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GLEE Season 5 Premiere Date

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, July 10, 2013

"Glee" Season 5 premieres Thursday, September 19 at 9 p.m. ET on Fox


Anonymous said...

Does this mean he is going to NY?

Anonymous said...

Glee my new obsession. 9:41 someone mentioned on another thread it is filmed in LA but exteriors are done in NY.

Anonymous said...

Excellent news!

Anonymous said...

wow I can't believe it. Congrats to our guy.

Anonymous said...

MJs blog posted the S5 premier date on Sept. 11' 2013

Anonymous said...

I think Adam has known that he had a chance of being on Glee, since the first of the year. That was when he stopped using so much eye make up, and started going much more natural with his skin tone. I suppose he had to audition , like everyone else. Wonder if he was the only one up for the job. Doubt it. I think most of these types of shows, have to put in long hours of work. Now Adam and Sauli are both on TV shows. Dreams do come true.

daydreamin said...

This is cute:
Click Here

Anonymous said...

MJs is wrong again. Why does anybody go there. The Glee website says the season premiere is THU 9/8c SEP 19.

Anonymous said...

I read that quite a number of the lesser casts have been removed and new faces like Adam is typecast. Hmm I wonder what his character name is; I'd rather he uses his real name, Adam instead of another name. Perhaps he plays the role of a mentor in the story; that's easy for him; also introduce humour something like what he did on Divas; that was hilarious. Adam loves to work in a family setting environment like AI; looks like he is going to build another family connection on Glee.


Anonymous said...

I'm happy for Adam and all of you who think this is fab news. But.... (sorry, I need to say this and I'm not a troll or troublemaker)....

I get that this is huge news in US and also worldwide, TV shows are have huge numbers of followers, GLEE is shown worldwide etc. Haven't watched Glee or any of these 'current hit shows', we have them all, just not my cup of tea...

My question is - and I feel like a debbie downer writing this already (so please don't jump on me)... Where does this news leave fans like me?! Are there more fans like me?! Fans who think this is NOT helping his worldwide SINGER/ROCK STAR STATUS... It's just hugely manufactured and polished American TV...

To me Adam is the ultimate singer and performer there is and I mean records and concerts, LIVE performances!!!

As a non-US, long-time Adam fan I'd much rather see him make new music, tour and perform LIVE, also on TV.

I will always love this man, his voice & his persona, just not over the moon about these news. Cause this (most probably) means I will never see him perform LIVE again...

Anonymous said...

1:52, I think no matter where fans are we all want a platform for Adam's talents so others can see what we see. Glee is one of those platforms. It doesn't matter if you and I like or watch Glee, this gives Adam and his talents a new huge stage to reach so many more people. It exposes him to a demographic important to radio play in the US and thus important to your end desires. This does help his worldwide status. Depending on how involved his role is he likely will be able to still write and record new music. Think of it as a step on his way to bigger and better things even if it's not a step you care if he takes. I think it will help him achieve the level he may need to tour in whatever country you are in.

Anonymous said... the show/wish Adam was touring instead and doing new music. A tour in US (like Glamnation) with real choreography and costumes and sets would have sold out! I am disappointed that that is not on the horizon or that American Idol was not smart enough to hire Adam. Their loss for sure.
I wonder what Adam thinks. Trespassing was great and a tour and better dance videos would have changed the
US outcome. I love that CD! Of course I will watch,but much prefer screaming in a concert venue.

Anonymous said...

PS...I want the old guy liner wearing-snake crotch-
Whole Lotta Love-Adam back! Come back Adam !You have been hypnotized by your management. Wake Up!
and tour. Will support Adam anyway regardless

Anonymous said...

Just because he is on the Glee doesn't mean he can't do live performances . . . . and yes this will expose him to more people.....

Anonymous said...

3:29, you don't get it do you. A tour and dance videos would not have changed the US outcome. What part of you need money to tour and you need to sell more albums to do that do you not get? For a more extended tour than happened he would have sold out small venues to glamberts but we have no idea where the break even point is or where the upfront money would come from. Stop demanding your wants and be realistic. Obviously Adam thinks this is a good opportunity for him and I think it will ultimately get that tour you demand.

Anonymous said...

Adam can't tour until he has new successful album and/or more fans to buy it. Glee is a way to achieve that. What an idiot saying tour now.

Anonymous said...

@ 1:52 am. It's a shame that anyone should be hesitant to express their true feelings honestly and politely. When I first heard the news I was stunned. It took a lot to convince myself to be enthusiastic. First of all, I don't like or watch Glee. I felt it had run it's time and was no longer fresh. I called my granddaughter and got her opinion. She and her friends didn't know the news last night. She was thrilled and
ended our conversation quickly to put her thumbs to work texting. Much later she called back and chattered for a half hour. Apparently the show is still a must watch and discuss the next day show. And she said, maybe mom will like Adam now like we do Gran.
So, I decided to let myself be happy, this will give him an opportunity for new fans of all ages and show some rather narrow minded people he's not a danger to their morality. I think now he and his music will have a better chance to be appreciated, We will get new albums.

Anonymous said...

You go Adam. That's the way to introduce yourself to a younger fan base. We Glamberts all know that to know you is to love you... ❤❤❤

Anonymous said...

OMG This is the greatest news to wake up to this morning! I am absolutely thrilled for Adam and all us Glamberts! Way to go Adam, we all know you are super talented and now more people will get to know your sweet charming self! I can't wait to see you on Glee! It is a dream come true for you and us! Congratulations!>>>>nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Wow Adam take it all in.....this is great awesome...cannot wait..congratulations

HK fan said...

This can only be seen as good news for Adam...whilst Glee does not get the numbers watching it used to it is still pulls in substantial numbers, and Adam will be singing on it, getting his voiced heard by many new potential (younger)fans. Plus it gives him a chance to hone his acting sklls, and has to be a plus on his resume, which could lead to other parts in the future. Branching out into other entertainment fields will hopefully lead to longevity in the business.

As to touring or not touring in the US, lack of sales is a feeble excuse, many many artists who sell far less than Adam still manage to tour.

Anonymous said...

never understood the GLEE obsession. lost interest 10 min. in. He will probably out SANG everyone on the show.

Anonymous said...

Too much coffee this morning,huh? Relax DEMAND is a strong word you use.
Adam inspires something a little different in all fans.PERFECTLY NORMAL REALLY......

Anonymous said...

Not a Glee fan but I'll watch it when Adam is part of it just to see/hear him sing.

Anonymous said...

There is no downside to the Glee role, IMO. Exposure to a huge audience! Interviews on talk shows, etc.! (I hope.) A show that is seen world-wide. Acting opportunities may go beyond Glee. It's all in the exposure. Sure, it would be great to see Adam with a brand new original album and touring with it worldwide. Well, the Glee job could help him achieve that and even more, if it helps with TV experience. Looks like the Idol question been answered. I'm sure Adam will still have time to write music and work on a new album. There WILL be an album 3. Glee will give him big visibility and media coverage. Perfect way to market a new album.


Anonymous said...

5:06, the not touring due to album sales came from Adam himself. So if you think his explanation is feeble.....

Anonymous said...

Adam has said he wants to do it all and do it all he will. Be patient, sit back and watch this gorgeous creature work hard and enjoy his life. I'm certainly gonna watch no matter what venue he's in.

Anonymous said...

Glee is a great exposure for Adam. He can get the filming over with and still work on his music. Adam is a man of many talents. We all love him for that. Also he has such a great personality and charm.
I can go on and on.

Anonymous said...

The thought that the amazing Adam Lambert will again be on my TV weekly has caused me a moment of temporary insanity...... I was so excited that when my husband ask ... for the millionth time.... if he could hang his deer head in the livingroom..,, I said yes!!!!.... The hideous creature is staring at me as I type.... my husband is very smart and crafty.... when I start chattering about Adam he swoops in....I'm goona have to be very careful....he's been wanting a camouflage chair no doubt to go with the deer head ...,.rose petal

Anonymous said...

was twitter freaking out yesterday?

Anonymous said...

Oh yes gorgeous creature indeed love all this great news will not miss any glee shows

Anonymous said...

@rose petal - You crack me up! Nothing can dampen the happiness of Adam Lambert fans with this great news! The thought of seeing Adam on TV every night is too exciting! My husband just called me at work and I don't know what he was trying to say to me - too excited! Could a deer head be in my future?haha!nancdruuu2

HK fan said...

Of course Adam had to say that,he had to say what the record company wanted him to. But its clear from the THR article that the record company was not behind Trespassing, and its also clear that he could have toured had they wanted him to. He has shown. even with these last few concerts that he can pull in several thousand people to his shows.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Girl I hope not!!!.... Im sure this thing knows I was the one that banished it to the back room.... It's little glass eyes follow me ....I swear it.... And this was a trophy deer its got t big old antlers ... but I'm ready... I got the wasp spray out one shot in that glass eye and he'll know whose husband says when he gets his way like this... I swooped in like an eagle ....huh....right now he seems more like a turkey buzzard to me..... rose petal

Anonymous said...

some people on here are just plain rude to others; go and stay on MJs, that fits in well there. that said, yes, you can tour small venues and sell out, but not that much $ to be made by the time you pay a band, dancers, backup singers, and travel/meals. etc. venues need to be larger and sell well over 3/4s full or something like that to break even. of course we'd all love to see adam in our hometown, but some of the places are not selling out, so there can be negative publicity as well. TV is as huge exposure as radio would be, so this is very good exposure.

carolynj said...

I think the point to remember from this news is not whether or not it is a good strategic move for Adam, but to see it as something he wants to do. Often I have heard his response to new ideas as, "I think that would be fun." I love that he does not back down from a challenge. He has stated that music is his main love and this gives him a great platform to combine music with something new.

Anne Marie said...

A dream come true for Adam. Glee contract right now , calls for 2 more years. I wonder what RCA thinks about this, they must have known , as soon as Adam did. Might be why they want him to do a few covers. He is still under contract to them. They will still want him to get an album out. We still don't know yet how time consuming it will be for Adam, depends if this will be a few guest spots or a permanent character .

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to hear more about the role Adam will play on Glee. It's nice to read those great comments from cast members Leah and Chris Colfer. If Adam is in the NYC scenes, then they probably will be working with him. This is wonderful exposure for Adam for people who don't know much about his music and career after Idol. The Glamberts will follow him and he will bring in new fans also.

tea said...

IMO Adam does not like to be idle. Simply put, he will always be open to what ever will allow him to do what he loves best. Sing and perform.
I will follow him as long as I live.

Anonymous said...

Already the media exposure is going nuts and that in itself is like gold for Adam. He is SO multi-talented that an opportunity like Glee could make him a household name, especially in the US where he deserves so much more. One wonders how time consuming filming will be and what will happen with #3 and future touring. I guess the mind boggles, but with Adam that's nothing new! Greatness is about to take off and can't wait to watch it all happen. Adam Lamber, Singer, Songwriter AND Actor!

Anonymous said...


carolynj said...

Tea @9:32, so agree!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Maybe he will be Jane Lynch's love interest ;)

Anonymous said...

For those interested here's the link to episode 3 with Sutan's Everything with Scarlett as his model and a cameo of Riff.

Adamluv said...

Well, looks like Thurs. nite from 9 -10 will be = dont call, email, tweet,text me nor send smoke signals bc. I will be watching Glee. Will give strict orders to my dogs not to bark, fight, ask for attention nor food nor eliminate in the house since MOM wont care nor even realize what's going on for that hour. I'll be back on duty at 10;00. Hope they listen to me. If they do, it'll be a FIRST. HA HA. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

This is Anon 1:52AM

Thank you @Anons 2:15AM, 3:29AM & 3:48AM, 4:36AM and @HK fan 5:06AM
for your kind and informative posts and for not telling me off, I appreciate it very much!

@3:29/3:48AM - That's the Adam I long for, too!
However, I do love the forever changing looks of this near-perfect gorgeous man, and luckily there are tons of pics and vids of ADAM in all his GLORY, :))))

@4:36AM - Wanna thank you especially for noticing my hesitation and telling your 'lovely process of dealing with these news', your granddaughter is a lucky girl to have a gran like you, :))))) Your sentence "I decided to let myself be happy" made me teary-eyed... Without going into details, I'm currently between a rock and a hard place in RL and Adam & his voice truly is my "one & only happy place"... luckily there are lots & lots of vids of LIVE performances I can watch over and over again, :)))

Love Adam & his VOICE - always!

Anonymous said...

This is the greatest news. It is exactly what Adam needs. He needs to get exposure again. Maybe some of the AMA haters will become lovers again. It will help his past and future record sales. During and right after AI, he was it. Everyone wanted him. He has everything to gain, nothing to lose.

Anonymous said...

He still IS IT . Totally mesmerizing

Anonymous said...

JAK here....It makes my <3 :)))))
2 c u all so x-ited!