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Dirty Pop with Lance Bass - Glambert @tuke18 Spreading Adam Lambert Love

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, July 22, 2013

Posted at : Monday, July 22, 2013


Anonymous said...

hahah a true Glambert, she found a way to talk about our Adam. I'm sure that was not on LB's agenda.

Anonymous said...

keep up the good work girls.

Anonymous said...

New HD videos from Friday night's concert:

Anonymous said...

Agree! Love the caller and her great plug for Adam! She gave a lot of information in a short time. Lance Bass really likes Adam and gave him from props, too. He didn't know about the Queen show in LV, but now he does! Hope he talks it up more on his show.


Anonymous said...

Way to go girl! Good job on getting as much info about Adam as possible on the radio! Loved it!


Anonymous said...

Great on her to plug Adam's upcoming show with QUEEN and his GLEE participation. How can anyone in the radio biz not know about QUEEN and Adam Lambert as well as all the other artists like Justin Timberlake, Katy Perry, Elton John, Bruno Mars, Miley Cyrus, Maroon 5, Kesha, etc. all going to perform in Las Vegas at the IHEARTRADIO festival. I mean that's one (if not THE) biggest and important music festivals in the USA. Could it be that they are closing their eyes (once again!) on everything great that Adam is doing? Hope not.

Anonymous said...

Previous topic: Adam needs to revisit the look that he had in the last frame of the "Better than I Know Myself" video. It was pure perfection (hair, facial expression, leather with white Tee). Pure perfection.

Magiclady said...

You got that right!
Such a Sexy boy

Anonymous said...

Well got to work and thought I might be able to see pics here. :( Must be a change in the last few day where you cannot view Instagram pics on a PC. Not just my lap top. I'm missing out on so much. Where is a computer Nerd when you need one. :)

Anonymous said...

I can't see instagram pics either. Thankfully, someone usually posts all of them in Youtube :))

Anonymous said...

It is very eye-opening (and not in a good way really) to get a stunning reminder of how people who one would think would be "in the know" about something like Adam's shows with Queen (at least the London shows) are really not informed about such. And when reviewing the very end of this audio clip, I don't think Lance actually caught that Tuke was saying she caught all 3 of ADAM'S SHOWS WITH QUEEN, I feel like Lance thought she was simply saying she saw Queen in London last summer etc... In any event, kudos to this Glambert indeed... and it makes me think I should find a little more time in RL to blog a big more on behalf of Adam's career (In a reasonable and NOT cray way of course, not OTT or embarrassingly to Adam). In my own little corner of the world here I can only do so much to illuminate Adam's talents to a wider audience, but I should do at least that. I am so impressed with Tuke here, good on her!!!!

Anonymous said...

Regarding 8:41's comment about the iheartradio concert being the largest and most important, I don't think it is. Iheartradio would certainly like us to think it is and it does have a stunning list of performers but I've never heard of it before. I thought Coachella and Bonaroo were bigger and more famous even if you don't know the full line up of any music festival.

Anonymous said...

I haven't listened to radio in fact the only one in the house is an emergency radio - lantern for hurricane power outages! And fortunately haven't needed that in years. I had never heard of Iheartradio until Adam came along..........I would imagine there are a lot of people like me
Who 'gave up' radio. I get news from newspapers and TV and music from my collection that I know I like.......JAK

Anonymous said...

This the third year for Iheartradio, right? I whtough I read that somewhere. It's relatively new, but it is certainly getting the BIG acts. So ecstatic that Adam is part of it.


Anonymous said...

One of Adam's loyal fan indeed!!!:)

She is a fighter and not let anyone to stop her for plugging our Rock hero indeed!!!:)

I just loved what she did!!!


I have so much respect for real fans like her!!!!:)


Anonymous said...

Go, Darla! I promote Adam every chance and opportunity I get too! I just completed a survey for a major airline and in the comment section I wrote that I wanted to hear and see Adam Lambert's music and videos added to their music selection playlist on their aircraft. It will make my long flights more enjoyable. We, Glamberts, have to promote Adam whenever and wherever there's an opportunity. Darla Rocks!

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

This festival is huge and a very big opportunity for Adam to get is face and big talent out there. It will be televised many young people will see him, super great exposure for Adam. Great opportunity for Adam, so thrilled about it.

Anonymous said...

So proud of the Glambert spreading Lambert love! Warning WOT: When visiting family, I am asked the usual question, How are you doing Mom? I immediately think of Adam! Well, Adam's doing this or that or he's in CA, England, China, etc. My family looks at me with a knowing smile, That's nice Mom. Sadly, now I try to just say, Nothing much! (sigh)
(P.S. But they know I'm withholding information,haha)

tea said...

lol, I'm that way with my family, too. I'm sure my kids sometimes think Adam may be their much younger adopted brother. When they get done telling me what's current with them, I feel I get to keep them up on my interests and that includes what's going on with Adam whether they care or not. Fortunately my daughter does like Adam and will be trying to win Las Vegas tickets over the radio. Unfortunately she plans on taking her husband and another couple they are friends with if she wins. I think she has a good chance because she has often won concert tickets over the radio since always.

Anonymous said...

Tea, unfortunately for who? You because you don't get to see Adam again while your daughter has fun with her husband and friends? How dare she.

tea said...

Yeah, the unfortunately was for me, (lol) and when she told me I thought, "How Dare She", too. It's okay, she deserves this and it does sound like 2 couples in Vegas would be lots of fun.

Adam has been here to Des Moines twice and her, the 3 kids and I went to both concerts.

I'm real sure I know who would get to take care of her 3 kids, 5 cats, one dog and 2 fish. Me.

Anonymous said...

@ tea.....Just remember adversity makes one stronger.....besides it will give you a chance to get better acquainted with the fish! JAK :)

daydreamin said...

@nancdruuu2 you are in good company. The only good thing recently is that I found out two of my young nieces now are totally addicted to Adam and want to go to concerts with me now so things are looking up!

@tea has your daughter and the others always liked Adam or have you been the one keeping them in the know? Maybe one of them will have to back out and then you can go. I'll cross my fingers for you:)

tea said...

@JAK the fish??? hahah

@daydreamin My daughter is a radio person, not into reality shows at all, so I told her about Adam. She's likes both him and his music. She heard about Adam coming to Des Moines the second time before me because it was a radio sponsored summer fest event that brought him here. She told me!!!! As for the others they have picked up Adam because of Adam. One guy first heard him on the radio. One of the daughters of friend of mine, not only is a huge Adam fan, she cried when she saw him the first time. She is also a bit of an activist for lgbt community on the high school level.

side note: my daughter will always be an Adam fan. During a mass signing, when she handed him a cd he looked up at her and they made eye contact. That really sealed the deal. lol

Anonymous said...

I also gave up radio. In my area there is more chatter than music on the music stations and we recently had a big lawsuit between two vulgar D J's who have a feud underway. I check out new music on my computer and if I like it, I buy it.

Anonymous said...

I gave up music stations when I heard the same Katy Perry song 4 times driving 100 miles. Overkill. It's CDs for me.