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ClevverNews: Adam Lambert Joins Glee Season 5!

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Thursday, July 11, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, July 11, 2013

Adam Lambert Joins Glee cast for Season 5! What will he play on the show!?


Anonymous said...

Some people are well named....she looks and sounds like a Katie....JAK :)

Anonymous said...

Agree, JAK. :-)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam looks totally different than he did during AI, at least 3-4 face lifts worth,,,he was better looking then, his face is all slanted upwards towards his ears, and no little lines in his forehead, I know, i live in LA, and see some wierd work,,,,, too bad, he was soooo good looking before!

Anonymous said...

What a lot of rot. Troll.

Anonymous said...

Adam is thinner than he was during AI. Personally, I love him with more flesh but he may be more healthy thinner. I preferred his AI hairstyle too and clean shaven but you can't please all of the people all of the time and Adam will do what Adam wants to do.

Anonymous said...

@1:47AM - Wonder what you look like.
Never mind I really don't give a hoot. Adam Fan For Life!..nancdruuu2