 and CERTAINLY not past his prime.

5. You don't come off as a fan and "I really love him a lot" was disproven by your prior statements 2 - 5.


Anonymous said...

LOL at 3:03 PM

2. 44 is written on your face no matter what you say. Adam needs girls and boys under 30. Of course you don't have to hide under any seat, mine or someone else's but please don't drool by the stage.

3. Adam needs animation as a part of his videos. Obviously you don't watch current and cool music videos on YT since you don't seem to know what I'm talking about.

4. Adam is past his prime if he has to play a high school kid.

5. I really am a fan but I don't like everything he does. I bet you love your partner to bits but do not like everything he does. The same thing here.

Anonymous said...

@11:21AM A lead role in a major movie musical will help him to be "rediscovered". A movie kind of like Chicago or Les Miz, grants him Oscar nomination and win.

Anonymous said...

@3:32 pm
Who, in their right mind, would think they would consider casting him as a high school kid? He auditioned for Glee before he went on Idol and didn't get the job because he looked too old 5 years ago.

Perhaps some teens and 20 year olds should be hired to fill the stage edge area to make Adam seem more desirable.
Signs could be put up. " Be Young or Be Gone"

What a load of manure!

Anonymous said...

@ 3:32, you know what, don't be so sure about age being written all over someone's face... Just as one example, that co-host on The Talk (I think it's called the Talk, I don't watch but I like this actress and she is a co-host on it now, on CBS) Aisha Tyler is like mid 40's and she literally, LITERALLY, look like she could be 27!! I don't even know why I am bothering with you, but the modern world (which you should know as apparently you are so hip and cool), the modern world is full of human beings who take care of themselves wonderfully, and it is more and more common for someone of 40-something age to easily pass for early 30-something, and consider Adam is 31 himself, I'm sure he's hoping for the same for himself as he ages. Don't count GGPass down and out when she says she gets carded!!

Anonymous said...

To 4:39PM-Good movie musicals don't come around that often and if Adam were to be cast in one, it does not guarantee him an Oscar nom or win. I would rather see him on the Broadway stage in a musical- either a revival or a new production. Obviously it is much more work with 8 shows a week and if successful takes up a huge part of your life for a while. It will be interesting to see what kind of role Ryan Murphy has for Adam in Glee. It's obvious he can't be a high school student even though Monteith at 31 looked young enough to be one and then a graduate. And Adam is not past his prime as someone commented. I think he looks better now than he ever has, seems more mature, relaxed and confident. And all the comments about age are just pointless and ridiculous. Adam has fans of all ages and maybe his appearance on Glee will bring in some younger ones as so many of you think is necessary for his success in the music business. Probably the next year or so will determine Adam's place in music and the direction of his career.

Anonymous said...

I was 50 when I brought my daughter for her university orientation and I was asked to get to the line on the right where Freshmen should go. LOL! My daughter had a big laugh and it was the best compliment I got when I just turned 50.