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Cute Fan Made Adam Lambert GLEE Promotional Posters

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, July 11, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, July 11, 2013


glitzylady said...

Great article with some of Adam's best "covers"

Anonymous said...

I like the 2nd one. And it's got the right date.

Anonymous said...

So exciting!!!!!!!!!!nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

this is sooo much fun.

Anonymous said...

Awesome posters !!!
Like the last one! so Adam:):):) fighting for his rights! expression is precious!!!LOL!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait, it will be wonderful seeing Adam on TV,hope this is the start of many!

Anonymous said...

SO happy for the exposure he will likely receive....Not happy that Glee is all lip-synched...and SOoo sad we will not see him LIVE for quite a while. He SLAYS everything he sings when he is live, and IMHO no other touring artist can even compare to his live shows.
In the end....if he's happy, I'm happy!

Anonymous said...

I remember my jaws dropped on Black or White and I continued to watch that clip after that all day and night I'm awake for weeks and months . . .