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FUSE News: ADAM LAMBERT Leaves RCA (Aired 7-15-13)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, July 15, 2013

Posted at : Monday, July 15, 2013


Anonymous said...

Not to worry...Adam's new music will hit the limelight again. Adam made the right decision in putting his foot down. So many beautiful fresh songs on Trespassing as well as FYE have not seen the light of day for some strange, biased reasons. Why sing old songs when Adam and his team can produce such artistic ones as shown in his two albums; that's defeatist mindset. No doubt Adam can sing covers excellently but he can't connect as deeply to them as to his own songs; this is showing no consideration for the artist and his art; just money, cut and dry business, I guess.


Anonymous said...

So excited about Queen+Adam at the iHeartRadio Vegas show. That is pretty high in status. Whoa, I Want To Break Free, one more time. Keep an eye on those skin-tight pants. lol! The Show Must Go On, is appropriate for Las Vegas; been there many years ago, bathed in flashy blinking neon signs/lights; watched the 'Pirates' outside the Mirage.


Anonymous said...

A HUGE list of legend performers but topping that will be QUEEN and ADAM! OMG this will be the most awesome appearance! NOW the US will see Adam give a superstar perfomance which will leave them breathless! THIS was so needed. Walking away from RCA was gutsy and smart. Just watch Adam soar stunning the US. (The rest of the world is already stunned!) What an honor to perform with Queen! It's like a dream come true for us fans let alone for Adam! History in the making people!

Anonymous said...

Yea I always feel sad whenever these big shows leave out Adam and I would just skim through them. Finally he broke into this elite group of artists. They would pay more attention to him now I think and with two mighty 'godpa' watching his back, no one would dare bully him. lol!


Anonymous said...

The artists themselves would never bully anyway... they know his level of talent (and quite frankly are probably in awe of it). He has been relegated to sidelines by suits and money people... and honestly, probably no bullying there either, just business. BTIKM was totally catchy and ear-wormy enough for Tweens and teens, radio didn't play it, story there I'm sure, and that was that. NCOE was very in keeping with Top 40 at time of it's release as second single, Radio didn't play, story there I'm sure not so flattering to industry peeps, also would have caught on if played! Vegas won't catapult instantaneously either, but will be huge step forward. So deserved. So bloody deserved. But yeah, anyway, those artists themselves, I'd venture to guess they have only good thoughts for Adam! Love that Bonnie M. had Adam so prominently in her American Girl vid; that too was not lost on all those current chart topping artists I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

RCA forced him out. He was between a rock and hard place. Only a cover album --- if it sells well he gets to make more covers and nothing else. It sells badly, then he's out the door.
It's impossible to make other people happy, do what makes you most comfortable and what feels right Adam.

Personally I choose to make my own mistakes, not let anyone else make them for me. I can live with that but can't live with letting some one else doing it to me.

Anonymous said...

Whatever 8.04, great things are happening for Adam now. This year getting good, 2014 gonna be a big break through year for Adam.whatever RCA had in mine it was Adam decision, and he made the right one! They did not think twice about dropping other idol's within 4 or 5 months of an album they did not just do that to Adam, anyway you look at it he left, it's been 14 months after album came out.

Anonymous said...

Low sales + decreasing interest + Less return on investment = dropped by label. End of story.

Anonymous said...

And a happy Tuesday to you too! You are a ray of sunshine.

Anonymous said...

Decreasing interest?!!?
Fans all over the world crave for Adam, but the scary pants in suits are as clueless as the great majority mainstream Americans...
Here's hoping that's changing with all these news lately ---

@Anon 2:10
you do realize people like you (choosing to be and spread doom & gloom plus negativity) are part of the problem!!!
why don't you just choose the Glam-Man style, cause there's no way your views are going to win on Adam Lambert fan site... The man radiates happy vibes where ever he goes, what ever he does... :)))))

Anonymous said...

Don't waste time on Anon 2:10 & 8:04

Bad negative energy to get all Glamberts upset for what!!! So sad & lonely for Attention? :(

Be positive, wish for the best & LOVE will conquer all!!!
Have a beautiful day!

Anonymous said...

Iam POSITIVE I will evacuate my bowels if I see godpa written by lame my one more time whether in quotes or not. What in the hell makes her think that's cute?